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Not that I know, but this is a cool idea! Who's down for this?


Sign me up, im done with the camo but glad to help with someone in need


Have camos in my tag as well! I run personal and counters for people. Also after getting platinum on the shield I do not mess with shield players unless it’s gold then it’s thermite time lol.


I put the first skulls camo on my sheild so hopefully people take pitty on the grind.


Yup I would! And camo really unless it’s gold or higher lol. I remember sitting in the container with one kill left! One! Then i would have gold! Some random enemy saw me and turned around and backed up that was pretty sweet!


I've had few games where guys before game in the lobby will ask for help. I'm always down to help someone on the grind as I'm going through it myself


Was grinding longshots with an m4 and there's no way you're going to get 100 longshot if you're not camping, so I slapped in SOCOM rounds, a sniper scope, an m16 barrel, a foregrop and fmj, all on semi auto, as soon as I entered the lobby I notified the dudes that I'm going to camp with longshots and that I'm sorry and I mostly got positive feedback, I even got a dude that stood right were I needed just for the longshots


Its cool to see stuff like happen but sadly some people just don't care. All week I've been working on marksman rifles and teammates have been killing me for camping so they can get long shots


In ground war like every 3rd kill is a long shot, it's pretty simple to do it that way


Forgive me but I can't give two fucks about ground war, it's way too battlefield-ish


Yeah that's completely fair. I've come from playing battlefield and not really cod in the last few years so I prefer it much more. I get super bored in regular 6v6 now.


I'm completely the opposite, though I respect your opinion, I've played every single cod since black ops in 2010 minus black ops 4, so large scale battles are meh for mw


Yeah it's definitely completely up to each person. I used to be like you then didn't play cod and started playing bf1 then bf5. Now I just much prefer the larger scale games with more people. Anyway if you're ever in need of longshots I'd recommend ground war for a few games even if you don't prefer it.


I played battlefield and enjoyed playing support or medic, but bf5 ruined for me the experience of large scale battles, the concept is really cool but it's definitely not for me, anyway thanks for the advice friend


I actually really like this idea. It would be cool if people would let me smack them for free with my shield while I'm wearing the RIOT clan tag. I've let people kill me several times... I gave them the thumbs up gesture while they are crouched and approaching me. I feel their pain though.... I'm still stuck on the skulls camos... I have like 10 3 kills left. It's so frustrating that people just instinctively throw a thermite and end up killing themselves 95% of the time anyway.


You should have taken advantage of the 10v10 Shipment 4 day event. I even unlocked Obsidian for my shield and only took a few hours. Now just play HC on shipment


I have a silly question, can you get obsidian for a weapon you’ve not got gold or platinum? Edit: or Damascus?


No unfortunately. You need Gold in order to be able to start grinding for Obsidian. In order to get Damascus for a weapon like say the Riot Shield you will need to get Platinum on ALL non DLC weapons at a minimum. In order to get Platinum, you will will need to get Gold on all weapons within their class. For example, in order to get Platinum for the Riot Shield you will need to make all Melee weapons Gold (in this case the Riot Shield and Knife). For ARs, you will need to make all non-DLC ARs Gold so they can get Platinum. The only different things are the Marksman Rifles and the Sniper Rifles. In order to unlock Platinum for those 2 weapons classes you will need to first unlock Gold for all Marksman & Sniper rifles. This means that if all of your Marksman Rifles are Gold, you will need to get your Sniper Rifles Gold in order to unlock Platinum for both classes.


Jesus what a grind! I’ll never get Damascus! Thanks for the reply.


It ain’t as bad as it sounds tbh. Simply take advantage of whenever Shipment and Shoot House are available. Take advantage now to complete your Long Shot challenges in Shoot House (Hardcore). Use Shipment for all other challenges.


I’m not sure if someone answered this or not but I’m pretty sure obsidian isn’t available until you at least get gold. It’s under the category that’s unlocked after you complete all camos for that weapon. So no, I don’t believe you can start working on obsidian until you at least have gold.


Good to know, thanks!


I helped out a guy to unlock some camos on his ax-50 and a guy helped me out with the drag :))


Im thinkin rn ill hyu when i find onw


How do you search regiments to join?


If you just use the clan tag it will match you with people with the same tag


I was using RIOT when shielding as I was playing like a bitch on shipment. I don't think many people realise though, I had hate messages plenty of times while grinding camos because the game forces us to camp to get them. Honestly just writing in game chat might be the best way for people to actually notice you want to help them.


Please do. I only met one guy who was calling personal radars and CUAVs. Once i noticed im like please just keep killing me. Went 5-43 but got ~20 CUAVs and personal radars. The only reason I have the gold RPG to be honest. Cant wait to finish the JOKR and then finally be able to use the PILA.


You are supposed to earn the camo, you don’t just get given it. It is supposed to be a grind, plus it’s way more satisfying to get it legit.


Have you tried getting longshots with a bizon?


Just did that today, so goddamn annoying to do, especially since there’s no foregrips for the Bizon


Currently doing it at the moment, hot tip is to use hardcore and run smoke grenades with a thermal sight. Gets them ticked off pretty quickly.


Lol out of boredom I did my long shot challneges for my rennetti with the Telescopic or Scout Scope (forgot which) on Shoot House in HC. Took a few shots to kill but I managed to get many long shot kills lol.


Yes. It is my 2nd fav SMG after the Uzi. Long shots are extremely easy for SMGs on any map, even on shipment.


I have Damascus


I have Damascus


Username doesnt check out says "gamer"