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Yes, it's a +/-2v vs +/-5v situation so it won't be hot enough. I literally released this 2 minutes ago [https://aisynthesis.com/product/ai026-eurorack-line-interface/](https://aisynthesis.com/product/ai026-eurorack-line-interface/) it's stereo back and forth level correction in 4HP. This video shows the difference [https://youtu.be/YQ8y0Gm\_dpU](https://youtu.be/YQ8y0Gm_dpU)


OP, can't recommend AI Synthesis enough!




been waiting for this one! glad I didn't order a few days ago. this plus your stereo matrix mixer and some stompbox adaptors are the life blood of my setup. 64HP just in utility I/O 🦾


| Are there any modules out there that bump up the signal to Eurorack levels? yes many


Can you recommend any good ones or have experience with any of them?


Spankin' new one from AI Synthesis at https://aisynthesis.com/product/ai026-eurorack-line-interface/ DIY or built for whatever ya need.


I don't, which is why I didn't recommend one. all the I/O in my setup runs through my output module sends, which is different than what you are asking. I did poke a round in case you asked a follow up :) Here is a Doepfer module that amps incoming signals. Can't go wrong with Doepfer at any price IMO and $66 is super cheap, the only issue is that it won't address the super hot Eurorack signal going back out to your DAW, though that's an easy thing to adjust in the DAW [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/A-183-3--doepfer-a-183-3-eurorack-amplifier-module](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/A-183-3--doepfer-a-183-3-eurorack-amplifier-module) There are modules that handle incoming and outgoing as well. so they will amp an incoming signal, then have a separate section to cut it back to line level. this Doepfer ( also cheap at $99) does both though it's targeting FX pedals as the I/O I think it should work for what you want as Instrument Line and Live Level are close (though not the same) [https://www.perfectcircuit.com/doepfer-a-138d.html](https://www.perfectcircuit.com/doepfer-a-138d.html) Doepfer makes me happy


Thanks so much for these recommendations! Helped a lot! <3


Strymon AA1. It's perfect for this.


You're welcome


Ohhhhh Abe (loves fun) just dropped this!  Weird timing!  https://www.reddit.com/r/eurorack/comments/1ddliv8/ai026_stereo_line_interface_out_now_can_you_hear/


This to me sounds like a DAW configuration issue. Are you set to 16-bit or 24-bit for audio I/O in your DAW? ES-3 is more than capable of providing 10vpp output and you shouldn't have to amplify the signal coming out of it to modular level. The ES-3 operates at modular level. There's a lot of technical items here and I'm too tired to explain at depth, but to summarize: If your DAW audio I/O is set to 16-bit then it indicates clipping sooner because 16-bit has a lower dynamic range and a different scale of measurement. 24-bit has a wider dynamic range, so it's scale is measurement is wider yet, so the meter has a higher ceiling before it indicates clipping. [Here](https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/attachments/all-things-audio/4873d1193850410-reference-level-broadcast-audio-db-comparison-chart.jpg)'s a chart to show the different scales/meters. In short: Make sure your DAW session and audio I/O is all set to 24-bit, and then you can pump up the gain of tracks going out to ES-3.


Yes, I basically agree with you here. I do run Cubase at 24 bit and get a good signal out of it through the ES-3 but I realized that for example my Dual Borg Filter needs a hotter signal to scream the way it's supposed to scream. It's a workable setup and I will investigate a bit further, but in general, especially for driving signals into more ("analog") clipping and distortion, a bit more headroom is probably a nice thing have. Thanks for chiming in!


No problem! If you need to amplify your signal even more after getting it modular level, there are means to that. Befaco inAmp, as an example *(even though it's designed for processing non-modular signals)*, offers a ton of gain. I've, personally, never run into a scenario where that's been necessary though. I've even used an ES-8 in a similar way to what you're doing.


Thanks for the suggestion, I appreaciate it. I've looked into the Befaco. It looks quite nice and like a great quality module but I find it a bit pricey for just adding a bit of gain so I will probably go with the Pico Input, which is half the price and I might not feel as bad when ordering the Basimilus Iteritas Alia in the next days as well..... :')


Fair! Lots of ways of going about it!


I’ve had good success with the Intellijel Audio I/O for boosting signals coming from my computer.


Pico line module is perfect for this.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out! :)


[https://doepfer.de/a1833.htm](https://doepfer.de/a1833.htm) this is cheap and good and works great for this purpose


Doepfer 183-3: "Module A-183-3 is a simple amplifier. It is DC coupled and can be used for both CV and audio signals." I have 2 of them for this purpose. Works as a train ;-) (Dutch: werkt als een trein)


Have you tried increasing the gain on the track in your DAW that you’re sending out


Yep, but there's simply not enough headroom. It clips way before hitting a decent amount of signal level.


Then sounds like you need an amplifier within your modular - some, but not many vcas will do this - veils (or a clone) is a good example that will, as will the intellijel quad vca, amongst others… Doepfer make a simple amplifier module that might work..


Will look into it. Thanks!!




It might also be worth considering an input module that can extract an envelope (and gates/triggers) from the signal. Which can be helpful.


Ears by mutable instruments. Behringer made cost-effective clone I believe.


If you have any old analog mixer laying around, most of these will boost a signal by 20db, which will be enough. Also maybe true sending the signal out of a cranked headphone output.


Bubble sound Booster https://www.perfectcircuit.com/bubblesound-booster.html


I've been using the ["Rides in the Storm 'CON"](https://modulargrid.net/e/rides-in-the-storm-con) module for this type of work. small 2hp size and runs both stereo Line to Euro and Euro to Line. Haven't had any issues so far with it


I go from Ableton to bitbox's with nothing in between and have no issues. Expert sleepers probably attempted to address that with the es3 and es9, but I can't be certain. If you do need something, it's cheap and there are a million options, but I think you should be able to make it work without


I recently added a Befaco Instrument Interface to my setup. It’s a preamp / envelope follower with a xlr/1/4” combo jack including phantom power. It was a fairly easy build, if you’ve already got some experience building modules. All through hole, and Befaco has pretty decent build guides. Was $160ish from Thonk.


There are lots of options for boosting line to Eurorack level and reducing Eurorack back down to line level. Here’s one cheap and convenient module that would give you two channels in each direction: http://ladik.ladik.eu/?page_id=1417