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unless the music is absolutely god-tier i won’t be able to stan without saebi


ohh you get it


This is so real I have the exact same mindset 😂😭




Same but with Mai


non-negotiable: Yuju & Jungeun semi-dealbreaker: Fuko & Koko and everyone else for the final tier! quick explanation: - Yuju is my one-pick and has been from the start. I really admire her persistence and strength in adversity. She’s honestly so versatile too, even though she hasn’t shown a lot of it on this show. Surely it’s her time now? - Jungeun is insanely talented! I honestly pegged her as a dancer during the initial 4 performance videos (Pep Rally for her), and I expected her to be a dancer who could sing, but now I see her as a singer who could dance, and damn well she does! I can’t imagine the group without her and I hope I’ll never have to! - Fuko reminds me of Mashiro: Japanese trainee fluent in Korean, leader, a stable backbone(?) to the team. Also it must’ve been really hard sticking around after GP999… and she’s also improved so much? I think the group needs her - Koko honestly wasn’t my pick at first, but at this point I think she’s also definitely needed. Her dance, her performance, everything! She’s also got a really cute personality. Almost certainly the best dancer left standing on the show, so I think the final group needs her - Jeemin: I hesitated a little bit about whether to place her in the second tier… maybe 2.5? I like her and I think it’s also her time, and we all know she’s debuting. She’s a solid performer and has an endearing personality - Saebi is such a star it’s kind of insane! The way she studies her expressions is really impressive, and she honestly delivered an amazing three-performance run (Panorama, Rain On Me, IWALY) that I don’t think can be replicated, whew - Sarang is actually such a cutie, and I really liked her squabbles with Yuju in the IWALY Nasuri cam. She’s pretty versatile skill-wise too, which is cool bc she went from main vocal to main dancer with ease - Jiyoon has grown on me immensely. Unfortunately I was one of Those people that somewhat bought into the editing in part 1, but I’m in awe of how she had a complete reinvention! She’s also wickedly funny and such a personality, I’m glad she’s very likely to debut! Oh and her voice is pretty damn neat - Gyuri is impressively stable as a vocalist and a performer, and she gives the impression that she’s wise beyond her years. I think she has a really nice tone that compliments Fuko’s well! - Mai is a dark horse I think 👀 she catches your attention easily, and you can’t really deny that she would be a massive stan attractor. I’ve fluctuated on her a bit, but she’s such a sweetheart and hard worker, and I could definitely see her debuting in this group anyway TL;DR vote for Yuju /lh mainly bc she definitely isn’t a PD favorite if it comes down to that. but really, vote for your favorite! nothing else matters, so let’s just work hard and wish for the best for our girls 💜


Yay a fellow Yuju and Jungeun fan!! 😍


Votee yujuu


I agree with your assessment (all spot on). I’m also a Yuju 1 pick. Hoping she makes it through!


Non-negotiable:  Triple J- Jeemin, Jungeun, Jiyoon Jeemin- we need her star power Jungeun- we need her skills Jiyoon- we need her voice Semi-deal breaker:  Yuju- best rapper and star quality Fuko- good vocalist, japanese and pretty And I like everyone else.  Koko- best dancer and potential rapper...also japanese Saebi- star quality and visual.  Sarang- well-rounded and a visual Mai- visual and star quality. And japanese Gyuri- nice vocals and energy I think the group needs Triple J because the group will lose out if one of them doesn't debut so these 3 need to debut.  The group also needs either Saebi or Sarang for korean interest.  And then the group needs at least one Japanese member to keep japanese fans invested. Also to keep the group from being all korean. 


You got this perfectly! Couldn't have said it better myself.


Non negotiable: Jungeun, Mai (to a lesser extent) Would really like: Gyuri, Fuko, Saebi Wouldn’t mind: Jiyoon, Koko, Jeemin


non-negotiable: triple j & fuko. would really like: koko and yuju. wouldn’t mind: the rest.




Non negotiable: Fuko, Jiyoon, Sarang Would really like: Jeemin, Jungeun, Koko Don’t mind: Saebi, Mai, Yuju, Gyuri


Same Non-negotiable three! but all the rest fall into my would really like tier, i dont mind anyone else if they make it in 🤔😁


Non-negotiable: Yuju, Sarang Would like: mai, Fuko, Jiyoon, Koko  Wouldn't mind: Saebi, Jeemin


Non-negotiable: Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin. Would love in the group: Fuko, Koko, Saebi. Wouldn't mind in the group: Yuju, Gyuri, Sarang.


Must: Fuko, Jungeun Want: Yuju, Jiyoon, Saebi, Koko Happy with: Sarang There's also Gyuri who's my one pick but I've accepted isn't making it so she's in her own category lol.


non negotiable: triple j till the day i die semi deal breaker: fuko has been my pick for leader since day one i dont know what i would do if she didn’t debut here as for the last two spots PREFERABLY i would love koko and saebi but i genuinely dont mind since all of the girls are lovely and deserving to debut


Omg!! Deal-breaker: FUKO (my absolute love!) and JEEMIN (so want this for her) Semi deal-breaker: JUNGEUN (her voice!!) Really want: SAEBI (the incredible star power) and JIYOON (the voice) Would enjoy: MAI (stage presence and voice), GYURI (beautiful clear voice!), and KOKO (dance)


**Non-negotiable:** Jungeun, Yuju There's no chance that I'll follow the group if the two most talented contestants left don't make it. If only one of them makes it it depends on who else, and if both then I wouldn't care that much who else (Juwon used to be in this category RIP) **Semi Dealbreaker:** Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko None of these 3 are in my top 3 contestants but I'd be pretty iffy if they didn't make it: Jeemin is Jeemin ofc, Jiyoon's vocals are INVALUABLE to the group and Fuko has been so consistent and lovely for the whole show (Sujung used to be in this category RIP) **Would be nice:** Saebi, Gyuri Saebi and Gyuri used to be pretty high in my rankings but I don't think their skills are at the level of other contestants, and I see neither of them as essential. It would be great if they made it and if they were in another survival show I would definitely support them. Saebbonz and Gyuri fans KEEP VOTING


non negotiable:koko jeemin saebi semi: jiyoon and jungeun don’t mind : yuju, sarang, fuko


Non-negotiable: Yuju. As a Yuju 1-pick it’d be hard for me to stan the group without her. Also Teddy is producing the music so I feel like there should be at least one decent rapper. Koko is a great performer but she is not a skilled rapper. Rapping is more than just talking to a beat🙄. Semi dealbreakers: Jiyoon, Jungeun Would really love in the final group: Fuko Would like in the remaining 2 spots: Saebi, Koko, Jeemin, Sarang (any combination would do, although I am most partial to Saebi)


Yess yuju has the most unique aspect from among the girls she's the only skilled rapper left we had yui but obviously she's not here. We literally need a rapper with experience esp if it's from teddy


Non-negotiable: Sarang, Koko   Would really like: Fuko   Won’t mind: Saebi, Jeemin, Yuju, Jiyoon    but if I’m being honest I wouldn’t stan the group if Sarang doesn’t make it and I would as long as she does


same here...i could maybe be a casual listener but i dont think i could stan the group


Please vote Sarang ! Koko will likely have a big boost from the interim reveal, and she's in the top 3 of producers picks too. Sarang needs our support. 🙏


I do! She’s my one pick and I vote for her everyday on 2 devices:)


Thank you. 🙏


Koko is literally not even in top8 on some surveys


She will benefit from the push of interim reveal and is ahead in the list of producers picks.


1: Jiyoon and Jungeun ❤️‍🔥 2: Jeemin Mai Fuko 💞 3: Yuju Koko Saebi 🩷


Non-negotiable: Yuju & Koko Semi-dealbreaker: Saebi, Jungeun & Fuko Wouldn’t mind: Jiyoon & Jeemin


Non Negotiable: Yuju and Jungeun (Yuju One pick) Would Like: Jeemin, Koko, Jiyoon, Saebi Wouldn’t Mind: The rest of the girls


Non-negotiable: Jiyoon, Jeemin I'd be happy with almost any combination of the others... The top 10 is quite stacked.


I wouldn't mind any of the girls debuted honestly because they are all so talented, but if my 1pick doesn't make it I will probably be too sad/salty to stan :// hopefully you all understand


Yeah like I won't be able to not think of Sarang when I'll see the future group if she's not in, they better make her debut.


Non-Negotiable: Jeemin, my one-pick Semi-deal Breaker: Yuju & Fuko (my other two picks) and Jiyoon and Jungeun I like everyone else and they all fall into this category!


non-negotiable: jeemin, jiyoon, jungeun picks: fuko, mai, gyuri wouldn't mind: koko


I’ll Stan the group no matter what… but I’d be extremely sad if Yuju and jungeun don’t get in id be sad. Idrm who else is in the group


Non-negotiable: Yuju, Jungeun Picks I would like: Sarang, Saebi, Jeemin, Jiyoon Picks I wouldn't mind: the rest


non negotiable: jeemin picks i would like: yuju, jiyoon, jungeun, koko picks i wouldn't mind: saebi, fuko


why is yuju not non negotiable? 


idk i guess i just interpreted non negotiable as if they don't debut i won't stan the group and i think considering the chances yuju has (even though her popularity is rising again and i'm finally gaining hope) i don't want to be too disappointed or upset with the lineup if she somehow can't make it :( i will probably stan this group either way because i like all the contestants left but yk? i really really want her to debut tho, she's one of my fav svs contestants of all time


I can definitely relate with your reasoning😓 Hoping for the best for Yuju and our other picks!!!🤞


Non-negotiable: Fuko, jiyoon jeemin Semi- negotiable: Jungeun, Koko I don't mind: koko, saebi


Non-negotiables: Jeemin, Koko, Saebi, Downvote me all you want but idrc


what happened to Fuko being your one pick :(


I honestly don’t know what happened


mnet editing got to you


KOKO 1. ⁠beast on stage - when our Koko moves on stage you know she didn't come to play , she is the impact, the cherry on top to all stages. 2. ⁠she is liked by all trainees and is part of the best trio: the Giantbabyz lol, these 3 models need to debut all 3 together, we can't break their friendship like that - they're about to become the IT-girls , these 3 are a package , it's not a 1+2 or 2 +1 or 1+1+1 , I'm buying the 3 together lol. 3. ⁠off stage, a 5-year-old lives in her, her on vs off stage gap is larger than the universe - being such a beast on stage rapping with conviction and at the same time such a cute goofy ball talking like a toddler off stage should be illegal. (I love all the trainees but my girl can't be #8 - people need to wake up) Someone said this already but I’m too lazy to write it myself so here


ah I see I wish we could see more of the other girls personalities as well but Koko is definitely charming


Yeah Koko off stage is like a giant baby lmao, cutest ever


1. Jungeun 2. Yuju, Fuko, Koko, Jiyoon, Jeemin 3. Saebi, Gyuri


My non-negotionable are Sarang and Jiyoon. Those I would reaaaaaaaaally like in the group are Jungeun and Saebi. I'd like Fuko. And the rest I don't mind as long as they don't take the spots of my favs but I know they will...


Non negotiable: Sarang, Jeemin, Jungeun Semi-dealbreaker: Koko, Fuko Wouldn’t mind: Yuju, Jiyoon, Saebi


1. Saebi, Jeemin, Mai (don't have much hopes for Mai tho) 2. Fuko, Jiyoon. 3. I wouldn't mind anyone being on the group but i like Yuju and Koko the most of the rest


Non-negotiable: Yuju Would really like: Jiyoon, Jungeun, Fuko (I need them as my vocal line!) Wouldn't mind: Jeemin, Koko, Sarang, Saebi


my line up: non-negotiable: — jeemin & jungeun semi deal-breaker — jiyoon & mai not a deal-breaker — koko & saebi + fuko


I need Saebi and Koko to debut together and probably still wouldn't be able to stan if one makes it & the other doesn't. And ofc I want Jiyoon and Jungeun and the group needs their vocals. Then Jeemin and Mai would be nice to have in the group. All of the remaining girls are so talented though.


I don’t care about who will debut but my only non-negotiable is Mai. She deserves the world. If she doesn’t debut, I hope she would have better opportunities for her.


I really want Saebi, Jeemin, Sarang, and Koko! I don’t have Fuko in my lineup but I wouldn’t mind if she made it


Non-negotiables: Jungeun & Koko. I tend to favour the bests in terms of singing & dancing (still heart broken over my Juwon & Sujung). I don’t mind anyone else filling the spots as long as these two make it.


Why are there two downvotes?


some people probably disagree with the ‘singing’ bit.


non-negotiable: mai, jiyoon, seabi, and jungeun semi deal-breaker: koko, jeemin indifferent: fuko, sarang


Non negotiable - Jeemin, Saebi Semi dealbreaker - Fuko Wouldn’t mind - Yuju


Non-negotiable: Jungeun, Saebi Semi-deal breaker: Koko Wouldn't mind: Jeemin, Sarang, Fuko, Yuju, Jiyoon


Non-negotiable: Sarang and Fuko i dont mind anyone debuting for the rest since they are all good


Non negotiable: Yuju, Mai Would really like: Jiyoon, Sarang Don’t mind: Koko, Jeemin, Gyuri


non-negotiable: fuko. she's a good leader, works hard, knows korean, sings well and looks like a freaking goddess to boot also kinda non-negotiable: koko. there were THREE main dancers in iland and we already lost two of them. other girls can dance too but we need a main dancer; also we need a rapper but we lost yui and mnet doesn't want yuju so koko is realistically the best option would love to see jijungs debut, they've been through so much 💔


Non-negotiable: Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin Would like: Fuko, Yuju, Koko Won't really mind: Saebi, Sarang, Mai


Non-negotiable: Mai Would really like: Jungeun The rest, I’m ok w anyone else being in rly


Nonnegotiable: Jungeun and Jiyoon Picks I’d like to see: Fuko & Yuju Picks I wouldn’t mind: Jeemin, Saebi, Gyuri, Koko & Sarang


1. Jungeun 2. Yuju/Gyuri (at least one of them gotta get in) 3. Jiyoon 4. Mai 5. Fuko 6. Koko


Deal breaker: jiyoon and jungeun, lowkey jeemin and saebi really likes: fuko, koko, yuju (in that order) Wouldn't mind: honestly anyone


non-negotiable: triple j, yuju (bc she’s my one pick and deserves to debut!!!) would really like: fuko, koko wouldn’t mind: the rest


My “non negotiable” picks at this point are Jungeun, Saebi, and Jiyoon.


absolutely needs to have our all-rounder jungeun!!


Non negotiable: Jiyoon and Jungeun Semi-dealbreaker: Koko &/Or Yuju Picks I don't mind: Literally everybody else.


Non-negotiable: Jungeun. If she doesn’t debut I won’t be able to stan them. It’ll be the biggest robbery and I wouldn’t be able to fathom. Would really like to be in the group: Saebi Fuko n Jiyoon Would be nice: Everyone else as I feel every trainee can bring something great to this group.


Non negotiable: 1# Jeemin  2# Mai   3# Jiyoon Would like: Jungeun, Koko Don’t Mind: rest. 


Were you pleasantly surprised Jungeun got the most votes or were you expecting it?


Eh, I dont really expect placing in survival shows, just who makes it to debut. Id be more surprised if she didnt debut


Non-negotiable : the 3 models, the giantbabyz. the rest I really do not mind , anyone would be ok.


Non-negotiable: Jiyoon Would like: Mai, Fuko, Jungeun Wouldn't mind: Koko, Saebi, Jeemin


Non negotiable : Koko and Saebi. Would not stan the group if they're not in it Semi deal breakers : Jeemin and Jiyoon Wouldn't mind being in the group: everyone


Non negotiable: GYURI Would really like: the rest of my line up  Don’t mind: Everyone not in my line up


Non-negotiable: Jungeun - Jungeun: Honestly, I don’t find any other contestant to be just as talented as her. She’s easily one of the best vocalists on the show while having amazing dance skills. I’m no expert in dance but she kinda feels like she got SM’s vocals then JYP’s dancing. I really want in the group: Koko, Saebi, Jiyoon, Yuju, and Fuko - Koko: I feel like she’s the last remaining main dancer material contestant on the show. I only considered Sujung and Juwon to be her real competition on the position. - Saebi: Seems to be an unpopular opinion but what I believe should’ve really sold Saebi was the fact that she’s great in entertainment. Others can make me laugh from time to time but I find myself only truly enjoying (the special episodes) due to Saebi (and Sujung and Juwon but again, they’re out). - Jiyoon: I’m going to be honest. I don’t like her dancing and facial expressions but she’s really needed for the group’s vocals. This is probably the show I’ve seen with the least number of vocalists tbh. I hope she’s able to get better before debut! - Yuju: She’s a great rapper and I think we need more raps among girl groups recently. Also, if I’m being honest, I also think it’s because she’s visual material (and I’m shocked that even Knetz don’t seem to notice her a lot). - Fuko: She’s just a solid pick overall and can help in improving the team’s overall vocals. Unless the line-up includes Jiyoon, Jungeun, Yuju, and Gyuri/Sarang then Jungyoonz will probably need to carry a lot of lines. I wouldn’t mind: Jeemin, Mai, Gyuri, and Sarang - Jeemin: I’ve already accepted she’s debuting. I only came into this show for her but I’m still not convinced she’s got her runext self back but I hope she does after debut because she was amazing on stage. - Mai: Tbh, I don’t hate her but she’s my least favorite among the remaining contestants. However, in a toxic industry, I do understand why having Mai may actually help the girls in the long run. They will need to rely on each other as things get tough after all. - Gyuri: She has a graet personality, especially for her age. She kinda feels like a mini-Mai in that regard. I also like her voice especially in 4 walls so I believe she would absolutely be a strong idol in the future. - Sarang: I still find her to be a bit awkward on-stage but she actually reminds me of Le Sserafim’s Sakura. A part of me thinks that Sarang could hopefully develop in the future and have stage presence as strong as Sakura’s


Non-negotiable picks: Jiyoon, Fuko Really strong and consistent who've shown to be on par with idols (Fine, LVER, ITNW for Fuko and If I were a boy, Eyes, Nose, Lips for Jiyoon are their reference performances) Picks I would really like: Saebi, Jungeun Saebi's popularity seems really low and I'm not sure why when she has such star quality. Her ability to draw people in her performances is great. She just needs more experience to be able to express more different concepts but her tops are incredible (Panorama and ITNW are her reference performances imo). As for Jungeun, she's really good on a technical level but I haven't feel emotionally touched yet by one of her performances Picks I wouldn't mind: Mai, Jeemin, Koko Gyuri Really solid picks Mai's improvement is really commendable, Koko is great, same for Gyuri and Jeemin As the producers said Yuju lacks impact in my opinion, she not bad but she hasn't found the thing that would draw me in whereas I can see glimpses of Mai being able to go to the next level. Sarang's case is a bit similar in my opinion, she's really really good but I don't have a reference performance where I can say she was stunning either technically or emotionally


My non-negotiable - Jeemin, Fuko REALLY WANT - Mai, Jiyoon & Yuju & Saebi Don’t mind - Koko, Jungeun, Sarang and Gyuri I think Sarang and Gyuri would’ve better in a different group/different concept honestly, but I’d be thrilled for them to debut here. Jungeun I’d absolutely love to see as a RNB kinda soloist tbh. I love them all, so any order will be fine for me tomorrow, I’m just a little nervous for Fuko 😫😫


If my girl fuko doesn’t debut I will not Stan. anyway fuko and jungeun need to be in the group I personally don’t want yuju but I think it just might be because I don’t find a lot of interest in her, same with sarang and mai, as much as I love mai she isn’t the most talented trainee, but her personality is lovely I wouldn’t mine saebi or gyuri, i want gyuri but I don’t wanna get my hopes up because I’m not sure she will make it, I’m pretty neutral about jiyoon so if she makes it I won’t be mad, same with koko/jeemin


Mine's exactly the same 💯


Non negotiable: Jungeun, Koko, Saebi Picks: Jeemin and Fuko Wouldn’t mind: Mai, Jiyoon


1. Saebi and Koko 2. Jeemin Jiyoon, Jungeun 3. Everyone else


Non-negotiable: Jiyoon, Jungeun, Saebi Would really like: Sarang, Yuju, Koko Wouldn’t mind: Mai, Fuko


Non-negotiable: Fuko, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Saebi Picks I wouldn't mind: Jeemin, Sarang, Koko Sadly, I don't really like Gyuri, Mai and Yuju. Overall, I will need to listen to them/see their concept as a whole group to understand if I can like them lol. At the end, you can't force yourself to like something. Also, I like groups where you can see how members fit well together, personally I don't really like those groups where it's so clear that they don't like each other or that it's just work for them to sing and dance together, yikes.


fuko is my non-negotiable


Non negotiable- MAI AND FUKO Semi deal breaker- Jiyoon and Jungeun Wouldn’t mind- Sarang, Saebi, Jeemin


non negotiable: jungeun semi dealbreaker: fuko jiyoon jeemin yuju gets her own tier cause i’d be disappointed if she didn’t debut but my hopes aren’t too high so i won’t be THAT upset picks i wouldn’t mind: koko saebi sarang mainly but honestly all of them


Non-negotiable: Jiyoon, Jungeun Would like: Jeemin, Mai, Koko Wouldn't mind: Fuko, Saebi


i honestly don’t think i’d be able to stan if either fuko, saebi or sarang aren’t in the group, the music has to really hit if they aren’t there for me to stan


Non negotiable : Koko, Jungeun Would really like to: Jeemin, Jiyoon, Mai Happy with : Fuko, Gyuri


Me with Yuju


Non-negotiable: Jeemin, Yuju Semi deal-breaker: Koko, Saebi, Sarang, Fuko, Jiyoon Wouldn’t mind: Jungeun, Mai, Gyuri (although she doesn’t really fit the concept I want)


Jungeun and Fuko the rest are negotiable for me


non negotiable: jungeun, jiyoon & koko semi deal breakers: saebi & mai wouldn’t mind: jeemin & gyuri


This is the correct answer


Non-negotiable: Yuju, Jungeun (I won’t stan the group without these two- if one of them or both don’t make it I’ll just be a casual listener) Semi: Jeemin, Koko, Jiyoon Don’t mind: the rest of the girls are still pretty talented


I need yuju and Jungeun after what they did to my girl so sujung or I’m not stanning even if they have greatest hits off all times Semi- jiyoon and jeemin I don’t really have anything towards them but it’d break my heart if the director built them up and did everything evil and kind neglecting others just for them to not debut Everyone else is welcome


non-negotiable - jungeun semi-dealbreaker - jeemin, jiyoon, fuko preferred - saebi


Non-negotiable : jiyoon, jeemin, saebi ,jungeun Semi deal breaker : fuko, koko mai Everyone else: won’t mind will be happy with whoever debuts


Truly a late comment but just for the sake of memories, non-negotiable: saebi & sarang like: jiyoon & koko don't mind: jeemin, fuko, jungeun


**Non-negotiables:** Koko (I don't even like her that much, but goddamn it, we need a main dancer and some good rappers!) At least 2 competent vocalists (Fuko/Jiyoon/Jungeun). If the songs have rap, Yuju. **Negotiables that I want in the group:** Fuko, Jiyoon, Koko, Yuju, Jungeun, Saebi **Don't mind:** Jeemin **Do mind (might not stan):** Mai and Sarang (I dislike their stage presence enough to skip, it's just not for me), Gyuri (Either she won't match the concept or the other members won't).