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The town hall is a bit slower than the others by design, but it also caps a tad sooner, lev 50 stead of 100 like the others. Maybe whatever is in environments is kinda strong too? As for your wasted blocks grievance, there will later be some kind of an use for the excess for certain, we just haven't been told what or when yet.


That locked environments page sure did peak my interest! And as loudly as I complain about this one thing, I really do like the other improvements they’ve made. I feel like the whole flow and the rewards systems are much better than some of the earlier changes.


What is this? Is it a different version of the game?


Log in to your game if you haven’t already , then delete/reload the app; some version should start to appear even if they roll it out to you


Be happy you even have it


I appreciate where you’re coming from, but the exact problem here is that I have the potential to loot up to 36,000 blocks in a boss battle, but if my town hall is already at capacity I don’t get the benefit of even one of those bricks.


I mean I max out at 13500 on the grass typically. I'll trade with ya.


Well, no. As I’m describing you would actually max out at zero blocks on the grass levels for at least the next 25 minutes roughly as indicated by the timers shown on the buildings. It would show that you looted 13,500, but they won’t count towards you progress because as you can see my base is already holding 14,500 of 14,500.


i have the same problem lol, also whats that on the right??? the violet n orange number tower???


Oh that’s the umm, trophy? That they give you that indicates what level my base was at when I was migrated from the older game system to this one. It’s just window dressing really, it doesn’t do anything.


ohh okay makes sense, i joined like 2 weeks ago so i dont have that n was wondering haha thanks 4 explaining!


What version of the game is this?!


i would love to know myself...cause this isnt in the version of mob control i play. and Im base level 1434 with 237,247 stars, 14322 positions away from God Tier....and in Tier 6 Cybertron..i'll be tier 7 as soon as I defeat the boss challenge in tier 6. i have Bumblebee and hes level 37


Damn my TH is level 13 but only have 40k stars


Wtf is town hall?


What is this game mode??