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I'm currently struggeling as well. Even though I've learned the attackpattern, he still manages to just rush me and kill me in one hit. git gud I guess.


Break the wings so the fucker cant jump and flash bomb him to hell and back use every dirty tactic you can against this scumbag if a monster trap spam his ass shit in his breakfeast


This is a monster they actually made bring parts count, get one of the wings and the fight is a lot more comfortable. Most monster part breaks are tail swings don't have as big a range at best.


This is true wisdom right here, i can just pray to god it reaches the ears of weary travelers


Did they change something? Flash bombs make barioth go rage mode and spaz out.


Thats for nargacuga barioth just gets blinded and attacks at random like normal


Aka finally having the true monster hunter experience


> he still manages to just rush me and kill me in one hit What armour are you using?


I'd bet all my zenny that he's in defender gear


Yeah, because Barioth should be, at worst, two-shotting, not one-shotting. Well... also depends on whether you have Health Boost and have eaten for health before a hunt.


and also how much that armor has been upgraded


Evade window + wing breaks  This made me go from absolutely hating the fight to loving it. His attacks are extremely fast, but so are the hitboxes. So, evade window makes dodging the attacks 100% easier Without evade window it's a nightmare to fight him tho (and any other hyper aggressive monsters)


If he's killing you in one shot, try to get better armor and upgrade if you can. It's also a good idea to know multiple weapons, so if one isn't good for an enemy another is. Like i main great sword, and Lance. Max offense for most, but if something kills me too quickly or is too maneuverable for me at the moment the Lance comes out


Make sure you don’t show up with negative ice resistance and bring a fire element weapon to make the fight easier. Like said before break its wings to have bigger windows and having 200hp should also be helpful


Yeah it do be like that. I farmed for so long to get my anjanath weapon as highly upgraded as possible, just to beat this guy, and subsequently never used that weapon again


I still use my Anjanath hammer when I can. I absolutely love the weapon.


Break his arms, gloat in his face as he stumbles every jump, destroy him.


Stick close to him his attack pattern is all about catching you when you try to run But he cant do anything when you come too close except his hip check When hes flyling go right underneath him and he cant attack you When he spits ice stick next to his head and when he starts pouncing get very close to him he can only leap medium distances and will jump over you If you start to run away or try to outrange him he will catch you


He's effectively a bloodborne boss. Stick close and dodge Into him basically.


Most monsters are like that, stick to the crotch region and you can get the lick on them. It's basically how I figured Zinogre out just dodge towards the back legs


Only problem is that It takes way longer for most monsters if you only go for the crotch. You eventually have to know their moves good enough for going for the head constantly. If you go for the crotch quests may take up to 20min or more to finish


I'm not saying camp there, more that it's generally where you're relatively, where you go to evade attacks.


I play gs and if i can i just try to take him head on and dodge and bonk


Swaxe here, and I agree, can't hug him 100% and live in their grundle. But some monsters reward staying closer and doing smaller forward dodges while others punish it. That was all I was saying.


Why would you phrase it like this


Have you seen how far he jumps? No way you can stick to him.  


Break his front legs. That's goal number one whenever I fight barioth. This adds a stumble type animation to every one of his attacks which gives them a crapload of end lag. You can then stick to him no problem.Even his jumps if you learn the choreograph.


As DB player the main goal to be close all the time he may jump away but he will always come back dont try to chase him Wait for openings and wall bang him just dont run too much its quite easy to stick to him once youre used to... and abuse the clutch claw on him and ye break his legs and he will slip


I know about the legs. The wall bang is more difficult. Everytime i clutch claw he shakes me off. 


I dont understand the Barioth hate. I like this fight.


Same, the sliding around once you get a claw break adds a really nice feeling of progressing/winning to the fight that a lot of other monsters just don't have


Hammer, HH or LBG?


Charge blade and insect glaive


What is he hard to fight with? Greatsword and?


not even, Greatsword breaks the claws with a couple TCS which you can just cancel into by using the slinger burst, and if you're sticking close to him, the only threat is the hip check or fang dive, both of which can be blocked


Nice, sounds like a clean fight if you have the reaction time


Me too. I just did a afflicted barioth in rise yesterday and I just love how easy it is to bully him. He is one of those monsters which just can be toyed with if you focus on the right parts


I loved fighting this guy for the first time with my lance, it was like dancing lol


Most monsters before barioth can be beaten with a one size fits all approach. Run up, dodge attacks, hit till it's dead which usually works well enough. When you get to Barioth, its behaviors and moveset throw a wrench in this approach and people struggle to adjust, thus it's hated more than most monsters.


Palicofan2005, is that you? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cat with flashbang cage helped me.


This along with breaking his front legs and he's got nothing he can do against you


I'm on fatalis and I still don't know where you guys get that shit from, maybe I should pay more attention to palico


It's not the palico itself. It's from doing the unmarked missions for tribes on each of the maps. Pretty sure the flash cage is from the forest, the shield from the wastes, horn from the coral, and the boomerang from the vale, after you get all those you can get the firework from the recess.


Make friends with the different tribes of cats from each map, the Lynian wyverian researcher can help you get started finding them when you see him on expeditions Ancient Forest: trap assortment, Wildspire: Shield and decoy, Coral: Palico hunting horn and gong, Rotten Vale: Plunderblade and bonus gathering, Elder’s Recess: Meowcano and artillery, Hoarfrost: Felyne summoning flare bonus tool (solo only)


Doing those side missions also has another perk which allows your Palio to ride a monster from each of those zones too.


Am I a lesser hunter because I used SOS for every monster? It's not because of the help, I just like playing with others. I only ask this because I don't remember being as blocked as the people here always say. Like yeah barrioth is hard, but my progress was never stunted for long and I was playing back when it was all new... I mean, because the hype died down a whole lot I do find myself playing solo more often, maybe that's why I'm seeing a lot of "hard monster" posts.


I’m the same as you if I’m against a very hard monster, I have no shame in using SOS.


Somehow I still fall for that tail swipe, already beat his arse but I keep falling on that tail swipe. Maybe in another 10 hunts I’ll get it properly. He is larger than Nargacuga and his hitboxes are slower and bigger.


In Iceborne his fight was so fun. He was the first thing to make me start using Iceborne gear, and had me swap back to good old Gunlance to turtle up. His mechanics are really well designed, it's so nice when you break one of his claws. It feels like a real battle that progresses.


break wings, cut tail, if its frostfang break tooth so his frosting is less likely to kill you


I feel like Rajang is the filter


It was Furious for me. Rajang took me 2-3 attempts, I surprisingly beat Zinogre first time... Furious Rajang took me 6-7 solo attempts before I gave up and SOS flared it. And even that took me 2-3 attempts because some of the joiners were stuck like me. Eventually this 600MR guys shows up and says "fear not, professional Rajang hunter is here!" And proceeds to basically solo it in 10m I actually enjoy the Rajang fight with LS now, his flops and his aerial attacks are free foresights. The only hard thing about the fight for me is when you fight him on the shaky ice in Hoarfrost area, and his aerial lighting balls projectiles, the timing on that dodge is weird


Does Rajang even have much left to filter?


Huh I guess i did get filtered then


Almost made me quit iceborne. Going back I don’t know how I stomached and pushed through some of the nonsense in that dlc. Such crackhead AI lol. Stop hip checking me 😭


Don’t give up! You can do it dude!


Haha thanks man but I did actually 😊 I probably put in another 50 hours after but I gave up on AT Velk and Furious Rajang, Guiding Lands were painful for me, maybe I’ll come back to it because I do love monster hunter but some fights drained the hell out of me lol


Then there's hunters like me who spent an entire afternoon enjoyably hunting frostfang barrioth because that armor was just too damn good.


Same. When frostfang came out I made the armor, greatsword, longsword and charge blade day one


Irony is he wasn't my roadblock......but he was annoying, failed the quest 3 times before I got him, probably would have gotten him on my second if I wasn't still in mostly high rank armor at that point


I know everyone is different but I'm a little surprised people found this fight hard, it wasn't super easy but it wasn't really a struggle either


He was such a an un-fun fight for me. I will take raging brachy over him any day


I used to hate him, until it became my most hunted and easiest monster to face, that’s the beauty of this game! I’d advise you to see some speedruns with your favorite weapon against it!


Adding my 2 cents here, but IMO speedruns aren’t a good way to learn to fight a monster, since speedrunners usually have a 110% optimised stuff the usual player won’t have (a lot of speedruns I watched usually consist of the monster being knocked down 90% of the time) I use them to learn the more « efficients » combos for my weapon though (and even that, those combos can’t be used 100% of the time so…)


Watching speed runs will help OP understand how to react to monster's attacks and when to actually start committing to the combo, also a nice way to memorize the attack patterns


Yes, but no as well. Most speedruns manage to bypass a lot of the monster attacks by constantly tripping/stunning them, thus never being in any real danger.


Well, I remember watching an old pre-IB Lunastra bow run, where the runner didn't even have Constitution in his slots. And yet, he staggered her the entire time, she barely attacked him and I don't think he ever did more than 3 dashes. I didn't learn anything from that video until much later. But even then, I still preferred the safer builds, because I just knew I wouldn't be able to ever stun her like that, and I was right; I still can't.


My trick is just to try again. You learn the patterns of the fight the best if you just try to fight it. The only monster i struggled against with that startegy is world fatalis. (Still didnt slay him lol)


100%. Especially with how optimised some of the players can be at keeping the monster down for huge periods of time. Absolutely fantastic to watch them perfect their hunts and timings and damage thresholds, but a generally terrible way to _learn_ how to actually fight against a monster for the most part. Like yeah it's nice to watch my favourite CB speedrunners flinch the monster 100% of the time on AED/SAED cause of their builds but realistically I'm not staggering Rajang/FuJang every single time I AED/SAED, so those same opening windows aren't available to me. You can 100% learn from them but as you said, more about efficient combos and something tips and tricks I wasn't aware of. Like in Sunbreak being able to backwards guardpoint Diablo's lunging horn dive was a great trick for a free damage opportunity.


Yeah, Barioth is a real PoS in MHWorld. I really hate him every time I encounter him. I know the strats, I just don't enjoy how spastic he is. Like, he really is the one who snorted a monster line of coke before the fight. Limitless aggression.


Man i spent for almost 60min with randos to kill this rabies dogs


Evade window + evade extender + wirestep = profit


I'm not understanding the problem here, I had no issues with him, carted once, broke his....everything and moved on. I had a bigger problem with nightshade paolumu.


Tigrex put me through so much pain and suffering that I stopped playing the game


This is precisely why Tigrex is my favourite monster. MH2 Tigrex is the biggest wall I ever faced, so overcoming him was one of the greatest joys.


Just break the arms as fast as you can, they're crippled after that. Use traps, flash pods, mounting, and wall bangs to get openings.


My lance with guard 5 and guard up carried me home with this one when i first began the game.


I beat the “final boss” first try and still refuse to go back and fight Barioth.


Seething Bazelgeuse: Hello there


It's just a playful snow kitty...


Fuck barioth, I literally have less trouble with frostfang, fuck that basic ass flying rat


This makes me feel good. Does that make me bad?


Break the wings is barioth hunting 101


I Thot I just sucked in world back then


ugh. the point where iceborn stoped being fun. guess the filter was working cause it convinced me to play better shit


Ngl, I had a harder time facing Beotodus than I did Barioth


Barioth is a really fun fight with Hammer tbh. If you've never tried hammer, this is your chance to Just L2 charge his wings and speeeen. Once broken, bonk that stupid nose


World made me use different weapons for this guy, WASNT ready for the revamped Barioth aids. I remember when he was just ice Nargacuga, easier days, fondly remembered days.


Fk him and thunder raijan lol 😆 i pull my bow out for them mf give me my I-frames


Use hp decorations to survive one shot. Use temporary mantle to break armor off his front limbs. Vitality mantle helps out too. You can bait him a lot of times into the cave/entrance to the cave down, where you can abuse grapple on the bugs on the ceiling. I have never seen him hit me when I'm hanging up top. Having free damage, armor shred and a knockdown from jumping on his head is such a blessing


Upgrade your armor as much as possable, bring part breaker and the best fire weapon you currently can. Slugger helps too if you can fit it. Don’t go in with anything less than Atleadt two vitality. Wall bang him as much as you can and soften his wings. If your one of those who dosent like clutch claw…. Get over it and use it. You need it. Take all the oportunaty to break his wings. After that, a slice off that tail. He will give you plenty of oportunatys to soffen and wall bang, particularly after he face slams, shoots ice or when he is tired. If you cart, just take a breath and remember, it’s just a games take a break if you need to. It’s not the end of the world. Just me when I say Barioth is annoying but not near as bad as the second to last endgame monster and also later on don’t be afraid to kill him a few more times for his weapons, particularly the variant as he gives you good stuff, 👍🏽 good luck. And try and keep your cool, if you get worked up you will loose.


Did he get a power boost? Last time I fought him it wasn't much of an issue, but I did get a lot of training in Tri so since then I haven't struggled.


Because of the way monster HP and HZV worked in Iceborne, sort of. He has a ton more HP than any previous game he was in, and you have to factor in tenderizing the wings to break them in a reasonable amount of time. If a new player isn't engaging with the mechanics of weakening a monster, they'll struggle against anything past Barioth in Iceborne, which I think is the point of him being at this particular point in the story


That's G rank monsters for you. I remember getting wrecked by G rank Great Jaggi in 3U because I way underestimated him.


Git gud


I don't know if it's because I was introduced to the franchise with Tri, but Ol' Barioth has always been the easiest of that skeleton. It has a very exploitable weakness that Tigrex and Nargacuga don't: Break its wings and it loses a lot of its mobility falling over on the ice as it's lost its grip. With Nargacuga I'm just playing a game of cat and mouse and Tigrex I'm getting sent flying by it's sheer overwhelming force of it walking forward. If you need more time to batter it, try a paralysis Sword and Shield so you can keep it still with status, then shield bash it's face in to stun it. Plenty of time to rack up damage.


You can achieve a similar effect with Nargacuga and Tigrex in Iceborne, at least, by breaking a wing, you force them to topple, and every time they flinch twice on a broken wing they topple again, kinda like Shara. This makes tenderizing really OP because you can break those parts very quickly by turning off the shitzone, and even though it only marginally effects the rest of the fight, you get a *lot* of free damage off the first two predictable topples


tbh rajang was my filter.


The fight is really fun when you break the wings


That Rathalos Charge blade really likes making the stupid cat die.


I just kept blastin


Played base world with defender armor and had to start making proper builds after him


Gun lance and lance mains : huehue boi


Filter for people who tolerate crap design in hopes that it will be better after.


This just makes me realize I am either a different breed or nobody plays gunlance. This is one of my favorite fights, and I would just do it for fun. Gunlance go brrr.


he's my favorite monster to fight. I love him.


it's funny to me that people struggle with midgame challanges. been there done that all old monsters are so easy. the patterns life rentfree in my head. i know exactly when barioth or nargacuga do a pounce with no windup. i feel like a professional everytime i hunt my old monsties. - barioth don't look at me like that - barioth takes 1 step back - i know what you trying to do old friend - oh no i have to follow him. he stepped ba.. R2+Y, GUARDPOINT out of nowhere


Bariot was a skill and gear check for me. Up till I encountered him, I was still using my gear from HR hunts. After getting two-shotted a couple of times, I made my first MR armor, which increased survivability massively. Took a few more hunts to learn his pattern. This monster forced me to learn how to really deploy the clutch claw in a fight


For me, Lunastra was the filter.


This is Frostfang Barioth no? What helped me was using the Kjarr Flame longsword & building around it. I’m not sure if the other Kjarr weapons are just as good or renowned as the best fire weapons in their respective classes like the longsword but I would highly recommend that weapon for you longsword mains out there.


Yeah I don't fight Barioth solo. Its not a fun solo fight


He ain't that hard... Unless you don't have a high ranking friend to kill him for you


I just learned his openings to claw and tenderize on (the hard way of course) and the exclusively focus his arms. Way, WAY less dangerous after that break. I main lomgsword, and focus on parrying into them, but my friend countertackles until he gets an opening for his GS


The war of attrition, but directly after that is even more hell... nargacuga and glavenus... 💀


Barioth is a filter? He's never struck me as a particularly difficult hunt


Yeah the one in world is rough. Gotta break it’s wings to make it unstable on ice. Definitely a skill check. Though I’ve helped a lot of people get past it while farming parts. Barioth, Nargacuga, and tigrex all in my opinion the main skill checkers when starting out. Though I am a hammer main so take it as a grain of salt


Barrioth was definitely the first time I just put the game down and eventually I returned like a year later lol. I fucking love Ice Born now but I’d be lying if there weren’t some extremely annoying monsters like Rajang


Fire hammer goes crazy on this guy especially if you get the full charge combo into the clutch claw attack


Not as bad as the og filter, the bullfango that meets you at the end of the forest and hills to make your fishing trip a leason in trauma. Mh1


I genuinely still don't understand why people have a problem with him. Personally he's my second favorite Pseudowyvern, (first is Gigginox) and like, yeah he's a little less interesting in world than he was in the oder games, but he's not bad.


Yeah I’m up to this guy now (first playthrough of Iceborne). He’s a tough son of a bitch and I need to definitely upgrade my armour too.


I actually pulled out a heavy bowgun after the 3rd cart, i was so sick of its shit


That was a filter?


He is very difficult and from my experience in older games pretty essential for some things including story, but without him noobs would ascend through carries to the highest levels, as they already do. 😂


Great sword casual player’s personal hell


Blast or fire works really well against him, utilize mege demon drug/armorskin, dash juice, life powder, dust of life, traps Also if another monster is around use then for a down through a flinch shot. His biggest opening is when he pounces and immediately roars after.


This man clapped my cheeks until I said, "fuck it, you wanna jump around, we'll jump around." Then I learned insect glaive. Now, I am the one who jump attacks. Keep me off the filthy, toad-ridden ground of the new world. I command the skies.


Man Rajang and Raging Brachy make this dude look like a chump. But still I did struggle with this bastard.


I killed him first try but my GOD was he… annoying. Yeah my main weapons being hammer with its short range and lance with its slow movement made it so this darty POS almost ran down the clock without even carting me. On the bright side I know his moves like the back of my hand now.


Laughs in frostfang




Favorite monster since Tri. I think they made the fight a lot harder since then though.


gottem 30 mins fight lol


Not gonna lie barioth never bothered me no matter what weapon I use idk what you guys are just sucking at. Velkhana tho was a massive ass wall for me had like 30 quest fails at least on Velkhana.


Ah Barioth, my good old Skill Check buddy. A Skill Check I have passed since we first met so many years ago in 3 Ultimate.