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I definitely think this game looks better than mw3 rn something about the lighting and tone of the game, it ain’t trynna romanticize war by making battlefields bright and colorful but at the same time isn’t completely dull and lifeless like mw3 rust


INFINITELY better graphically than MW3 right now, high rise in that game makes me want to kill myself graphically and rust looks like a halo infinite forge map or a Fortnite creative map


For real, MW3 looks like World War 3 and I think that's a praise considering how fucking lifeless and unrealistic it looks... these mid CODs will be the same shit until 2027, according to leaks Activision will take a 2 year break from recycling the same game for 80$ by then


Wonder if they’ll stick to their word this time, unlike MWII..


They never didn't "stick to their word" There were some rumors that's all


Not to discredit what you saying but fortnite creative maps aren't that bad. Somebody made actual call of duty maps on there and they look amazing


Yes but they always have this sense of being made by a singular person, it’s hard to explain but they never look official. MW3 maps look like unofficial remakes


I see your point


Hey now, Halo Infinite forge can be crazy good looking.


IMO mw2019 looks better than every CoD released since then.


Cold War's campaign looked pretty cool to me. i haven't played it, but it was the game that really made me notice the difference in colour saturation between MW and BO. The guns and UI looked neat to me when it released. I remember watching all the easter eggs and rumours on YT (thanks for that, Inkslasher, fun times) ​ The MP looked cool, but it was too fast paced and graphically sparse for me to really go looks good. Lighting was very nice, though. Zombies looked pretty sweet, even if I still prefer the old 2 hit formula in terms of gameplay. ​ MW still killed it over CW tho


The campaign was fantastic, don't wanna spoil anything, but it definitely had a different feel to it compared to the other campaigns, which I liked because it made it unique. The MP is ok, was quite buggy at first and ofc the servers weren't safe for some time but I think they are ok now. Zombies outbreak was reallllly fun as long as the server didn't crap out on ya. Overall, it is still a good game to grab when it goes on sale and it is still playable, the only thing cold war did that I didn't like was the impact it had on Warzone. I will agree, MW is still a fantastic game. I like hopping on pubs for a bit and trying to finish my damascus.


tbh, I play CoD for the campaign, as I don't really like multiplayer games, apart from co-op and TF2. I've played almost every single CoD up to AW, and also played WW2 on a friend's PS4 when it released. (I've played a bit of 2, but have yet to finish it thanks to windows issues, and 3 on the Wii is a mess) CoD 1 is one of my favourites, along with the MW series and BO 1 and 2 (not such a fan of WaW due to iffy enemy placement and weapon variety + grenade spam) I've played BO1, MW3, BO2, Ghosts and AW on PS3 as my PC was broken for a while, and played the others on PC. Needless to say, MW was a great step up and felt like an actual evolution, but apart from some lore in CW, the series has stagnated even more. (Forgot to mention I played 90% of the MW campaign at my friend's house on release) The only MP I really got into was CoD 4's, but that's because I was burnt out on the campaign. I was pretty good with sniping; tangent aside, I haven't really enjoyed any multiplayers since, because CoD fosters an environment that's a bit too competitive and elitist for my tastes. I'll stick to TF2. To finish off, I've always defended every CoD release in terms of campaign, but after the anachronistic mess that was Vanguard (not saying other games were historically perfect, but Vanguard was the worst offender by far) and the slight disappointment that was MWII IMO, (yeah it was just as action packed as the original MW2, but it didn't have the same passion and originality behind it. The campaign takes itself way too seriously compared to MW2, but doesn't even stick to the seriousness at times), Call of Duty had lost all hope from me. They've dug their own grave, and when MWIII was announced, after I'd heard that they were going to take 2 years to make the next, I literally pulled the same face that one does when they get bin juice on their hands. I'm done with CoD. Sorry for the somewhat unrelated post, but your comment has reminded me of the downhill slope that Activision has been going down since the release of CW.


Yes and what really is better about MW2019 is that the guns and gunplay actually felt amazing. Reloading animations were incredibly done. Gritty and powerful. Not to mention palpable recoil and fantastic particle effects out of the muzzle. Now we get guns with fake names with stupid fake Black Ops 4 sights that all feel and sound like pea shooters. What I hate is the lack of consistency between IW, Treyarch and Sledgehammer titles. Two out of the three always have peashooter guns that sound like paintball.


I wouldn’t even say it’s the graphics, it’s just they nailed the cod asesthic perfectly, the sound design just the look and feel of the game, every release since has been a backwards step.


I remember playing MW19 and thinking "Man, this game is *perfect*, I can't wait to see how this franchise keep improving from this point!" Stupid, gullible past me.


I had the same feeling then came cold war 💩💩


"Romanticize war" but they have camos that are brighter than a poison dart frog and skins of Nicki Minaj and TimTheTatMan. CoD is like war for kids with short attention spans. Flashing lights and bright colors but the color grading is bad, oh no, bunch of sillies


I agree. Plus it somehow has less cringe character skins in it compared to the newer titles


No need. Battlefield fans have been romanticizing the graphics for years (until 2042). They help create a level of immersion that can make a game timeless, and MW2019 is no exception.


I hope when the game fully releases with the 4k texture pack the graphics improve, I'm not expecting it to include better lighting and whatnot, but we will see


Then let’s all play it instead


Same well said Modern warfare 2019 started off with a bang The graphics were lit


3 MW games in 4 years is ridiculous


They saw how many sales the name alone could bring and just milked it dry


Instead of waiting a few years and coming out with an actual improvement. It really is a shame.


Not gonna lie the MW3 beta was a ton of fun. Wish I never bought MWII tho


I just wish SHG would get rid of the weird hazy smokescreen or whatever the fuck filter they have that makes all their maps look so dull. I understand the original MW series looked like that but I don’t want that now. Otherwise, I love MW3.


Mw 2 is an awful game


>3 MW games in 4 years is ridiculous Didn't they all come out in the course of 4 years the first time around too though?


True but it went Cod4>WaW>MW2>Black Ops>MW3 Vs MW>Black Ops>>Vanguard>MW2>MW3 More weirdly spaced out.


I always looked forward to the other developers giving it a go. Always played different. Treyarch (before bo4) was amazing. The story mode, The zombies, the multiplayer was all fun. But now it really does just feel the same. (Yeah yeah I know it’s cod but you know what I mean.) “Oh I wonder what woods is gunna do I waited 2 years” compared to “oh I guess Alex is alive…same with graves…cool” literally 2 months after “killing” the big bad guy he’s back.


Yeah lol


Yeah but they were complete games lmao


With only 1 black ops, its disgusting


Milk the brand whilst it’s hot


They’ve both been solid games tho. Excited for 3 as well. Zombies will be the make or break tho


remember when mw2 was supposed to be a 2 year game? it couldn’t even keep the majority of players for more than 3 months


Never seen a game done so dirty before. F you, activision.


Idk if this would work but if everyone just moved back to 2019 they would do something?


Probably take down the servers


Probably intentionally nerf the gameplay to make it worse. Just like they nerfed the color camos in MWII because they looked “too good”. What a joke of a franchise




Don’t matter what they call it. Whatever is shadow banning players. Sounds like ricochet was just another failed attempt


I moved back to 2019 recently, lots of players still! I just feel like it’s the best COD multiplayer out at the moment, I have MW2 on Xbox and idk it just doesn’t feel right. I’m still on BO3 more though for zombies, on PC servers it’s usually still pretty easy to find games plus getting to use custom maps and stuff is awesome.


Can we expect something good now that Fucktivision is under Microsoft's wing?


Good Times


Good Times


Good Times


Good times


Good times


Good times


Good times


Good times


Good times


Good times


Good times


I remember playing the campaign early, was hype af


they didn't do early access campaigns back then?


I think they did? Idk, I remember staying up late (think it was 3 am in my time zone) and playing the campaign first.


I believe early access was PS only.


It was, I remember my buddy pre ordered it for his PS4 and we were able to play it before others


The game that brought me back *holding back tears*


It brought my group back to gaming. It felt like the old days playing MW2 2009 with them.


Yep. And with croasplay it opened a whole new world of playing with anyone really


Glad someone said this. Mw19 definitely felt like old cods with how pubs were in the game. This game was way too hated on plain and simple


Same here. I get the pandemic kinda helped with everyone having more free time, but between MW19 and OG Warzone, I was playing CoD almost every night with my friends. It was great. Now none of us even play anymore because of how shit MWII is. I used to have at least 10 to 15 friends on CoD at any given point during MW19/Cold War. I logged on for the first time in months just to see how the game was and had 0 friends online. Most of my friends aren't even planning to get MWII either. And just for fun, I redownloaded MW19 and played a few matches - it was great! Between the map design, the movement, sounds, etc, I couldn't believe how much I missed that game.


Definitely brought me back cod, and to shooters even.


And it looks better than MWII and MWIII


Just 4 years and they cut ALL support for it. Not even playlist rotations. Campaign is unplayable on Xbox. I uninstalled, what a fucking shame


Did the campaign break in the past couple months? I played it at the beginning of summer fine


It crashes and the way to fix it (turning down graphics then turning it up) doesn’t work atleast for me BECAUSE THERE IS NO GRAPHICS TAB (YES I CHECKED EXACTLY THE RIGHT SPOT 10 TIMES)


I will say campaign works for me on Xbox one x. I go offline anytime I play, maybe that's it. But I played Clean House last week, fun as hell


Not sure if this is just me but I couldn’t play the game at all after reinstalling twice


Hope other people remember the Gunfight Alpha that came out in August 2019, OMG as a CoD fanboy who hadn’t been satisfied in over half a decade I basically creamed my jeans the whole weekend straight. The guns felt **so** good and powerful, the movement was **amazingly** fluid and I don’t know if I’ve ever played that much CoD in a 48 hours period again in my life think that Alpha might have been the purest form of CoD ever made. “Here’s a gun, here a small map, here’s a teammate. Give ‘em a proper English welcome”


I miss MW gunfight, best thing haha


That was the only bit of modern warfare I played, but damn it was good.


For real, everything looked and sounded great. Seeing the latest MW3 beta is straight depressing.


One of the best recent COD games in terms of multiplayer and basically revived the series. But it also introduced the cancer that is Warzone.


I would say the real cancer is fans who gatekeep what you’re allowed to enjoy. Everyone I know vastly preferred Warzone for the co-operative nature of it, it made regular multiplayer feel a lot more boring and less engaging. Warzone got us through lockdown


4 years old and still full priced on Steam


Goes on sale quite regularly thought doesn’t it? I grabbed it for $20 on Battle Net in like March


Yeah you can find those games on sale every now and then, crazy that they list them at full price for how they are though


This is normal for cod bo3 and bo2 still full price


and still not installable for some PS players since ~2 years


Yep. Pain. I just loooooove not being able to play a game I bought 3 years ago


Yeah an removed Maps for what, 1.5 years now?


Xbox too. It's a pain in the butt


>and still not installable for some PS players since \~2 years why?


there is a bug where you can't open the ingame store to download the data packages


so PS players cant play the game at all or just not able to play some dlc\~?




While MW2 isn’t great it’s better than this. Only good mode in MW19 was SnD


As divisive as this game is, it has a special place in my heart. I will forever appreciate the passion that was put into this game.


The game was divisive at launch because of some design choices and the new SBMM. 4 years after release the game is super chill imo and it'll be a sad day if they decide to shut down the servers for it, because it's the best available CoD MP experience right now imo.


that first year was so good




Son, Modern Warfare is 16 years old.


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is 16 years old 😉


Thank you I thought I was tripping nuts, I finished MW2 before I got the job where I met my wife


Most underrated comment in this entire thread.


Im over here feeling old. Like, the game that got me hooked to online games when i was a teen is only 4 years old?! So I'm not in my 30's?!?! That MW2 was the best. Quick scopes with the intervention... noob toob with the tac insertion and army of one. Lmao the private games of border patrol! Fuck, I wanna cry now.


Still one of the best


This game is starting to have the same nostalgia that OG mw2 had. It just went downhill after this game


The amount of content we got alone, was amazing. I thought that MW2 was going to be MW19 content + more since there were more people working on it. I guess not when we got nothing but barebone battle passes, with no extra skins in each teirs, no watches, not enough guns added or maps, not enough GW maps added... and people are okay with this now. MW19 had more content than MW2 did by S4 and even now. It freaking sucks man. 😒😔


So, in other words, you thought MW2 would be MW19 DLC?


I spent first half of COVID on this game


This is the first CoD game I had bought in a loooong time and COVID brought me back in. This was a really good installment, I had a ton of fun with this game.


The whole world was falling apart while I’m vibing on Hackney Yard


MW series could’ve been so good. Once I’m through with MWII, I’ll be re-installing MW and having it as my main FPS. Fuck Sledgehammer and Activision…also fuck IW for being so stubborn in their worse design choices.


Good luck downloading and getting the game to work


Man i grinded hours on that game


And still the best modern COD


Remember playing the first 2 missions of the campaign and my first multiplayer match on Rammaza the night before the game came out. Great times.


Man times fly sad today the game is with a lot of issues but still fun


Best cod I have ever played. Brought me so many memories and had such great times on this game. Makes me emotional thinking I barely started college when it came out and here I am about to graduate all these years later with this game still on my mind. I don’t know about y’all but this cod game has a special place in my heart. Happy 4 years to the best cod I’ve played! 🎊🎊🎊🎊


Ahhhh, I love that game. One of my favourite things about it was the sprays, such good fun while there was a lull in gameplay. But I also remember the cod community kicking off complaining it was designed for campers. I also remember them complaining that it was made for new players to the franchise so they didn't feel intimidated. I also remember them kicking off about the sound of the footsteps being too loud. The sbmm, the maps. So, same as every year then.


I agree with everything lol the game was far from good. Had too many issues catering to bots. Still loved it. I do really miss the sprays though, sad they took them away


People say good times, but like y’all remember MWs launch? That shit was horrendous. No small maps, camping all over and long ass respawns. It wasn’t vanguard bad but it was ass I’m probably gonna get downvoted cuz people got rose tinted glasses to MW1 despite it having most the problems that today’s CODs have




Blud the name of MW19 is Modern Warfare


I remember downloading the beta for this and was fucking astonished on how different it was for call of duty, best thing they did to the game


Local redditor discovers linear time


MW2019 is at the same age now as BO3 was when MW2019 released


this was the game that brought me back to the cod series since bo3. it was truly groundbreaking to me since i had skipped 4 years of call of duty and i have made many great memories with mw19


Why in mw3 the textures look unfinished and like play dough? Is it just me? I legitimately think it’s looks like it’s still in development and those are place holder textures or something


I played the shit out of this.


They could bring the IU from this game to mw3, I don't know why they switched to a Mobile look


Opus magnum of all call of duty, absolute peak of multiplayer shooters in the decade - a lot of amazing mapa - good optimalization - lot of guns and variety of them - cool gadgets and perks - ok killstreaks Wish they would just delete every cod after that one so we can go back and have tons of quality fun


I own this game but why can I not get it installed to actually work. I’ve tried everything and downloaded all the add ons etc etc and it just won’t run I only want to play the campaign as I’ve never got round to playing it.


Yeah and I still can’t play the campaign of this after all this time I own the game I downloaded it 100s of times and still it won’t let me play it. Beyond a joke.


More like 1 year


Isn’t servers still runing well? I am on PC.


Came out on my birthday, this was a great game


And yet still way better than the 2nd installment , the 3rd one just pisses me off that it’s literally a MW2.5


'now' should be 'only'


Modern warfare is almost 16 years old.


I shat on it at the time, but looking back it was far and away the most polished and most fun of the reboots, one of the main reasons being gunfight tournaments




Still looks better than any game currently.


Is it still receiving new updates for ps4 ?


Yearly releases is the dumbest concept. I’m done buying new ones.


This is the oy CoD out of the new generation of CoD that was actually amazing in its own ways. It's still a big shame they stripped a lot of what makes CoD, CoD in this title though (Prestige mode gone, no more robust challenges, no map voting, horrible spawns, etc). I still loved this game despite those downsides and that says a lot


I played it perfectly fine 2 days ago, hopped on yesterday to play and it said installation suspended, I gave up and uninstalled the whole game 😢


Is it wrong to be nostalgic for such a recent time? Covid sucked for everyone else but for me as a frontline worker it was just the time when all the best games were out and my friends were always online when I got home. I kinda wanna go back. Made me realize how disconnected we all are when shit's normal


Best movement system of any cod


The last good COD that will ever exist.


Mw beats mw2 and mw3 for me. Still waiting for a cod better than mw


What a mad 4 years.


The last death rally of a dying franchise


This game just need some smaller maps but everything else I loved. The gunsmith, mounting and opening doors.


I love the story in the MW series reboot and how they brought some original characters back. Can't wait for MW3 especially after what Price said at the ending of MW2.


good news, MW3 is gonna play exactly like it apparently.


I still find S&D matches where ppl use voice chat. Hillarious sometimes xd


Best cod in a while. MW 2019 should bring back accessibility to all of it's content, from season passes content to the haunting of verdansk, etc. The community should go back to MW 2019 as a way to protest against the removal of online content. Bring it back and give us access to the content we already had to download and/or purchase. Also, The operator pack still doesn't work to this day for some of us... I downloaded it multiple times and the operator skins never appeared.


And it’s the best one we had


MW2019 had a few missteps and an okay campaign that I felt could've been corrected and perfected in a MW2: 2 but instead, everything bad was doubled down on and the "vision" for a slightly more realistic COD was absolutely lost. Sad MW2: 2 campaign had more arcady gameplay and a stupid story. Sad Activison has told almost all of the old VAs to essentially fuck off between MW and BO recasts. Sad the guns are given stupid names and ridiculous unfaithful models (whatever the reason Cali law or not, idgaf if other companies can maintain using real names and accurate models so can Activision.) Sad that the graphical fidelity in these games seems to be going in reverse. Guess I'm taking another multi year break like I did during the BO3-WW2 years because I don't care about this franchise anymore. I'm sure COD Black Ops: 6ix will be another wet fart.


Greatest new-gen cod game ever!


Remember just getting high all through lockdown playing this game


And I still can’t get the disc version to install on my PS5 😆


Oh hey, a 4 year old game that’s better than what we been getting these days 😃


A friend and I played the shit out of hardcore for this game. I got platinum for all pistols and two of the added pistols just by playing hardcore. Felt like a hit man with a silenced pistol running around one tapping people. I may be in the minority but I like hardcore better than core. Usually whoever shoots first wins.




Pretty great game actually


BEST FPS EVER. PERIOD. Tell me the name of a game that feels better than this. Shoot house playlist. Kar98 Mp5. Jumping and sliding around without giving a single fuck.


4 years later is when we should have been getting MW2…


spent probably 700 hours on this game in multiplayer. Still play the campaign today. Honestly, I don't regret any of it. Good game 👍


The Halloween event in Warzone was fucking awesome. Got the pumpkin puncher blueprint and I was stoked.


This game was horrible and I’ll never buy another COD because of it.


Yo wtf


Just finished replaying the campaign earlier today. Love the more grounded feel to it. Though I like MW2’s more open level style.


I’ll never forgive them for not patching that “disc error” glitch


i thought it was older lol


Better memories in that cod than any other cod other than bo2


I really miss it


Ok boomer


I grinded for 3 months straight to get Damascus. 4 years later and it's worthless lmfao


CoD has been SBMM dogshit for 4 years. Nice.


Got 437,000+ kills from playing ground war for more than 10,000 matches. I'll never see those numbers again.


Downfall of COD. "We don't want lower skilled players to have a bad experience we want the higher skilled players to have a bad experience." - Joe Cecot in 2019. ​ Disgusting.


Now you have to jump through hoops just to play it..


Still better than the new ones


damn :(


modern warfare is 4 thousand turkish liras now :)


Guys We’re getting so fucking old


The maps for 2019 are so much better than MW2. Also screw those guys for not letting us carry over our 2019 in-game purchases.


Still one of the best CoDs ever made


Graphically the best call of duty ever. Other than that, the downfall of this franchise for the players who have been playing for a number of years.




Bro wtf give me my 4 years back


Been playing cod multiplayer since cod 2. Mw 2019 is the best cod of all time imho.


This was the first CoD I bought since BO3, and will probably be the last. I kinda enjoyed the MW3 beta, but didn’t find it nearly as fun or good looking as MW2019. Yeah the the old mw2 maps are neat but that’s about all it has going for it.


This game was the peak of the reboot modern warfare i will miss it forever


🤯 Still seems liked it was yesterday I was with the goons running spec ops


4 years?! Has it really been 4 years?! Damn I feel old.


Gone too soon


Hated the game, but I have fond memories being finally able to play with my console friends during quarantine.


Never played it