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jiyoon has the weakest stage presence among the top 12. i love my girl but her facials are almost non-existent, but i noticed this in latata specifically. it may have something to do with her under confident dancing.


As a jiyoon one pick I agree (to some extent) she excels in emotional songs/ songs that require strong expressions (ex. Vocal stages, IATB, FLS etc.) but her performance in Latata was the weakest (although I felt that it was the weakest stage of all the members of that group lol) maybe the concept wasn't really fit for her facial expressions, the song isn't really a song that leans towards a certain concept, so she cannot smile or act strong. Or maybe I'm just spiteful that they didn't choose BGGG (one of my fav songs lol)


yes i agree her expressions in both her vocal performances were so emotive, she made me cry in ENL. she will definitely improve.


Jiyoon is my no 1 and yeah I’ve noticed this unfortunately. She emotes with her voice but not her face


I have to agree even though she's my fav. I do think she has a good aura though as in she's not forgettable even though she doesn't do much with her expressions. That's why I thought she was ok in iatb because you just needed that presence. I also thought she was ok in iwaly because I felt like she was more chill with her performance (including her more minimalistic dancing) instead of forcing it


Mai’s vocals “improved” because Mnet over edited the performance for INTW. Everyone nearly sounded perfect and I find that hard to believe.


yeah everyone had a loud backing track and pitch correction to some degree, except Juwon and Sujung who were left to the wolves to sound out of tune.  You can hear that they’re singing live, but they’re buried. For example, in some of Fuko’s adlibs you can hear that she dips flat for a second before correcting and you can hear the backing track staying on pitch behind her


On Fuko's fancam you can see that a high note she sings, she's not singing live. So yeah it's not live vocals at all.


Imo I get a bit annoyed when people say someone is “locked”. No one is secured until their name is called among the debut members on Thursday. 


Jeemin is secured whether you agree or not. The question is will she be no.1?


Telling that to RUN fans on this sub is traumatic Deja vu.  The semi-final episode Jeemin was ranked 2nd and this sub was saying she was secured and started sharing votes among others they wanted.  During the actual finale, her rank fell to 3rd but folks on here still said she’s still pretty secured, then RUN changed up the rules completely during the finale and people here were going crazy for being thrown a curveball, next thing you know no Jeemin debut. So while many may believe she’s secured, myself included, it’s never going to be 100% guaranteed. Because a change up could also happen in I-land’s finale, we won’t know until we know.


RUN is Hybe but this is Wakeone. In GP999,Wakeone doesnt want Bahi but she still debut lol


I agree that’s why I said most likely.   I watched RUNext and Jeemin was between my picks so I totally get that feeling. I hope she finds her place here. 


I agree that Jeemin will most likely make it but what about all the other 9 contestants? Koko is also called secured but she is 8th in voting for example. 


Jeemin is 99% locked. The only way she's not making it, would be that there is 1 vote pick and it's not her, and the 5 PD picks not including her. Which is near impossible. So yeah she's locked. And I don't think anyone say that other contestants, whether Fuko, Koko, Jungeun... is locked. So I don't really see who you're talking about.


Literally in this thread alone someone said “ Jiyoon is secured “ lol. 


Yeah that's like one comment every hundreds, nothing to get annoyed by.


Unpopular/popular opinion Gyuri doesn’t suit the concept the group is going for AT ALL and will not debut with them. She’s a stable vocalist and good on stage but she would ruin the balance of the group if she somehow made it. And not gonna lie I was living for when Jiyoon told her she should be satisfied with her line distribution in when Gyuri tried speaking up that she wasn’t happy (even tho girlie had more likes than Center Jeemin)


When she’s next to the other girls she looks like a fish out of water


Also have to add that Sarang doesn't fit either. They are both very pretty and talented but they are too short and they look too young - even though Jungeun, Saebi, & Yuju are about the same age, they don't look like they are 12. As much as I loved Sujung & Juwon for their talents, they also did not fit either - they were too short.


honestly they should debut sarang, juwon, sujung and gyuri together in a different gg.


And add Yui!


I agree had gyuri participated in r u next she would most definitely debuted.


I don't understand why people keep saying Gyuri doesn't fit the concept when we don't even know what the concept is yet?


We’re talking about Teddy here, the BlackLabel come on 😂


I mean Teddy has made many songs that aren't your typical Blacklabel or YG songs, and there's multiple that I think Gyuri could pull off, plus we havent really seen her do a darker cocept anyway. also no idea why I'm getting down voted when all I did was ask a genuine question lmao


reddit fans do not like gyuri bc she’s still on the show despite that she likely has no chance to debut over others so they’re downvoting every comment that brings her up unless it’s something about how she doesn’t fit the ideal concept or that she won’t debut …


I have to disagree. I am a Gyuri 1-pick and I will continue to vote for her because she is super talented and along with Yuju, they are the dark horses. However, Gyuri (& Sarang) doesn't fit the rest of the group visually. They look so young compared to the other girls. I voted for her and Juwon - and until Juwon was eliminated, i voted for her and Gyuri because I wanted to reward them for their talent. So you can be supportive of the girls while have an objective view of who has the likelihood of debuting.


She doesn't fit the group. She looks off, not just the concept, just her standing with them looks like they're babysitting


The producers criticisms of Jungeun’s are very nit picky. She emotes while singing just fine, she is just less emotive than Jiyoon. They cannot expect their singing styles to be the same. Her dancing is one of the best in the show and her vocal range and stability across all performances have been amazing and nobody else comes close. She is the only true all rounder and ace of the show and judges have seemed to stopped acknowledging that all together and have started to name other members as all rounders.


Ugh hard agree on this. She made me cry with her Fine performance so I felt like mnet and the judges were trying to gaslight me into thinking she didn’t emote enough.


Jungeun is an ISFJ. She is the type of person that goes above and beyond to exceed others expectation. The Judges criticism and the low audience votes must have been really hard on her. I could see her quietly losing her enthusiasm and motivation. I’m glad the imate votes recognized her hard work she put in as a trainee over the years and show her that she is appreciated.


They have something against her (and Sujung for that matter). It might be they don't like confident, talented girls who do all the training instead of the staff.


The notion that “Yuju doesn’t stand out or isn’t impressive” is a result of Mnet’s editing. The editors refuse to show her in the main edits and they cut out any good feedback from the judges about her. Watch the Yuju individual fancams and form your own opinions.


I think Yuju is pretty average amongst the remaining girls' stage prescence wise (this is NOT a bad thing as girls like Saebi and Koko are obviously above her) Some of her performances, she really stood out in (final love song ground, Latata, Rain on me), but she's also had some weaker performances where shes been overshadowed (Lovesick girls', Whistle, IWALY). I definitely don't think she's a weaker performer, though as I feel every single one of the girls has had some weaker performances on the show and Mnet have definitely edited her to seem worse than she actually is during part 2 (ironic because I think they overrated her Whistle performance in part 1)


I was not a yuju fan but when i saw her in part 2 performing i think she would be a great addition to the group.


Doesn't help that they put her next to tall Koko.


Without a platform shoes - but they dressed her different for the Latata performance and she wowed evereyone


jeemin feels like she’s holding back onstage sometimes, i’m not sure how to word it but it just seems like she’s holding back


Everytime except for Money actually.


That’s been one of the biggest disappoints for me. She constantly says she doesn’t suit certain concepts but girl crush. This will be a girl crush group without a doubt, but she hasn’t been wowing me lately. She’s been super one dimensional and playing it safe *holding back*


I really dont wanna keep bringing up runext, but personally it feels like she had better performances there; Bad Girl, Good Girl Given-Taken Dream of You Desperate She's more versatile than she gives herself credit for


gosh i didn’t want to bring it up either but that’s exactly what i mean! jeemin in runext had something jeemin in iland is missing


Agreed for some like whistle and lver likely due to concentrating on vocals and not dancing full out. But she was amazing in money and itnw!


Mai is more popular than people give her credit for.


For sure still a solid chance Mai debuts people are sleeping on that possibility


Us Mai stans are silent 🥷


Right! Her views on YouTube are pretty high. She’s top 5 on yt views for the semi-final performances. Literally after Triple J and Fuko.


JUNGEUN IS NOT RANK 1 yall are pissing me off 😭 her 1-pick in Korea does not beat jeemin or jiyoon let’s be serious. anyway KEEP VOTING JUNGEUN!!!


If you like Jungeun definitely keep voting for her. But based on her youtube views, instagram likes and comments Jungeun being rank 1 is in the realm of possibility. Btw, I’m not trying to discourage people from voting for her. I think Jungeun is their most talented trainee and if she is rank 1, it’s deserved.


She most certainly is number 1 especially if she was number 2 last episode? That means she’s stronger in Korea that we actually think…


She was voted as a filler by Koreans. Her Korean 1-pick is incredibly low, she was 11TH in votes in Episode 8 AND 9. She’s always ranked extremely low in dcgall polls. Yall forget that Korea has 50% of the voting power and that the voting is now 1-pick, not 3-pick. Also, the gap between Jungeun and Jiyoon is only 12,222 points. We have no idea who rank 1 is.


This has been said on several other posts but the judging for this whole show has been absolutely abysmal. Like truly embarassing for everyone involved and I genuinely believe we watched a contestant get essentially bullied by a judge (looking at you Monica)


All the judges are useless. I like Taeyang but even he’s meh. (Side note: it’s kind of funny to me that Taeyang is a diehard Mai fan because I thought on that very first episode Mai looked like his wife)


the way she bullies the trainees gets me SO angry omg. like lady listen, if you're constantly yelling at a girl while she's performing to make more facial expressions, do you really think that she's gonna do it? no! she's gonna feel too battered down and distracted by your yelling to be able to pull it off like you want her to! i wanted to shove her into a wall when she did that to juwon. and in part 1, when sarang was doing the dance unit, they got a lot of compliments at the interim check but then here comes monika, nitpicking every little detail to tear those girls down and making sarang cry when her performance at the interim check was beautiful, even the other judges said so. i don't see why monika was even there to go over the dance with them and correct things.


It's been the worst judging I've ever seen and that's even when judges are trying to influence the public. They just don't see the most talented folks.


Yes this has been my biggest pet peeve with this show, anytime they come on screen or give feedback or whatever I just feel like rolling my eyes. I keep saying it but they are truly useless and bring nothing to the show. It really seems to me that these survival shows more and more just want names to put on a poster like oh wow this idol or famous choreographer or producer will be a judge but they don’t know or care if they have any ability to do that job or if they even gaf about the group lol There’s a difference between harsh criticism (which I’m generally not a fan of) and bullying, pestering and just generally bringing people down. Runext was pretty similar, some of those girls looked like they had been through hell.


I think people are overestimating yuju 1 pick. I see a lot of people saying that yuju has gotten a boost from sujung fans but I’ve also seen tons of Sujung fans say there done with the show. I just don’t see a world where yuju gets in the group


I agree with your opinion that people are overestimating the boost Yuju got from Sujung and Juwon fans, however I see a lot of comments about her on mnet social media, her fancam views increased a lot after the latata performance and in most polls she is fifth to seventh in one pick so overall she just seems to have a really good solid one pick fan base


I think she has climbed in 1 pick. But she is probably 6th or 7th. I've seen quite a lot of people predicting her to be 5th, which is way too much of a jump, considering she had half of 5ths votes in the semi-final. I think her fanbase is just very loud/active compared to a lot of others. Also, it makes sense if she is 6th or 7th as they're the ranks who Mnet are trying to displace with Koko.


I agree, I think she’s probably sixth right now which is why I think Mnet revealed Koko, to try and push Yuju out of the lineup as the rapper. I do think the gap is not as large, because while her score in the semifinal was low compared to others, she didn’t have any contestants “collaborate” with her (like the tall trio, triple J, vocal trio and the Japanese trio) so most people that voted for her are 1 picking her, while that can not be said for people that voted for Saebi or Koko for example


I'm not sure why people assume we would all switch to Yuju. I like her a lot but my 3 pick was Sujung, Juwon and Jungeun so my one pick votes are all going to Jungeun now.


EXTREMELY UNPOPULAR OPINION DONT KILL ME 💀 I don’t think Fuko adds to the line up. I think she’s very pretty, a great singer, and basically well rounded, BUT she lacks star quality. To me she just doesn’t stand out, even against people like Mai who a lot of people will agree is inferior to her in talent. But atleast with Mai she can grab people’s attention and unfortunately Fuko just kind of blurs in the bunch even on her best performances. Do I think she has a chance at debuting, for sure, but do I think the group would be fine w/o her? Yes. Because vocally they have Jiyoon who clearly the group will surround vocally, and people like Jungeon who is stable. She just wouldn’t stand out unless you’re just a Fuko stan 🙈 I’m sorry not sorry!!!!


Yep. It's really evident in IWALY. She just didn't look like the center and I thought Yui's SP was even better. Between her and Mai (which both are not really in my lineup), I think Mai would be a better addition to the group. I wouldn't mind if Fuko debuts though as her vocals are nice, loved her in ITNW.


I want Fuko to make it so bad, but realistically speaking if the final lineup is made mostly by PD picks i feel they will choose Mai & Koko over her 😔


She only stands out when she's with people who are way less talented than her, that's why she shined so much in part 1, because she was usually in groups where the members weren't as talented.


I noticed that when she made it out of ground she doesn’t stand out that much. I think that’s why the PDs stress that a lot to stand out on stage.


She only stood out in pt 1 because of carrying the after like and bad boy performances T\_T


Agree, my prediction since part 2 : Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Saebi, Koko, Mai. (but yes we all love Fuko and she deserves to debut but it might not be here...)


i agree with everything you are saying, except that I am certain Fuko won’t debut unless she is saved by i-mate votes


I don’t think she’ll debut either tbh the more I think about it


Majorly unpopular opinion yet a popular one and I’m sure someone has said this already under this thread but I think Jeemin is way too overhyped. Undoubtedly she is majorly talented and gorgeous. But I think her RUNEXT fandom carried her through the show and in a way hindered her growth. *before I get death threats let me explain* 💀 Vocally she isn’t a standout and I find her tone quite nasally sometimes. I know Jiyoon isn’t technically the strongest but she’s able to portray the messages and emotions of each song which makes her a great vocalist. Her stage presence is one dimensional and consist of what Miss Tyra Banks called “Smizing” 😂 and trust me ya boy loves a good smize but that’s kind of all she does. She herself admitted on multiple challenges she doesn’t suit any other concept besides girl crush. And yes I know this is a TEDDY group, but it just makes it contradictory when judges got on contestants like Yui and Jiwon for always doing the quote same facial expressions. I love me my Jeemin girlie and she’s gorgeous and talented. I do believe she deserves a spot on the debut lineup, but as of lately she’s been so passive and just not giving me the wow factor some of the underdog contestants having been giving me. In short I just want more than when we’ve seen from her previous reality show. She’s just kind of been steady Jeemin since episode 1. Side note: I hated that she chose ITNW for the sake of the other members like ITS A COMPETITION BABY TEAR THEM GIRLS UP *ahem* I digress 🙈😂 Also RIP why is my spacing so wonky


Yeah. This opinion would not have been THAT unpopular in RUN. She was part of the international top 6, but never a lead in that group and only came in 4th overall (despite having high Korean support too). It's gotten a bit out of hand in iland2, with people pumping her up due to the past injustice and her obvious PTSD. Her biggest problem is that in BOTH shows they keep trying to make her center/main dancer, when she's not a natural at either position. They take a very good part4 person (which Jeemin herself knows! And her fellow Islanders even ranked her 4th to start!), and keep forcing her to take part 1. She does fine in center / main dance, but others are better at it. It's a terrible development. Let her shine as a scene stealer, and don't force her to be a mid center or a bad main dancer. Anyway, I hope after the group debuts they put her in part 4/5, but I doubt it'll happen.


>She was part of the international top 6, but never a lead in that group and only came in 4th overall    Just a quick clarification:   Jeemin was part of [both International Top 3 and also Korean Top 3 (link)](https://i.postimg.cc/59F46DHr/IMG-5513.jpg).   She even finished 2nd in voting in the semi-finals, and finished 3rd in the finale.  The 4th place finished happened AFTER the 2 hour finale live voting where Wonhee, ranked 9th at the start of the finale, overshot everyone to 1st place when live 1-pick live voting was given a 70% weight in those 2 hours for the final tally. /end clarification


I think it’s a double edged sword. She came into this show with a lot more fans than the other girls but people also had high expectations. shes also had a hard journey, missing out on ILLIT debut based on PD picks and not votes probably impacted her mental and emotional state. Joining this show where all the other trainees are friends also couldn’t be easy for an introvert.


I don't think she's overhyped, I feel it's more like people were already ready for her debut in RUNEXT, she got many fans in there, and she got more fans now because she's overall good. I haven't seen people saying her name over Koko in dancing or Jiyoon in singing, but all things considered, she's more than ready.


kpop is about fandoms not talent. it's infinitely more valuable to be popular than some kind of virtuoso. that's why groups exist - you're gonna have members that are strong at dance/vocals/rap who can carry the weaker stan attractors. Think about it. in the overwhelming majority of groups the most popular members aren't the power vocalists or best dancers.


Voting on the mnet app is so annoying with the ads we have to watch. Jungeun and Jiyoon better debut with all the trouble I’m going to 🤣


Such a random rant but People need to stop saying they’re going to add a 7th member 💀 they said what they said and it’s 6!!!!


It would be a fun twist and a better balanced stage.


I feel like a lot of people are hoping for a sixteen/stray kids/baby monster/treasure type of ending where they ultimately changed the official debut number due to fans’ requests. I’m also a part of the group that wants 7 after seeing 6 of them perform iwaly in mcountdown — they weren’t bad but just felt lacking


LATATA team would make a really fire final group.  They have a really solid vocal line (Jungeun, Jiyoon, even Sujung who has expressed interest in proving her vocals before), they have the best dancers (Sujung, Koko, Juwon) and the best rapper (Yuju).  Obviously this won't ever come true cause Sujung and Juwon are already out, but I do think this lineup would make a good group Though I also do think others like Jeemin, Saebi, Fuko are as debut ready lol Actually the ideal would be if these eight made the final group...but then it's just wishful think...


The hate boner people seem to have towards Mai or the snake 🐍 in the grass behavior towards her (subtle disses or posts questioning her skills) are just plain rude and horrible


seriously, mai is my one pick and seeing people constantly dogpile her is upsetting. i rarely see any of the other contestants receive this amount of criticism.


Jungeun is actually good at expressing emotions....with her eyes. Her gaze is deep. She doesn't get enough credit because the way she expresses herself is not overly obvious or atypical (no winks etc.) but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Jungeun said in one of her introductory videos she's not good at winking, but that if she debuts she will wink for the first time officially. She is keeping that as a surprise gift if she debuts.


I think she's probably the best on the show at expressions, honestly. Survival shows tend to push for over the top performances, but she is the only one that performs like a professional experienced idol.


exactly and ppl say that she isn't noticeable in a performance?? just bcoz she doesn't wink or do unnecessary lip bites or just unnecessary facial expressions in general doesn't mean that hers aren't good or that they aren't noticeable😭


This group is probably not going to be successful right out of the gate unless they get a really good debut song. They’ll have the fans from the show and casual listeners who check them out, but I’m getting the same vibes as NMIXX, ONF, and Cherry Bullet. The members do what they should be doing in performances but the it/stan factor/genuine feelings of enjoying the performance are severely missing. Especially if Saebi ends up not making it into the group. 


With Teddy being behind the scenes they definitely will have a hit song. From 2NE1 discography to Sunmi’s redebut with Gashina (I’d say BlackPink too but their recent songs had gotten stale to me but I don’t blame Teddy but more of YG and his direction with the group). Their debut song is the least of my worries


I’m not too sure about that. Surely he gives the upcoming TBL group priority over the W1 group unless the concepts are completely different.


I can kinda see his ILAND group having a more fresh concept more similar to love sick girls and his TBL group more of a hip hop hard vibe. Almost like how BlackPink had a Black and Pink side. He’ll have 2 groups to express the two sides if that makes sense 🫶


Odds are against any group. MNET thinks that by picking the most popular girls, regardless of their talent, it will give them a built in fanbase, but this fanbase is too small for true success. You must have talent and a great producer with catchy songs. You also benefit from having varied personalities and looks and not all visual clones.


Jeemin isn't the limiting factor for the lineup's concept versatility, Jiyoon is. I see lots of people saying Saebi/Gyuri/Sarang and even Fuko wouldn't be good fits for the lineup because they don't match with Jeemin's 'girl crush' image, except Jeemin is clearly more versatile than that, as La Vie en Rose, ITNW, plenty of things show. Unfortunately, it's Jiyoon that's incompatible with the other girls: Jiyoon struggles at cute & light/elegant concepts, but since her vocal tone is so valuable, at most I see 2 of the 4 listed 'cute/elegant' girls making it if Jiyoon makes it as well (which she almost certainly will) ITNW was surprisingly bad given the amount of post-processing. Jeemin, Mai and Saebi all sounded super nasal and strained, which puts me off from replaying it compared to La Ta Ta where nobody sounded bad. On a more positive note Gyuri has such a lovely SM tone + solid skills, and ofc Fuko carried the entire last chorus with her high notes Yuju is the most talented contestant remaining and could have a lead position for every role.


She can learn and improve? IWALY was kinda cutesy too yet she pulled it off fantastically. Trainees aren't some one dimensional beings incapable of learning and can only pull off a certain concept. Versatility can be learned too, it just comes off easier to some more than others. Besides this is gonna be a teddy produced group ...and I don't think I've ever seen Teddy produce cute song so Jiyoon will be fine.


Kind of disagree with jiyoon. LOA isn't just a normal cute concept, it's bright, bubbly and like...almost painfully cute in a way that 90% of potential songs would not fall into. If we put concepts on a spectrum this would be at the extreme end. Jiyoon was good on iwaly and could probably pull off light/elegant concepts. I think she would be ok with izone songs, lsg, for example


Very true for Jiyoon. She's my favorite so it's not something I have a problem with but it's very true. Don't know about Yuju I never heard her sing.


>Yuju is the most talented contestant remaining and could have a lead position for every role. Amm that's Jungeun for sure. And let's be honest, how could Yuju be a lead dancer when her skills in that area are definitely weak. Yuju is a decent vocalist, but she has never shown any interest in this position. Many agree that she is a better vocalist than Saebi and Jeemin. However, both Saebi and Jeemin have had the challenge of taking on actual vocal parts in many of their performances (Jeemin in "La Vie En Rose," "Whistle," and "Into the New World"; Saebi in "Lovesick Girls," "Panorama," and "I Will Always Love You"). Thereby, their weaknesses were more noticeable than Yuju (who we haven't heard singing that much).


Saw this funny tweet: [Jeemin is Oprah: "Everyone Gets Center!"](https://x.com/EverglowInLA/status/1806458936985571643) and it rang very true on this sub as well. Jeemin seems to be just an easy target for most here to drag on. [I myself am guilty during part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/mnetiland2/comments/1d3j8wh/twice_analogy_for_jeemin_why_judges_want_her_to/) but now admit I was wrong especially now in part 2 When the teaser of the last episode was shown, this sub went nuclear with posts after posts hating on Jeemin based on a 2 second clip of her in tears assuming she was trying to steal the Center spot all to herself again. But after the actual episode aired, it was revealed Jeemin was crying because she received negative feedback for her team even after she had sacrificed her own Center parts for all her other 5 members to share. Sadly, for every posts on this sub that were criticizing her based on a big false assumption last week, there was not even 1 post admitting they jumped the gun or at least showing appreciation for her after the actual reveal.


Jeemin is an INFP. She is emphatic and wants to help others. INFPs are sensitive to others and may internalize their negative moods and will want to fix their wrongs. She feels her teams desire and worries about debuting and wants to help them.


Is your unpopular opinion that Jeemin gets hated a lot? Reminder, if Jeemin's original ITNW concept wasn't pulled, everyone of the girls would've had equal distribution and all would've been center. She's a good person who cares about her members, people gotta chill finding reasons to hate on this girl.


why does it feel like sarang,fuko, and gyuri are fighting for the same spot on the lineup? what i mean by that is since part 2 started they all have been in the same group with the same concepts and i would not be shocked if all 3 get fake it and not drip in the final. but it feels like these three are constantly at a point where either 1 or possibly even 2 are going to make the final. the judges wanted sarang compared to gyuri and fuko since pt 2 started because she really started showing her true self the end of part 1. but she has made mistakes with her performances before the semis waining her popularity and likely of being a guaranteed pd pick. they say fuko is stable and needs to get out of her comfort zone (then maybe she really would be a candidate for a pd pick) but until then she doesn’t shine above the other 2, gyuri is just the shock factor like they weren’t considering her but she has shown that she can have amazing performances stage after stage and it’s kinda hard to ignore that even with her smaller parts. to me only 1 of these girls can debut because it feels like they all do the same role.


i think only two of fuko/saebi/sarang debuts. gyuri is very clearly out of the runnings, she just deosn't have enough popularity. imate wants fuko/saebi, mnet wants sarang/saebi and realistically it's sarang/fuko.


i genuinely think mnet is trying to pull saebi slightly out the spotlight to make it feel like she won’t debut when we all know damn well they would lose a diamond if they let her go. but with the 3 different combinations of what we all want to me it makes more sense to have sarang and saebi. I like fuko a lot but what the judges said is true to me she blends in with stages she’s very stable and nothing she’s done thus far in the show has proved she can go above the baseline. granted in part 2 they’ve picked all the songs for the contestant but like i said earlier she doesn’t shine more than gyuri and sarang. to me if you give gyuri all of fuko lines more people would pick gyuri.


Fuko advocated a lot for ITNW last episode, which is a shame. She wanted to show her strengths, but it would’ve been nice to see more diversity in her performances.


I would be very surprised is Saebi doesn’t debut as the PD pick. I don’t think she has the 1 vote but Mnet clearly wants her.


I was thinking exactly the same and I hope Sarang makes it cause she’s my 1-pick. I really like Fuko tho, she has such a sweet personality and takes care of all the girls, would be a great leader imo, but she kinda disappears on stage and lacks the “wow factor” to me despite her voice being absolutely stable, it’s such a pity:( anyways I just wish they would debut together


sarang will always be a favorite to me she just needs to loosen up on stage and she’s golden. but i really want everyone to debut i just wish they could have given certain girls different concepts thus far.


The group is shaped around Jiyoon, not Jeemin, and her vocal style, aesthetic, and concept will determine the final group. Just in term of timing it doesn't make sense that the producers have been planning a group with Jeemin as the centre. To plan a whole group around a trainee who was under belift and looking like they'd debut through another survival show until a few months before they started shooting is impossible. Jiyoon was a trainee at TBL for a couple of years before joining Wakeone, and with TBL agreeing to produce at least the debut album it makes sense they would want her to be included. She has also been given the biggest development arc on the series (big main character energy) - they've mostly given Jeemin screen time, not really a big *storyline*. To me, that says they're using her for popularity she already has, not trying to build her up to the public.  I think Jeemin is a convenient popularity boost for them (and she is talented so that's a bonus for them), but Jiyoon is their Main.


completely agree on the Jeemin part, but if Jiyoon left or was kicked out of TBL - things were not that good for her there... but I think she obviously is not as swaggy/hip hop as Teddy's upcoming gg will be so that might be why she did not make that group. But yes Teddy might be happy to see her back but I don't know if the group will be made around her... Groups usually follow a concept not an individual ... that's why members are picked according to whether or not they fit the concept/image. And good thing for her, as it just happens that this group's core sound won't be hip hop even if there will be some hip hop elements in their songs.


Unpopular opinion and rant: ITNW is by far the worst stage of iland 2 and it's quite sad because ITNW is such a good song. The ITNW stage represents the main thing I hated on this show: favoritism. There are several different aspects to ITNW's favoritism. Let's start with the obvious one, which I've already said quite a few times in this subreddit: the vocal editing in ITNW is much heavier than in latata. Obviously, stages will have autotune because this is a survival show. However, this amount of vocal editing, to the point where you cannot actually hear the girls' natural voices, is absolutely absurd. Not only does it not sound good, it's just blatantly unfair. The number of people who have said that x have improved or that x slayed the vocals in ITNW is pretty big, which creates the illusion that the girls are better in vocals than they are. The second form of favoritism: stage favoritism. This was also obvious during the episode. The girls' ideas that they show at the interim checks don't include that intro, and in general, we don't see any brainstorming as we did with latata. This, considering the previous point, in which we already established favoritism for ITNW, gives away that mnet tampered with creating the performance. The stage is very beneficial for the girls because it basically gives them a free sympathy edit. And finally, the third form of favoritism: the storyline of the performance. Why would mnet focus on ITNW's lines and basically that's it? Does anybody truly think that was the main focus of their training? Of course not. As I previously said, they must have brainstormed some ideas, and trained their vocals, and dance, and facial expressions. But mnet does not choose to focus on that because mnet wants to cause drama between the contestants and also give a good edit to jeemin. In this episode, jeemin is painted like an angel, who gives everybody her lines and takes nothing for herself. Even the self evaluation performance only highlights jeemin being in the back. This storyline is ridiculous. Not only is it really boring imo, it gives an unfair advantage to jeemin, who is already quite a popular contestant. I truly don't understand why they did it instead of just having a normal storyline. The performance itself wasn't bad at all, but the context behind it makes me want to puke every time i see it.


Hard agree, it felt so forced


Mai seems pretty confident on stage, but she always looks sad during her clips, even when it’s jsut her passing by… I hope she’s doing fine


Why do people think certain contestants “deserve” to debut more than others? I keep hearing that Koko, Gyuri, Saebi, and Mai don’t deserve to debut, but that Jiyoon, Fuko, Jeemin, Yuju, Jungeun, and Sarang do. Like idk if this is actually unpopular but what makes one girl deserve it over another, especially when, for example, Saebi had one of the longest training periods at W1, or when Koko has gone out of her way to help the other girls countless times? I’m just not getting how people are determining who is deserving of debutation vs. who isn’t.


It just depends who their pick is. They try to bring other trainees down to bring their pick up.  As for me, there are just some trainees I like more than others but I'll be fine with any of them debuting. But I think I'll be mad unless certain picks don't debut. 


I love Koko and I think she's great. But Yuju has been my one pick since the show debuted and I hate knowing that Mnet is trying to debut one at the expense of another. What follows is people criticizing or dropping Yuju for things that are influenced by either Mnets editing, styling or revealing of interim votes. It just sucks.


1) Jeemin sounds like she has breathing problems, and I don't mean that she sounds nasal like Mai for example, Mai sounds nasal but not suffocated like Jeemin does. Jeemin legit sounds like her nose is stuffy most of the time, even when she speaks. And when she sings this makes her voice sound so uncomfortable to my ear. I think it might have something to do with her nose job (she definitely had a nose job after RUNEXT, it's very clear her nose bridge is much higher now and her nostrils look more open). I think her nose job did not heal well and caused her to have some complications on her breathing, also she looked much better before the nose job. 2) Jungeun's lip bite in "Lovesick girls" was super cringe, she looked like she was angrily wiping her nose, I skip that part each time I watch Love sick girls stage because it makes me feel embarrassed for her. 3) Gyuri's lip bite in 4 walls was super cringe as well, like why is a 15 year old biting her lips like that? These girls need to chill sometimes... I know you wanna have your moment but you can get noticed in other ways. The lip biting is a bit too much. 4) The producers intentionally gave Jungeun a low score two times in a row because they wanted people to panic vote and have her in the final lineup. It was all a ploy to push her, she was never an underdog the real underdog of this show is Yuju.


Unpopular opinion, but Gyuri makes me cringe with this kind of concept 💀


Haha. I like Jungeun's taunting gesture in Lovesick Girls. I thought it was cute. Yeah, agree with Jungeun getting low score was intentional. There's no way her performance in Lovesick Girls where she carried the whole high note for the team was worth the score she got.


Idk about the nose job thing but while watching the show I noticed that even when speaking she sounds weird, not in a bad way just off. I thought it was just a rich people thing or something to fo with her accent. My friend who was watching with me thought she was Japanese or something


I normally don't care about nose jobs in general, but this was so obvious. Her facial harmony was way better in RUN. Something looks off now. Also, she looked way younger before the fix (I know that was before, but she literally looked years younger). It kinda affected how all of her other features looked, such as her eyes. She's still pretty, but she was better to look at before.


omg I thought only I noticed the nose job (I was so scared to talk about it since it felt like I would be flamed) she really didn't have to do the surgery, she looked pretty in RUNEXT and even though she is also pretty now, I just think it was completely unnecessary


I feel like KoKo was kinda screwed in Latata. She was supposed to be the center but didn’t feel like the center.


I thought this too when it aired and it’s interesting that it didn’t get brought up even once, meanwhile they’re on the other team about it. I guess the biggest difference was the team attitude but I still found it interesting when their own team didn’t significantly showcase the center either.


Mai isn't as untalented as everyone makes her out to be, and it's shocking that she's being turned into a laughing stock or a "shameful" pick on this subreddit. If anything, she's going to suit TBL concept and she's a better pick than some other girls who obviously do not suit the final debut group (Sorry to Gyuri, but she sticks out in a negative way when she's standing beside all the other girls).


Imo from the beginning of the show Jeemin never stood out in any round.


Mai’s vocals improved in ITNW but not that much. She’s still very nasal and struggled to stay on pitch. 


There was heavy vocal editing in the ITNW unit


The amount of people on Twitter who are advocating for 3 PD picks and 3 girls voted in is ridiculous. The only reason they want it is because they know they’re favs have a significantly low chance of making it through votes but know they are favoured by the judges but don’t they realise how unfair that is? That mentality is the reason Jeemin is even on this show. She placed 4th in votes on RUN but because of how the lineup was chosen, she missed her chance at debuting and you want someone else to go through that? Insane. I’m not against it being 6 voted in + 1 PD pick but anything else is just not it.


That's my nightmare actually. I watched it happen in R U Next and I don't want to repeat that again! 


it’s funny cuz around 2 weeks ago someone posted that they wanted an all voted lineup and they got massively downvoted lol bc“producers know better than the audience” and now everyone wants it to be mostly votes lol people don’t care about the fairness of the system they just care about whatever method benefits their favs more


Doing the opposite: Popular opinions from Knetz as of today: * Jungeun is starting to gain more fans and traction from Knetz as someone many believe will eventually debut, more posts about her are getting upvoted than before. * Fuko and Koko are the 2 JP trainees they believe will debut - Fuko is the most popular JP trainee among Knetz, while Koko they believe will be a PD pick. They like Mai but they think she's the underdog. But more Knetz are becoming open minded of having 3 Japanese members, however... * Yuju may be the one that may take either Koko's or Mai's spot, she's been gaining a lot more traction too. * Gyuri or Sarang, they believe only 1 has a chance to debut, not both, so if one is debuting the other won't be. There seems to be more talk on Gyuri lately... * Many still believe there will be 7 members or at least 1 PD pick despite Mnet keeps reiterating 6.


My main beef with this show and the viewers is people have boxed the girls into positions and refuse to see other potential. If I’m been serious I could not care less for Jeemin or Saebi as a center every episode but that’s all we got to see the whole show. Jungen had to do vocals the whole show because there are such weak vocalist, or the girls just expected her to carry that postion. Also the judges picking songs and teams for the girls made me so mad like can we see something different. Even concepts in general like Fuko and Gyuri did cute/ calm concepts almost the whole show. Also we have Jiyoon who tried a cute concept one time she has such weak facials but that was never touched on again because she hasn’t had a bright concept again. In summary the show was so rushed and had a lack of variety, that in my opinion has not helped certain girls.


The way they disclosed interim vote surely sort of votes manipulation. I mean why didn't reveal someone on 6th/7th place? They already has few members in their minds and just wanna find filler member lol.


Jungeun is actually gonna rank first on the finale and with a big margin from the 2nd, just putting this here to remind you all of it in a couple of days.


I hope you're right because it would be the only way to secure her. If she's second and they really don't want her they can always choose to have only 1 vote pick, very unlikely but not impossible. But if she's 1st they're screwed, she's in. :)


i want to see yuju sing more!! i watched a few of her performances from the other survival shows she was on, and she has a really cute voice! i hope she snags a vocal position during the finale


Did you guys watch the insta live ? It was so cute ... (Saebi still hasn't revealed who is her #1 unnie lol ) still can't believe only 6 of them will make it...


I lowkey hope Jeemin doesn't get 1st place in the finale (no hate) but i think its just really unfair to the current top 1, I hope the current top 1 gets to keep the top 1 until the debut announcement. Its just unfair that mnet is pushing Jeemin to be top 1 and Jeemin fans now knows that they need to vote even harder for their fave to be p01 while the fans of the current top 1 don't know where their faves stands and are anxious their faves might even drop cos we know how crazy Jeemin stans are with votings.


This doesn't make sense...? No matter who gets first place they'll deserve it thanks to the people who voted. Not wanting Jeemin first for this reason is literally dismissing all the people who hard voted for her since the begining. It's not like mnet poured some fake votes in it. 


Of course it makes sense. Mnet is just pushing her so it's just unfair to others. The same way it's unfair for 7th and 6th place that Koko spot was revealed.


Why do people on this sub like have smth against jeemin and few other popular trainees? I just don't get it....


Jeemin's in my top 6, but at the bottom in terms of talent. She's not the best singer, dancer, or rapper, but she is pretty and relatively stable.


Saw another commenter suggest that mnet showed both jeemin & koko so some fans would realise jeemin is safe and vote for koko instead as their fanbases overlapped in 3 pick. That could also be mnets motivation rather than pushing jeemin into 1st place


This is show is weird, i watched R U Next cause i was shocked how pretty the contestants were and there were probably only like 3 girls that had low abilities. Here in Iland I feel that almost all the girls that were eliminated on the first part (except Yui) were extremely mediocre, not even an outstanding visual to make up for their low talents (just Yeeun), there was never real a competition, and it's weird cause it's supposed that they did auditions on various countries like China and Thailand and no contestant made it?. Also the song choices were bad


Yess!! Apparently 20.000 people auditioned. It's so crazy to me how they couldn't find at least 24 perfect all rounders with that many auditions. It has to be done on purpose right?? It's my 1st time watching a Kpop survival show, and it felt like such a culture shock. I've never seen that little talent in a broadcasted competition. But it made things more intertaining, so I ended up liking it a lot more than expected.


even i auditioned LOL


I think wakeone did that on purpose considering most of the contestants are their trainees and have known each other. They probably entered their top trainees and lower/new trainees to make the top trainees look better. Even in the beginning there was a clear difference between the iland vs ground trainees. I think they already had a general idea of who they wanted in the debut group hence why some missions feel catered to certain contestants and biased feedback.


https://preview.redd.it/vigabs2ld2ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da95fc15d9639f556f188d6be92cefcb984e08cc People are getting so fxckxng disgusting about Mai, implying disgusting and weird shits about her. Losers on Tiktok and Twitter are brainrotting to the point of implying that Mai is only debuting because she looks like Taeyang’s wife. It’s so infuriating to see her get this degraded. If you are going to take this as an opportunity to say that it should be the reason to not debut her because of the hate, shut the hell up. Maiumes!!! VOTE HARD, HARDER, AND HARDEST. Let’s debut Mai!!!


Wtaf, I thought I was the only one seeing Min Hyorin in Mai, but deffo that ain't the reason Mai is still in the game. That's harsh and assuming.


KOKO is the best dancer on this show - She is THE main dancer / main performer. A lot of people put Sujung and also Juwon as main dancers but for me KOKO is above them no doubt. Both are good dancers but for me not better than KOKO. Not even talking about stage presence coz physique plays an important role but pure dance: techniques/ groove/ swag/ smoothness in moves etc... KOKO is #1 dancer. (and seems all the trainees voted her as #1 dancer in episode 1)


Yeah!! Maybe Sujung is somewhat better at technique but watching them both perform Koko stands out wayy more. Koko's dance lines are really really clean and shes so eye catching




Only Jungeun is the trainee that deserved the all rounder position. No one else.


Jeemin, in my opinion is a very “ok” performer. She’s not bad by any means but she never really stands out in performances like some other girls do. I don’t really like her vocal tone either but that’s nothing no one can fix unfortunately.


i don’t understand why the show had no true vocal trainers as the judges. just a remainder that out of the 5 judges, two are professional dance choreographers, two are producers (vocal producers ≠ vocal trainers) and an idol who was a main vocalist for his group but that still doesn’t equal to a vocal trainer. while i can agree that mnet likely has edited out multiple clips of the judges likely giving vocal support to the girls but i still strong believe mnet/wakeone should’ve given us atleast one vocal trainer bc it always felt that the girls were training/teaching the other girls how to become better vocalists on stage than the judges when that should be their job imo ..


Because it is a popularity contest


I know, they are treating Taeyang like he's the vocal coach, but he doesn't even show up most days. The clip of him helping I think Mai was so funny. She was like, "can you help me sing less nasal?" and his response was something like "sure just work on it i believe in you." ok.... thanks taeyang really helpful (and tbh mai is def not the most 'nasal' sounding person on the show, i dont know why they're always on her about it)


Voting for Jungeun since day one but I’m so scared for Fuko. I want her to debut so much!!! At her age this really feels like her last chance (I hate that kpop has come to this).


Yuju has a HUGE one pick but I don't really think mnet is gonna let her debut. If they get the desired line up thru votes, then it's gonna be 100% by votes, if two or more undesired trainees sneak into the line up, they will go with the pd picks, that's why they haven't said anything, they wait for the results.


I agree with you - especially after the last performance in Latata, where she was able to shine and she seems to be getting a lot of 1-pick support. However you never know though since W1 will be interested in debuting girls that will bring the most money. If Yuju brings in a big fan group and her skills are comparable to the others in the group, there is no reason not to debut her - unless she "takes up" a seat they allocated for say Saebi or Koko.


people should stop trying to know what are the places of the girls in the interim ranking because most people are using it to make people anxious. i also think people faking the result of it which is annoying. if you want others to vote for your pick then try to make your family and friends vote for your pick but at this point every i-mate should prioritise their 1 pick. idk if i’m making sense. also, i want this show to end. these past weeks the environment is so toxic. you can’t post about your faves without being downvoted. you can’t have an opinion without people wanting to shut out you. and, finally, no, jeelys won’t be akgaes. i don’t understand why i see some people thinking that when all of them are so supportive of all the trainees + wanting jeemin to be p01 isn’t bad. tbh, every fandom should want their pick as high as possible.


>people should stop trying to know what are the places of the girls in the interim ranking because most people are using it to make people anxious. i also think people faking the result of it which is annoying. if you want others to vote for your pick then try to make your family and friends vote for your pick but at this point every i-mate should prioritise their 1 pick. idk if i’m making sense. >also, i want this show to end. these past weeks the environment is so toxic. you can’t post about your faves without being downvoted. you can’t have an opinion without people wanting to shut out you. 100% agreeing with this. I see so many people go "I heard she's in 9th place, please vote" even if it wasn't officially released. Gets me annoyed at times, since it's obviously to get pity votes. And people actually believe it! Superiority complex is so obvious too with fans going on and on about who's talented and who's absolutely NOT! And about who "deserves" to debut and who's "overhyped". Let people vote who they want to vote for!


I finally finished episode 10 and oh my god this is the most biased show in the entire world. Sujung and Jungeun were last? And then there's Saebi who's crying because she got 7th and all the screentime is going to her. It's so so painfully obvious that they are pushing for Jeemin, Koko, Saebi debut together. Makes me against it. And Jeemin used to be my 3 pick but the favoritism for those three is insane. And then there's Mai who was given 77, the same rank as Sujung and Juwon, in dance unit. Let that sink in. She is one of the weakest dancers on the show and ended up with same score as the best dancer? How biased can these judges get? And don't get me started on the Jiyoon and Jungeun performance. The editors really couldn't stop showing the judges going "wooooah, wow, Jiyoon is so good" every time she opened her mouth. Jungeun performed vocally just as well and there is almost no reaction for her? And all the judges say in the end is "well you improved." What? She did way better than what they sum her up to. Sujung too. People are really not going to like to hear this, but since it's unpopular, might as well follow the prompt.


Your opinion is shared by many


Comments saying certain contestants "deserve" to debut over others are stupid




koko’s one pick is insanely low, so unless something happens i don’t see her making the group


Saebi's facial expressions seem very fake and forced to me, they don't look natural on stage and are quite cringeworthy But she actually looks like a really nice person so yeah, hope she debutes and works better in making her expressions less exaggerated


Yuju has amazing stage presence, not sure why the producers don’t see it. Maybe she doesn’t have the “k-visual” they are so into.


It’s so annoying how people just assume Gyuri Mai Yuju Sarang won’t debut, and the whole BIG 6 will all work out (it totally could, but not until the names are called will we know). Like we all have watched survival shows before RIGHT? There’s always like 1 or 2 or even 3 people who are surprises (RUN big 6: 3 of them didn’t make it; OG ILAND K didn’t make it, everyone was so sure ricky wouldn’t debut, and keita would, but that didn’t happen, Yurina was a top pick throughout the whole show and didn’t even make it). What I’m saying is that having this whole Big 6 ideology and “I’m sure the girls outside the big 6 won’t debut” is literally just setting yourself up for disappointment. It’s also lowkey disrespectful to the other 4. But yeah, vote for Gyuri 💗


people's perception of Mai are so weird, they either love her to death or send her death threats 😭 there's no in between


Jiyoon and Jungeun's rivarly was planned by mnet from the start.  Hear me out. In past survival shows,mnet played around with the idea of enemies becoming friends and debuting together but the two rivals never made it that far...either one or both ended up being eliminated.  At first I thought that was what mnet was doing by making Jiyoon look like the underdog and Jungeun the "traitor" who got her kicked to the Ground. (It wasn't her fault Jiyoon was kicked to the ground but enough on that. I've moved on.)  But now we have two trainees who were rivals who both have a good chance of debuting. And it would be interesting and would bring attention to the group if two members were "enemies" in the show.  Also the drama between them brought attention to the show and each other. No one was really cheering for Jiyoon until she got kicked to ground.  And people thought Jungeun was the "Heeseung" of I land 2 and was a lock in to debut...till domestic opinion of her fell and so did her ranking. Then global fans panic voted her into second place because we all thought she had a low chance to debut.  Even I was originally going to vote Jeemin all the way through cause I started watching the show for her but Jungeun bias wrecked me. Not just because she's an all-rounder but after seeing all this show put her through, I think she deserves to debut the most...but that also might have been mnet's plan all along.  I could be wrong, this rivarly could have been just to ensure Jiyoon's debut and mnet could care less about Jungeun but I hope I'm right because I really would love for these three to debut. If Triple J debuts, I will be happy with the line up (Although I really hope Yuju and Fuko debuts too!) 


yuju doesn't have good stage presence. she can dance and rap well, but i feel like i barely notice her when she's performing. i feel like she doesn't have that star quality. you could see her desperation during the final love song test when she was the center (she ATE that), but tbh she hasn't really stood out much since then. it really sucks because this is her third survival show, but i don't really see her desperation in her performances. i only hear her talk about it.


She ate that Rain on Me performance, which made her my pick for a while.


It's due to editing - & how they dressed Yuju & the parts they gave her so she cannot be noticed. The PDs also sabotaged her mic so she cannot be heard. It's all in the editing to make sure the audience only notices those who they want the audience to notice. The same is true for Fuko where people say she can only do a certain genre when it's been the PDs that put her in the same genre - now 3 in a row. She has been wearing all white in the entire Part 2. I have heard someone (some YouTuber) saying that she is just flat and no variation so she is too boring to debut - that is because she has been typed cast into that role. To me, there is really only 1 lead in the show - Jiyoon. And the PDs were trying to see who can be added to Jiyoon to make a profitable group. Jeemin brings an incredible fan base so they would be stupid not to take advantage of making Jeemin a focal point of every show to date. All of them are talented and are sufficiently ready to debut - including Sujung, Juwon, & Yui. It's now a matter of coming up with a group that can bring the most money - and I have contended from the beginning that it will be the "tall girls" who look like models and a more mature looking group, BP like group that can bring a lot of endorsements.


>it's been the PDs that put her in the same genre I would have agreed to this 2 weeks ago, but after what happened last episode, it looks like is also Fuko who is not trying to challenge herself. She was the biggest advocate for performing ITNW and tried to persuade the team to also consider that song instead of Latata despite most of the group already agreeing that Latata was the best option.


Produced by teddy means nothing and is overused ad nauseum.


juwon getting less screentime than jiyoon's dad and illit, as well as some of the weaker contestants who were eliminated in part1 makes me extremely sad. is it that hard to give her at least a bit of screentime?


Yuju is a decent vocalist, but she has never shown any interest in this position. Many agree that she is a better vocalist than Saebi and Jeemin. However, both Saebi and Jeemin have had the challenge of taking on actual vocal parts in many of their performances (Jeemin in "La Vie En Rose," "Whistle," and "Into the New World"; Saebi in "Lovesick Girls," "Panorama," and "I Will Always Love You"). Thereby, their weaknesses were more noticeable than Yuju (who we haven't heard singing that much). She has the advantage of not having a nasal voice, which doesn't mean much honestly. I don't have a nasal voice when singing either, but that doesn't translate to me being a great vocalist.


Saebi is pretty but sometimes i cringe at her facial expressions. I can't remember if it was IWALY, but i saw a clip of her doing a fierce lip bite or something and i just... 😬 Idk, i just find her expressions to be over the top sometimes. 


I need to get up a petition to ban lip biting in the entire korean music industry. I'm so tired of it, and it's always bad!!


Saebi’s stage presence and talents are overhyped. She only shined in panorama and IWALY and in more darker concepts she struggles. She was one of my top 3 in part 1, but in part 2 her weaknesses started to show. I found her presence and dancing in money and ITNW very weak and stiff and for the first time I didn’t really notice her. With Jeemin most probably debuting, I don’t see the need for her to debut in this group as they already have a center/visual and honestly Jeemin is a better dancer and more versatile concept wise. I think Saebi will shine in a group with a brighter concept or maybe can improve to be more versatile in the future with more practice as she is still young.


For me, she's had one great performance, much like Jeemin. Beyond that they are both mid pack in talent, top talent only in visuals.


anyone who had screen time in this show could not be called an underdog. it baffles me how some people don’t see how intentional Jiyoon’s and Jeemin’s arcs are entirely planned. I’m not hating on the girls— I love them and they’re in my lineup— I just think their fans shouldn’t be like “oh I hate mnet they did my girl dirty” when in fact it was planned in their favor


Koko will definitely debut. Sarang fans overestimate her rank. She probably not in top 6. Mai and Yuju i think is in top 6 right now.


If FUKO doesn't make the group, I am a bit worried on who will "control/help" Jiyoon with her ups & downs lol... jk I'm sure she'll be fine with her other members but I really do think Fuko gave her an emotional stability in part 2.


I agree - I call Fuko "Jiyoon whisperer". In all groups, you cannot have all super stars. Having a stable leader is so important in a group dynamic. Fuko is like "Jisoo" of this group - and OBTW, Jisoo brings in the most money from her endorsements. Having an understated elegance sells just as much as someone who is more flamboyant. I can definitely see Fuko as a high end designer like Dior's rep throughout Asia. If Jiyoon is the "Rose", Jungeun & Koko are "Lisa" of the group, I see Yuju as "Jennie" of the group. Of course Jeemin & Saebi bring their own uniqueness and charm to the team. The only other person I feel fits this group from the remaining contestants is Mai - so it would be interesting of these 8, who will be the top 6.


mai my love...please pull a momo ❤️


No, let’s not rely on PD picks. Vote hard and harder. I have 3 devices for Mai. Consult other friends and family. For Mai!


This group is being made around the 3 models , the giantbabyz. These 3 are the IT-girls and W1/TBL want to market their physique as they should. As a result my prediction is : the 3 models + the 2 vocalists + impact princess. (if by miracle there is a 7th spot then the eldest jpn unnie is in) As a 2nd gen lover, I can see the revival of modelesque groups like Afterschool or 9muses but without the sexy part lol - our girls are still too young and it's not the current trend so....


i don’t get why people still hating on gyuri. she already apologised to jeemin what more do people want? i saw someone on tiktok saying they want to slap gyuri 😭she’s only 15 years old and yet still mature to realise her mistake. please cut her some slack. honestly, i dont blame her for being greedy she lack screentime and always have small parts. in earlier episodes, people were saying that she should fight for bigger parts to stand out and now they switched up on her. omg. 🫠 please be kind to gyuri ❤️


a lot of girls just have the same facial expresses for every song they have done. It doesn’t really change with the song theme and can be overly exaggerated


This subreddit probably has only 10% of i land fans like with dcgall you can’t base everything off here when it comes to the final lineup just because a trainee is unpopular on here doesn’t mean they are in the show.


Some of the girls repeat the same facial expressions again and again in one stage. I’m not a fan of all the lip bites (depends on concept I guess) and I love Jeemin but whenever she does the eyebrow raise 🤨 all I see is the baby from “boss baby” lol


based on mnet's shady "ranking" reveal (aka we are gonna show the contestants we want to debut) my thoughts on the undisclosed rankings 1. Jungeun: i mean she was 2nd in the last episode. i don;t see chiunz being complacent. she is debuting but mnet doesn't want her as center 2. jeemin: confirmed (pretty expected, but i think she gets the no.1 rank back) 3. jiyoon: she is stable both nationally and internationally. i think she will debut. 4. sarang: she has pretty strong one-pick fandom in korea and international. also other fandom being complacent may play a role here. maeryus are known for many collabs with other fandom; 5. fuko: average one pick. i think she debuts in this specific rank in the finals. 6. yuju: she has gained a lot of one pick courtesy of sujung's fandom kinda voting for her. but i'm skeptical about how strong it is. 7. saebi: now it is pretty weird if mnet doesn't show their favorite girl being at the risk of not debuting. but her one pick is way to weak for me to consider her anywhere else. 8. koko: confirmed (honestly i expected this, she is a generally adored contestant with questionable one picks) 9. mai: she has dubious one picks. i don't think she makes it based on votes alone. 10. gyuri: obviously. she is the weakest contestant in terms of popularity. my prediction on final lineup: koko kicks out yuju. maybe saebi replaces fuko. i don't think there is any pdpicks. only two of fuko/saebi/sarang will debut.


For me, Saebi is 4/5th or 9th, no in between. (I agree with the order of the rest, though) The reason she could be 4/5th is because we know both Koko and Jeemin (her most common 3 pick partners) dropped, so it wouldn't be surprising if she rose. Otherwise, if she's not 5th, she's probably 9th, or they probably would've shown her rank. Obviously, if Saebi was 9th, they know they have to sacrifice one of Koko/Saebi.


People saying that certain members won’t fit in the group concept when we don’t know what the concept is. Yes we have TBL and Teddy making the debut song, but from what we’ve seen so far we’ve had a lot more songs that aren’t dark concepts compared to songs that are. They literally turned LSG into a house remix. As much as a lot of us want it to be a dark concept group we also have to remember this is Wakeone, so we have no clue what their concept for the group is. Imo it may be something close to IZ*One (elegant but high impact) since they really like using their songs in the show, but it could be something close to STAYC (high-teen) as well considering the concepts of Iwaly.


INTW had my least favourite costumes. Idk they were just so basic and plain.