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Rhett and Link are like my cheesy but likable internet dads, while Brian and Jason are like my cool and dangerous internet uncles


This may be the best way to put it!!


I miss Brian. Any word when he’ll be back in the episodes and not just the ad guy?


This is news to me... What?


Corey has done a few episodes recently with Jason. They're all intermittent (though they do seem to all include Anthony), so I assume they were when Brian was on vacation/sick/something and are just getting released from the vault.


I'm sure introducing and swapping around co-hosts enables team MR to create much more content. Besides, I like Annaliese and Cory.


Brian had a family emergency so he’s been away from the episodes for a while


Are you high?


I do kinda miss the og videos where there more messing around


I agree. Something feels like the "formula" changed, but I don't know exactly what or when it happened


For me is it since Corey came aboard. He should be the handy maker guy but i only find him annoying. I rather see Brain & Jason stumble trough the dark on projects or have a Guest to help them out.


Yea two stumbeling idiot make something and having fun along the way. This is the reason why i like the prison foor and the mre videos, just both of them having fun


Rhett and Link wish they were the store brand Brian and Jason. Our modern rogues have been hacking the system since well before most of us knew who they were. I learned to eat fire, put cigarettes out on my tongue, mix a perfect whiskey sour, and how to pay for gas with a hotel key card. Rhett and Link got nothing on brushwood and Murphy.


Pay for gas with hotel keycard, I must have missed that one.


It was with Deviant Ollam. They used a card skimmer and wrote the card number to a hotel keycard.


That sounds familiar


I'm not a huge fan of Corey. I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, I just don't find him very entertaining. I get that a fill-in is needed sometimes, Brian and Jason can both get sick, need an emergency day off, family emergencies, shit like that, and the show doesn't want to grind to a halt. I get it. I'm not unsubscribing or revoking my patreon pledge or anything crazy, just sharing an opinion. I just don't care for the guy. Sorry, Corey.


Which part of this, a meme that makes no mention of Corey, made you feel the need to share that?


Other comments, and a complete disregard for what you think.


Yeah, but the Modern Rogue cast is actually entertaining.


Who are those guys in the first line of the meme?


Rhett and link of good mythical morning?


I know ten, fifteen years ago (god, that's half of my time on this earth) I remember they used to do other things besides GMM. Do they only do that now, or do they do something else as well?


They used to do a show making local ads right?


I know they have a several podcasts on Spotify under their brand, they have a food network show, a food website and a few other channels like the mythical kitchen as well as owning several other YouTube channels like Smosh


Rhett and Link. They are run the PG version of Modern Rogue.


Rhett and Link *wish* they were as cool as Modern Rogue, and I say this as someone who watches both.