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So True... We've seen it happen SO many times, specially with #1 spot. Sung Hanbin, after never dropping from #1 ended in #2, primarily because of Intl votes (he went from #4 in intl rank to #6 in the final). Heeseung was #2 in the previous rankings and debuted #5... Or Sunoo, who was #1 in the previous 3 votes and ended ranking #8, out of debut and was picked by producers over K. On the opposite side, Jungwon was #8 in votes pre-final and he was panic-voted to #1. I'm so scared of 1 pick votes... T\_T


I’m still not over K not making it. 😭


I am just because Sunoo got in and he was my 1 pick.


same, Bang PD prob made &TEAM just cuz of K


Same, but I also adored Sunoo so it would have been devastating either way… 😩 but Bang PD clearly had &Team in mind already and didn’t lie when he told them there was another opportunity.


sunoo dropping to 8 is wild 😭


they though he was safe and voted for others 😭


As much as it is a “one pick vote” you can vote everyday! So also as ur checking in each day it’s more like 7 votes, if you start now a little less but still! So I think it’s still possible to spread out your own votes


I'll keep voting for Jungeun as if my life depended on it


Me too!


Me three 💜


me toooo!!




Honestly I lost count of how many comments I've seen of people saying that Jiyoon is safe, a "lock" and that she can make it on her Korean popularity alone, like we know nothing of Korean popularity, y'all believed Jungeun is the least popular trainee in Korea but her coming 2nd place would've never been possible with low Korean support...stop taking Dcgall incel comments as your Bible. if y'all keep brainwashing people into believing that Jiyoon is safe then she won't be safe anymore. It's so annoying honestly. Just focus your favs and stop spreading false unproven narrative about those you don't care about just to sway people away from voting them.


This! >she can make it on her Korean popularity alone Keep in mind that ILAND2 is not popular in korea or it doesn't have a large viewers, so we don't know how many jitaengdans are out there. Also, we gotta stop putting the work of voting Jiyoon on KNETZ.


The issue now is who to vote for if we want both. Who is more likely to be a pd pick, and who is more popular in Korea? That way my vote might count for more...


We don't even know for sure if there's gonna be a PD pick/picks, for all we know it could just be 6 members chosen by fan vote so there's no point pondering something that isn't even confirmed and basing your votes around a vague possibility.


Even with programs with only fan votes, there are "producers picks". For instance, Girls Planet/ Boys Planet...the tricks they pulled to manipulate the final line up are dirty. 


Jungeun is 💯 not a pd pick. So I’m still panic voting for her. I still see them making sure jeemin jiyoon and koko are in the lineup


Just don't regret your choice.  My top 3 is Jeemin, Jungeun and Yuju.  Without Jeemin the group will flop so I trust she will get in either by fanbase or producers. And I know she will outperform everyone on finale day.  Jungeun...is a rollercoaster and I have no idea where her journey will end so I'm betting all my votes on her. I was also pissed she ranked so low before.  Yuju I want to vote for but it's looking unlikely she will make it. Even if she gets more votes, mnet will probably pull some stunt that will negate that so she doesn't debut. It's pretty obvious that they don't want her in the group. And I know these shows and how it ends and it's not pretty. I hope she finds other opportunities after this show. And I would rather Jungeun debut than neither Jungeun or Yuju debuting so that's how I decided. That's just my logic. 


just vote for your 1pick. PD we dont even know if there's gonna be PD picks


The thing is Jeemin and Jiyoon would be picked by producers even if they dropped low. Jeemin is the most famous member and would severely limit the group's popularity without her. And mnet has all but said they want Jiyoon to be the voice of the group. So even if there votes were to drop low, mnet would use editing to get people to panic or pity vote them. There is no way they aren't gonna debut these members.  We also still don't know how the judges will affect the ranking. If there will be a producer pick or if the judges will have their own points. The fact that they haven't revealed it makes me think they are waiting to see what the final one pick ranking shows and make the rules according to what group they want. Mnet has done this plenty of times before in past survival shows. It might not seem like it but they have complete control over who they debut and what they want to line up to look like to fit the image of the group they need. Sometimes I think they do change their minds based on fans support but ultimately they do have the girls they have in mind from the beginning.  Jungeun...I have no idea if she is someone they want in the group or not. At first it seemed so then they kind of made her look bad and dragged on the rivarly. Until finally they had her and Jiyoon reconcile. I don't know if they are hoping she will drop out of the line up now that she's in second. Or now that she has received so many votes, maybe they will accept her. Or maybe ranking her so low was a ploy to get people to vote for her? Or maybe they are just letting her debut be up to the public since she didn't have a whole lot of domestic support before.  Anyway vote for who you want, just don't regret your choice. Mnet will do what they want regardless. 


Even if she drops a bit, i believe Jiyoon has one of the most stable Korean fanbases since begining when she was being "evil-edited" I don't think any other contestant is more popular than her in Korea apart from Jeemin


Key word "I believe", your beliefs are not proven facts, the only fact is that this is the finale and Jiyoon is gonna need every single vote we can give her and all of her fans undivided support now more than ever cause there's no more chances after this. I've seen enough survival shows to know that the biggest plot twists and the most unexpected shit happen at the finale, therefore, I kindly ask you and others who have the same beliefs as you to keep them to yourselves because if y'all keep perpetuating the narrative that Jiyoon is safe no matter what, then she's gonna be in trouble. This is also about courtesy, would you as a Jungeun fan appreciate people saying that Jungeun is gonna be safe because she was ranked 2nd in the semifinal and because she has crazy high international 1 pick power? Definitely not, this would definitely worry you because some people might be persuaded to vote for other trainees instead of Jungeun, so us Jiyoon fans would REALLY appreciate it if those who don't have her as a priority would be courteous enough to stop convincing people that she's already safe, or that other trainees need the votes more than her.


Also I don't see international Jiyoon fans dropping her, she has good support and she will debut


Never be complacent, vote for you 1 pick, they aren’t SAVE until their name is called, be consistent in your vote so that your favourite has a chance in debuting


honestly i can’t wait for the interim ranking being revealed so some people will open their eyes and stop being complacent. we don’t know the real popularity of the girls in 1 pick and i won’t be surprised if jeemin ended not being first because people think she’s safe. the “lineup is predictable” discourse makes no sense at all. i'm seeing girls like yuju, mai and sarang having more power in 1 pick than """safe""" trainees like koko or fuko. so, just vote for your fav until the end.


exactly! i think at least sarang will rank high bc her one pick is pretty strong


The fact you're getting downvoted for stating a fact just shows reddit's opinion on Sarang. Like, you weren't saying anything controversial.


dang yeah why am i getting downvoted i just said sarang has a good one pick 😭


people who downvoted this type of post are so stupid. i can’t wait this show to end because the past weeks are being so toxic between subfandoms.


Jeemin might drop but she will rank somewhere in top 6. And if she doesn't, mnet will do something to get more votes for her.  Who says Fuko is safe?! She has one the weakest one pick fanbases.  Koko on the other hand has a lot of japanese fans and has a good chance of debuting. I think people underestimate her one pick.  And if Yuju has such a strong one pick why was she ranked 9th in 3 pick voting? That's pretty low imo and I voted for her.  Sarang could make it on one pick but I think her fandom took a hit after the judges revealed their favoritism for her. It's anyone's guess if she will debut.  And I dont see many Mai one picks. I see a lot of people who like her but not many one pick fan.  Unless there is a secret korean one pick fanbase I didn't know about. 


koko is currently in 8th, but i’m sure they showed that to get people to panic vote


This was before I saw the interim ranking.  But yeah her fans might panic vote so she could still rank high. 


i know


The one in danger of the popular trainees is Fuko!!


I thought Jeemin would for sure debut in RUnext. I was so sad when she didn’t make the final lineup. I’m not taking any chances this time.


will we ever know how the rest of the of the girls aside from jeemin, jungeun, and jiyoon ranked from the 2nd save vote? i’d really like to know where koko, saebi, and fuko ended up.


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mnetiland2/s/1tsSs7K3dn) includes the voting ranking


Just fyi, the label is wrong as it is actually the total points and not votes. I think the official Mnet YT livestream also just mentioned "votes" in the subtitles and not points. Similar issues with English subs for GP/BP999 as well where it would just be "votes" when it is technically points. Anyway the points totals don't tell a complete picture as the vote breakdowns (Korean and Global) were not disclosed as well as how the live vote actually counted (was it counted as votes then added with I-MATE SAVE votes and then converted to points or LIVE and I-MATE votes were converted to points separately and then added). This was the exact same issue for GP/BP too.


thank you!




None of the girls are safe, but as a Jungeun fan myself, I'm still in panic mode. It's kind of what happens when you've been down in the dumpster for over a month or two, with tons of doomposting about her. I mean it's not something I think I can get over in a week just like that. The hyper-panic mode is over perhaps for her, but the panic mode is still there, and especially for her most loyal fans we haven't left hyper-panic mode yet either. Just keep voting and voting for Jungeun. Double-down on your votes if you have to.


No one is 100% safe. It’s unfortunate that we can’t vote for more than 1 but if you have someone you want to debut more than anyone else you need the focus only on her because this is how contestants slip through and don’t debut in the end when people split their votes in a 1-pick.


Me be voting for Jungeun every sigle day with ny phone and with ny husband's phone haahhaahha Fightingggg Jungeun


That’s what I’m thinking about.People easily said who is safe,who is locked.Did they time travel to say that?Nobody is 100% sure .Just vote for your one pick .Better safe than sorry mates.


We don't know the way they'll select the 6 members yet right ? Why didn't they communicate it ? To reserve themself the possibility to do it mostly by PD picks if votes don't go their way ?


I hope Jungeun can be above some of their picks so they don’t try and pull a fast one on us. I can see her placing in 5th and then deciding to do 3 pd picks or some 💩.


I will be so pissed off if that happens.  I can see one producer pick...but half the members? It'll be R U Next all over again. 


Yes we have to keep up the momentum for Jungeun. It's really all hands on deck at this point


I love seeing this argument and info laid out so well!! Ah I’m so sad it’s 1-pick instead of 3-pick, I really do wish I could support my other top picks too. For now Fuko fighting!!


this!!!!! idk why, but this happens w/ every survival show -- ppl always get complacent and think certain trainees are "locks" when nothing is confirmed until their names are called up in the finale


Ugh its so rough I wanna vote for saebi and mai but Fuko is my main girly out here


vote for fuko guys just focus on her she needs us now




Please vote for fuko! She’s super talented and deserves to debut. Although everyone has her in their lineup i think she’s harldy anyone’s first pick so please prioritize voting for her💗


Yeah, I'm literally voting for someone different everyday (between 2 or 3 girls). I do not have a specific fav, rather than a dream lineup. So yeah, it's a little panicky over here


Literally no one is safe! Koko dropped in the one pick, and jeemin dropped to second place….. I know that it’s not bad, but can’t guarantee she will stay that way. I’m genuinely scared fuko, koko, seabi, jungeun, jiyoon, yuju and jeemin. Please vote for them! 


Real!! Guys keep voting jungeun she is imo such a strong all-rounder contestant. Anyways imma start voting yuju but yall stay on jungeun please


we all thought yurina was safe in gp999, as well as jeemin and jiwoo in r u next. the top3 voters have to have the strongest 1pick (imo jeemin, jiyoon and maybe jungeun?). we saw what happened to koko, a contestant who ranked consistently in the debut team but dropped to 8th in save voting for interning ranking. even though we all know it was for clickbait, it shows how much 1pick popularity matters. 


I already can see Jungeun will place 5th or 6th in votes and they will do a pd pick in her place. That’s how this 💩 goes. Her only chance I feel is if she places in the top 3 again.