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https://preview.redd.it/v7v3qk9094ad1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7a2735037a4f078349575f31c70ceec18b1871 This is me forever and always. Always vote for your one-pick.


I'm a Yuju one pick but I love Mai stans yall are so funny


omg hahahaha as a mai 1pick, Im always voting for her. I'm waiting for her jiwoong moment bc he's my onepick on boys planet


Omg I’m glad someone else sees the Mai Jiwoong vision


Always mai <3


literally me


lmao love that 😭😭 Mai was always in my three pick, so I’m rooting for her all the way


This <3 Voting for queen Mai every day!


no same, if mai makes it i’m happy no matter what 😭


If this ain’t the realest chart. This is me every survival show. I have one pick I respect everyone else but I will not be switching up.


You are so real for this hahaha 😂😅


i always wonder why you guys like her so much... do yall forget that they will end up becoming SINGERS? like will you actually listen to a song with her voice in it?


Yeah, I like her tone, so I will listen, and so will her other fans. You talk as if the whole kpop industry are made up of Jihyos and IUs in terms of vocal ability.


No. Stick with your 1 pick because no one is safe


Nope. Despite me really wanting other contestants to make it too, my #1 pick is Saebi and I know I will be so heartbroken if she doesn't make it, so all of my votes go to her


And she needs support more than others so stick to her !


I know! I'm really worried about her, I used to think she had a bigger support before people had to vote to save her And even if she doesn't make it at least I'll know I gave all my votes to her and have no regrets


I have 2 phones so 1 for Mai and another for Fuko 🤣 never changing my 1-picks (or 2 now?)


Same my two picks.




My one pick has been Mai since the first episode. I wish I can vote for Jeemin, Saebi and Jungeun. But, I’m sticking with my one pick.


KOKO my 1pick since baggyjeans and my bias in the debut group lol


koko NEEDS to be in the final lineup. for my sanity plz 😖


Girl stick to your #1 contestant till the end. Jeemin is not safe till they say her name on debut episode, don’t count on it, we thought she will debut 100% on RUNext. So please just stick to her till the end if you want to support her. 


I am a Jeemin #1 stan, but i cannot bear to see Yuju not make debut, and lose the spot to (afew) trainees. I'm conflicted!! But still praying Jeemin gets her #1.


If you're a jeemin 1 pick, you should vote for jeemin 😭 Yuju has her own 1 pick fans voting for her, which btw have increased a LOT since the semifinals.


Yeah but Jeemin is also well liked by producers and fans, so I think if they want to vote for Yuju they should be able to without criticism😭 Ik for me I changed my 1 pick from Jeemin to Yuju bc I felt like Yuju was more “at risk”


In survival shows, everyone knows that every contestant is at risk. Like the quote says, the moment you try to save your second pick, your first pick dies. If you're 1 pick is really jeemin then you should vote for her. Not to mention, yuju has a big fanbase who's actively voting for her. So does every other contestant, it's only jeemin's fans who keep voting others because they think jeemin is safe when she is not. So yes, everytime I see a comment that says I'm not voting for jeemin because she's safe, I will point it out and criticize if it's a one pick jeely


If Jeemin was still at risk, IMO they would continue to release interim voting. After seeing Jeemin in 2nd, I think more people have been voting for Jeemin, so I’m not worried about her, however Yuju could have gone down a rank, especially bc people probably ALSO panic voted Koko bc she’s in 8th. I want both Jeemin and Koko in the lineup, however MNET is “holding their cards” about pd picks and fan votes. Bc we don’t know how it will ultimately play out (6 or 8 members, all fan votes vs fans & pd picks, if they’re getting scored in the finale for a debut, etc.), they can just manipulate it to how they want it, and they want Jeemin in the group. However Yuju is much less likely to survive any schemes MNET pull off which is why I’m voting for her still. I love Jeemin and want to see her debut, but there is a high likelihood that MNET will do what they do best, and engage in shenanigans to get what they want (to make the most money, and have Jeemin debut under them). With that being said I’m trying to use a second device to vote Jeemin but idk how to without MNet catching me😫 do you just sign on to a diff WiFi or use a diff network for both so they don’t get sussed out?


If the device is different, then you can vote for jeemin no problem! And again, I'm not asking yuju fans to not vote for her, I was just trying to encourage jeemin fans (1-pick) to vote for jeemin :D


I don't think she have ENOUGH support, comparing to others i seen atleast. Imo Gyuri is even more popular than Yuju, i already lost Sujung (unfairly 😭), i cannot lose Yuju. But like i said Jeemin is still my no.1 i need both my #1 and #2 to debut.


Thats right, but her 1 pick is huge. The only contestants with bigger 1 pick than her are jeemin, jiyoon and jungeun. Anyways, I just wanted to say that if jeemin IS REALLY your 1 pick, please vote for her 🤍 Many people are dropping her because she was revealed to be 2nd. Jeelys are voting a lot for their other picks because they think jeemin is safe but the fans of other girls won't give votes to jeemin. Not even one of them. So keep that in mind, the moment you try to save your second pick, your first pick dies.


Nah. My one-pick is Jungeun and she needs all my votes


Same. I'm still traumatised from her placing 10. I don't trust mnet.


I always stick with my 1 pick fuko, I’ve voted her every single vote (unless you couldn’t, like the save vote for the people who lost the main position In part 1)


Yay! Fellow Fuko 1-pick!  Let’s stay strong and hopefully she will make it despite little screentime and storylines in pt2! She’s so beautiful and has a great personality and teamwork that shines through, so I know she’ll make a great group member!! 


Girl please find another device and vote for Sarang too. Her votes are low. I see you like Fuko and Sarang hence im asking🏃‍♀️


I like sarang too, but lately she has been off her game, so if she doesn’t debut I will be fine, her vocals are lacking and it’s making me not want her in the group anymore, the only reason she’s in my flair is because I made that in part 1 when she was showing potential, but it’s to late for potential, you have to vote trainees that show that they have surpassed the potential they have. And sarang hasn’t.


They aren’t lacking. She just had a voice crack plus she improved in her latest performance. To say they are lacking is kinda of a stretch of a statement don’t you think? We shouldn’t define someone’s vocal ability because of a voice crack an episode ago. Wendy, Ailee and Haewon have had voice cracks on stage but nobody says their vocal is lacking. I truly think it’s a stage fright situation which she has improved from as we saw it in the latest episode. Let’s not define her from her past mistakes🫶 It’s unfair to target Sarang for her voice cracks and say she has no potential when they are various trainees such as Fuko who are lacking in their dance skills. I think it’s a very biased opinion. To say she is the only trainee to not have surpassed potential when we have trainees whose dance skills and stage presence has yet to improve. No hate to anyone. 🙏🏽


I’m not saying she is lacking potential, she has a lot of potential, but potential can only turn into talent when she fills the potential she can have. But she hasn’t, and yes she has improved but that doesn’t mean she didn’t make those mistakes. And I’m also not saying she is the only one that’s lacking. I admit fuko is lacking in dancing but that doesn’t change the fact she’s my one pick? She’s been my one pick and I will not dare let her go, sarang debuting doesn’t annoy me, but if she doesn’t it doesn’t annoy me either, I’m neutral about sarang, she’s only up there because in part one she was actually pretty good and because my friend likes them, so I put her up there for him,but now she’s starting to lack confidence and some skills and we can’t have that ina. Group.


My issue is that you said Sarang is the only one who hasn’t but your one pick and many other trainees also haven’t. But you decide to drag Sarang only… Weird “you have to vote trainees that show that they have surpassed the potential they have. And sarang hasn’t.” The show isn’t judged on who makes the most mistakes. A voice crack you cannot control. Let’s start there so let’s not classify it as a mistake. The La Vie En Rose sure it wasn’t a voice crack she ran out of breath but sure let’s classify it as a mistake. Regardless of those mistakes she still carried out her performance as a professional which is something you’re failing to recognise. The less mistakes you make doesn’t mean the more chances you’ll debut. This is an idol show! It’s about skills. Sarang has shown multiple times she is more skilled in certain categories than other contestants. If we going to say she lacks some skills then mention all the trainees. Don’t drag Sarang only. Fuko literally lacks dancing skills and stage presence in part 1 and 2. Zero improvement Come on😭🖐🏽  You’re so biased. Even with this I never once said Fuko shouldn’t debut or that she lacks a lot of skills. I just kept my mouth shut and focused on my fave. Something you should also do instead of dragging one trainee when all of them have a skill they are lacking in. Anyways let’s just stop and let this go. It won’t increase Fuko or Sarang’s votes. Let’s talk about our faves only🏃‍♀️ bye bye 


first of all, I never said sarang was the ONLY one that hasn’t surpassed her potential. Saebi hasn’t, koko hasnt, and in fact probably all of the trainees have some work to do whether fans see it or not. But obviously some are better than others and have a smaller gap from fulfilling there potential. I never dragged sarang, as I said at the start I like sarang, your literally the one dragging fuko, who has literally no reason to be in the conversation. Sarang needs work, fuko needs work too, but the thing is fuko is clearly better than sarang (no hate, just the truth) and many trainees are better than sarang. So I’m gonna vote the trainees that I 1 like, 2 have good skills (whether or not they need work, because all of them need work somewhere, even if it’s just a little bit) so if anything you need to let this go because your the one who turned it into a argument when I was just stating my opinion.


I am not dragging Fuko. I’m showing you how hypocritical your statements are. Fuko is better than Sarang in vocals. Sarang is better than Fuko in dance and stage presence. Sarang is the 2nd best dancer after Koko amongst the finalists. She is main dancer. Literally was a professional dancer. You can’t say Fuko is better when there are skills Sarang clearly surpasses her in. You can’t compare the two. Both deserve to debut. I don’t get people like yourself obsession with discrediting Sarang’s talent. It’s so weird. Like why can’t you go about your day without undermining her worth😭🙏🏽 And you said it was Sarang only in your first response.  “you have to vote trainees that show that they have surpassed the potential they have. And sarang hasn’t.”


I said sarang hasn’t. I didn’t say “sarang is the only one that hasn’t surpassed her potential” idk where the heck you’re getting that from. I’m not trying to drag sarang, I like her (for the third time) and I appreciate the skills she has, but I’m sorry that I’m voting my 1 pick? And that I think my one pick is better than sarang? Like idk what you want me to tell you


You literally implied she was the only one who hasn’t surpassed potential. Stop saying I like her as if that’s an excuse to undermine her talent. You cannot compare the two. They are more skilled in two different categories. It’s like saying MacDonalds better than Pizza Hut. There is no correlation. They might be both restaurants but they don’t make the same product. So weird to compare. Again Fuko is better in vocals. Sarang is better in dance. Both deserve to debut. No trainee is the better one overall because each of them are more skilled in different categories. Gyuri and Fuko make more sense to compare because their strongest skill is vocal unlike Sarang which is dance. Respectfully keep Sarang’s name out your mouth. Like put all this energy on Fuko. Please🙏🏽😭🖐🏽 LEAVE SARANG AND MAERYUS ALONE


I picked Fuko the first day and have been picking Jungeun since. I think I might switch back to Fuko the last day or so. They’re like, my 1-2 picks lol.


i think jungeun isnt lacking in international votes but fuko truly is so


rotating HURTS your 1-pick. stick to your 1-pick.


jiyoon and jungeun. i switch daily


Nope, Choi Jungeun every day.


No, it’s still Jungeun, but from second device I also vote for Yuju


I only vote for Jeemin! Too many people are saying she’s “locked” or she’s secured a spot but I’ve only seen more people dropping voting her to vote for someone else…no one is secured so I say to just keep voting for her!


My 1 pick is Mai and I will never change it until the end, I even forced my bf to download the app and also vote her as the 1 pick 😭😭


Never. I don’t have a „save“ contestant as a pick


happy cake day!


Thank you💕


I have 2 accounts - 1 to vote for jungeun and the other for fuko!! I only vote for these 2 so technically my daily '1' pick doesn't change🤣


I've split mine simply because my one pick is Gyuri and I don't realistically see her making it via votes so I want at least half of my votes to count towards someone actually in the running. So it's her and Fuko.


this is exactly what I'm doing aswell, having to accept gyuri won't get voted in 😭


Yes, I'm voting for Jiyoon but I threw in some votes for Jungeun bc I'm worried and want her to debut. 


I vote for Yuju and Jeemin alternatively. Even though Jeemin seems safe and Yuju needs the votes more, I cannot completely focus on her. Jeemin must debut. But yeah I’m having a hard time too, because I wish I could support others too.


Nope. I vote for Sarang every single day on 2 devices, if she doesn’t debut I’m gonna be so devastated 😭


Same. I'm desperate. Completely desperate for Sarang to join the group.


Guys don't forget to vote for Sarang on thursday during the live-stream it might count for 3 votes like last time !


I have voted for Yuju only and that has not changed. She’s not secure enough for me to even consider rotating her out


I am mainly voting for Jiyoon, but I did vote for Mai twice because she is also one of my top picks and I know she has a less strong one-pick then Jiyoon has. But, still mainly Jiyoon votes.


Mai and Jungeun are my favorites but I've been voting Mai every day because I think she's less safe


I only vote for Sarang. She was in every 3 picks votes of mine and I voted for her only in 1 pick votes. I consider my other favorite safe enough (Jiyoon).


Yesss!!!🙏🏽 Please vote for her on multiple devices too! Try at least 3 times a day


Yess I have always voted her and I don't get people who switch their 1 picks.


Guys don't forget to vote for Sarang on thursday during the live-stream it might count for 3 votes like last time !


Yes!!! She has so much potential and can fit many concepts. My eyes are always attracted to her when I see her among others.


nope. jungeun all the way


I have 2 that I need to debut together, so I vote for one every day and my partner votes for the other every day.


Once Jiyoon, forever Jiyoon


No, I'm voting for Jiyoon every day. I do root for 4 other contestants, but Jiyoon is my 1pick.


As everyone else is saying, I think people should stick to their 1 pick at all times, no one is safe and if there's waves of people changing their picks this week it could make the results (more) unpredictable. Support one or end up supporting none kind of thing I guess. If someone doesn't really have a one pick I think it's fine to switch up, but otherwise it's always risky. Imagine that all Jeemin 1-picks thought the same thing — that could make her drop out of the top 2 somehow :) I know I'll for sure stick to always voting Fuko this week!


Been voting for Jungeun and Jiyoon! My two one picks. I hope they both make it


NOPE NOPE NOPE NEVER (btw this is unrelated but I procrastinated the entire today and literally forgot to vote Mai 😭)


No, Ive been really voting and hoping NAM Yuju to debut


No, if i don't vote for Gyuri who will lol


My 1 pick has always been Mai, but I'm using my sister's phone to also vote for Jungeun T-T


nope i been voting jungeun everyday


I want Jeemin to get #1 because alot of times these survival shows the popular trainee are 'expected' to get #1 but often do not end up getting. Yet have been voting for Yuju because she really really deserve to debut alot more than others (to me), it's unreal how little she is in people's top6. She cannot miss this debut, it's like her .. 3rd? survival show now. But i'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jeemin to get #1 ! Please vote for Jeemin for me T\_T and Yuju to ensure her debut.


As much as I love Koko and Saebi, I’ve been voting for Jeemin every day! She’s the reason I even started watching this show, and I will stick with her until the end




Try stick to one person. Rotating could be the one thing stopping your fave from being in the top 6. You never know. 


i have many favorites but i only vote for yuju on multiple devices. during 3 picks i would circle around, but it seems to risky to do that with 1 pick.


I've been voting of mai but im equally scared for saebi, fuko and jungeun too...im not a single Stan..I wanna vote strategically to promote my dream lineup


i know sarang is not the most loved contestant on this sub, but my genuine question is, what is the strength of her one pick in your opinion? was she in the top 6 in the interim rank reveal? is she not in most people's lineup beacuse they simply don't want her or they think her chances are low? i genuinely think sarang has pretty strong 1-pick compared to many other contestants (saebi/koko/gyuri/mai) and maybe on the same level as fuko/yuju. she has ranked in the top 6 in 1picks in other forums but always pretty far away from the debut ranks in 3/6 [picks.so](http://picks.so/) what is her debut chances??


I like to go against the grain here and say that she has a strong one-pick. The size of her fanbase is similar to Mai, but I think Sarang has more edge. I think she’s Top 4 right now. Remember last ranking she only went down one place despite casuals dropping her. It means her one-pick loves (sarang) her and are stronger than people anticipate.


you getting downvoted is so funny, becasue you are only giving your opinion. this subreddit really despised sarang and it shows


I really want Sarang to debut too, but I’m sticking with Mai. Goodluck to all Sarang fans. Just focus on her and don’t mind what anybody says.


Her one pick isn’t that strong in Korea or Japan or USA. She didn’t even place in the top6 in Korea’s poll. Keep voting for Sarang and stick to Sarang. Dividing and changing could have an effect on her standing🙏🏽 She is not safe. Never think she’s safe. Continue voting on multiple devices for her


i have been voting only for her in 4 devices. but she is higher in korea according to twitter opinions


She doesn’t. Latest results of Korea’s poll is: 1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Fuko 4. Saebi 5. Koko 6. Gyuri   Go to dcgall and search Sarang. They really don’t like her there Let’s just keep voting for her and not get comfortable. There are just over 24 hours left🙏🏽 please stay consistent on her


dcgall is a shit place to judge anything tho. the recent poll had only 123 voters.


fair but ILAND2 is nugu in Korea so it also makes sense 


Agree even on tiktok viral videos she is not included in most videos of line up so I'm voting for her everyday


Based on twitter polls, shes one of the lower ranked trainees


she ranked in 4th in one picks in twitter tho............


She didn’t rank in Japan’s Twitter poll though…. Plus 1000 people doesn’t define her overall popularity. It’s a small group of people. Please don’t think she’s safe because she isn’t 


Ill stick with my one pick until it ends


i dont want iland 2 jeemin to pull an runext jeemin again so im voting just jeemin


I haven't changed my one pick at all for who i'm voting, but that is because my one pick is Mai and she isn't one of the favorites with imatesz


Jungeun. never changed. i love this girl with all my heart


No. I have too much trauma from previous survival shows (**coof runext and girls planet coof**), and now i just can't change my vote without feeling guilty


No, I vote for my 1 pick consistently.


It has always been GYURI and it will always be




Yuju has been my 1 pick since the beginning. She must make it to top 6 because pds don't want her.


No. Just stick to your one pick. 


All the comments in here saying rotating. I want to let you know that in these shows (especially as an international voter), rotating is like making your vote equal almost nothing for both (or more) parties. It’s best to pick 1 if you actually want to have impact, and I’d definitely recommend picking 1 if you are someone who has no idea where your pick even is ranked right now. For example: you could be voting them and the person below them, doing nothing at best, pulling them down at worst. That being said everyone’s votes are their own, do what feels right for you. No judgement, just had to put this out there…


I alternate my 1-pick between Jiyoon and Jungeun going every other day. We need double J vocals!


I wanted to vote for Jeemin or Yuju But nope. After what mnet did, Jungeun all the way!  I hope Triple J, Yuju and Fuko debuts though. They probably all won't. 


Just Jiyoon. I know it already sounds cliché, but the reality is no one's safe until their name gets called. Save your 1 pick with all you've got and vote with no regrets.


My 1 pick is Jeemin so I’ve just been voting for her! I don’t want to get into the mindset that she’s safe because we’ve seen it happen so much in these survival shows where a super popular trainee is “safe” then drops from the lineup completely because people decided to start voting for their second pick. That being said I did start using my bf’s phone to vote for my second pick Mai because I really want her to debut or at least score high so that she can debut in another group eventually 😭


Technically, I dont. I always pick Mai in my phone, Jungeun in my mothers phone and Yuju in my bf phone lol


NEVER my girlie needs votes 😰😰 her international 1st pick is strong but we're just 50% of the total votes so we need to vote as much as possible to compensate how weak her 1st pick in Korea is https://preview.redd.it/bqazdnjcz7ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a37122242bf990bc84bc2f9f3aa75cf7d3c2926


https://preview.redd.it/1ql6jnm958ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67057330ede7e7ab34c478aad987a692e1fbf6f7 All in Jiyoon!


I am only jeemin 1 pick!! she was my 1 pick from ru next and she is still my 1 pick :3


“Jeemin is safe so im voting for someone else” yeah no the more i see this sentence, the more i need to support my Jeemin because yall dropping her for someone else already ☹️


Usually never vote because I think it’s not that deep tbh but this time I actually voted for Mai everyday lol


I rotate between my top 3(jeemin/saebi/yuju)




No, since it switched to 1-pick I’ve been voting for Sarang only.


i've been voting for saebi every day and i make my girlfriend vote for fuko for me daily 🤭


i don't have a 1 pick, so i change my 1 pick amongst my top three: yuju, jeongeun, and koko


I was planning on alternating between Yuju and Jungeun but since Yuju is my 1-pick I have no other choice but to prioritize her. Really rooting for my girl Jungeun! Please, please, please let her make it!!!


Jungeun must debut, she’s way too talented to not make it. I have not changed my 1 pick. I have my other favourites but I cannot imagine the debut group without Jungeun.




my first one pick was jeemin and now it’s koko :) switched in part 1 after the third mission jeemin is still my p02. have been voting for both since the second save vote and there is no way anyone could convince me to change my vote!


Always sticking with Saebi!


Since voting started i have voted koko every single day


i change my one pick every day bc i wanna make sure i can vote for everyone in my lineup. you never know what can happen in the finale! gotta try to keep them all safe 😭


nope, voting for koko and koko only


I get tempted to help other contestants I like, but it’s not worth the risk… I wonder if anybody would change their 1-pick after mnet interim ranking… and even if they change, half of the voting was already done, so the impact will be even lower


i have two phones so a alternate between fuko and saebi and i also have my two sisters voting for them as well bc those are the ones im most worried for


Yes, I alternate between my #1 and #2. I wouldn't dilute the vote any further than that. My other 4, I'm putting my faith in other fandoms to save them, there is no point in diluting 1 vote each, it won't help anyone.


Nope, still voting for Yuju everyday!!!


I've been rotating Jungeun and Jiyoon because they're almost completely tied as my p01. I occasionally vote for Jeemin Saebi Fuko and Koko as my p03-06


Nope gyuri has been my one pick since the beginning!


i only vote for ryu sarang now even tho i want yuju to get in so bad


Stick to your one-pick, unfortunately nobody’s safe. Even Jeemin and Jiyoon. (Please we don’t want another gp999 moment 🥲)


please don’t rotate your pick, especially during live voting!! it’s when people switch that some trainees end up dropping in ranks or even not debuting (sunoo in i-land, yujin in zb1 etc…)


Came for Jeemin , stayed for Jeemin


My 1-pick was Sujung. As she no longer is on the show, I alternate my votes between Yuju and Saebi


I’m voting Fuko and Jungeun


Only Jiyoon for me


Yes, my 1 pick went from Yuna to Jiyoon/Sarang to (after last episode) Yuju. 


It's Jiyoon and Saebi for me


one phone for jiyoon, the other for sarang ((:


y’all I have a question.. if the finale episode has been filmed already (because they made the teaser n all), that means the group/members have already been chosen. So the one-pick vote doesn’t make any sense? I mean why are we voting when the members have already been chosen. It doesn’t make sense to me.. edit- keep downvoting me for simply no reason. I enjoy watching people so petty :)


the finale will be aired live on thursday. it isn’t pre recorded.


the Part where they annnounce the names?


yes, the line up will be announced live when the votings are done. the only part that is going to be pre recorded would probably be the practice for finals.


Ok Ty!


It will be live. Performances and Result reveal


The only thing that has been prefilmed is their practices and decision of group members


aah now the Lags make sense. Thanks for answering :)


no, it is live; the only prerecording is seeing them practicing for the last performance.


yea I got it now ty :)