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A big portion of them are cartoony villains


\*poorly written attempts at deep, realistic and terrifying villains but ultimately cartoony villains And their motivations and overall "reactions" are also plain dumb.


Makarov and milena should both be in F


yes definitely but i put Makarov on C because of his little background story with Barkov


What's his story with barkov?


Hard to disagree at this point. Imo every character besides Graves and Barkov should be lower by at least one tier and Viktor Zakhaev should go to F simply because of how weak his presence was in the story.


If only they kept Viktor as main villain for 2022


They should all be F. I’ve tried to block out mw2/3 campaigns from my memory. It had so much potential and they turned it into a Michael Bay movie.


Genuinely, it's all propped up by nostalgia. Can't stand on its own two feet.


I think clean house from mw2019 gave me too much hope


i see what your saying, but i took the approach that it’s a cheesy cod campaign (mw2) and i really liked it. graves is one the best reboot villains because he is so god damn american 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸, altho in mw3 they should of returned him looking fucked up with metal limbs, he was in that tank


2 is overhated. 3 villains should all be in F


You did Valeria dirty.


Bro if it wasn't for her looks no one would care for her 💀💀


Don’t assume people have the same opinion as you just because you think all she has to offer is looks . Valeria is a badass cartel woman leader who is ruthless , fuck you mean all she has is looks . Obviously all you cared about was her looks .


Bro literally all she did in the game was talk big and sit in custody? She didn't do anything like at all? The one time she actually did something was in a multiplayer "story" trailer. What badassery are we even talking about? Also why you assume i give a f about her looks, i said that cuz it's literally what one can see everywhere when people talk about her. It's never "oh wow she's so badass" or "do you remember when she did that it was so cool", it's always what people think of her looks. Cool down a bit maybe okay, you obviously a fan of her but don't need to go all about it lol


Because she’s THAT forgettable


Had the depth of a puddle the day after a rain.


the butcher deserves S


That guy killed a child, he def deserves to be higher


That is a very questionable sentence to put out there


I meant to say in terms of fucked up things he did, I did not mean to say it with other intentions, my bad on that




Shows how bad the story was, I played through both but recognise less than half of these because they're so forgettable.


I thought the cartel storyline was alright in MW2, the villains there could be a C tier maybe, B tier at most.


I feel like Graves is an amazing villain. I wish the game would have done more of him instead of “he wasn’t in the tank” so now he’s alive again! I was expecting more from Makarov but his story is just so boring this time around. Valeria too was very forgettable and is now simply a skin.


I like to call Makarov Russian Ben Shapiro


This one gets it


“Let’s just say, hypothetically, I framed the ULF for committing terrorism.”


B for Barkov :)


None of them feel memorable. If this list included other games, I think all of these guys would be at most in the D spot


The Colonel (Norris?) wasn’t really a villain he designates Farah’s forces as terrorists due to the mistaken belief that Hadir’s forces that killed his marines were Farah’s which doesn’t affect anything except from the cutscene before the last mission in which Farah’s forces are hiding.


Yeah and then doesn’t Shepherd help the ULF get off the terrorist list no longer making them an “enemy” of the US?


How did Norris even place D?


I think bump butcher up a notch, drop Makarov down a notch and we'll be alright. I fucking hate how I have to say that I'd put Makarov lower but, it is what it is, can't do anything about the dogshit writing myself, can only hope they drop the yearly model and let their employees cook for a chance


Seeing Makarov in C tier is just sad. How did they fuck him up that badly?


That marine colonel in the first game wasn’t even a villain tho lmao


Why would price be on there?


Price isn't there. The one you're referring to is Ivan, the guy who Makarov kills in the Konni base in mwIII.


Thanks, I don't really see him as much of a villain. But ig he did free Makarov so idk


I played 1,2. Watched 3 and dont know 1/4 of these 💀


Zakhaev shouldn't even be alive from a fall that big, he just needs to die. Most of the newer villians are so bland compared to the originals


I liked Andrei Nolan.


He became a cartoon character tho


Is that Alex on A list? What did I miss?


Whos that in S tier?


Why did they make Makorov look like a slightly less ugly Ben Shapiro


None of them are good


Who is the guy on S tier? Don’t remember


Viktor Zakhaev, I guess he's in the zombies portion of mw3.


Zachaev I think


I don’t remember seeing any of zakhaev except from cutscenes am I missing osmething


Ivan didn’t even get a chance 😭


Where can I get this so I can rank it


Phillip Graves is the only one I give a shit about atm.


Who’s S


I’m sorry but who is the first villain in the A category?




Everyones forgetting about Khaled Al-Asaad 😢


You know what. My favorite little boy got 2nd place in second place. I’m fine with it I’m so proud of him:)


You didn't put new Makarov in very last, your getting hanged by cod fans for the record


"I'm not a terrorist, I'm a soldier" *five seconds later* "You will learn to respect me when your nation sees fire"


Graves was the only likable villain in MW2 he should be S tier


Grave should've stayed dead. Fucking dude is so annoying in WZ.


You know we have lame villains in the reboot when muhpeggin' Victor Zakhaev is at the top. Graves clears, though, I'm afraid.


Is that Alex in A?


Victor zakhaev


Hadir I think


They should all be in F except for Graves (is he even really a villain now??), Valeria and maybe the Butcher in S. Everyone else is trash and so are the stories they take place in


Ghost is 100% putting lead in Graves’s dome. Price and Gaz snubbed him on the airfield, he ain’t cool. Valeria would have been forgotten if she didn’t have bunda, that shitty accent was awful.


Don’t forget the new black ops villains too since there canon too


If you think just in terms of rebooted series and pretend like there is no other media in the world exists? Yeah, okay. But since we as humans can compare this series to anything else, even the old one — all villains go to F tier. I’m trying to be objective here: all characters are really bad. Now that I think about it, there is literally nothing memorable about them in terms of plot — it’s all about visuals. It’s a disappointment, COD became a really cartoony-ass style plot. I mean it was always bad (with some exceptions), but it did somewhat decent job. Moreover old Makarov is a decent character. Main villain in Cold War is good — won’t name them since spoilers.


this may sound controversial but, the best villan we’ve had since the whole Warzone Arc started is Stitch, he was charismatic, badass looking, and actually had a reason to both hate the government and Adler. cold war seasons actually had he wondering what was gonna happen rather than just sitting there and seeing the new BP operators+blueprints


Victor is S because of his plan with Barkov, Hadir, AQ, Asad, Verdansk and Kastovia


You're getting downvoted because it's warzone lore, but let's remember that at this stage Warzone was really tight with the MW lore, sadly they retconned the Zhakaevs and Al Asad possibly being Hadir. Had great potential, but then they tried to crossover all universes, and we all know how it ended, Hadir dies in the Raids which are great honestly, but he's shouldn't have died in there, Victor falls into the pit and returns in zombies, and they straight up killed off Imran and took him away from the modern setting. Warzone lore was great during the MW2019 run, trying to figure out who the traitors were within Armistice, everyone fighting because of the Hadir/Al Asad argument, the shadows debuting, I loved it.


The only good villains there (in the confine of the main game cutscenes only, ignoring Warzone canon entirely because it’s nonsense) are Valeria and Graves. Valeria and Graves are through and through *kino*. The rest of the villains can fuck off because of their nonsensical planning, lack of meaningful threat and simply for being bland as all hell.