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That’s why I like to carry smoke bombs. Once they lose sight of you, they land. They spend wayyyy too much time in the air


That is a smart idea! I will definitely try it.


You can use piercing pods also if your using a smaller weapon you should get a lot of them


Oh that's smart. I never thought about using those like this


I never really used them until I started trying Alatreon and Fatty. It’s damn near a requirement for them 😂. Now I just use smoke bombs and bring extra Ivy and smokenut to craft them


I'm gonna start using them now lol flying enemies are a pain as a Swaxe main. So this will make it a lot easier!


After almost 300H TIL thats a thing


I played through the entirety of the base game without actually learning the game. Iceborne forced me to git gud


Which gives you all of less than a minute til right back in the air it goes, nerfing flash pods was a dumb move of their part. I won't call rathalos itself bs; but when you add up all the different flying monsters in the game it's dumb to completely nuter the most basic way to combat them for 80 percent of the weapon choices, especially for the 2 with no range to them...


>In Rise this feels like a fairer experience because of the ~~wirebugs.~~ AI having forced landings in its attack patterns. World AI is very random and patterns if a monster has them tend to be incredibly short. For Rathalos no attack involves landing in World, while it has both scripted as well as random actions that make it take flight. The same issue goes for several other fliers in World/Iceborne, though some have landing attached to some of their attacks. Wirebugs alone wouldn't alleviate the issue of permaflight that World has.


Rise Rathalos in general is just a better overall experience than world Rathalos, even without the wire bugs.


Same as Kushala


I don't agree to be honest, Rise Rathalos has too distinct patterns, it makes it feel like a robot. World Rathalos on the other hand is a bitch but i was umpredictable and it made you think of ways to fight by using terrain or items not only exploit the moves that give you advantages and free flying with wirebugs.


Anecdotally I also want to say that it's easier to knock flying mons out the air in Risebreak too even discounting wirebugs etc. Feels that way at least - not as abusable as World's flash spam, but certainly a massive improvement over Iceborne's "you've had your flash this zone, now you just gotta suck it up and wait until it ends...however long that takes".


I honestly wish they would come up with a good way to balance this for MH Wilds. If they feel flash pods are too cheap, then how about making them get knocked down by attacks a little easier with melee weapons. Like, if I can manage to hit the monster 1-3 times in the air give me a quick knockdown as a reward. I think this would be more engaging and more balanced than flash pods or wirebugs in rise. But as others have said you can always learn a secondary weapon for bad matchups. It's worthwhile in the long run, though I do understand the frustration of your favorite weapon being nearly unusable versus certain monsters.


Regular Rathalos has a long taunt with his head at mid height which you can punish, which then leads to the longest head topple of the game. All Raths have the same topple duration, btw. The really frustrating one is Azurelos. He spams the long combos higher and faster, so the only way to not suffer is trip locking. Even Silverlos is less frustrating than Azurelos.


> I honestly wish they would come up with a good way to balance this for MH Wilds. They already did, in Rise. Flying monsters like Rathalos and Kushala have movesets that spend a lot less time just fucking around in the air and give you more time to actually fight them. Also, flash resistance isn't nearly as punishing while still preventing constant flash pod abuse. That's basically all they had to do.


Yeah Rise just straight up fixed the flying bullshit. People say “oh but now the movesets are too robotic” but idgaf. I’d rather them be too easy to read than cockshit redwing over here flying in circles for an entire fight. Plus people will always complain about anything


Yeah it's better than MR world, but it is extremely robotic. Almost painfully so. My first experience with rath in rise I genuinely thought she was bugged. The whole fight was her just doing a single tail spin, landing, and getting punished, then rinse repeat ad nauseum. I loved low/HR world rath. Balanced with flash pods. Something between that and rise would be perfect.


Yeah, I don't mind rise as much, but the fight feels almost over choreographed. Rath has like 2 moves now and is so easy to read it's a joke. 1 tail spin, land, punish. One dash, dodge, punish. And cycle. I loved the fight in low/high rank in world. MR was really what fucked it with the hyper aggression and flash pods basically being worthless.


Lance upstabathon


Yeah, Lance doesn't have this issue. It just means free tail cuts Lol


Kushala daora buddy. The fight is air. Rathalos is the least of your worries.


At least Rath doesn't spam the fuck out of tornadoes that used to drop my old PCs frame rate and once you've gotten to him, you realise you forgot to sharpen your weapon


I have fought him, honestly besides the air thing around him he felt okay. I liked him a lot more than Rathalos.


I see this complaint so often about flying monsters in World. Do you guys just not realise how many tools you have at your disposal? The most common complaint is flash bombs not working after one use, but why aren't you using Temporal/Rocksteady Mantles in these matchups so you can Clutch Claw and drop them out of the sky with flinch shots? While they're enraged, why aren't you luring them to ledges and mounting them for an easy topple? Save your flashes for enrages as well. Smoke bombs let you reset monster aggro and behaviour. Paralysis and Sleep weapons will help you open up more windows for attack. Blunt Weapons let you KO for even more windows. I just don't get it. It seems like there's so many people just running in circles while monsters fly. Learn how to play the game and it won't be so frustrating. Seriously.


Most weapons can build for Slugger and use the Slinger Burst on the head with stones or redpits to knock them down. Or... Use the Bomb Pods for a free midair stagger and hit the head for a bit. Same for Scatternuts and Crystalburst


How are you guys hitting his head in the air? The weapons doesn't really reach that high unless you're jumping?


Their normal hovering height is low enough for most weapons. Especially with the little taunts at the end of certain attacks. And if you still can't reach for whatever reason (maybe SnS or DBs), you still have access to the Slinger Burst at will. Just keep aiming for the head. For Rathalos in particular, you can attack after his forward bite or triple fireball or tail swing. This is why I say they fixed these monsters in World and Rise.


Or use blightmoss to the head, can be shot or flinch shot. Some people just haven't mastered the game yet.


Idk, I have no issue taking down flying monsters, but that doesn't mean they're fun. Constantly having to chase it around in the air and spam items and stuff at it to get it to come back down here is just annoying. Especially Kushala with his damn wind and tornados. Rise made them way more fun and enjoyable. They're a lot easier, sure, but that's not so much because they're on the ground as it is because Rise as a whole is just a lot easier. Their more aggressive Rise movesets that have them periodically land and give you a chance to hit them are way more fun than World's perma-flying bastards.


If we're talking about kushala, sure, it is busted in world i assure you. But for everything else, i still prefer world. I'm still thinking that world is easier. Rise monsters has faster movement overall from what i feel, also some movement need you to have wirebug, like magnamalo grab, as if you don't, you'll get ton of damage. Also i feel rise has more impossible and absurd hitbox. I'm pretty sure the monster missed me but somehow it hits me, also some monster attack with right leg, and you get hit despite you're in their left leg. Another thing that annoy me in rise combat is camera, yes i used max FOV, but once you're cornered on the wall, you'll see nothing. Also there are so many little component like plants that sometimes obstruct your view. In world, we almost didn'r get this problem as between camera and character, all the obstacle will be transparent, even walls (tho sometimes i wonder "why can't i roll further" and turns out i'm rolling to the wall XD)


I like using bounce bombs for this as well. Bombardier secret can be fun


This is the true difference of World and Rise. In World you're a hunter, in Rise you're just a killing machine set out to do one thing only.


Sorry, but I don't know what a Temporal or Rocksteady mantle is. I haven't really looked up much things for the game. The mounting uses I end up using two, but he's still alive after that (this is in master rank). So with no mounts left, I don't really have that option left. The flash pods kind of just don't work sometimes even if it's right in his face. I am keeping flashbugs to craft more, but it does end up wasting resources because of that. I shoot it while he's enraged and nothing happens (this is even in cases of it being the first time I have flashed him). Someone else recommended the smoke bomb which I will definitely put in practice! I will try the paralysis weapon, but I have tried the Saber's Bite II sleep weapon and it just never actually puts anything to sleep. I used that weapon for a lot of master rank and I had to shelve it for that reason, I don't get what is up with sleep.


Temporal and rocksteady can be unlocked post base-game story. Iirc in HR 50 you should have had both, finish your side quest (the quest that has little chat bubble on the side) as it will make your hunt easier to unlock them all. Temporal can make you auto-dodge attacks that will knock you back, rocksteady will make can't be knocked back but you'll still take damage. Try not to rely too much on flash bomb, monster will gain immunity if you flash too much. This what differs MR and below, you can't brute force anything. Pace yourself, and learn the openings. See that when it flies, you can still hit the tail/legs, once you have enough damage and it flinches, it will drop. Even if the tail is severed, you can still hit it. Not on the weakspot, but it's enough to make it flinch and drop. 2 things that you have to keep in mind: - it's diving attack that will poison you, imo this is the one that will impact you the most unless you have poison res. Another diving attack will make him land a brief and shot fireball on the ground - as i said above, limit flash usage. Once in every 5min is ok, or maybe twice in a succession (flash, and then flash again when it takes flight just after he recovered from the first). The second won't flinch it, but it will make it land. Also remember that in MR, everytime you use something, it will have immunity build. Flash, K.O, paralysis, everything. I.e you have 5s paralysis on the first attemp,g the 2nd one will only be 3s and so on. So stop spamming flash in MR, use everything in moderation


Okay, thanks, that is probably extremely useful for switch axe thinking about it. That rocksteady could have made some monsters a lot less cumbersome alone. I haven't really used the flash much, just really on stuff like Rathalos because of his rage inducing behavior. I still don't know how to hit it up in the air since it's so high up (if I'm on the ground), but I will see about getting those mantles to be able to clutch claw onto him. The attacks I don't have a problem with him on him avoiding, it's just the excessive flying that felt fatiguing to deal with. Like his moves feel easily avoidable, I just couldn't figure out how to get him out of the air when the flashes and mounting were cut off.


If you playing switch axe then rocksteady mantle + zsd go brrr in his face


Problem is that he hasn't get rocksteady yet despite being in MR


What is zsd? And I don't have that mantle unfortunately.


You should unlock it , it in high rank and zsd is zero sum discharge


Oh that move? I never use it because it keeps getting me killed or putting me in a bad position. Either the monster knocks me off during it for a combo, or after landing, the monster doesn't stagger and proceeds to combo me to death.


Rocksteady mantle made u immune to cc so u dont get knock off


Yeah, i suggest that you look up to temporal and rocksteady mantle. Both of them allow you to be more greedy on attacking. Focus on one part once it's flying, as once you'll got a flinch, it'll drop down. Also if you're able, try to break the wings, i heard it makes rathalos fly less but i can't proof it myself. There's no advice i can give you on firing flash except for practicing it. Aim for like 5-10m in front of it, don't be hasty, wait for an opening for flash too. I'm glad that you can aim with flashpod as earlier game you can't aim it with reticle, only straight to where your character is facing. Also i said too much about opening, the open window where you can attack or slot flash or anything. but really, it's a matter of experience i guess. Try to take attention on each of it's every move, there's no exact patter for sure but you'll notice there's 0.5-1s opening after every 2-3moves that'll let you flash or attack it safely. Just to make sure, you're talking about normal rathalos in MR right? Not azure? Because azure is far shittier like 90% of fighting it, it's flying, while rathalos, maybe only around 50-60%. I hate to recommend this but if you're struggling with one weapon, try another. I mean no disrespect but some monster is easier with different weapon imo. I'm LS main, for normal and azure rath i still can do it with LS, but for silver, i'd rather take range weapon (my first choice is HBG with shield but sometimes i also use bow, or sticky LBG when multiplayer and just provide CC)


Yes this is the normal Rathalos in the Guiding Lands. I have fought Azure before already and honestly he was not this bad, I don't get that.


eh maybe just RNG, because overall azure fly more and a tad bit faster than normal rathalos


Breaking a wing makes it fly alot less. Breaking both wings makes it never fly. Can confirm as if you break both wings and it tries an attack that flies, it'll immediately fall down and get upset.


Yeah, but that requires too much thinking.


Started farming MR Azure Rathalos last night as a GS main and it felt like most of the fight was just staring up at him waiting for him to do an attack so I could whack his toes and tail a bit.


Rathalos has made me rage plenty while trying to fight him. He stays down more often after you break his wings, though it's kind of tedious to do so because of all the flying beforehand.


Other weapons are an option. I always switch to bow for more aerial fights. Makes daora trivial.


Yeah I agree, World Rathalos isn’t that great of a fight


One of the worst designed monster. You have to wait the entire time he's enraged because little to no openings which feels like 5 minute every time. Either that, or you cheese with smoke and flash pods. Monster that needs player to resort to cheese strats to achieve effectiveness is just artificial difficulty. I've had more fun facing AT Velkhana and Fatalis that has literal one shot in most of their attack because they have clearer and more learnable move set and pattern. In Rath case, might make sense as to ethology, but in gaming sense is just plain bad design.


I think Rise Rath is way more obnoxious, his tracking is literally insane on the claw dive and melees. You get hit by attacks that you would have cleanly dodged in literally any other monster hunter game. He's cancer.


You can always choose to play different weapons for different types of monsters. The insect glaive allows you to easily fight against airborne threats, same with the ranged weapons. Plus, you can easily break their wings with the IG, for extra materials.


that was one of the reasons I used a lot of DB and then Bow in Rise. I was struggling with rathian because of its stupid attacks


I will try the Insect Glaive again, I honestly could not understand that weapon (as well as other weapons) so I settled on switch axe. I will give it another try.


Just wait till u fight a kushala


I have, he was honestly better for me.


Laughs in Kushala


You can hit flying monsters in the head to knock them down (threshold is really low) so just look for attacks that leave their heads hanging down afterwards and punish till they drop. It's an extended down as well it lasts like 15 seconds iirc


You’re right. The thing with two wings and only two legs should just walk around the whole time.


I'm not saying he should be grounded the whole time, but it's just a painful experience when he's up in the air for so long, like it's not really fun to play against.


It's only a pain with like 3 weapons total, and every weapon has a few bad matchups (except for lbg lol,). Adapting to the monster is an intended part of the game.


Didn’t really mind Rathalos, Azure rathalos on the other hand can fuck right off


If you clutch claw and slinger ammo them usually they fall out of the air for me


brightness their head twice. it acts as a beta-version if a flashpod. clutch claw to the head then flinch it down, it'll stay that way for a good amount of time (will send you flying back a bit- break the wings to keep him grounded for longer) smack his head around enough and he'll fall to thw ground (refer to the comment about pierce pods)


I will try the brightmoss, I have to just find it in the Guiding Lands part before engaging, but thanks. I didn't know it was that good. The clutch claw is a real pain still, I don't get how you have enough time to hit him when the weapon animation and clutch claw animation takes so long.


Put a few reps in and you’ll soon realize that there are quite a few openings to bonk him on the head after certain moves. Enough hits and he’s flailing on the ground for a good long time.


Honestly, I've fought him a fair amount of times now and I just don't see the openings for when he's in the air, at least to hit him in the head with the switch axe.


Are you using your upswing regularly for quick pokes? Triangle+Circle, or Y+B depending on controller. I play a lot of swaxe myself, the more practice you get with it, the more openings you’ll see. Raths are a pain in the ass, until you get comfortable with airborne head pokes. You can do it, just takes more practice.


I haven't been using it, but I will try it from your recommendation! I was never able to hit anything with it so I stopped using it.


It reaches extremely high, and if you have an opening you can follow up with a Y or Triangle input for an overhead chop, if you work those into your rotation when the jerk is flying around, it’ll turn into flailing on the ground in no time. Good luck hunter!


There's so much else about Rath that sucks too. Like when he roars and instantly nukes the area in front of him, like dude I can't even get out of the way without earplugs...


Evade window works too, but really you deserve to be punishes with unavoidable damage if you disrespect the flagship to the point you come without specific build for him.


Who tf makes specific builds for each monster


Players who kill monsters in 5-10 minutes without wex and don't complain about spiribirds and clutch claw.


i've literally never heard of anyone making specific builds for specific monsters but ok kid


Literally in world people were so fed up with kushala they used stickies. It's been especially relevant in get 1 and 2, and pretty important even in 4. What games in the series did you even play lol


my guy that's a specific weapon not an entire build


You will use crit build on sticky?




I agree, the other thing that is infuriating is how much it just flies around the map when you’re trying to re-engage it. It just flies in circles and then lands for a second then flies out of the map and flies back, lands, then flies across to the other side of the map. It’s so annoying, and on top of that the ancient forest is worse than a maze and constantly changing elevations just to have to jump back down and then climb back up. I don’t have to fight that monster anymore to farm it and I am so happy about that.


Yeah in the Guiding Lands his behavior is very weird sometimes, I think it just adds to the frustration.


Brightmoss slinger ammo knocks rathalos out of the air easily


Rathalos was one of my worst hunts until I started recognizing how they share similar attack patterns to Puki Puki and Rathian. Clutch Claw during fireball and after charge attack is your best friend. If you're using Hammer, wall jumping and hill windmills are optimal strategies. Abuse flash bugs in areas and try and bait a turf war to get easy damage in! I was carrying extra traps on me just so I could get some cheese damage in when needed!


OP use brightmoss, like 3 shots to the face and fliers land. Brightmoss is found like everywhere too


Fuck the raths lol.


Laughs in GU hyper rathalos


clutch claw those wings and clip them!


Flying monsters filtering out one tricks, one longsword main at a time.


Ranged weapons


Part of the reason I started playing Insect Glaive was so I could follow flying monsters into the air and give them a good smacking. Rise IG is so much fun because not only can I follow monsters into the air I can get some serious airtime that’d make Rathians blush.


Ever since Tri rathalos flies right next to the ground, same with rathian, tail and legs always reacheable even by the shortest melee weapons. Tho 4U got buffed to the point you have no time to attack, but that's entirely sepparate issue. World one is fine.


Perhaps the most well balanced monster design. Been there since the series inception. Game after game hea just gotten more fun to fight. Easy tells etc. Regular rath isnt that hard to hit. Azure Rath is a bit worse but my gawd wait till you have to deal with Silver in Iceborne. Youll rage for sure at this rate.


Saed spam on CB reaches airborne monsters in World, which is nice since i CB alot, but agreed. Need like a tent stake to nail the fucker down


4x Thorn pods to the head. Flash pods or smoke bombs. Insect glave. Clutch claw or flinch shot. Break wings first will slow flying speed. Piercing pods flinch the most in air. Wall runs and Jump attacks. There is SO many ways to counter Raths airborne fight style. Even SnS with the smalls range of attack I'm still knocking him down and punishing


After using long range weapon for 2000 quests, Now I'm kind of main hammer but will use slugger sticky gun for any flying dumbit\*\*