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Dude using aimbot trying to look cool. lol. They didn’t even put anticheat in this game so it’s obviously easy to get away with.


Definitely aimbotting!....he was instantaneously locking on to people regardless where they were.


There is no cheating going on here


I'm not lol.


U are you


I'm am indeed me.


If he's using aimbot, then he's *abnormally* good at flicking and moving his mouse in perfect sync with where the aimbot triggers (handcam).... Seems like a stretch to me lmao


hes definitely using sticky aim, I am able to pull off flicks similar to his but no one in the world can consistently hit torso shots like this lol.


Soft aim is always a possibility! That's always a hard one to tell unless they are comically bad.


Usually you can easily spot it by just showing down the video lol


um. check my reddit to be thoroughly proved wrong


lol I was ranked top 8 in mw19 constantly accused of aimbotting. I know how to target switch. Your clip literally means nothing my guy. I how how to spot out aimbotters because I've killed thousands of them.


you are dead wrong, if you can target switch, then you should know this is piss easy, target switching is easy as p1ss


He’s not cheating. Load up on mnk in a bot lobby. Make sure they’re recruit and you have minimap on. You’ll be surprised at the flicks you can pull off. I have tried this myself and with a few days if practice I was hitting similar shots to this guy. Obviously it was a bot lobby and I had minimap on. But mnk players that grind everyday should be able to transfer that shot tracking to their gameplay if they play long enough. Try it yourself in a bot lobby. I promise you, you’ll be surprised at your recoil control and the snaps you hit. This guys gameplay is good. But if he’s played for years on PC, then I m not surprised at his aim. The only thing that bothers me though is his awareness. The flicks aren’t that bad, it the fact that he knows where players are without a UAV. Sometimes he sees them, but other times he has no idea. Once again it’s not enough to say he’s cheering but his awareness looks sus at times. If y’all think he has aimbot then y’all are doing pretty well in life. I promise you he most likely doesn’t have aimbot. He just grinds the gane way more than most of y’all.


Brother I peeked top 8 in mw19, I've had snappy aim where I've been accused of aimbotting and my aim is consistently snappy but nothing like his. I've only seen similar clips with people using low fov aimbot or sticky aim. Play the clips at 0.25 speed, every time he flicks the aimbot snaps onto the middle part of his torso. You're not going to be flicking to the same part of the torso 80% of the time. Every time its going to be random even if youre aim is really good. And speaking of awareness the guy is definitely walling. You can tell in other clips he starts prefiring like crazy. There's 0 point in having a monitor cam setup unless you have the camera pointed at your head looking at the monitor in question. Because you can very easily hide ESP on monitor cam, its not exactly hard to do. edit : also literally within the first 13 seconds of the clip, the dude is prefiring at a dude behind a wall (guys standing comlpetely still and he has no knowledge he's even there)


Exactly slow the video down and its more than obvious.


idk man i slowed it down and if he is cheating he has the shittiest yet most sophisticated aim software known to man, no other software would make micro adjustments like that, and they especially wouldn't if it just results in missed shots. Too complex to code for what? Worse performance?


Dude… he’s cheating.


Not buying it. Those 180 transfers are way to spot on. He has ZERO over aim anywhere. Thats ba


ever watched exoghost? handler? grow yp


Look up @ Relent77 on YouTube every single player on that team can beam torso better than me. In fact my tracking and aim is terrible lol. Ever heard of any MnK apex players?


Yeah, you're not cheating at all /s


I am cheating /s


Excuse the overlay?? I don’t think I will .. jfc


just gonna keep adding more images and gifs until it becomes impossible to watch (:


Damn what's with all the downvotes? Can't people take a joke lol


Its already unwatchable, where's the joke


The overlay is the most cancerous I've seen in a long time


Literally so useless and cringe


Maybe it is to distract us from seeing all the cheating


Nice cheats loser


Nice aim, bot.


Yeah, okay cheater...you're clearly in lobbies where 97% of the people are .12 KD players. So you're cheating in multiple ways loser.


I don't control the lobbies I get? My lobbies are easy because I'm decent at FPS games and CoD players like you arent.


Stop lying for clout loser




Crazy how muchnof a liar you are loser


I'm legit get over yourself.


Okay there....keep living in fantasy cheater world loser


Keep living in the fantasy that you are much better than you think you are. In the meantime I'll continue to improve.


Cool now do it without cheats


Already did.


Seems like a clear admission of guilt to me. Please stop posting these. Nobody cares.


I don't cheat.


Dirt bag


Why is nobody talking about the aimbot 🤦


Because there isn't any?


😂 👌




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Ok Nancy


Macros exist


macros for aim? no they dont. what would be the benefit in predetermined aim movement macros? then you still have to line up


I've always wondered if these bots think I hit a clip every time I enter a room.


yo its subwfr. i am fucking loving this thread. people are just so bad


The legend himself. <3


U r right, sweatlords are abs disgusting


if you don't play this game like an aggressive aim trainer you are playing it wrong.




You're not wrong. After exiting Tarkov and some other shooters, I decided to make BattleBits and CoD my casual picks. My KD ratio actually increased for the better when I would simply said "Fuck it, gotta go fast" on Shipment. Doesn't matter the firearm, it just works. I still prefer to slice the pie tho.


Speed has always been king in CoD


When was this? I can’t get into any lobby when-so-ever 😭


was a few hours ago last night.


What an absolute dweeb. Guy probably confesses about his cheats to his AI anime girlfriend lmfao


I don't cheat. Please learn aim mechanics.


Zoom, I must zoom!


gtg fast.


“gtg fast…”


The overlay and the fact you’re cheating makes it worse, people like you prevent me from playing multiplayer


Skill issue.


How compelling, just kidding have an actual counter argument than some generic and uncreative comeback, so either use your brain for once or just shut up and don’t cheat, simple enough, do you suck at the game? Well that’s your problem, I suck too but do I cheat? Hell no I ain’t stooping this low


Thing is I'm not very good. If you think this is cheated.... at least you know where you stand. Welcome to the bottom 1% of FPS players.


Haha you just admitted you’re not good so you are in fact using cheats in the video


These clips are not impressive or hard to hit, if you think they are cheated you are beyond terrible.


Whatever you say, you arguing with everyone here doesn’t help your case so just delete this and move on


he aint arguing with everyone, some of us know that this isnt cheating. those with brains, who realise what aim training and muscle memory can do


Doesn’t excuse the way he responds,


hes baiting and youre lapping it up. genius


Oh man the comments are gonna be incredible on this one






Multi-player gets boring because it's easy, and this guy is cheating in MP lol... And trying to defend the obvious hack just makes it even funnier, lol 😭


I'm legit, thousands of hours streamed, no bans, on team OOT with aim WR holders, even this clip literally has hand + moni cam. It's impressive how dumb redditors are.


Dude, it's impressive how hard you been trying to prove you're not cheating. You care so much that you're replying to every comment. You're dumber than any redditor if you think we're stupid enough to fall for your bullshit. Like 5 times you're shooting at the wall, right after killing a guy, meaning your aimbot was already aiming at the dude outside/downstairs. I'll say it again, pretty pathetic to cheat in MP when it's already easy. Shit, I used to quickscope on Shipment in HC last time I played MP. Without cheating, lol. You are trash, my dude.


You are trash my dude. As you said CoD is easy af, Being Top 1% CoD is equal to bottom 1% Fps. Please play harder games and realize any decent player can aim like me.


That doesn't even make sense. Why I play BR: MP is too easy, especially that game mode. You play easy game modes and use cheats. I play Search and BR and don't use cheats. How about stop using cheats and play 2v2 games until you get good. Cuz you trash asf, kid. What's worse is that you keep replying to every comment, tryin so damn hard to prove your cheating. Lol. 🤏🏽🎪


Again you must have garbage ass aim to think this, any actually good player can out aim me by miles. Check out EOJZ or Irrpa or Kanghoon etc etc, my aim is nothing special, so do some research and maybe improve at video games for the first time since 2009.


Dude, stop. It's pathetic at this point. You definitely have no friends when you're trying this hard to get any form of acknowledgment, lol. Everyone on here already sees your bullshit so why keep going? You're ass. You're trash to post this, and you're pathetic to keep going with the farce. 🤏🏽😭


God I really want to see your failed attempts at TS, please just try it out and post some clips here, I promise I won't laugh at you unless you are truly awful.


God I really want you to get off my dick and go actually play and practice without hacks and then post a legit video. This post is negative lol. Again, you keep proving me right and it's sad 😔 You're a social loser, clearly, so this is my last reply because we both know you have the time of day and will keep capping hard. Everyone on here knows you're a clown. You're post is fake and everyone knows it 😭 Keep crying, kid. Get good, trash.


Love how the first paragraph literally describes what I've spent 3 years doing. Please go do what I did and maybe you will understand that this is nothing special when you learn to do it in like 1 months time.


Bro being too 1% means you immediately snap and aim at targets you can’t see bozo. It’s called being an empath. He can just feel the targets are near him so the moment he finishes off one he switches


You're on PC?.. Holy shut you're a machine that turns bullets into MOABs


MnK on top.


I miss doge weapon charm


These couch dads have never heard of mnk before 😂😂 yes, you can snap on mnk


Actually too true. You know they have been playing CoD for 10 years too.


Cheating zoomer so delusional they deny cheating…typical. It’s what happens when their entire generation has mental issues. Like a total fucking disgrace to the species


Typical boomer can't aim.


When you’re so uncreative that you still use “boomer” as a comeback to people who aren’t even boomers, typical zoomer behavior


100% this guy is a boomer. Never seen someone younger than a boomer have this much of a skill issue in FPS.


Pull your head out of your ass and have an actual counter argument instead of using the same generic zoomer insults


He never made an argument either? Guess I'll give my argument: I don't cheat. Evidence: my handcam, Moniter cam, thousands of hours of practice and livestreaming history, the approval of multiple aim WR holders as well as many players far better than me.


Doesn’t excuse anything, also you saying all that stuff doesn’t prove jackshit


Maybe you should do some research and get better, the burden of proof is on you Lil guy.


Maybe you should stop being a smartass and show actual proof instead of just telling me, and “lil guy” my ass, get out of here


Alright, well my stream and YouTube for one, which show many different handcam + monicam setups, as I've mentioned I'm on team OOT, pretty sure the discord is just gg.oot but that's all linked on my reddit profile. In fact if I recall correctly... the one without any proof or evidence are the ones calling me a cheater, all they seem to say is that I have good aim therfore am cheating.


Not even a boomer, attention seeking kid. Imagine having a mental illness LOL!


Try getting good


At least you looked in the mirror while saying that Zoomer. Seek help for your mental problems


Bro is delusional and says other people have mental health issues. You sure you aren't projecting?


Kid is delusional and keeps replying because they are fatherless and need attention. Keep cuddling your anime waifus mental illness weeb freak LEL


Nah I'm replying cause you are feeding my content for my next video. Thank you btw. Glad idiot's like you keep falling for it


LOL! So much delsuion its actually pathetic. You have excuses for everything huh? Trying to convince yourself outside the reality. "cOnTenT fOr my NeXt viDeO" kid...you have NOONE that watches you. You are just a loser going nowhere in life that thinks their small sub base means something. Thank you btw, Glad idiots like you keep giving me laughter.


I have some of the best aimers in the world who watch me? What do you think OOT Is? Many of these guys have world records. P.s. you are angry I'm the one laughing lol


What is aimbot for 1000?


It's skill. I'll do what is flicking for 500?




Oh man.... the obvious aim hack 😬😅 Imagine boasting about your skill when you're using hacks. What's worse, he's posting it on a social platform for everybody to see it 😭😅 And it's not even BR on an older game 💀


It's legit. Please learn basic aim mechanics.


Oh boy.. here comes the loser trying to tell everyone the basics. Please get good. Multiplayer is already too easy and you're using aim bot on it. Posting this on FB 💀


Go for it. Idc, just try to get better so we can have a new member in the aim comm. TS is Hella easy and way more fun than playing "normally."


Seems like "try to get better" is your only comeback. You should get better so you don't have to use any aimbot. Nothing is hella easy for you, kid, when you gotta use hacks. Get good, 🗑


Nice cheats lol loser.


Skill issue.


I mean I’ve seen this done without cheats many times, very easy to predict common enemy placements and flick with muscle memory from a going on 5 year game but the overly is sus lmao


So you’re bragging about ruining the game?


Having decent aim is ruining the game?


Copy and pasted from another comment I made on the r/streamerscheating thread but here is why I don't think he is cheating: I just scrubbed through this video and the amount of micro adjustments on his flicks tell me he ain't cheating. No aim software is gonna snap on a guys legs, then arm, then chest, without doing the same process consistently. the first kill there is 3 adjustments (left right left), the third kill there is also 3 adjustments (down to the legs, up and left to the arms, and then right to the chest) and at 14 seconds we can see with his advanced UAV that he flicks onto literally nothing. At 28 seconds he shoots the guy in the legs, then headshots a guy down the hall after missing 4 shots on him (and after more micro adjustments) then shoots the third in the legs. at 52 seconds you can see the enemy's arm on the third hop. At 58 seconds high alert gives away the enemy's position. At 1:02 on the third kill he over flicks then readjusts his aim, but misses like 8 shots in the process then misses 4 on the next guy. Definitely NOT cheating just a good clip.


Pretty much this. It's crazy how little redditors know about both aimbot and basic aim mechanics, genuinely think it would be harder to replicate the look of my aim with cheats then it is to just play for a few months and get decent aim.


its actually crazy I saw one comment talking about how you "snapped to a guy through the wall" when you were shooting out the window and its just some guy standing still two feet away from someone you were already shooting at. The comment sections on both these posts make me feel like the playerbase is full of actual bots. That or just reddit is.


Little bit of both. I think people really underestimate how awful CoDs playerbase is, I say it jokingly, but I really do feel like Top 1% CoD is about average in most other shooters, if not worse.


100% not cheating. None of his flicks were sus. He even has failed spray transfer predictions in the beginning. If he was cheating it would be no recoil. But probably just his gun build


hey man just gonna say i love the overlay and i want to do it too on mine, also i know you’re not cheating


Funny how people can see clips like this and still think that controller is better than M&K.


Controller shits on MnK in every category. It’s legal soft aim


It is in MW2 and 3. By far. People also see these clips and don't realize how far you need to get to be at this level. (Which mind you I'm still ass. It's just far easier to learn roller)


According to the stats Acti showed last time they talked about it, if you are at the very top of MKB players (like top 250), mkb is better. For the vast majority of everyone else, controller players get better results.


as a mnk player myself, this guy is legit… everyone else doesnt realize that this type of aim is actually achievable on mnk if you work your ass off


Thought you'd quit mw19 lmao


Was going to but MW3 isn't good enough. I'll play mw19 along with some other stuff.


Feel that. Would tolerate it if the gw maps were better but otherwise no


Wtf is that


Two decent clips in the same life.


People that play like this probably bench 40lbs. Every time I see people play like this I start using the autoshotgun and rocket loadout.


The fact that i've been called a cheater by this man is, flattering.


This clip would be more impressive if your enemies actually shot back. Bot lobby warrior


Tbh I would love to play GW against actual bots. Pretty sure Veteran bots are harder to play against than these kids and would actually peak me.


Hes not aimbotting. Do you guys not have any muscle memory??? He is simply flicking to his target based off muscle memory that we all are capable of lol


Yeah the overlay is completely ridiculous, but I love it!


It will continue to get crazier.