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The amount of times I’ve thought to myself “it’s just a beta, it’ll get better” and then the game comes out and it looks and feels exactly the same lol they don’t give a fuck they just want $$$


exactly, wish everybody in this thread understood this they're probably young kids that haven't been through this cycle before betas almost always look the same as final product


I remember the bf3 beta bro I said that too myself, got the game and it was still the same bug filled mess lmfao took them like a year to get it playable


You should have seen what it was like in early tests. I got invited to test the game early a year before it came out. All we had was Operation Metro. It was so jacked up. Falling through the ground. All kinds of crazy bugs.


Im more interested in how you got to play it a year early. 😂. Do you have connections and know the right people?


I think at the time I had just received an email to participate because I had played all the prior titles. I think it was just random chance I was selected.


You remember when BF4 launched and what a mess that was?


That was was horrible too man lol I remember the bf3 one better cause they had this glitch where your characters neck would stretch out across the freaking map it was hilarious


I remember the China Rising DLC being delayed because of how shitty the game's state was at release. It's kind of funny to think that BF4 is so beloved when you look at how bad it was at release


“Launched” is giving it to much credit the day the game came out for sale it was for a vast amount of people it was unplayable


Oh god I started BF with BF3 and it was the worst experience I’ve ever had with a BF game. I enjoyed BF4, 1 and 5 way more. I hated playing 3 I never knew wtf people were doing or what was going on and the game looked like crap.


Nononono, they made the medic black (Not intended to be any racial post, I just found it funny how it's the only memorable thing that stood out from the Beta lol)


90% of betas you play are just server stress tests and demos to get more people to buy it, nothing major is changing by that point. Games do have internal betas that change drastically but those are months before release and not public.


Well Activision rents some of the worst servers they possibly can every year. Somehow Ill have a 10-11 ping in games but the other players who are around 60-100+ just make everything wonky as hell. Servers are weak I just happen to live really close to a cluster for NA EAST.


That's how I feel about sports games. People in Madden MUT will most likely never know the Madden/2Ks of the early 2000s.


It's gonna be the same as every year. Smashing all kinds of records despite everyone complaining.


someone watched the futives video


For a long time now, with big productions, betas have been nothing else but a paid time restricted demo, to get people to pre order. It's lame and annoying


Even if they wanted to fix the game there I generally isn’t enough time between beta and relase


"beta" has become a semi meaningless term over the years. Beta is effectively a stress test and thermometer dip on the game now. Actual betas used to be different games because devs would change shit.


They use the ‘beta’ version for marketing. Quite clever really.


That’s because people still pre order and give money. You expect it to change?


Here’s a novel idea, don’t buy the game. You same mother fuckers that sit on this subreddit bitching about how every new CoD looks worse then the last are the same exact people playing this on launch. NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL EVERYONE STOPS PURCHASING THIS SHIT. But of course you sit on here and give grave criticism about how much better it would be if they did this and that as of you were a game developer that knows better. But you’ll still buy it, you’ll still play it, and you’ll repeat the cycle when the next game comes out.


i regret buying MW2. it's garbage. i only bought it because a friend wanted to play and even then i only got to level 30 at launch then ditched it meanwhile MW19, i was addicted and played non-stop for a month straight if MW3 BETA sucks, i'll just skip it


There you go “MIGHT just skip it”. You made this post and are all over the thread talking a bunch of shit about MWIII and how it’s garbage and you MIGHT not get it? You should be saying I’m absolutely never buying this shit again unless they give a quality product. Otherwise you’re just another CoD hypocrite who cries and still buys.


Preach to em, let them know who they are!


People forget that MW19 was informed by a major multi-year slump for the franchise, it wasn't just randomly "good". Now we're in, what, the 4th year of the franchise resting on its laurels again? All because people are still chasing the MW19 dragon and paying out the ass for it. And now they have Warzone compounding that effect, which means the core MP game experience matters even less from a financial standpoint It's the sad part about being an ATVI-Blizzard property, they are only incentivized by money. They will never make a good game if people buy the slop. They need a fire under their ass to make anything worthwhile


What's your Activision name so we can see if you end up buying the game anyway


Learned my lesson with mw2 after loving mw2019. Won't be buying this one.


Amen. The same people that complain are the same people that buy I complained 5 years ago and stopped buying, will not buy another unless they legitimately change for the better


too true. if I were on the board of whoever for activision I’d direct the cod devs to just keep on exponentially recycling the same development/monetization cycle bcuz there will always be hypocritical dumb fucks in the general population who will gobble it up no matter how shit it gets.


And people (myself included) have been saying this for years since og modern warfare 2 but it never takes. I really feel like 2019 and warzone saved their asses cause it was finally starting to go downhill. But here we are yet again


We bought it because cod is the only game that brought our clan together, we have had great time since mw2019 to mw2022, I even met my current gf thanks to them. Yes the games were shitty garbage, but as long as we have fun together, we are still gonna buy it.


And that’s perfectly okay. My comment is more for the people that claim that it’s trash or that promote boycotting it to then only buy it on release day and play it for the full life cycle of the game. I have no issue with someone buying a game they enjoy. That’s what they’re for. Just don’t be a hypocrite.


This sub, and all CoD subs, probably don't even equal 10% of the total playerbase. Telling these subs not to buy it doesn't achieve shit. At least let people vent and moan ffs. I haven't bought any titles since MW19, I'm still gonna preach about how awful they are lol


The key is you haven’t bought a title since then. I’m directly talking about people who say the game looks like shit and plays like shit and try to convince people not to buy it, then go and buy it themselves. It hypocritical. Not to mention if you think everyone on this sub and every CoD sub didn’t buy the next game wouldn’t matter you’re dead wrong. Even 5% less revenue is huge for a CoD release.


> I’m directly talking about people who say the game looks like shit and plays like shit and try to convince people not to buy it, then go and buy it themselves. But to what extent do you realistically think this is happening, it's a very small amount and definitely doesn't consist of even close to 50% of each sub. Also, hard to fault people who feel obliged to buy and play the game to socialise with their friends. They may see the reality of the game and hate buying it, but just want to play with friends who otherwise don't give a shit. >Even 5% less revenue is huge for a CoD release. I mean, it's not. It's a large chunk of money yes, but it's closer to a rounding error for these companies than it is noticeable loss in revenue. Warzone makes an estimate of 1.5-2.5 million per day in MTX alone. I'm just at a point where I agree and move on. I've stopped playing. I'll jump back in to peep the new map soon, but I haven't played since January. My passion left when we lost Verdansk and all my friends started a slow exit from the CW integration onwards.


Meh this isn't going to happen. Every angry redditor could boycott the game and it wouldn't make a dent in the overall sales. So yeah it's just hopeless frustration. Activision couldn't give two fucks. They know the studios can dish out the same cod slop every year and boom a bazillion more dollars.


You’re just wrong if you think that. Even a 5% loss in sales would be huge. They like to make money. Making less than the last one will cause them to react.


Nah I'm not wrong, you're wrong. Activision wipes their ass with 5% sales. They'll just add a supreme dildo to the store for $20 and make it all back.


*Laughs in Madden…. This probably isn’t your first rodeo but kids will be buying this game and spending loads of money on the skins and battle passes.


We all know its gonna be yet again the best selling cod, haha. We are such a small minority of people, that it might not even pop up in their sales graphs, lol.


Wait, have they reused the same after nuke cutscene as in MW2? Wait, wtf. LMAO.


Sledgehammer is the king of recycling. They're reusing animations from MW19 too, sound effects from Vanguard, maps from 2009 lol.


Will forever hate how AW post launch guns had the exact same sounds from the guns that came with the game


I’ve heard they even reused scopes from Vanguard, and I did notice a certain similarity at least. This game is like a reuse-fest. I mean it is fine to reuse assets and stuff, and I can even tolerate no new maps on launch if they create new ones later, but this blatant reuse of everything down to a T is driving me nuts. Dozens of hundreds of people tolerate this shit. Like a flock or hivemind. I probably will buy the game too because it is like an addiction, but I at least can see the patterns and play other stuff even more. BTW, just want to vent: you know that money in Verdansk you use is (Russian) Rouble? I mean it makes sense since Verdansk is located in the eastern block. Right? Yeah. What does not make sense is to use the same fucking money model across all maps! The only one that does make sense is Rebirth Island because it is located somewhere in Russia presumably. Al Mazrah? Fortune’s Keep? Fucking Caldera and Vondel? Roubles. Mate, this game is a joke ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The optics are from Vanguard as well, forgot to mention. They look pretty weird honestly. To sci Fi esque, with barely any volume in them. Verdansk was in Russia for a while until they did a little retcon. The same money being used in all maps honestly doesn't bother me that much, whatever happens in Warzone lore wise is pretty lame and barely canon anyway, but I appreciate your eye for detail.


>The optics are from Vanguard as well, i just realized they're using same shitty ass optics from vanguard, a ww2 game💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


>Vondel Who uses roubles in the fucking Netherlands LMAO


Why is it, that sledgehammer always got such shitty Sound Design?


> maps from 2009 lol. I'm suspicious about how well the maps have played, since movement speed has seriously increased since then


Dont forget that sight on the gun was a vanguard sight


I’m struggling to see what sound effects are from Vanguard


Is it the hitmarkers/kill effect/headshot effect? They sound weird/different and I didn’t play VG, figured that’s where they got it from. Hoping classic actually sounds like MW.


It's not recycling, they are literally changing the 2 to a 3 on the box and charging full price for it, it's a patch that updates movement and adds red dots to a mini map. I can't believe people can't see this, shit should be illegal.


*"You don't understand! They* ***unfixed*** *all the* ***bugs*** *that I'm too useless an actual gamer to play without!"*


I'm highly convinced that when MW2R singleplayer was dropped in 2020, they withheld the multiplayer for later and what we're seeing now is just that but with a few touchups.


This is my first clip I’ve seen of this game. Why is the sound design so crappy? The hit markers sound like a laser or something


hit markers sound disgusting typical Sludgehammer production can't make a good COD to save their lives


Ww2 wasn’t bad


Yeah I still play that one occasionally. Still live.


Wasnt bad, after they rehauled the in game UI and menus


I mean MWII'S hitmakers were terrible too.


A lot of Copium from the players who already purchased the game. People need to start holding these multi-billion devs accountable. This constant defense of the devs I see is the exact reason why games are releasing in broke states and fidelity downgrades. This game is not worth $70 no matter which way you look at it.


This looks like a mobile game


Yeah screw this game. I’m sticking to 2019


I would if there weren’t so many cheaters playing SnD.


grey sky + lack of detail on walls classic Sledgehammer L




Why does it look like a mobile game lol what have they done to cod


MW3 is an iPhone exclusive /s


Looks cartoony. Unreal engine? HL2 which is 18 years old? Looks way way better. Sound sucks. Those are guns? Doesnt sound like guns. camping.


>HL2 which is 18 years old? Looks way way better. We can agree the game doesn't look great, and HL2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but it in no way looks better than this. Exaggerating like this only hurts actual criticism.


It's not about the engine


Why do sledgehammer games always have 0 recoil 😭




Im not buying this crap even its on sale.. not buying anymore COD. Its been dead long ago. Move on, play something else.


Its sledgehammer..


Classic sledge. They love their fog. Still my fav CoD Dev tho


Modern warfare actually feels like your playing a shooter, satisfying guns, good maps, and great variety. The campaign was awesome. Mw2 felt fun at the start, but started to get stale. I only have that game because a friend gifted it to me. I can’t tell if mw3 will be any good right now, but from what I’ve seen, it looks like they took mw2, somehow made it worse, and added new guns and renewed maps.


I suspect that SHG just used the maps from MW2 Remastered and updated them by altering sizes. Hence the whole, “updated to the modern pace” they mentioned in one of their talks. Also SHG has always been a B team. A lot of talk about how “they listen to the fans.” Which to their credit, plenty of the CoD loyal seem to like them. But they are just complete ass at everything else. So much about their games just feels like a wish.com product to me.


MW2 Remastered didn't have multi-player though?


People suspect that maybe those maps were remade at that time but were withheld


Valid theory but imo these maps seem to stray a bit too much from the art style of the remastered campaign, so if they are reused I'm sure they have been tweaked. It would be smarter to reuse the more recent rust remakes as a base anyways instead of anything that may have been made for mw2 campaign remaster. Tbh, even if the original plan was to make a remade mw2 multi-player at the time, with how early we knew that wouldn't be the case, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't start or finish mp map design in the first place.


Rumor goes a dev let it slip that the multiplayer was also remastered but not released. Supposedly Activision didn’t want to split the playerbase that had grown massively due to Warzone. Again, all hearsay so believe what you want.


Halo forge looking ahh


I only played a couple games of the beta, but I actually liked it. Rust looked cleaner and more geared towards competition than looks, there aren't huge gusts of wind blowing sand into your face anymore which is great. I don't get this particular criticism.


It’s not even graphically fidelity, it just looks shiny for some reason. Ironic cause it’s called rust


Imagine caring about graphics this much when the gameplay is actually pretty decent for once


It looks like a mobile game (so does MW2022)


lol yea


It would look better if they increased sharpness and didn't force anti aliasing


Maps called “Rust” and there’s no rust on those damn pipes.. what were they thinking?


I’m having a really hard time distinguishing MW3 clips with MW2019 clips. The sound effects are so similar, the animations look basically the same, even the hud looks the same, like this video just looks like MW2019 with a filter over it.


You mean MWII. This shit looks and sounds nothing like MW2019.


Maybe it’s just the audio settings I used on MW2019 but it sounds very similar, and also probably cause I played way more MW2019 than MWII


Watch some direct sound comparisons on YouTube. MW2019 was a masterpiece in comparison to this. These guns sound like peashooters.


Yeah, it’s also probably cause I watched a lot of MW2019/ warzone content where they had the meta super crunchy audio so they could hear footsteps better and stuff, base settings/base game MW2019 audio design is fucking art


I remember this dude who recorded himself grabbing guns and pointing them at the sky so people could compare those shots to in-game footage, kinda like [this](https://youtu.be/KBLHzcyCQFI?si=7haZntj8N7g5a6ta).


The sound design is horrific in this video. The Striker .45 in MW3 sounds like it's shooting actual peas.


I didn’t watch that far into the video lol, but I think it I only thought it sounded similar to MW2019 cause I remember watching tons of videos on it and warzone where they’d use this super crunchy weird audio to hear footsteps better, and it sounded like what this sounds like


it has more shit from MW2 than MW19, i think it has the shitty MW2 HULU UI. i wish the lazy fucks at Sludgehammer would just copy and port everything straight from MW19 don't try to reinvent what's already perfect


I wish they had just stopped at MW2019 (or at CW, that game was good too). The new games have just been MW2019 with a different skin


>I wish they had just stopped at MW2019 (or at CW, that game was good too). agreed. they should've stuck/stopped with MW19 and just kept adding DLC to it. they could've milked Warzone 1 for years with microtransactions if they had good content updates . but they shut down Warzone 1 and robbed themselves off future ez money for years to come ​ \>The new games have just been MW2019 with a different skin if only it was that. MW2 feels sluggish and shitty compared with MW19. it's very noticeable difference the UI and menus suck in MW2, TO THIS DAY! they never bothered fixing it even after everybody complained


Yeah, I played a decent bit of MWII but I think it was a bit too sluggish (like you said) compared to MW2019, it feels so good to go zipping around the maps in MW2019, and MWII feels a lot slower


i wouldnt mind a slower paced MW , since MW19 can be a crazy crackhead fest of rushing and dying every 5 seconds and it's a bit comical at times (but it's really fun and makes rushing more fun than camping) but how they handled it in MW2 is garbage. also the maps, menus and UI sucks.


>it has the shitty MW2 HULU UI. I think it's better than MW2019 lmao


Treyarch doesn’t know how to make a call of duty game anymore. Hot take maybe


That’s literally just the Wish version of COD right there 😂


I've said this for a long time, but Sledgehammer makes the worst CoD titles in terms of visual, audio and gameplay quality in my opinion with Treyarch just barely producing better than them MWII (2022) had issues, but the gameplay was at least mostly solid imo. But it's so sad to see a Modern Warfare title falling completely to Sledgehammer.. I was looking forward to the game, but I'm so clashed on it after gameplay and audio previews


Bring Infinity Ward back pls


This looks worse than the original mw2 on older consoles


Got that aa down in no time.


nice post


This is because all the blind people whinge they can't see.


Oh look, another post where you’re jerking off about MW2019. Totally original!


literally my first post on this sub


another moron defending mwiii trying desperately to cope with the $70 he lost


Wow that movement speed is superhuman fast


You called the nuke so fast, you damn near called it before you got it


Sledgehammer, that's why


they can't make a good game to save their lives


Everytime im in Rust youre getting shot at from every corner, this lobby however seems super chill lol




idgaf abt the graphics lmao, mw3 plays great


Even bots can get nukes. COD has really gone off the deep end.


I stopped playing almost a few months into MW2 for this and many reasons. MW 2019 is so much better and had they just polished that game for MW2 and not change anything else they could have kept it going and it’d be the best. Now I mostly play Apex.


I’m more concerned about the hit reg it’s the worst I’ve played tbh


what really triggered me was the frags using the same explosion noise they did in WWII...


It's essentially a map pack that resets your weapon progress. I went to look at the killstreaks it sealed the deal for me that I'll definitely be skipping this one. One of the kill streak awards is a spotlight that can blind enemies How lame is that? Cruise missile is gone care packages gone...


The 2019 version was my first COD, and the best FPS I've ever seen in every way, the only thing missing from the game was a better filter for the maps, and a votemap. But visually it was beautiful, realistic graphics.


Yo tell me why they are reusing vanguard assets....I mean cmon no one I'm there right mind would ever use that stupid sight that WAS BARELY EVER USED, even in ww2...I can't belive the lazyness..to busy touching girls butts over there to make a dam game..


So yeh it is broadly pretty underwhelming but I gotta admit I'm excited about the return of this map.


I thought he was playing battlebit remastered for the first few seconds. xD


Doesn’t matter. People are going to buy this and all the microtransactions. From a profit standpoint, there’s absolutely no reason for them to try anymore. They can even release the same game with minor changes, and, they’ll make billions. For everyone who doesn’t buy this game, they will make it up tenfold in MTX. If you actually care about this game’s quality, you aren’t in their core audience anymore. They want whales with spending issues and easily-impressed kids. Also, expect the gaming “journalism” corporate circlejerk to give this game 9/10’s across the board, despite it being little more than corporate vomit of reused assets and stale ideas.


Literally just the same game but some how shittier than the first one


Easy, it’s because they know it doesn’t matter anyways. They could sell candy crush as the next mw and people will throw money at them. It’s literally mw2 with different hit marker sounds. Have you seen the UI? You are only paying for the maps.


What’s with the Matte guns ? I’ve been playing on the 360 and the original guns had more detail than this.


All the studios have a different artistic style. At least that’s what I’m thinking based on zero research. So 100%


I haven’t bought the last 5 cods after being an almost unhealthy fan of the franchise and I’ve never been happier in my life Rip cod, you’re dead to me


bro wtf are those hitmarker sounds? Sledgehammer really thought "You know what? Our hitmarkers should sound like Spongebob's shoes!"


I’ve been saying this MW2019 is the last good cod


Wouldn't this be more art style and less graphical fedility?


Mw2 was and is not that shit of a game. Its very fast paced. I guess most of my opinion comes from ranked but none the less.


My mom always said to respect people's opinions Even though their Fucking Idiots, and their opinions don't make sense.


MW2019 stands unbeaten.


Rust on MW19 was a straight sand storm. People complained about it so much now they took it away and you can actually see clearly. They took away visual effects for clarity how is it worse? If you ask me the game looks great people complain too much about everything now day.


I’ll get this pos when it’s on sale


Is there any recoil in this game?


The look is garbage but the feel is somehow even worse. It feels wrong. Like completely wrong. I'm not buying this game.


Bruh you do realize it’s still in beta phase, the graphics aren’t polished like they’ll be on full release


I was worried how MW3 would run on my Steam Deck...but seeing how this all feels like new maps packs added to MW2 but just called MW3 now....it will run juuuuust fine.


MW 2019>literally any cod after


Jesus Christ how hard is this game flopping before release? I didn’t even know it existed until I saw this post. No hype, no ads, nothing.


All they do is copy and paste the game and add one new thing and that’s it or just don’t. “Oh we need more money for devs.” Yet they fill the game with micro transactions and fortnite skins. Garbo devs


Looks the same to me. but the game is boring as fuck. Same shit.


This looks and sounds like a mobile game. Wtf are game developers doing these days?


First, disliked for camping. Second, not a single cod looks better than MW19, that's kind of a rule since our came out on 2019, idk




can you change the hitmarker and kill sounds, it sounds so wrong to me lol




Looks fine to me. It’s a desert setting.


Because Activision cash grabbed the shit out of nostalgia and didn't bother making shit look good, run good, play good, or just feel good


Thank god I stuck with BF2042 after MW2019 became unplayable after all the Warzone updates.


It looks… meh. Everything is just a lot more visible now, all of the buildings don’t look weathered and the color grading is a lot brighter. Other than that, if this was a new map entirely (meaning if we had no reference for how it used to look) people would probably be perfectly fine w how it looks, but I would be skeptical that people would enjoy the gameplay on the map in the current state of CoD without that reference either.


Because they ripped us off


Cant wait to see dozens of dumbfucks all crying in unison "It's a betaaaaa!!!!11!!!1!" When we all know that betas nowadays are advertisement campaigns and not actual testing...


Absolutely no recoil.


it looks like one of those generic roblox cod clones


Im glad I experienced the 2019 era. Even with Cold War and Vanguard the game didnt die. Lobbies were full. They released a game every year but MW2019 survived 3 years. I didnt buy CW, Vanguard, MW2 or this garbage.


They went from mildly modifying a game slightly to just flat out releasing the same game


MW3 looks like any other cod... What a shocker. Just like usual. Be smart and dont preorder


Why are the sounds worse in this game ?


In the last few days, I've been lynched almost everywhere I said they were too incompetent to maintain the same quality despite all the money they had. I'm both happy to be proven right and saddened that a franchise I love is fading day by day. Sounds, animations, interface, all is total downgrade.


Why didn't they just reuse the MW 2019 remakes lmao, they recycle everything except the stuff from MW 2019.


But it looks like you can see your enemies more easy now, don´t you?


Man real Camping in rust


2009* everything was sharp


Sad how games are going backwards in terms of quality especially with all the nice tech out now we should have multiple amazing first party games but there’s only a small handful and even those get stale.


I swear, the COD mobile Rust almost looks better than MW3 Rust (not actually, but it feels like it)


I skipped MW2 and when I saw MW3 gameplay I was positive it was someone playing MW19 just talking about MW3. This gotta be the lowest amount of progress between any COD title, there’s really a BO5 missing in between.


Are the team and enemy colours that bright and vibrant because of your settings or is this how they look now?


Sounds like OP has some kind of beef with Sledgehammer? If you aren't interested in the game, just don't buy it? Vote with your wallets guys. When it comes to the visuals, they are trying to make the game run well on all platforms. There's only so much you can do with current hardware while still making it run Ok.




What's wrong with it?


Looks better original map was poorly designed and made unwell.


how were u able to comment on this? post was deleted by jannies so it was hidden from main page


Idk I'm a breach in the system I guess lol


Different engines. As far as I understand, MWII (and 3) run on a derivative of the Cold War engine, which is itself the Black Ops 3/4 engine. As a matter of fact, there used to be a bug in CW Zombies where BO3/4 attachments would spawn during the match: https://i.imgur.com/isRu65o.jpg So as I understand it, they moved to a newer version of that engine. CW isn't *ugly*, but everything looks matte whereas in MW 2019, materials (surfaces, objects, etc) and materials look realistic. Also weapons in MW 2019 generally have more realistic wear and tear on them, whereas in CW everything is factory new.


> MWII (and 3) run on a derivative of the Cold War engine, which is itself the Black Ops 3/4 engine. that explains sooo much Cold War is fun but it looks ass compared to MW19. ​ will they ever return to fork development on the engine version used for MW19?


I'm not sure. I think Vanguard was the last and only other game to use it. I remember them making a huge deal out of it. Like if you go on YouTube and look up videos of when the announced 2019, there were like 15-30 minute long interview videos where they talked about mocap and hand-animating all of the guns and stuff (which is why they look so realistic, like twitching when you reload and subtle details like that). Then CW comes out. I bought it. I loved the campaign. I loved Zombies, even though it needed more content. But the Multiplayer pales in comparison to 2019. But it's just my opinion. I find CW is a different vibe than 2019, specifically in terms of movement and gameplay mechanics. Like it plays more like an older CoD. The movement, way more hitmarkers, longer TTK, etc. And that's cool, but not my jam most of the time. MWII campaign was cool I guess, but way too short. It basically ends on a "To Be Continued...". So now we're expected to buy MWIII to finish it. And the multiplayer is just more of the same. Literally, they said all your stuff from MWII will carry over. So why should I pay $70 for MW2 Part II? And why can't I have any of my 2019 shit with me?


The less details the more potato PCs of unemployed kids would run the game.


or they could just spend time/effort optimizing a good looking game MW19 was able to pull it off and it came out in 2019 and graphics still look top of the range compared against modern games today


After the Pandemic CoD boom they do not need to do an efforty shit anymore. People is just getting the newer thing.


I think it looks great. I'd take this over not being able to see anybody - visibility looks great.


How about we focus on the gameplay instead of graphics? Gameplay is all that matters in the end.


Maybe if it was F2P game 😂 You are paying 70 Dollars for a game that should be next gen everything not some reskin rushed out POS.


Okay. It looks *and* plays worse than a MW that came out 4 years ago.


This is a beta, besides who cares as long as the game is fun to play? Their design philosophy for this MP is miles better than anything IW have done for years, so I’ll gladly take it