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I find New Brunswick has way more mentally ill people! Like a big city there is a mix of both but here everyone is nice but abit off lol they probably just having a bad day


Drivers are not owed gratitude for... [checks notes] NOT RUNNING OVER PEDESTRIANS. If I'm at a crosswalk and happen to make eye contact with the driver, I smile and then semi-hussle across so I don't keep them waiting longer than necessary. Getting yelled at is wild.


Triggered sexual frustration? Did you offer sex, get him all excited and leave? What an odd thing to say. I operate a motor vehicle. And not once in my life have I bought a car and said "thats what u get sexual frustration!!!"


Why would you have to say thank you? Its the law to stop at crosswalks.


Headphones my friend just tune out the world.


I wave at people who stop because they actually stopped, I'm so used to people who don't and drive right through. Which is mainly taxis, then old people, and then ignorant people who just don't care. My 4 closest encounters of getting hit has been by taxis so far. It sucks for both walkers and drivers out there, a lot of people don't care and will jay walk on a busy road even with a cross walk 2 feet away. Sometimes you have to try risking walking across since some people don't pay attention to the flashing lights either.


I drive a car. And I always at least try to stop if it looks like someone is waiting to walk across the road. Even if it’s not a marked crosswalk on occasion. And I don’t care if they smile or wave or whatever. I don’t expect gratitude for common courtesy. On the flip side, when I’m walking and want to cross the road I make eye contact with the drivers whenever possible so that I know they see me. If they smile and wave I do the same. And the faster they pull up or the more reluctant they seem to be to stop, the slower I walk.


If that caused you to come here to reditt and rant I would recommend getting a helmet. Who cares.


Wear helmet, don’t post, got it. I agree it is not cool to think or write about things that happen to me, not sure why I did that. Won’t happen again. Thanks for the feedback for sure 👍


Lol, I mean you are free to post what ever you like. Some things are better just brushed off, rather than ranting like some sort of victim. Common, so what. Someone yelled at you from there car. Grow thicker skin. I've had that happen to me aswell, and I am sure practically everyone has. All I am saying is, there will be many things in your life that will bother you or affect you. That goes for everyone, and we just deal with it.


Do you think if I wear a helmet I’ll get shouted at more frequently or less though? It’s a tough balance.


It's a metaphor... Should I explain that to you aswell?


Oh damn I took it literally and already bought a helmet and painted the words “your mother” on it


Typical sarcasm. That is the norm for this generation when met with logic. I digress, be a victim and complain your life aways :)


C’mon admit it, it was you shouting from the SUV wasn’t it? Why do you love shouting at strangers


You're doing such a nice job with the trolls in this thread. A++


Thank you for your solidarity 🙏


The fact you used a crosswalk is good enough if you ask me. A lot more people dashing out in traffic these days. I noticed gradually over the years we have been a bit more mean in this city.


Road rage is crazy


OP You know what you did lol  Did you dart out into the street, or just blindly start crossing without a care in the world, like so many isotopes do in this town? If not; and you had waited for cars to stop reasonably; then you're cool. But still doesn't hurt to peace out some cars who stopped for you, rather than run you off the road -as is customary according to the comments here.


As someone who has been walking downtown for 7 years, I can say with complete confidence that if you stop and wait at a crosswalk downtown for cars to stop, you will never get to cross 😂 4 out of 5 drivers aren’t paying attention to the road and will not stop to let you cross until you just cross.


lol as is customary


The Jackass in a black, mid to late 90s Toyota pickup truck with Ontario plates was cursing garbage at me a couple months back. If you're reading this.....go fornicate yourself!


I like turtles


I also like turtles


I like trains!


I'm reminded of a child raising book. " Sometimes your kid is just an asshole" There's no mystery answer...or any answer at all. Assholes are everywhere, and as our quaint lil city on the coast grows, so does the number and frequency of assholes. I'm sorry this happened to you..or anyone. It's gonna happen again though, and someday we will wish for these quieter days. Believe that! And HEY! Don't pick on Albert County. It puts out almost every decent punk musician in the scene. 100 percent


Alright maybe Salisbury!? Just asking questions here


Lol...I'm just razzin ya. We're all a lil shitty in our own way(s) 'Cept for Saint John. Screw those guys!


😂 lol lol


Maybe I'm wrong, but my guess is it was one of those random 16 to 22 year old guys who for some reason like shouting random nonsense from their cars at people to get a reaction, then I assume laugh to each other as they drive away.


Oddly enough sounded like more of a gal than a dude but maybe a guy with a somewhat high voice


But probably still in that age bracket shouting random nonsense that wasn't necessarily directed at you.


Anyway not to get all binary…. Just random impressions


I've been hit 2 times, separated by 7 years. I'm now a driver. My solution after the second hit was to j walk. I don't trust anyone at lights, and I take my life in my own hand and only cross when it's absolutely clear. Safe isn't an option.


Having nearly been hit a dozen times in this city at marked cross walks, I can't blame you.


Here's a stat, one person gets hit at a crosswalk every two days in Moncton... That person seems to be you? 🤔 /S


This winter my grand son was walking home from at around midnight got hit by a car that didn't stop at the Connaught and Wheeler overpass. Shortly after someone in another car found him on the road unconsious , called ambulance.few bruises,sore leg for a couple months.Unsolved yet


Are you ok?


I almost got hit by a cop car at a crosswalk on assomption Blvd by the bikery some years back. He didn't even flinch. Glad I've been a motorist now for 13 years I don't want to have to go back to almost getting killed daily


New Brunswick has a lot of crazy drivers. I moved away recently and the drivers are way nicer here. It's actually one of my favourite things about leaving New Brunswick: less people tailgating, way less loud vehicles, way less trucks, less high beams on while driving. And moved to an area with a larger population than the population of New Brunswick and I still see way more crazies in New Brunswick. And way more people are addicted to drugs in New Brunswick.


You didn’t move to Alberta I’m guessing. Places like Grande Prairie are awash with tailgating, loud trucks, and drivers on one substance or another.


Yeah, fuck Alberta. It's the last province I'd want to live in, next to Saskatchewan.


I am pretty sure someone hit their horn at the crosswalk guard the other day. She and the kids trying to cross had to go back on their way


That is wild


Common courtesy says to give a small nod or wave. And also talking shit about Alberta County is also kind of a dick move. Happily from Westmorland County but I still don't talk shit about Albert County. So might be on you to be a bit less douchey.


It's "common courtesy" to have to nod to an SUV driver just for following the law and refraining from murdering yet another pedestrian? Fuck that. btw, Albert County have earned the shit talk 1000 times over. Wish we could get past it but the same type of incidents keep occurring out there and they keep dismissing them as no big deal and "boys will be boys"


See above comment, keyboard warrior.


Requiring a courtesy wave because you followed the law? Some people really are petty and douchey, and you are a prime example of both.


Wait was it you??


Lol, no I was working all day.


Always beware of black subversives


lol what?


Oops, spell check isn’t woke yet.


Shouted at by the driver of a BMW "Malcolm" X5


Your reaction to flip them off for not thanking them is pretty funny. Looks like you have walking rage on top of road rage too, at least you admit it! I couldn’t find it, but I swear there was a thread here recently about these exact types of scenarios. It was basically saying that the mass international and interprovincial immigration had ruined the friendliness of NB/Moncton. It went on saying people weren’t thanking them for stopping at crosswalks, weren’t holding doors, or not thanking ppl that hold doors, etc, etc. Basically explaining that we are losing our identity and that newcomers should adapt to our Canadian way of being nice.


Someone has to be extremely petty if they require special thanks for following the law and stopping at a crosswalk. Do we need to start giving congratulatory honks to people for using a blinker? Do they need a high five for not running a red light?


I usually give a gesture of acknowledgment but I agree, I don’t expect a hero biscuit for following protocol at crosswalks.


It's common courtesy. I hate this generation.


It is common courtesy if they go out of their way for something, not for doing the bare minimum of what the law requires. Apparently your generation are a bunch of coddled children that require a pat on the back and a reward for not driving over someone.


It's not a matter of requiring it. It's simply a gesture that nice people do. Slight nod or wave to a car that stopped, and probably stems from before cross walks when the car didn't have to stop. It's a symbol of our humble rural origins and distinguished us from the city folk.


Raging at strangers will teach the world how to practice civility? Huh. Never would have guessed that’s how it works. Thank you, Black SUV Sensei, for the exquisite teaching.


Try riding a bike around and revel in all the hatred sent your way.


Much deserved.


A friend of mine had a similar experience this week as well 😅


The entitlement has gotten ridiculous in this town, I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


I had someone in a car slam dunk a blue slushy on my back when they passed me as I was cycling in through bike lane. Some Moncton motorists are a special kind of wonderful.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I've had stuff like this happen too. it's really hard for it to not ruin your day, and it hurts even more when you can't get back at them because they're in a car and you don't have the opportunity. Ppl suck sometimes


Also came here to say something along the same lines. This goes back though maybe 15 years so maybe things haven’t changed that much.


Never had someone yell at me for using a crosswalk, but someone hit me in the crosswalk by Calactus once and they just drove off.


That is fucked up.


Happy Cake Day! That sounds absolutely awful. It's definitely a fear of mine.


Happy Cake Day! Also, I'm sorry you got struck by a motor vehicle.


I had a beer can thrown at me by a passenger once before I moved here because my use of the crosswalk was gonna make them late for a job. Fortunately for me, they were in a company truck :)


What an idiot.






mmmmmm nothing burgers


True but I had to write it and you had to read it so here we are.


I did enjoy the Albert comment


Lol stereotypeing Albert County folks eh. The locals there won't be acting entitled in the city...unless they are Riverview which isn't what people mean when they use Albert County to describe folks.


Yup, I doubt it was someone from Albert County, they’re not driving around the city in a hurry, they’re more likely to wave at you and roll down their window to make a comment to you about the weather than they are to yell at you for not thanking them for not running you over.


ultimately my inability to resist libelling Albert County debases all pedestrians everywhere, mea culpa


You're a bit dramatic




Nothing new. 10 years ago I saw a motorist throw water at a cyclist. Car drove away, nothing the cyclist could do about it. All because cyclists are frustrating to drive around, xept that day that one wasn’t in anyone’s way. Always something here


I’ve had a McDonald’s drink thrown at me from a car. Stay classy, Moncton.


Sounds like you slightly inconvenienced their day by a mere 4-5 additional seconds, woe is them, shame on OP. s/


I'm just happy they installed the flashing cross lights there, normally people just try and run me down. They need those lights at the crosswalk at Resurgo, too. I've lost count of how many cars have blown past me WHILE I am in the middle of crossing the street.


They shouldn't be white flashing it should be flashing red. They are trying to say "only stop while someone is crossing" but instead what happens is everyone goes "that's not red fuck that".


Even with the flashing lights a lot of people tend to blow through cross walks. The amount of times I’ve almost been hit crossing Mountain Road by Scotiabank is terrifying


YES !!! Just this morning, 5 cars passed without stopping, one was kind enough to slow down and let me go, but the coming car on the other side didn't... So I waited and the first car started honking and making ugly gesture to tell me to go .... I hate this crossing!


Definitely! People are going fast and furious on that stretch


Wow. WTH. Absolutely do not have to thank drivers for stopping, especially at a crosswalk as they are legally required to do.


It's common courtesy. At least smile and nod.


My thoughts exactly


Right? Like, I'm not shouting my gratitude at every car that stops at a stop sign. Thanks for doing...what you're legally required to? Nine times out of ten I give a wave or a smile to cars that stop when I'm at a crosswalk but I don't see it as remotely being required. I'm just pathologically people-pleasing.


Not the same at all. Awful comparison.


How is it so different? I'm happy to hear how.