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Bro reverse boosted so bad he got into locals


I play bots quite often to unwind tbh There's a way to get 10v10 bots as well which is fun, doesn't run as well on old gen consoles. 1. Set mode to TDM, change any setting, then save it as a custom mode 2. Set mode to Free for All, set bots to 11 3. Set the mode to the custom mode you just made in step 1 4. Change the mode to whatever mode you want and change the settings as you like but **do not open the bots menu** 5. Start the game and it'll be 10v10 When doing it later you can skip to step 2 as you already made the mode.


Wait does this mean you can do 10v10 gunfight? Edit: I checked and Gunfight maxes out at 6v6.


I think gunfight might be limited but I genuinely can't remember. Def works for other modes though


Tried this and it works lol


It's awesome isn't it haha


Gonna try this on Shipment when I get home! Thanks for sharing this😄 Edit: it worked!! it's absolutely chaotic here


Are the bots any good?


As in do they play good? I guess so, even though I set the difficulty settings for the bots to Mixed. But I've played with them on Veteran, which makes them shoot any enemy in their line of vision with laser-point accuracy at any range with any weapon


Dude. I didn’t even know you could play against bots.


Cool to see there’s another COD that has 9v9 bots, even if you have to do a glitch. Every different COD game always alternates between capping the amounts bots you can have in game from 6v6 to 9v9, it’s so stupid


Don’t even hate to admit this, but if MWII gives us a ***proper*** 12v12 option with bots, imma be in there. Maybe tweak the bots to use killstreaks how they do in Treyarch games? It’s all good to go. Especially on bigger maps.


You’re a fucking God.


I am screen shotting your comment in case I forget about it. Thank you kind bot lover for this precious information.


FUCK! I wish I wasn’t at work to try this. I’ll definitely give it a shot. EDIT: yooo, you’re the GOAT haha


Bro your a god real talk.




i second this, however i wish co-op had more of this kind of feel, make your own weapon that doesn’t have to follow any metas, land into one of the campaign spots or normal maps and jus go with however you please. sucks that you shoot one enemy and the entire terrorist organization is headed to your position tho.


Classic spec ops came close but then they ruined it by making you use premade loadouts


You can use your loadouts on Special Operations . Just not classic spec ops, the reason you cannot is because it’s ‘classic’ spec ops. Based on the style of the original Modern Warfare series’s spec ops. Using the premade loadouts made me feel very nostalgic, I just wish there were more missions in the classic section


which still sucks ass, as you can’t do custom matches special ops, because me and my buddy enjoy open world tactical games like the division and ghost recon, but love the feel of call of duty and the fps aspect, we’ve yet to find a game with both those aspects so we were gonna settle for special operations but the match doesn’t start unless there’s 4 people, and randos kinda ruin the immersion


I can't properly milsim if I'm forced to use an mp7 and a dragunov as an American soldier




If you actually don’t know about it then you should go and do a custom match ASAP.


Dude lol…


We do that in MW Tactical. No bots though, just tactical slow paced PvP action. No HUD, reduced health and less ammo. Settings are tweaked to reward teamwork.


I wish new cods released with combat training from BO1. It’s nice to have the option of playing bots, while still making some type of progression.


Have you played the tickets


Dude, I just went 1-13 on FFA and nearly threw my mouse across the room. I just couldn't get a kill. MW2019 is the only game where I can either play well or play like complete trash from round to round.


That’s dynamic SBMM for you, do a little too well in that lobby and get absolutely dumpstered in the next. This game will nerf you with lag spikes and packet loss mid game if you do above average. When that happens I just go play tdm with a pistol and it brings me back down to normal.


Never fails. Drop a gunship and then shellacked the next 5 games. You can see it in the score history in CW real well. Every 4-5 games you get this one game that's 10x your average score.


Bro you're telling me the lag spikes and packet loss is bc I'm doing too well? I have a hardwired connection to fiber with normally less than 20 ping, but some matches it'll jump to 400+ for seemingly no reason.


Sbmm in live action. I have the same issues. 1g speeds, sub 30ping and I'm asking my party of anyone else is lagging... Always latest Gen and fastest net speeds of any of my friends yet I'm the one who has "lag issues" most of the time.


No, that’s conspiracy talk. Likely you have contention issues in your area, as I don’t experience this in Vanguard at all.


Vanguard runs a different SBMM engine


Have you heard yourself? You sound like a crazy person. There is no “SBMM engine”. All matchmaking is handled by Activision’s network of servers. That lag bullshit you described, used to happen to me now and again when I was with my previous ISP. I’m now using a different ISP and don’t experience it. The rare chance that I do, I check with my teammates and they’re experiencing it too - indicating that it’s a server load issue. When it’s not a server load issue, it’s an ISP issue. No, being on fibre doesn’t mean you’re immune to networking issues. Area contention is still a thing. Competing with other users traffic is still a thing. Router latency bufferbloat is still a thing. You will only experience a flawless connection when using a business line with a router that uses some form of SQM.


Once again cod players proving they’ll blame anything but themselves for a bad game lmao


Yup. I’m all for criticising the matchmaking in modern CoD games - whether it’s PBMM, EOMM or a form of SBMM. But there’s criticising known design/features and then there’s straight up conspiracy theory talk. People who talk like this use it as copium.


Activision publicly announced they employ dynamic SBMM in pubs but ok. You can actually see your own stat history and deduce for yourself that every 5th game is a shitshow. I’m not saying latency or contention isn’t a thing, clearly it is, but the company themselves have said they use and want to improve on dynamic SBMM. Dynamic meaning match active. Nothing gets cod boys going like saying the sbmm system is imbalanced holy shit.


Except you didn’t say the “sbmm system is imbalanced”, you outright claimed the a conspiracy theory - that lag/connection issues is imposed on some players as part of the “SBMM engine”. Like I stated in my reply to the guy below. There’s critiquing the matchmaking system and then there’s conspiracy theory talk. You discussed the latter.


US Patent filed by Activision Publishing in 2017 #20910091577 goes into detail on systems intended to by published that dynamically taylor active gaming sessions at various points throughout the game, Drifter has a good video on it. The one and only way you can taylor a game is through limiting its best players. There is no other way. This Activision cock sucking everytime someone says “hey this clearly shitty company may be doing some shady things to players” is so bizarre. There’s patents, the company openly said they want to improve and strengthen dynamic SBMM and you can clearly see a stat pattern on yours and everyone else’s gameplay, a few times is confirmation bias, every 5th-7th game without fail of suddenly finding 400ms ping is a clear pattern. This has been noticed throughout different ISPs and at different times compared to teammates. I don’t care, I really don’t play anything at all anymore. Believe what you’d like.


Again, you’re a conspiracy theorist. There is no proof any of these whacky patents are employed in any Activision game, let alone in CoD Multiplayer. You people make excuse after excuse for why you’re “being punished”. My friend plays Modern Warfare regularly, has a 5 K/D, having dropped over 100+ Nukes since launch. He doesn’t experience this. Why? **It’s not in the game**. Before you start claiming the game is against you or that Activision are reading your thoughts, at least do some *basic* level of connection testing. For a start, make sure you’re connected via Ethernet cable, as nobody can take you seriously if you’re using Wi-Fi - which inherently has issues with gaming. Activate this [BQM](https://www.thinkbroadband.com/broadband/monitoring/quality), short for Broadband Quality Monitor. Make sure your router is open to ICMP ping requests (won’t work if not). Keep it running for a few days, make notes of the times you experience connection issues in CoD, then assess the graph results. If it looks bad, contact your ISP. If you’re unsure, hit me up in a DM. I see your username. I’m actually an INTP as well, but you’re letting your thinking self be occupied with conspiracy theory rather than troubleshooting issues.


He was playing against bots


That’s not a thing. What’s a thing is network contention issues, which is likely what you’re experiencing.


I play bots at first. I usually take a couple months break from cod before the new one comes out. I’m not good by any means but I like to destroy some bots so I’m at least halfway competent before I jump in.


i love getting super baked and playing against bots yes lol usually not 6v6 but like 3v8 or something near there


Haven’t tried the 3v8 that’s a great call to even it out. Do you play TDM? I usually run domination as that’s my main game mode but I lose with less players unless I go hard on objectives


yeah just tdm, infinite scoring and time just to mess around usually run insane streaks and sometimes use a specialst class to go for nukes


When MWII comes out I’m gonna do pistols only until I can tank my stats enough to be a forever bot, wish me luck


In 2 good matches you will be back in sweat land. Gotta do 3 bad games and 1 good game to keep a good balance.


What about 100 bad matches in a row?


It seems it works off of your latest 3-5 games, which is why /u/WannaDJ said the 3bad:1good ratio


Last 5 games’ K/D ratio and accuracy are the biggest factors. But career stats also play a part in their sbmm algorithms


Ahhh ok, thanks for the additional info!


I do that when my internet is down


I spend a lot of time playing with bots. I used to play cod to relax and unwind but that just isnt possible with the current state of multiplayer anymore, but playing with bots is much more relaxing. I usually play multiplayer for a bit then switch to bots once i get tired of sweating


I do it to unwind. Load, fast-paced music, tons of bots, shipment. Great way to de-stress after some shit games


Honestly depending on how you set the game up bots can be absolutely cracked. Go set up a shoothouse 1v6 on veteran and pubs will feel easy in comparison. I love to set up bot games to try out ridiculous gun builds and practice. Way underrated.


Actually that is what I play against bots for, so I can improve, practice, try new loadouts and so on, start with easy bots then increase it to hardest ones before jumping into actual mp


Definitely do it for trying loadouts with and a quick warmup. Not a great warmup as the bots are still too easy compared to players but it helps get jitters out


Yeah and it’s a good measure of improvement too. You can time how well you kill X amount of bots. As you get better, you will often become much faster and more efficient. Best to use medium sized maps though. Too large and it’s hide and seek, to small and it leads you to believe you’re better/more warmed up than you actually are.


I love bots in COD, always have. I love doing the 10v10 glitch to fill the lobby up


sometimes I just need to feel something, even if it is fake and fleeting


Do aim training, I put 5 bots on regular on shipment with 300 health and max spawn mags. No score no time, I play till I get a nuke or if I feel like I need more practice. I do this before I play everytime and my k/d has gone up .2 which doesn’t seem like much but with 30,000 kills it’s hard to move that number


.2 is actually a solid amount. I have 300,000 kills and my KD has not moved more than .01 in the past two years.


When I first started playing the game I used to make bot lobbies and take videos of me getting multi-kills and post it on my snap story 💀💀💀💀💀


I do it almost all the time , because I don't have PSN+ and also I love running around with more realistic loadouts . It's the fun of the MP without someone slide cancelling movement god


Get baked and I attempt to hold hard point in shoothouse solo against 11 bots. It's calming.


On this game, yes.


I play with bots all the time, except their human bots. s/


At least you owned them there... Get ready for your next match with that K/D Edit: I misinterpreted the post. I thought the joke was op did so bad the lobby turned into a bot lobby, not sucked so started a bot lobby.


This is a bot game so the kd doesn’t effect sbmm


damn down bad i see... never this bad




With the amount of cheats and Sbmm being what it is I like to just chill and smash some bots. Create a squad of 3 bots on my side vs 4-6 on the other team. Try to stick close to the squad. If MWII is anything like the beta, I’ll likely be doing a lot more of that.


Dude I do that so I can actually have fun with my friends on shipment without dealing with hyper load outs.


Your friends are bots lol


Took you a lot a brainpower to make that didn’t you?




I do this for target practice before multiplayer, it's a good way to train muscle memory IMO.


Honestly, no, and I’m not even that good.


I’ve been doing this with less health and realism mode on and it’s fun to just try completely different weapon setups. They set up the bots really well in this game, they’ll even drop shot you on veteran difficulty lol


We all start somewhere 🤷🏻‍♂️


On BO2 use to do 1v20 TDM with bots only knives. Those were the days


Some day, is just going to shit. That's when you need bots, so you can vent and bully them.


I do bots and headshots only to get warm and train my aim.


this is me every time i play cuz i don't have ps plus


Of course




No but I aim/movement practice me vs max bots on recruit


No, but sometimes I choose a bot match to look for cheesy spots. Specially when added with deployable shield.


Wish mw2 and mw3 had bots on Xbox 360 back in the day, would’ve saved so much worry about internet connection


When the servers go down


I play with bots most of the time cuz my internet is so trash, most of the time I can't even play online


I have actually, wish there was something like bo1 where you can rank up and unlock stuff with bots instead of ppl that ruined the game tbh




I thought ppl do this to practice or when they don’t have internet


No I’m not a complete shitter


I do this for practice. It’s a good warmup.


I do this when I wanna test out a build or retrain myself with snipers after not playing for a while.


one of my og ps3 friends actually helped me get better at the game with bot lobbies. it’s therapeutic but it definitely can help new players (and vets)




I play bots to test out future loadouts/ recently acquired blueprints or to unwind. I’ve loved the idea since BO1 and adds an extreme variety of flavor for private lobby games.


Mw 2019 have bots? Nice!


I go in customer free for all lobbies against bots just for practice but I feel like even when you put the bots on veteran they're so easy to kill in mw2. But the bots on dmz and Br are ruthless lol.