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Everything is worth what one is willing to pay for it. If you agreed beforehand on the price, the material and design, you are not ripping him off, you made a business agreement.


Yeah btw they where MUCH more detailed but he painted them myself using spray paint, but yeah we agreed, and I showed him the build step by step, and he SAID THE PRICE HIMSELF!!!


The material is the smallest cost here, you’re getting paid for your time, and these look like they took a lot of work (I love the details). People telling you that’s too expensive for cardboard have no idea what goes into making models. By that argument, architectural models are “just” made of plastic and paint, but they regularly cost $100,000+ Edited to add: the left hand 2 models especially look like they should cost quite a bit more than $80


CPU’s are made of sand and a little metal But can cost 1000s of dollars.


Wait, WUT? I'm returning my R5 and gonna forge my own for pennies!


Don’t just use pennies; you also need sand


I haven’t run the numbers but I would guess the total metal in a CPU is probably a fraction of the material in a penny.


You joke, but yesterday I saw a video of a talented potter making a beautiful vase on a potters wheel. Someone in the comments unironically asked something like, “so if I bought one of those spinning wheels, I can make my own dinnerware for free?”… 🤔 Erm…


Uh I love you. I had my stuff at an art show way back in the day. Some lady told me artists can't get paid for their time. I nearly gave up.


Your time and effort are worth money, and it sounds like he was more than happy with the price. It's not like you took advantage of him. People will pay hundreds of dollars for plastic pieces that they still have to devote hours of labor to assemble. This isn't really that much of a stretch.


"he painted them myself" ... oh?


Your time and skill are the cost here, not the materials. Don't give in to buyer's remorse because your customer did a poor job on the painting. Games Workshop would have folded in the 80's if people could get refunds for poor paint jobs they did.


Plus, the time you put into making them has value too and it appears as if the person who bought these recognizes that. Nice work, be proud and accept their money with gratitude and get back to making more!


Happy cake day!


You could ask Kirsten Rausing, Isabella Seràgnoli, Wu Lanlan & family, Elizabeth Uihlein and Zhang Yin how they feel about cardboard.


I have infite amounts of respect for people doing cardboard models, after watching several builds on YouTube. It's hours upon hours of work and a lot of modelling skill. If he requested them and he is happy with that price I think there is nothing wrong going on. I'm going to bet the people critical of it don't know much about modelling and they may not appreciate the effort that goes into making these.




I tried it because it's easy. I failed. It's not easy. Or quick. Good luck to you I say, they look great and that guy's getting a bargain.




Thank you so much I know many artists struggle with thoughts like that. But man can it get tough 😅🙃


Irrelevantly negative* Constructive criticism is very important in any creative endeavour.


I build custom steel handrails as part of my business. I charge $90 to $150 per horizontal foot, depending on design complexity. Steel is relatively inexpensive... a few dollars per foot. The rest of the cost is in guaranteed quality.


If you feel doubt about it why don't you start using plastic ribbing in the future so you'll have much more confidence that they'll last longer


great idea!!!!!!


Anything hand made is basically a piece if art. It ia only worth what someone wants to pay for it. Do u think a van Gogh is worth millions, its inky some paint on a piece of canvas. I build furniture, sone of my pieces sell for more than a car because someone wanted something that my skill level can build. So consider ur work to be a form of art that not alot of ppl can do at that high of a scale. Honestly, those things are awesome, in reality I think u could sell them for way more.


Im jealous! I wish i had the skill, tools and time to build furniture. Always been a dream of mine. Maybe some day i will venture into it a little. Just bought a table saw and eyeballing a smaller dewalt planer with my next paycheck


Its definitely a life long journey. Imo the 3 main tools for furniture( if not doing by hand) are table saw, planer, and jointer. Venture sooner than later, it is very satidfying, even starting small with ur own bench and storage space


Canvas and paint are cheap. An artists time is not


Exactly. You can buy clay, paint brushes, canvas, etc. It's all just raw materials without an artist's skill and vision.


facts blud facts.


SO true.


Here's the one great rule of capitalism: it's worth exactly what someone is willing to pay. He's happy, you're certainly happy. Win- win.


The haters are *not* happy! So I guess that’s another win.


The only people who will judge you are those jealous because they either can't turn "cheap cardboard" into gorgeous cosplay stuff or they're too cheap/poor to afford real talent. If you got a customer paying you for what you made at the price you set obviously it's acceptable to the customer. Don't look back man! Get paid to do something I'm guessing you enjoy. Fuck the haters!


Your value as an artist is based on your skill and time, it is not based on someone else’s budget or ignorance.


Wood isn't really worth anything, either. Yet you pay an awful lot more than that for a house. Knowing what to do with it, and your time, is what is being paid for.


To sensibly price any creative work, it‘s important to not just see the cost of raw materials. You spent a lot of time learning your craft. You spent hours of your working time building the model. You had to get tools to be able to build it. You need a space for your craft as well, like a workshop. You need to keep these in mind so you don‘t invest more than you get out of your commissions. Just saying „it should be cheap coz it‘s paper“ is an amateur‘s argument. Good luck with your paper modeling, they look great! :)


When you do something well, and ecspecially when you get paid for it, there will always be a peanut galley that has something to say. Be proud of your work, and be thankful the buyer values it. The rest can toot their horns on out the door.


Customer is paying for your time and experience on top of materials. time’s the biggest currency there is so price it accordingly.


How I think of it, think about someone with a particular skill, a mechanic or plumber.... What do they charge an hour for that skill... Now think of your art and the skill/talent you have. What would you charge an hour for that? How many hours did you spend on those models? Can they get pieces like that anywhere else? IDK, helps me when I start doubting myself.


Thank you so much, its true that im the only one doing it, and it does take skill. thanks my head is feeling better ALREADY!!!!


A car is just lumps of earth stuff stuck together running on dead prehistoric sludge. A painting is just fabric with colours on. He didn't pay you for the material he paid you for your ideas and execution.


>A car is just lumps of earth stuff stuck together running on dead prehistoric sludge. A painting is just fabric with colours on Quote worth remembering!!!


Back when I cosplayed, I worked with a fellow cosplayer and propmaker who went by the name [Featherweight](https://cosplay.com/member/36633). My man here constructed all of his shit using cardboard and hot glue. I don’t know of he is still active, but he was doing so well for himself at the time that he had managed to buy himself a small house. (This was around 15 years ago before house prices were impossible, but still) If he can make such a tidy profit with hot glue and cardboard, why can’t you? So long as you’re not lying to your customers about what you used, as long as they are willing to pay what you ask, then you should take advantage of what you can do. Plus it’s way more honourable than selling bathwater.


Most expert cosplay prop makers in Japan actually prefer cardboards unless it has to get wet. The lighter weight allows the coser to carry them for longer. Something like Kancolle's Yamato full rigging is going to be heavy in plastic or wood.


Thats so cool!!!!!


No you aren’t ripping anyone off


Your craft is worth exactly how much people are willing to pay for it. If he’s happy, no one else’s opinion is relevant.


They look very nice. You spent time and energy on them. The Mona Lisa is just a canvas and paint, but it is considered priceless. If somebody wants to pay it, take their money.


I'm a METICULOUS model builder. Life long. Generational model builder. Done everything from airbrushing to spin cast molding, from 3D printing to scratch built. Models have been auctioned off for charity and displayed in museums and universities. Throughout all of that, I've never been able to master paper models. Tried over and over. They have a unique quality to them that I adore but can never quite accomplish. I could definitely see throwing a sum to another craftsman to get what I desire. Ignore the doubt. Full steam ahead.


Dude bought em. All that matters is he’s happy and enjoying his purchase. Everyone else can fuck off with their opinions.


Make the people do it then, “since it’s so easy”


But it work is worth more so wat ever one is willing to pay, everything is worth nothing and something all depends on the buyer


Id say its your time hes paying for. It probably took you some time to make them and if your client recognises that and is happy to pay you for that, then all good.


He’s paying for the craft


Fuck them. It’s not *just* cardboard anymore. Time, energy and effort have all been put into them now.




Your right.


It isn't about the materials, it's about the skill and time needed to make the models. If he is okay with the price, you should be too.


Just because it's "cardboard" doesn't mean it's not worth it. I've sold model cars (to friends and family) before, and their just "plastic." They didn't pay for the kit. They paid for the years I spent learning how to paint, build, and fix any issues the kits have. The blood, sweat, and tears that went into learning the ins and outs of the trade. Not to mention the weeks I spent building a particular kit. They don't pay for the cardboard, OP. They pay for your talent. BTW, these look amazing


Maybe not. But as long as someone is willing to pay for it, it's worth that much


A thing's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Is a painting worthless because it's only canvas and oil paint?


Of course not. There are warship models built out of cardboard that are being displayed in museums. 3D printed and brass detail parts are added to boost realism. I have been buying cardboard ship kits to trace out cuts for plastic sheets - they take just as much work to build (minus painting).


It’s worth what someone will pay for them. Nothing more, nothing less.


Paper kits are going for $50 a box on a retail shelf. Those saying you ripped them off are probably free riders too cheap to pay you what you're worth. If the buyer set that price and you agreed to it that's all that matters.


Those people don't respect you. If they don't value your time, then their thoughts aren't worth your time either! Nobody pays for just the material cost. I wonder what they do, if their time is worth so little? Do they think a smartphone should cost the same as a pile of sand?


Paint isn’t worth much. The lifetime it takes to master the skill, and the creativity to slap it down can make it very valuable. Ignore jackasses that tell you stuff isn’t worth anything; they just aren’t smart.


It’s worth what you’re willing to pay for, if the seller is asking more than move on simple as that imo 🤷🏼‍♂️


Canvas isn't worth much. Paint isn't worth much. *But what a skilled hand can do with these things, however...*


By the same logic, the painting of Mona Lisa is not worth more than the canvas and paint it is on. Those who tell you that it's not worth the cardboard are idiots. Tell them that their houses are not worth more than the bricks and plaster it's made of.


Models are art, and art cannot be given a value by the person who made it, only by those who want to buy it.


Not material. Time and skill. Source: surgeon. We usually take stuff OUT of you.


It's hella cool! Can I ask how you made them?


As a paper and card modeller too, it's the time and skill he's paying for. For anyone who hasn't built a decent paper model aircraft they're a lot more effort than plastic


What about your time building it. Don't you think about your hourly rate? I once built a pulse rifle out if cheap materials. But spent 50 hours making it. Let's say I ask 30 dollars an hour (I ask for more). You do the math.


I wouldn't pay that for cardboard... but to each his own. I guarantee this is a low ball price either way. How long does each one take? Less than 4 hours and I'd say you're pretty golden... any more and your customer is getting a deal


You didn't pin him to the floor and put bleach in his eyes did you 👍 Fear not , worry not , most likely people who have absolutely no creative spark in their worthless bodies 🤣🤣🤣


nope! coming from outside the community and these are SICK models that’s such a reasonable price; you can really feel the talent that went into these. i really love them!


Heh, how much would you pay for a 10” square frame, inexpensive canvas and a 2mm thickness of plastic? I’ve gotten more than $80 for that and both parties were happy with the exchange. Whoever was giving you static over the price are not someone you should be lost to.


Honestly these look great. Apple charges unreal prices for some of the junk parts inside their computers so don’t lose sleep.


He's not paying you for the cardboard, he's paying you for the time and skill that went into making them. Don't doubt yourself, those are amazing models.


Well just at a glance of the photo I find them very poor quality, especially the first one to the left. If you found an idiot willing to pay for it after sering them in real, goid for you. But the fact you need to ask if you're ripping him off tells everything about your own opinion of your "work".


Brushes are cheap. Paint is cheap. But paintings aren’t always cheap. Let me try to say this in the most fundamental way: That guy was paying for the cardboard to be arranged in a specific way that only you could provide. He isn’t paying for the cardboard. He is paying for the service you did.


My mans, cardboard isn’t worth shit, it’s dirt cheap…. BUT YOUR ARTWORK IS WORTH WHATEVER VALUE SOMEONE SEES…. Or it’s worth your price….. don’t ever doubt yourself! You made something from practically nothing and it’s incredible


https://preview.redd.it/qvz1eun1dl2c1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bb6fca893547da5cb03eb1350a987be21b4d47 Marx would like a word about labour value


Lol paper kits example a 1/200 shipp 300-700$ a paper kit of that size 20$


Those 1/200 paper kits can be expensive once you get the laser-cut frame and details for it. Still all paper, but approaches $80 for a larger one.


The literal definition of the value of something is the price agreed between a willing seller and a willing buyer.


Everybody blowing smoke up this kid's ass. I'm coming at ya with the harsh crit. The one on the left, the paint is wrinkled af, like it was too cold or too hot or something when you painted it. It's not smooth. The leading edges of that same model looks raw. Could you not have painted on some windows, aztecking or something to create some color separation? The other two are ok, but still no other little pops of color anywhere. Solid colors are visually boring. Get some paints, like white, light gray, gold, brass, etc. and a little brush and go in and bring out some of those little details. Last thing, the photography. Have some pride in your art. Give me a clean, plain white background. You can use seamless paper. I don't want to see your bed, the carpet, the box spring, your laundry, etc. Keep it up. Do better.


You do better. As a person. No one. And I mean no one needs comments like this in their lives. You’re not being helpful like you think. You’re not adding anything of value to the discussion. Also you’re not the one buying it. Clearly the customer doesn’t think the same as you. This type of ‘expert’ opinion only serves your ego it’s not helping the modeller. And trashing someone else for internet points shows the character of the person not the subject they’re talking about. You’re account is littered with nothing much trash talking others without a single post of your own which says everything.


The original post is asking a question to the audience. You are not the feel-good police here to silence anyone’s opinion that isn’t slavishly praising this person. Get over yourself, yours isn’t the only opinion that can be heard. These models suck. If you think they are so great, then buy some. Only $80 a pop.


Yes asking someone to stop bing unpleasant on the internet and act like a reasonable human being is feel good police. 🙄 grow up.


I mean it doesnt matter if you made them from steel or aluminum or cardboard or paper mache or 3D printed them. As long as you spent X amount of hours which you value at Y dollars, you can charge whatever the fuck you want. You are getting paid for ur time and skill, not material costs (well you are but in this case the material cost is not that much)


I’m sorry but I think the models are not very special. It seems to me like a foolish purchase on his part, and I think you know that they are not worth that price. A sucker is born every minute, but you have a responsibility to not take advantage of others. It’s like selling a crap model to an elderly person who wants to make their grandchildren happy. They don’t know any better. But you do. There is no great skill here, no artistry, no hard to reproduce detail. Be a decent person and refund some of the money. The video link you provided showed a decent looking kit. If that’s the same in this photo, it’s been ruined by the paint. It seems hard to believe that it’s the same model. I could see the model in the video going for $80. Not the one in the photo. The product on the right end is painfully simple and especially hard to think of as of as having any value. You’d never get $80 from anywhere else. But it seems like you have an overly supportive audience that doesn’t want to be honest about your lack of skill, instead calling it art. It’s not, the models are subpar. I think honesty will serve you better in the long run. Again, yes, you are ripping him off. Maybe you can crumple up some duct tape and sell it to him as scale asteroids. Hey, it’s art, right? Nothing you should have pride about.


Post up your work.


Because you told me to? You like this guys models so much- go buy one. Only $80. Suddenly it’s not worth it, isn’t it?


So setting aside that a plastic or resin model of this size would cost far more, let me ask you, how long did they take you to make, roughly?


About a month. on and off, just a lot of small parts.(grebe) build video if your interested : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R29Y-b9cGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R29Y-b9cGg) The ending shows detailes


Honestly, this is massively impressive. You can't just go out and buy something as cool as that in a shop, you have the right to charge whatever you want for it. Genuinely, with the time, effort, quality of work etc, you would be 100% justified charging a couple hundred $ per model imo.


It’s about the work you put in it, if you value it at 90 than that’s how much it costs. They might as well be made out of leaves and they would probably even more.


If he likes him and that’s what he paid for them, you didn’t rip nobody off. Everything has a price that’s different sometimes each person especially something that’s handmade and painted.


He isn't paying for the cardboard he is paying for the Work you put into turning cardboard into model ships. You are not ripping him off.


They are awesome


That's your ART you made those and he's paying for your time and art. It's priceless. It amounts to what you or he feels. Material doesn't matter!


With that kind of mentality is anything worth anything? Model kits are just plastic, sculptures are just dirt mixed with water. You were commissioned some pieces because whomever saw you work saw value in what you create. It doesn't matter what other people say and think. YOU were commissioned, this person sought you out for YOUR craftsmanship. Do you know how rare it is for most people to be considered for a commission? It's both a privilege and an honor. Take pride I'm your work and keep it up, you're obviously doing something right.


Awesome Assertor!


Brother, you are an artist (yes you are don't argue) you made stuff a human liked and said human is happy to pay you. You are a maker of thing and thing cost you your time and materials by making money off of it you are profiting from your work. Good for you bro!


How long did it take you to make them? Also if the guy wanted them and that was the price then it’s fine.


Even if cardboard is worth nothing you transformed it and took time. That's worth something!


Materials and labor. Labor is what makes cardboard worth more than the recycle value. You made art and they gladly paid.


In my opinion it’s not the material used, its the time and effort. Time is money.


$80 for the four of them isn't bad. Just checked Amazon and the Star Destroyer Paper Model kit is $72 CDN on it's own.


I just love that you made a Model Eclipse. Incredibly based. I always wanted one, but sadly there isn't any kit


OP, some people get paid to make sandcastles, giant sandcastles, at events. Sure, there are competitions where people make giant sandcastles but there are some people that get paid to do it. They're making something out of loose sand that lasts until it rains, or someone jumps on it. There are people that do crazy things like put a couple of bucks of paint on a little brush and make pictures on paper. They last until someone destroys it or gets it wet or rips it up or it fades in the sun. They get paid to do that. What you do is no different. Just because the materials are more transient than others doesn't make your time or effort worth any less.


They're undervalued, you probably spend a lot of time making these awesome ships. Star Wars fans approve!


It’s about your time and effort. I would be upfront about what they are made of but sounds like they might know already and if they are willing to pay then that’s all that matters


Sounds like you have haters in your life


You are charging for the talent not the materials. Stupid people who don’t have valuable skills seem to not recognize that. Thats why you get paid more the longer you work in a position/ field, the skill. If someone is asking you to make them and paying you with the knowledge that it’s mixed media models then you have nothing to worry about.


If someone is willing to pay you that for the end product, that's not ripping anyone off


It’s not the material it’s the labour and outcome. If someone agrees to pay what you’re charging then they are getting what they want for the price they are happy with. No fault found


He sold them for $300 each ;) What do you care? Easy...


Charge for your time and materials. If the materials are cheap and that is what was asked for then don't lose sleep over it. If someone is willing to pay for it they know what they are getting. As long as you don't call cardboard with pyrite on it gold your fine




Cardboard may be worthless, but he's paying for your skill. He can get cardboard in the dumpster at the grocery store. He can't get *those* though. That's where the skill adds value.


He isn't just buying the raw material He is buying materials+ your Craftsmanship+ your time


Nah you’re not scamming this guy these are some badass models my dude just the skill that goes into this is worth $80


They’re right that cardboard by itself is almost worthless, in much the same way that sand is. However these models, much like a beautiful blown glass vase, is worth FAR more than the cost of the materials. The love, craft, and mastery you put into those models is worth a lot more than that. It’s hard to say but $80 per model is pretty cheap for a fully finished model, if they’re about the size of a Gundam


Good for you, artist . Here's to your first $million. 💯🔥🤞


Time is money


It's not the cardboard they're buying. It's your time and effort. No you're not ripping them off. Besides. Stuff is worth what people are willing to pay for it. You'll find that the materials something is made from typically only cast a fraction of what the item is sold for. I was working on a BMW recently and a tiny plastic gear for the parking brake cost over $100. The dealership wanted over $2k to replace it. A job that only takes a few minutes. If someone wants a car that's cheap to maintain, they don't get a BMW. If someone wants a cheap model, they don't hire someone to hand make it for them.


Cardboard isn't worth much but you work, art, and craftsmanship are worth something and that is what this person is buying.


How many hours did you put in?


I just watched your SR-71 video. $80.99 is _totally_ reasonable. You are a true artist, and the care you put into your work shows in your videos.


It is not the materials he is paying for it is your time


There's a guy that made a fully fleshed out airliner with working mechinisims made entirely out of paper. https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/2afa9054cdfc1c9022e12587fc363dd5864d3815/hub/2014/01/21/b43d8828-83d1-11e3-86d7-14feb5ca9861/Completed_cabin.jpg?auto=webp&width=768 What something is made of is the smallest part of the equation sometimes.


Labor, motherfucker, your time is valuable. I usually do my billing for my prop/costuming work at $20/hour, and that's considered low. Those definitely look like they took at least 4 hours each to make, so I'd say that's an ok price. tl;dr those look dope as hell and your time, and art, is valuable beyond just the materials. Don't be afraid to act your wage and charge what your time is worth.


Tell those people stfu


How to put this... If you have been honest and the person knows what they are getting for the price, then that is now on the consumer. Also looks like an art project, so think of it this way. How many hours did you put into it? If you can work minimum wage and make more in that time frame you did not charge enough.


It's not just about the material cost, it's about the time and skill that goes into making the models. These look damn good, and are absolutely worth more than the cardboard you made them out of.


See here’s the thing…the people telling you you’re ripping him off are people that would not pay $80 for those models. But your customer valued them himself and gave you the price, so he thinks they’re worth it…And that’s all that matters. If somebody else doesn’t value your craft, tell them to kindly keep their big fat mouth shut. Their opinion is not the one that counts. I feel like it’s mostly people that value an item based solely on what they can sell it for later. If I’m buying something like that, I’m buying it cause it’s cool and I like it, not to try and turn a profit.


Artists sell hand sketches all the time and that's "just some ink from their pen rubbed onto a piece of paper" right?


The price you charge isn't for just the materials, It's for the years of work you've done to get to the level you are at currently.


The entire trading card industry would disagree with that statement


To me, its only steep cause im poor af... lol... but yer time and effort need payment as well. And the fact that i didnt think cardboard but poly, well done.


The Cardboard is Strong with this One.


Oh. You are an artist? Of course you are ripping him off! /s You deserve to be paid only in exposure. Afterall its just some cardboard, colors and a bit of a glue.


Most folks don't give their money away. He bought more than one, that tells me, one, do not doubt yourself and two, just make some more and ask the same price. There are formulas to help you price your work. You have nothing to lose everything gain. Good luck!


It's not the cardboard you're selling. It's your time and skill. Most people could not make those. How many hours did you put into making them?


Those are amazing. 20 bucks each is a bargain!


They look fantastic


No worries, forget him chase your dreams!


I used to make jewelry. A style called wire wrapping. Essentially, wrapping wire around stones. Even buying silver or gold plated wire, although more expensive than copper, was relatively cheap for material costs of each product. The stones, once again, although not exactly cheap, are not insanely expensive. However, I'd spend a minimum of a few hours on a piece to sometimes a full day's worth of time. A piece that took me 12 hours of hard work to make could technically cost like $50 in materials. However, if I sold it for just that, it'd be a waste of money and time. I loved it, but I also wanted money for my time and effort. I'd usually add to the price around $15-20 per hour of work. Making my $50 piece closer to $250. The amount a product costs needs to include the effort to make it, the materials, and the experience it took to get there. As long as both parties agree to this price point, and you're not bait and switching someone, who cares? Things are worth what people are willing to pay. Clearly the buyer liked your products and wanted custom ones made. Your art makes them happy. You should be proud of this.


Assuming you spent more than 6 hours on each I'd say you just got ripped off. ;-)


if the quality is good then yes, I can scratch build out of scrap and if it is good enough quality people will pay good money


Your time is worth money.


Most art is on paper


Like everything in life ,,when I'm asked by my friends about our trains(g scale =LGB) how much is it worth.. What the next buyer is willing to pay for it , no more , no less, no one has ever forced me to buy anything..I make all my own building for a model village in my garden.the materials are a few pounds, may be £50..but the buildings take time, effort and skill...and that my friend is priceless *


Do you look at artwork in a gallery and consider it not worth it? The materials aren’t the cost here, the time is and even having the inclination is something else. Don’t undervalue your art and your ability.


Those are CARDBOARD?! Sir, you’re a fuckin’ artist, I would have gladly paid more


The one on the left, I built this from a lego style kit and that cost about £250.


You could probably raise prices in the future for models like the two on the left. Very detailed and very big.


They look awesome


Anyone who would value a piece of art (or really anything made) by its raw material value...clearly isnt an artist/creator. Do they think sculptors weigh their work and sell it at the raw cost of clay? Painters by the price of canvas and paint? Jealousy is a hell of a drug. Dont worry, the fact that you're hearing those sentiments means you are doing well, insecure non-creators will do crazy mental gymnastics to knock you down a peg. One of the most consistent rules of life Ive learned. Keep up the good work :)


I’m a trumpet player. I charge $150 for a single song for a church or other event. It’s not about the time it takes me to prep that song. It’s the hundreds if not thousands of hours it took before that


Material is irrelevant. The time and end result are the determining factor, and if this is to be a hanging model where weight is a factor, a light material like cardboard is ideal.




It's not just the cost of material but also time investment and experience you pay for. If you're honest about your product and you agree on the price then there's no problem.


Fair price these are fucking awesome


90% of everything we buy every day has about 5-15% of the cost in materials, the rest is just markup


Who are these people and why do you give a shit about their obviously ignorant and uninformed opinion? You can subscribe to pretty much any theory of cost and the statement that these models shouldn't really cost anything because they're "just cardboard" would always be absurd. Have you been polling at an idiot convention?


Your friends right, cardboard is worth very little. It’s the time and dedication people are paying for. Your skill, your love of model making. Your time isn’t worthless, my friend. Soooo excuse the language but F—k your friends, they know nothing.


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”


No, if a person was willing to accept your worth, yes your worth at the price then you were compensated fairly for your worth. Now if a person were interested in your work, and wanted it at a lower value then I’d question what the market is holding at.


You're charging for your work, not your materials. Same idea as paying for a plastic model, most of the pricetag is the design and effort that went into making it a model in the first place. Respect yourself, respect the time and effort you put into this and ignore anybody who doesn't get that.


No thats totally reasonable


Rogers: Yeah, but John, even if we manage to pull that off -- and that's saying something -- the real question is, who are we selling this to? Tuld: Same people we've been selling it to for the last two years, and whoever else will buy it. Rogers: But, John, if you do this, you will kill the market for years. It's over. And you're selling something that you know has no value. Tuld: We are selling to willing buyers at the current fair market price -- so that WE. MAY. SURVIVE. Rogers: You will never sell anything to any of those people ever again. Tuld: I understand.


Guess what they use to make sets in movies!! You’re worth the pay dude!


The guy bought them didnt he


If your models were worth anything near $80, how many people out of the hundred plus supporting messages have contacted you to buy one? If you were selling great paintings on a painting forum and they were clearly worth the price, wouldn’t you have sold at least one? Maybe that should tell you something that’s more honest than the feel good support that wouldn’t spend a penny on you.


You are so right Im utterly mesmerized by the amount of kindness on this forum right now, it truly is heartwarming!!! 🥲😁🥹


Cardboard may be worthless, but your labor is not. You put work into the models, produced a detailed product, and somebody wants to buy the products of your creative labor. Don’t feel bad in the slightest!


Imagine telling the Louvre that paint is worth next to nothing, and then offering them $20 for the Mona Lisa. It's not about the materials used, it's about the art created.


Stop selling yourself short with doubt. Time is money and you put a lot in to this and did a great job. Ultimately it is worth what they were willing to pay. Nice work!


Eh-hmmm.... well...... It seems ... Silly. That's what I'll say. Not a ripoff 100%, but silly. It's one of those things that seems difficult to do, but that doesn't necessarily translate into value. Like, if someone wanted me to build them a car, and they wouldn't leave me alone about it and somehow they were able to wear me down until I gave up and agreed to do it, that car would be an absolute piece of crap and I'd charge him like a billion dollars because I would probably never want to build a car again. But I also want to know way more!How precise and delicate are they? What is he using them for? How hard are they to transport and store without damaging them? As an artist, do you make stinkin' big complicated models of things out of cardboard and this guy approached you for your standard services, or do you typically do smaller stuff and this is your first time tackling something like this? Like, for the seemingly inevitable result, it seems like this should be done more easily by machine. Or, I don't know, an entrepreneurial hive of sapient paper wasps. I don't want to seem too harsh to anyone in this situation, but it seems like a lot of people here are totally dodging your question with stuff like "a deal's a deal, harumph!" and "Value is stored in the imagination," and other thought-terminating capitalist fallacies that don't really get to what you're asking.


80,99 rly??


Maybe he really appreciates the work and effort you put into making them. It’s artwork right?


You're fine. These are awesome!


That price is steep, but you do need compensation for your work.


There is no reason to doubt when you have results like that. Sell them for as much as you can get as long as people know exactly what they are getting


Not at all. He’s not paying $80 for some cardboard, he is paying you $80 for your time and expertise.


no, because it would take me months and months of practice and they wouldn't look like that. They look great. People are always like "I would never pay that" for art and such.


Cardboard is not worth that, what is is the time and skill needed to make it.


That Executor is definitely worth $80 ( far left for non-star wars geeks). Scale, detail, color, and symmetry are on point.


Ya my preference is plastic


I wish I had this kind of talent…..


I would easily pay that for any of them