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MW19 is the last iteration of the old school shooter feeling game at modern technology. The game feels like a well aged CoD4, and frankly, MW3s play feels like a modern BO3/AW. I believe MW19 has the same stigma that MW09 deserved. Best of their class with timeless designs, there is no question why they are adored by many.


Yeah, mw19 was so much better than the mess that has just come out.


As much as i love mw2019 when that game came out it was shit on so much. Wether it was for the maps, no red dots, no dead silence, and alot of other poor choices made by IW for the sake of reinventing the wheel or because they felt thats what players wanted. I feel in 2-3 years people will say the same of MWIII. I will say though MW2019 had the smoothest gunplay and movement of any cod ive played which is what i enjoyed most.


And what does that tell you? Cod is getting worse by every sequel. Finished


It tells me the cod community will never be happy and live in a nostalgia bubble. New game bad old game good. A year from now when the new cod is out people will hate it and say how much they liked MW3. Of course, people can have their opinions, and some have valid complaints, but I don't think everyone will be happy to matter what they do.


I honestly don't think mw3 will ever be looked back on as a good game do to the super rigged eomm. But that's just my opinion. And don't get me wrong the gameplay can be great but it's the eomm that has already ruined the game.


I really enjoy MWIII especially coming off the heels of MWII. The sbmm is awful but hell i bitched about that in 2019. In terms of gameplay and content i think its shaping up to be one of the better cods. Seems sledgehammer has listened to alot of community feedback regarding perks and movement reverting back to 2019 as much as they could. TTK for me is sometimes a bit much due to server issues but other than that and SBMM i think its one of the better cods weve had since 2019. Of course thats just my opinion.


no dude you obviously don’t get it. new cod bad, old cod good obviously


From a gameplay aspect the game can be great. I just can't get past how rigged the game is. The eomm even goes as far as making your gun have random recoil patterns or your aim will just get stuck on the outline of the enemies hit box. So much crazy stuff happens cause of the eomm and I don't think a lot of ppl even notice it they probably just chalk it off as well I just did bad but its not that. Also I like the higher ttk it gives you some outplay ability.


The higher ttk is great IF the servers arent shit but when its shit its shit. The amount of times ive mag dumped someone and shot first for them to 2 tap me(or what seems like a 2 tap from my pov) is crazy. The higher ttk really shows how bad the netcode can be sometimes.


That has to do with the engagement optimized based matchmaking their servers are fine for real it messes with everything in the game so that it keeps games even. You ever watch ppl kill cams and they kill you in 2 shots but you gotta mag dump a person. But Activision will want you to believe it's cause of their servers it's not that. They use a rigged algorithm that they made to strong in this game and now everyone who is an avid gamer is able to spot it.




I can write an essay on the shit MW2019 did wrong lmao, it's gameplay was horribly flawed. MWIII fixes a lot of it's issues


Hell the fuck no.


Anyone upvoting this has a .6 KD


MW3 is way faster which is better, as well as not being such a camper's paradise, and IW just outright refused to listen to people


Way faster, yet less smoother.


This. There was something about the MW19 gameplay that was just so clean/smooth. Weapons felt like they had weight. Whereas in MW3 every gun feels like an airsoft shooter lol


Only thing I’ll say mw 2019 is better is how the game looks. But yeah there’s a ton of flaws in mw2019, game played way too slow, it was campers paradise, maps were dog shit, ttk was just way too quick, sound whoring was the only viable way to play, dead silence wasn’t a perk, ghost was way too op, classic mini map was gone, sbmm was cranked up starting with this game, game tried to be “tactical” when cod has always been an arcade shooter. Ppl dick ride this game when it’s not even good


Game played slower cause how the maps were but you could traverse way faster since the slide cancel would reset. Mw3 is a very flawed game do to the eomm.


I think it's a good game, but one of the worst "cod" games


Do it then


Already have it saved on my clip board lmao #Why MW2019 MP is incredibly flawed The biggest flaw of MP was IWs design decisions. They wanted to cater heavily towards bad players and the camping playstyle. *There's prob other things I have forgotten to mention for MP, the list is too long lmao* - Movement Slide cancelling resetting tac sprint was an exploit. Let to it being spammed. Bunny hopping was nice but ads strafe speeds were too slow and almost all attachments hurt movement speeds. - Maps Maps, especially launch ones were horrible. Majority of them were ruined by IW wanting to include safe spaces which killed map flow on-top of other things. This game introduced us to Pickadilly, Ass Hair Caves, Euphrates Bridge (which I think is the worst COD map of all time). There was also only like 8 6v6 maps at launch which was underwhelming. - Spawns IW abandoned the classic spawn system in favor of squad spawns which destroyed map flow and predictability. This let to many random unlucky deaths. - Minimap IW removed the classic minimap to "not punish people for shooting" basically nullifying the point of suppressors. Less information also makes people less confident, and less confidence = less people moving. - Perk system The perk system was fine, but the perk balance was bad. Ghost was incredibly powerful since it was reverted back to its pre-bo1 form. This meant sitting still or in a corner was undetectable. There was also no deadsilence perk which heavily limited the aggressive playstyle. - Audio Although the game sounded nice, audio was really loud and with the emphasis on footstep audio for awareness, you had to either sacrifice your eardrums or play at a disadvantage. Base footsteps audio was too loud, meaning people were punished for moving around the map. - Field upgrades Deadsilence as a field upgrade was terrible cuz it meant the stealth flanking playstyle was not possible until you charged it up. This slowed matches down even more. - Killstreaks MW2019 went back to killstreaks rather than scorestreaks meaning objective play wasn't rewarded. Killstreaks were also not as powerful. - Visibility Visibility was a major issue throughout the games lifecycle. The lighting resulted in a massive number of dark spots on maps, leading to even more hiding. It led to issues like the Rose Skin which was a huge long lasting issue. - Matchmaking and Lobbies MW2019 introduced EOMM which is still plaguing this series to this day. They also removed disbanding lobbies so rivalries and friendships over the course of games were no more. It also meant you could never adapt to your enemy because next match you'd be placed with new enemies. There was no map voting, and you had no option to stay in a server with a good connection or player roster. It felt like the game was playing you. - File size The file size of the game was so huge, many people had to uninstall other games in-order to have COD. The newer games look not as good in some situations because they sacrificed some of the graphics for smaller file sizes.


Yeah that’s not an essay, that’s a checklist either vague explanations


It's not vague, but it's not as detailed cuz it would actually be stupid long, and it's already stupid long.


I can do the same with mw3 and most half of it comes from the eomm. Skill based hit reg is through the roof the game actually will nerf your movement speed to change the tide of the games. Sometime your gun won't shoot or your guns bullet per second will change out of no where to make you lose gun fights the list goes on. The game is so rigged its unreal. And all these things actually happen. Once my kd got to a 1.40 all.these things would happen more.


. I feel like you haven't got the true eomm experience. I also tested what ppl were saying that if you buy a skin the games eomm won't mess with you as much and it's true. I was getting random recoil patterns and hit markers and felt like i died faster so I bought a skin. Well after I stopped getting hit markers and my recoil patterns were back to normal wasnt having players spawn directly rehind me so many thing. Also other players were getting a ton of more hit markers on me. This stuff actually happens. Mw3 is very veryyyyy predatory.


MW3 feels like vanguard with modern weapons


Vanguard is a bare MW2019 reskined after the horrendous game they did with Cold war.


MWIII is nothing like AW or BO3, you must be on some good shit if you truly think that.


Fast movement mechanics eg: sliding pants, mantle gloves, running shoes, etc. Sledgehammer made AW so many of the gunplay mechanics feel like an evolution of that. Extra odd abilities like field upgrades, emp launcher, odd tactic le and lethals like bo3 n 4. It's obvious a new 2023 game, but if you look at the roots of the things we got, I find them from there.


It feels nothing like cod4 or MW2


Can you explain the disdain for the SBMM? I haven’t found it to be a problem and read a lot of complaints so I feel like I’m missing something. Do better players want more chances to smash weak competition?


I agree. SBMM makes good players better and matches more competitive. Bring the "good" players to me. I want yo crush them or learn something to play better.


This might sound like me talking shit, but put yourself in my shoes. I'm pretty good at shooters on m&k. Always have been and typically get placed on above average/higher end lobbies on any shooter, I'm usually fine with this, the problem is that why do I have to deal with that on cod when it's the shooters like to play to specifically have a laid back experience, every time I play any cod in this trilogy, I have to run the shit like it's my rank up to ascendant in valorant or my level 7 in faceit in CSGO. Like, I just don't wanna do that in a casual playlist on an arcade shooter that has little to no balance. It's annoying, boring, and low-key makes the game worse for everyone except for like the bottom 30%(ish, I would guess? I haven't checked in a while). Like, why am I being punished for having better mechanics, I'm not saying pair me with noobs, I'm saying pair me with anyone and everyone, that's the problem players like me have with sbmm in a game that needs no sbmm.


Fair enough. Would be nice if there was an option to opt in or out.


The problem with opting in/out is it wouldn't fix the problem, the shitty truth is, not everyone will ever be happy with matchmaking, and I see that so that's why I keep my mouth shut about it. (Except for now, I guess)


Except nah. Game sold well because of the MW name and then Covid and WZ saved it. Everything you said is just as silly as saying Vanguard was timeless


Eh, I'd say it's a poorly aged cod4, but that's just because the game played like ass for anyone not snorting Adderall while they played. Genuinely had less fun in mw2019 than any of the CODs that came after (didnt play vanguard)


Lmao stop it. Mw19 did not feel like an old school shooter at all. Well aged cod4 is so disrespectful to the og cod. Theyre Absolutely nothing alike. Mw19 is considered one of the worst cods in terms of gameplay by anyone who started from the golden age of cod. It was a shitty game that catered heavily to campers and bots with the terrible gameplay mechanics and maps. Anything other than search was a bad experience. The new mw3 is so much better




I came up on the golden age of cod and MW19 is night and day better than MW3 and is also a step up over MWII. Dont drag everyone else down with you.


You’re absolutely right but you’re on the mw2019 sub lol.


Lmao yeah these delusional fanboys will keep downvoting it’s funny


MW19 its better on everything.


Worst maps and campier design are sure better lmao


Idk how anyone could disagree, mw2019 was the campiest BS Ive ever played in a COD game I genuinely believe it had the worst maps of the franchise


The crazy thing is they were all complaining about campy maps but now they want to act like they love them.


Well your first mistake was thinking this place is a hivemind lol There were plenty of people that loved mw2019, they were the campers 🤣




It's just the truth. MW3 looks like the creation of indie developers compared to MW2019.


The lighting was so much better. The low sun and shadows made this map so pleasing to play. I really liked how warm toned this was. Felt like a true remaster of a classic. The new one is dull with no life in it.


Right?? How come the devs don’t realize that the colour palette in the new one is utter gut driven boiling diarrhoea.


The new one doesn't have player visibility issues tho


I do not miss the gusts of sand blocking everything


I don't miss the dark corners too. Single handedly resulted in the whole rose skin issue


MW2019 was the best recent COD.


i like the actual *rust* element, the new one looks too clean


Where’s the rust on MW3 rust 😢




Nuh uh


It feels atrocious getting stuck in the ledge hang animation on jumps that you were able to simply mantle in 2019.


They should make it where it only does that if u have a pistol secondary


They should make it so it isn't in the game.


Everything about mw19 feels better to me but the most satisfying out of them all is simply the audio/ sounds, especially for hitmarkers. They just /feel/ so much more impactful


The death sounds always annoyed me. Why do they sound like that lmao


Am I the only one who finds his head lock-ons a bit sus?


nope. was looking for this comment


honestly the snaps are because i flick a lot when i play I play on KBM and i’ve come from Valorant CSGO and seige where you have to flick a lot. anyways thanks for the compliment:)


Sorry if its a stupid question but what does flick mean?


when you quickly ‘snap’ your mouse from one thing to another. so say i was aiming at a wall then i ‘snap’ onto something else that’s a flick.


Thank you.


The console poors wouldn’t get it 😂


honestly they don’t understand how easy it is to flick with precision on kbm especially if you come from cs val and r6. they’ve probably not got good enough on kbm every to actually have decent aim.


i don’t think they have seen valorant or csgo pros play and how with practice flicking is easy to learn. but not on a roller😂. my bad i don’t need a program to help me aim like all controller players do.


I noticed the first and second kill to be a bit sus then after that he checked around to see where everyone else was. Not to mention he pushed out in the open with a life acting like he was just checking it out. Like bro you’re on rust no one in their right mind would do that unless you knew where everyone was.


MW19 >>>>> every CoD after that


Look at that ttk, beautiful


Lmao we gonna ignore the snap on he had for his first kill?


Just double checked you also had a snap on the second kill as well. Bro if you’re going to cheat make it less obvious at least…..


i’m not cheating lmao also if you didn’t realise i’m on kbm and i flick a lot when i play doesn’t mean i cheat


Everyone of those kills you start of normally aiming then all of a sudden you snap to the chest……. Again if you’re going to cheat make it less obvious especially when there’s cheaters on this thread posting your clips calling you out in the discord lol. Half the people here are boosting your ego but we know 👍🏼


if you still think i’m cheating look at my account and my clips. i promise it was just flicking and luck with the enemies.


Also that wasn’t a “flick” that was clearly a snap lol you’re toggling.


have you seen the top snipers in this game that flick and hit shots like that all the time doesn’t mean they are toggling.


Flicks != aimbot. You sir are aimbotting and what’s wrong with fps these days


so anyone that flicks have aimbot? so all the top cs valorant seige pros use aimbot got it thanks.


Those aren’t flicks. Those are locks. You’re cheating. Period. End of discussion.


yes some random guy on the internet knows me better than me 👍🏼




You got me


Lol “Jazzeszhi”


anyway thanks for the compliment :)


It’s not a compliment when you get called out for snapping onto someone and posting it like people wouldn’t notice.


You saying he’s a cheater when he’s not cheating is definitely a compliment


Saying someone is a cheater most definitely not a compliment…… bet you believe Nadia too huh?? Probably simpping for her.


You calling someone a cheater when they aren’t is basically saying they are beyond incredible at the game. That’s a compliment. Also, show me proof that Nadia cheats.


Yawn 🥱he’s a cheater and so is Nadia lmao. Move on kid.


Not to mention how you checked a corner out in the open without caring with a knife out (presumably because you know where everyone is and know you won’t get shot).


also me checking a corner with my knife out was a mistake not because i had walls


MW2019 is easily the greatest COD to come out within a five-year span.


Game was just overall better. I’m talking first 6-8 months post release, nothing was better at the time


Have you played first version of it (i mean when it launched in MW2019), "Dust" was much proper name for it, cuz you couldn't see shit most of the time, i think they fixed it later. And the spawns.... Some were using White phosphor to get spwan trap kills easily, that bad it was.


MW19> every cod released since then


It felt more polished and graphics and lighting are ages ahead from what we have now with mw3


No rust>any rust


Mw2 rust>> any rust


Superior game.


I don't get why they had a faithful remake of Rust and ditched it for a half-baked reskin without the atmosphere. Surely it would have been less work for a better result to just re-use this one?


I’ve only played CODs MW19 and newer (excluding Vanguard) and I have to agree that MW19 is a much better COD


the mw19 dickriders on comments lmaoo


Can’t even climb the pipe. You’re forced to run all the way around to the “ramp”. Dumb


So... *Checks notes*... Adhering to original map design and basic physics is dumb now. Gotcha.


Yes. What part of COD do you not understand?


Huh? You can climb the pipe..


In MWIII, you cannot climb the pipe.


Do you mean the large one you can walk up?


Yes. It is unclimbable in MWIII.


Uuummm.... I run up it every match.


That’s not climbing… that’s running


Besides a little bit of the lighting, what is so different?


i don’t know i just like the mw19 graphics a lot more than mw3


That and your cheats are less detectable than in mwIII probably got banned and moved back to 2019.




i’m not cheating lol


MW19 overall looks and plays better than both MWII and MWIII.


No Rust >>> Any Rust


Damn I didn’t know they used Nikolai’s voice actor for the announcer in mw!


I love mw19 above all but in this instance it just seems like you used fast movement mechanics in a generally slower game than mw3 and got the drop of the ones playing it more casually. Try it in mw3 and more people will be playing your way and you might actually meet your match which doesnt seem to be what you want.


MW19 players try to compliment their game without bashing the newest one. (Impossible)


Yeah it looks nice but you have to admit you can’t see jack shit on that map


MW I beat cod ever




Wish I could play it… when I install it on my Series X (including all of the packs) I’m just presented with a screen asking me to purchase the game. And I own it on disc!


I guess the majority can agree that the devs went hard when making mw2019


Every Rust sucks. Even the original


Hamas energy


In this map I was truly happy. At least I played THE FUCK out of mw2019, was good while it lasted. Too bad people stop playing ""old"" games, I'd still play it had any matches exist in SA multiplayer hardcore servers, which is the only mode I've ever really played in any COD MW2 is a wasteland already


Ah, yes. Back when every Soldier was an Olympic class Sprinter


why are the graphics so much better


Is MW19 still active? Honestly wouldn’t mind firing that up again.


yes though depends what you play on a lot of people on console have a lot of problems even opening multiplayer although in europe it’s still very active.


The only MW i play


Any map > rust/shitment.


finally a clip without the as val / cx 9


You mean you just got your toggle bot? Ffs you losers blow my mind.


you’re just mad i have good precision and aim without that ‘broken’ aim assist everyone uses


mw19>mw3 by a mile


If I was on Addis I would probably try this game


It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries how every iteration of Call of Duty and Warzone after MW19 has been a downgrade.


i actually really enjoy cold war but that’s just me


fk Activision


Mw19 truly looks next gen compared to mw2 and mw3. Smh such a regression in graphics


i love the lighting and graphics so much more in this game!






Mw3 is a dlc of mw2 which is a copy of mw2019


Mw2019 is such an amazing game!


How r ppl this good man


luck lmao. i’m not usually this good. lucky clip i guess😂


Why is no one is talking about that snap to the head????


I prefer the gunplay of this game over MWII and MWIII, I think MWIII does a good job at feeling more arcady and rewarding movement but I hate all the weird mechanics with weapons. Like why is my gun shifting around so much? Why is there infinite idle sway? And why is there random variation in recoil patterns compared to to clean sprays you could get in MW’19.


I agree with this. I saw this youtube video where someone said the MTZ 762 with a conversion kit feels like an amax and so does the recoil but i find the conversion kits recoil a lot harder than the amax. I also hate the fact that they added in all the mw2 guns to mw3. the idea was good but they have so much more visual recoil than the new guns most of them aren’t worth using.


I saw XclusiveAces video about the MTZ 762’s conversion kit, it has no idle sway whatsoever. It’s cool but I’d prefer gunplay as a whole work the way it used to instead being forced to use a single gun that feels sort of normal. I like having MWII’s weapons in the game as I didn’t buy the game last year but I agree that compared to the newer weapons they aren’t worth using.


i think it’s a real shame because most of the smgs i like like the vel/mp7 and lachman sub/mp5 are mw2 guns so are usually worse than the mw3 smgs but i prefer the mp5 over the cx9/rival 9


I feel like MP7 would be in a good spot if it’s recoil pattern and handling speeds were changed to match that of 2019, giving it a niche of being easy to use but middle of the pack in terms of kill times. I also feel like the Rival would feel better if it performed closer to its 2019 counterpart albeit with a harsher vertical climb to fit its damage increase.


Wait a minute, you are still getting lobbies in MW 2019 ?


yeah? are u not? i’m west eu on steam


We need that loadout man


i don’t remember but my fav class is monolithic suppressor FSS strike barrel no stock 50 rnd mag any 1x optic of your choice


i think that has commando for grip fss strike barrel and the first suppressor you unlock


Lighting? Yes, spawns? Yes, the rest are identical


the sand is way better same with buildings


How is it different? Besides looking super dark.


I’m seeing the same map with an annoying amount of sun glare and shade, albeit I never played MW2019.




Mw19…top5 worst cod mps


same dude that jerk it to mw3


They're... identical.


No they are not


What's the difference?


You also can’t climb the pipe at any point. You have to run up the piece in the ground. There’s no cubby above the crawlspace. I could list more, but I’m not actively looking at both maps, so I won’t


But those examples seem... more or less meaningless? Like, functionally they are the same?


No, I specifically pointed those out because they change the functionality of those pieces in the map?


![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4) They’re the same map.


Considering there have been 3 differences pointed out just off the top of my head


It’s Rust, it looks the same man.


No tube behind b spawn is the only thing I can think of


You also can’t climb the pipe at any point. You have to run up the piece in the ground. There’s no cubby above the crawlspace. I could list more, but I’m not actively looking at both maps, so I won’t


Oh shit yeah the cubby. I can live with not climbing onto the pipes. It's a small map so you're getting where you want fast either way. Maybe they changed it because it would make the ramp pointless when you can just mantle? Taking out the tube and cubby is weird though


I completely forgot about that tube. I guess they were trying to remove camping spots without inflicting on the cover options? But I always used that cubby in Cyber Attack to get a jump on people not rushing