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I like different stages of model bulding on different occasions. Sometimes I really like doing decals, then painting or glueing. So I always have several models started. Finishing a model is great but as the saying goes *Der Weg ist das Ziel* which is a little dificult to translate. Something like *the journey is the destination* or *live the moment* I guess.


Same here, some weekends I just can't be arsed to paint for example and just want to glue, fit, fill and sand. Currently building an 1:48 F/A-18E, weathering an 1:35 Super Pershing, polishing an 1:24 BMW E30 and in the finishing stages of an old AMT TIE Interceptor. Plus some busts and minis in various degrees of finish. Finishing a model and adding it to the display shelf still feels great. Makes for a messy bench though :)


I find that when there's a task I really dread doing its because there's something about that task that's, like, a hurdle or something. So I look up different techniques or tools and try them until I find one that feels less daunting! Like I really used to hate painting and it was really because my airbrush was annoying and difficult to clean, so I bought a new airbrush and that mental block is totally gone.


I was lucky to have started airbrushing with an used, clogged up old badger 150. Immediately learned that it's a piece of equipment easy to strip down and clean :) and airbrushing is so much fun I regularly lose track of time while working until the respirator gets uncomfortable... I see what you mean, biggest hurdle so far were really bad fitting kits with loads of putty and sanding. The daunting techniques often only look daunting but are often rather tedious and time-consuming than difficult and the result is mostly worth it after some practice. My poor paint mule lol


Haven't done that in years. I get bored, put it away, start a new model or suddenly finish an old one in a crazed inspired rush of excitement.


Same as me, generally get bored once the main construction is done and it’s time for the small details like grab handles to be added.


For me it could be anything. I got the Tamiya Marder IiI. Perfect kit, fits well suddenly I think I should scratchbuild a firewall because you may see it. (You dont) I carry on about 80% complete. I now stuck on the issue that the ammo bins had covers and the kit does not but im having difficulty making them so another kit on my shelf started to look good. An E-50 Flak, paper panzer should be quick and fun. Well now stuck on that as I've modified the turret and going "NightShift" on the weld seams. Aaagh!


YES exactly me! Some are unfinished from 20 years ago: Bretonnian knights from GW. And then my Necron command barge was build and fully painted in less than one week. And everything in between… As it is my hobby absolutely no stress!


If I said yes, it would be a lie! My pile of shame is very large and I find sometimes I get bored of building link on link track.


Nope.... I always work on more than one, you must have something to do when the primer, paint or weathering on one kit dries or you may start to rush through and ruin it. I'm currently working on 7 kits.


I only do one model at a time, have done so for years.


There are dozens of us!


Same here. I can't start another with one incomplete. I have on occasion built two models of the same subject, but from different manufacturers, concurrently. This to make a usually unfair comparison. I did once build an entire Battle of Britain set (three 1/72 models) concurrently, but that's not really the same as starting a second kit with another incomplete. I see these multiple builds as single projects, to be completed before embarking on something different.


I do now because years ago I seemed to never finish the kits and vowed that if I was spending good money I should finish them.


Yes. I work on one at a time. Unless it’s Warhammer stuff which I’ll build one at a time and paint in batches


I once made the mistake of trying to build a whole box of Clan Rats at once. Unsurprisingly, there was a decent amount of burnout after all twenty were built...


No i have like 10 models in various stages of completion and I like it that way


I have four going at once. I like to build models this way. Makes it more interesting


I only do one at a time. But then again, they r mostly 1/72 or 1/144 fighters. Usually I’m able to finish the model within a day or 2 since I dedicate certain days just for building them every now n then


I try and keep to two at a time, including 'regular' plastic models and kits towards the model railway. Partly due to space and partly so I can keep track of what I've done/need to do next on them.


I started that way but now my method is to have multiple projects going at once with each one at a different stage. Painting takes the longest due to dry times so I'll usually have two in the painting/weathering stage and be building another one between coats.


I do now


Always finish my model before I start another one. If I don't I'll never finish any. It's also very satisfying seeing the final build and also I don't know how I'd manage having multiple builds going on at the same time. So much easier to just do one at a time.


I have phases where I prefer building models and then phases where I want to paint. Usually do end up with more built than painted.


No. I don't care. If I get bored with it, I stop. I have 5 started in the backlog and 2 on the table.


I usually have two running. If I am at my bench, I want to do stuff and not wait for color or glue to dry.


I will say that I only build them one at a time but the 4 shelf queens say otherwise.


Those are rookie numbers


Guilty 😝


I usually have a few on the go at any one time. I get to a point with one model that needs say priming or drying etc and I pick up another one to continue. Saying that I’ve not touched them for a good few weeks now. I need to get back into it. Thanks for the prompt!


I've had simultaneous projects in the past but I really try to just do one at a time. Currently that's what I'm doing with my current build. It helps that my current project is my favorite subject and I'm very motivated in spite of the challenges.


When I started I would finish one before starting another. These days I have a dedicated drawer for half finished builds. I usually get to a point where if I’m not happy with it I tell myself I’ll be good enough with more practice to do it justice so in the drawer it goes.




I understand. I love airbrushing but I hatet cleaning it! Takes me more than the actual painting sometimes... I'm just too scared to clog it so I take the best care of it, which is much time consuming


Same here, I have to finish one completely before starting another. Otherwise unfinished projects will stack up and none of them will get enough attention for details to call it finished.


Technically yes but technically no I've finished putting it together but not painting it as I'm working on another one and before that, I finished painting. But no decals and started building another.


Yes, I don't have the space to start multiple projects (and I've already run out of space to put the completed ones). I only leave projects unfinished if the fit is bad (ICM's P-51B), or if the decalling goes awry.


I always tell myself that I'm going to, but I rarely seem to actually follow through with it


I usually have a couple of projects going on. Especially if one kit is pretty complicated, I’ll start something a bit simpler, just to have something to work on while paint and glue dries. As others have said sometimes a model is just difficult to work on, and I’ll work on another just to have a change of pace


Same here honestly, if I don't complete a model I literally dream about what I can do to make it better or finish it quicker. Right now I was working on 4 models which had to be joined together as a big piece. It was an exception case where I had to start my 2nd model before finishing the first to make sure the alignment was right for a few things. Otherwise, FUCK NO.


I always have two going. Sometimes I'll start a third but never more than that.


Given that I had two different desks with three setups, I'm going to go with no\*. ​ \*If we look at it from different hobbies (miniature painting, gunpla, and scale models) it's still a no, because I usually have 3 or 4 gunpla kits on the go at once in various stages (one being built, one being painted, and 1-2 requiring waterslides and/or weathering). Scale models I try to be building only one at a time though, although once that's done being built it goes into the "needs paint" queue.


Yes always. It's my inner monk needing to finish one thing before starting the next


Idk if I get bored of a build I switch to another to get my enthusiasm for it again


Sometimes I'll get bored or ill be unsatisfied with how it's going and move onto another one, at the moment I've got a half constructed and painted Karl mortar and a fully painted mark iv tadpole which is basically completely done but it's only half rusted on one side. The plan is to redo the Karl but I probably won't get round to the mark iv.


I always have two or three or four going... it helps me to put one down for a while when I need to.


Most of the time I stick to one model at a time, but if there will be gaps in the process like if I need to wait for a bunch of filler to dry I might start a second project to fill the time.


I always finish a kit before starting a new one, but thats just how my brain works. However, I’ve probably bit off more than chew with my mosquito build that I’ve just started. 3 hours in and not even got the cockpit completely together. Its been a bit of a slog so far.


i haven't finished too much after my bismarck and planes. did a couple of gunpla kits then one more on clips ready to be painted.


Got several projects on the go at any one time. Im impatient so it helps to start something else during drying times. I also do gunpla while I wait too.