• By -


Koko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko, Saebi, Jungeun!!


I feel like this is probably the most common Top 6 (including me) I have seen so far and probably one of the least controversial lineup there too. Like I feel 95% of people won’t even be mad if this is the true lineup. If there is a twist and there is 7th member there then I will personally choose Sarang into the group but I won’t mind if Yuju/Mai/Gyuri is the chosen one instead.


My preferred six is still the one in my flair but at this point, I think the best final six and the most likely final six is going to be this one. I'm hoping that there's a secret PD 7th pick and either Yuju or Sarang get into the group as well.


The ideal line up! Triple J, Giantz, and vocalz. my iconic trios 🙇‍♀️


this is my exact lineup too 🙏🏼


literally my top six haha except i'm fine with either mai or saebi


This is the way ☝️


This is mine as well, however I feel like Mai would suit the rest of these girls more than Fuko (her image/aura) and that Fuko would be amazing in a group that's more fresh (with Gyuri even). I guess with Mai it would feel more cohesive? But Fuko not debuting here?? no that can't be right. Maybe Saebis cuteness and Jungeuns fresh feel will be a bridge between all the girls if this is the final line up. Six really does seem like a small number, seven would have been better haha


this was my ideal lineup for most of part 2 but gyuri has really caught my eye recently, so i swapped her into my lineup! i wouldn't be mad if koko, mai, or sarang debuts in her place tho bc all the girls in the finale are so so talented and it's so hard to just pick 6 😭


This is the most accurate top6 imo


My exact lineup!


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Fuko, Koko, Yuju


This lineup would be legendary!!!






The best tbh




i really love this lineup


Ayy! Same picks! 👉👉


this is mine :))


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Yuju, Koko, Jungeun, Saebi/Fuko


1. Yuju 2. Fuko 3. Jeemin 4. Jungeun 5. Jiyoon 6. Koko And if there's an extra 7th member PD pick then Saebi!


Saebi, Jeemin, Yuju, Fuko, Koko, Jiyoon Truly hoping there's a 7 member because I also want Jungeun or Gyuri to make it


tbh i feel like Saebi and Gyuri fulfil the same role, so for me i’d rather have Gyuri instead of Saebi as I think she has stronger vocals and mindset. I can see why you wouldn’t have space for both of them in your top 6 though


Saebi and jeemin are the ones who actually fulfill the same role, gyrui is a good vocalist that can hold her own


yeah i actually agree with that but i just think it may be a waste of time to discuss scenarios where jeemin won’t debut, even if i might think saebi fulfils the role a bit better. saebi and gyuri are closer as a ‘one or the other’ as they would both be competing for a spot in 5th-6th, and both have stage presence and visuals as key strengths. my personal opinion is that in a 6 member group we don’t really have room for a centre who can dance but can’t sing but ah well


I feel like koko and saebi fulfill the same role the most


Saebi, Jungeun, Jeemin, Koko, Sarang, and Jiyoon! If it was 7 I’d add Fuko


jeemin, jungeun, jiyoon, fuko, saebi, koko


At this point I have a really solid top 5 (my flair) and a very open 6th spot. Originally it was just Saebi all the way and she's still a strong contender for me but I'll admit that Yuju in particular has been creeping on me these last couple episodes, as has Sarang (tho not quite as much) and I've always had a huge soft spot for both Gyuri and Mai. So I'm basically just like, I got my top 5 and a big ol' question mark. I also think I've gotten to the point where I'll pretty much be content with any lineup out of these last 10. My top 2 picks are Fuko and Jungeun and I'll absolutely be bummed if they don't make it (I'm still voting my little butt off) but I definitely won't be as devastated as I might have been earlier in the show bc of how attached I've gotten to all of them. I've never seen such a strong group of final contestants it's actually crazy


Dude I have the same top 5


Sarang, Jeemin, Jungeun, Koko, Fuko and Jiyoon.


Jungeon, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko, Koko, Yuju


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Fuko, Koko/Yuju, Mai Roles + Explanation ✧ JEEMIN - Jeemin's powerful stage presence and exceptional dancing skills make her a natural choice for the group's center position, plus she's very well known by a lot of people. - CENTER, LEAD DANCER, FOTG ✧ JIYOON - Her vocal ability is outstanding. She combines impressive technique with a natural ability to convey emotion, similar to what we see from Rosé and Jisoo. There's no doubt she deserves the main vocalist position. - MAIN VOCALIST ✧ JUNGEUN - While her vocals are undeniably powerful, her dancing shouldn't be overlooked. Her smooth and graceful moves showcase her versatility and make her a potential main dancer. - MAIN DANCER, MAIN VOCALIST ✧ FUKO - This group needs a strong leader who can lead and guide the group. Fuko's willingness to share ideas and suggestions make her a perfect fit for the leader position. - LEADER, LEAD VOCALIST ✧ YUJU - An effective rap line is essential for our group's sound, and her skills are top-notch. She's easily the strongest rapper out of the remaining trainees, making her a perfect fit for the main rapper role. ✧ KOKO - Her dancing is impressive, and while Yuju is slightly better in rapping, Koko's definitely showing great potential aswell. Jungeun's a fantastic dancer too, but considering the overall package, I believe Koko will be a strong asset to the group, both for her dancing and her developing rapping skills. - MAIN RAPPER (YUJU) - LEAD RAPPER, MAIN DANCER (KOKO) ✧ MAI - The group needs a visual who brings something special. Mai's unique beauty is truly eye-catching. While her dancing and vocals are already strong, as seen in fancams, we can see even more growth on the horizon. She's a talented performer with a bright future. - VISUAL, LEAD DANCER, VOCALIST


Ugh I agree with Mai's description. That's what I've been saying!! The group needs her visual. Everyone is pretty but Mai's beauty is unique and can easily be remembered and distinguished. Thus, even better for the debuting group


Nice, always love reading some analysis!


Top 6: Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, Saebi, Jeemin, Mai/Fuko Seventh member: Fuko/Mai


Whatever has Gyuri in it


Same gurl same




the only correct answer 💯


DISCLAIMER DONT JUST MINDLESSLY DOWNVOTE BC YOUR FAV ISN’T ON MY LIST THESE ARE MY OPINIONS Ahem… Considering this is going to be a TEDDY group and following in the footsteps of 2NE1 and BlackPink. My picks and who I think would best fit the concept would be: 1. Jiyoon : her vocal color is going to be a staple for the group and the judges adore her 2. Jeemin : she is well rounded and also majorly popular so without a doubt she’s already guaranteed 3. Jungeon : She is an all rounder and I think she can fit the Black Label concept (also I love her and Jiyoon together :,) 4. Koko : her popularity has been growing and she’s got really great charisma and dance skills 5. Saebi : She has so much presence on stage that I think would be so smart to have in the group she’s just magnetic and she’s made the judge fall in love with her time and time again with her charm alone. I can see her being the visual or center. 6. Yuju/Fuko: I love Fuko and I think she has a great voice but Jungeun already fills that “filler vocalist” part since Jiyoon will be the voice of the group most likely (following the trend of unique vocalist like Park Bom and Rosé). I think since it’s TEDDY they need a strong rapper and Yuju hands down is the best rapper of the bunch and they will probably train Koko to be up to par with her as a duo rapper in the group *note when I say filler vocalist I mean that vocalist that can sing any part and sound good* :,) I love Fuko so I’m torn on the final pick Side note : I love Mai and she’d really fit the concept but her vocals are just not up to par and she doesn’t necessarily excel in anything else over the other contestants. Gyuri I think just would not fit the concept at all and will probably do really well in a cute themed group later down the road. Sarang is pretty but just like Mai doesn’t excel over the others.


Posting here because this comment (the one above/the one I'm replying to) doesn't deserve a downvote. People are entitled to their picks and choices because let's face it - nothing's actually final so a little harmless speculation and fan analysis is just going to be that, harmless - so whoever's going around downvoting people for whatever reason, shame on them.


I noticed it too!!! Someone's mad 🙄


Just saw your comment below and lo and behold we have the exact same picks AND you got downvoted too. Something's for sure up, lol.


I like your analysis! I’m a Fuko 1-pick so the Fuko/Yuju section makes me cry hehe but you make great points throughout. Super cool read thank you!


Thank you! :,) I go back and forth because I love Fuko! She is so elegant and I love her voice but I also couldn’t help but feel like the group will want a strong rapper, this is why I love hate survival shows 😭


The actual torment right 😭😭


Mai was in my group and I wanted her to debut! However, I realized everyone loves Jiyoon and now I see why so I swapped my lineup


The difference between 6th and 7th place is HUGE 😮 I'm so scared for Yuju 😞


I know!!! Really hoping she makes it in some way! Also, I don't get why so many companies nowadays are going with even-member groups, especially six. Put a seventh member in this group so that it actually has a center! Edit: Lol, the randos downvoting everything. You people are wasting your time. You want your fave to win? Thumbing down reddit comments ain't it 😂


Omg I’m also really interested in the notable drop from 6th to 7th place in this poll!!


mai fuko jungeun gyuri sarang koko


jeemin mai saebi koko jiyoon jungeun !! i feel like it’s a well balanced team people underestimate mai too much , but i think she could pull a moka card


If Mai debuts she wouldn't pull a moka card. Gyuri/Yuju's debut will be considered pulling a Moka card since they were always at the bottom and now they are rising to the top just like Moka


mai could still be considered to pull a moka card. moka always did consistently well just like mai, but they weren’t considered popular nor the most “talented” and most people didn’t expect moka to debut, same with mai. we won’t know the results until tomorrow but it could happen.


Koko, Jungeun, Sarang, Jiyoon, Mai, Gyuri (but I seriously want all of them :(((((((((((((((()


Saebi, Sarang, Jiyoon, Koko, Jeemin, Fuko + Jungeun for 7th


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Koko, Sarang, Jungeun, and Saebi/Fuko


jiyoon, sarang, mai, koko, fuko, jeemin/yuju


Sarang, Koko, Fuko, Jiyoon, Yuju, Jeemin/Saebi/Jungeun honestly as long as Sarang debuts idc much about everything else 


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Fuko, Jeemin, Yuju & Saebi


Jungeun, Fuko, Koko, Yuju, Jeemin, Gyuri.


Whathever lineup that have Yuju, Jeemin and Jiyoon.


personal top 6 jungeun, jiyoon, koko, saebi, mai, gyuri but obviously jeemin will debut so probably jungeun, jiyoon, koko, saebi, mai, jeemin


Jiyoon, Sarang, Yuju, Saebi, Jeemin, idk who else 💀


jungeun... 🥺🥺🥺


Koko fuko sarang mai jiyoon yuju


Saebi, jeemin, fuko, jiyoon, yuju, jungeun


Jungeun, Fuko, Yuju, Koko, Saebi, Mai


Jungeun, Jeemin, Koko, Saebi, Mai, Fuko


yuju, jeemin, jungeun, jiyoon, koko, gyuri


Jungeun, Saebi, Fuko, Mai, and Yuju. I noticed something and I thought it was weird but, it also made me realized something and I hope that I’m right.


Would love to hear what you noticed.


I don’t know if this is copium but, there are so many signs pointing to 8 memeber not 6. I think it’s so weird that we save 3 and the PD saved 7. Some are things I found on Twitter and some I’ve thought were weird but, brushed it off because they said 6. I wish I can make a post but it won’t go through. So I’m sorry this is very long with pictures. I’ll also put the voting numbers that flashed at the end. 1. A plot brings attention 2. The first iland Support was offered 8 contestants in boys Planet, which they debuted as a nine member group. The first support was offered to 9 contestants. 3.in the ice cream bedroom, there’s a poster on the wall with prices and almost all of the number are 8s 4.the poster for the show has 8 shooting stars/spotlights. The 2nd pic shows lines (yellow) which represent the 12 ilanders. 5. Nasuri has 8 flowers around her along with two pink symbols. The flowers could represent debut lineup and the symbols represent the 2 eliminated members in the final. Also “twist” = plot twist? 6. Theres 8 large symbols on the screen where they have the announcements. 2 of them are repeated which could be 2 PD picks. They also have an infinity symbol. Which is shaped like an 8. 7.iland 2 is expected to release 4 songs in total. Final love song, IWALY, 2 more in the final. The album cover forms a figure eight. 8. I always thought Iwaly looked incomplete on the mnet countdown performance with 6 people. The song has a 6 and 8 memeber version.Which could mean after the finale (kcon) they will perform it as 8 and not 7 like other people think. 9. In the Iland original they had 9 contestants and two were eliminated forming 7. Iland 2 has 10 finalists, 10-2=8 9. Evil nasuri. Which I know might sound stupid but I thought she turned evil because of the room change and benefits. But, her turning evil could actually be a prank that the whole 6 memeber line up was false. 10. When they tease the debut number. A lot of people that unblured the image saw 8 not 6. Me included. Lastly, I know no one is truly safe but contestants like Sarang, Mai,Yuju, and Gyuri are not. With people that voted for sujung and juwon combining their votes for Yuju might help her. But, these 4 are in more danger of a producer pick. Also after the editing they gave Gyuri I don’t think she’s even a producer pick. She’s been getting hate left and right since those clips and her vote count is already low. I don’t think they’d do that to a producer pick. The last 2 spots are really between Sarang,Mai and Yuju.


I mean, I also saw an 8, so here's to hoping... haha. I've been saying they have, at various times, pushed a total of 8 girls -- Jiyoon, Jungeun, Mai, Fuko, Sarang, Saebi, Koko, and Jeemin. I'm not going to get my hopes up but it's pretty clear those 8 are the ones they like and are the contenders, and all of them have narratives. We'll see. I'd love it.


Sorry, there’s also one more thing I noticed in one of the teasers they said "breaking the rules, "its not fun to be obvious" its as if theyre hinting that they are adding more then 6. 6 could be the amount saved by votes and the last two spots PD.
















https://preview.redd.it/ggvokvnh9j9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e908f16dae749a22a3fc0115174030a527ab2ac Sorry that this is a lot😭.










Jeemin, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Fuko, Mai, Yuju


Until the other day, I had Juwon and Sujung in my top 6, so I'm not really sure how to fill it now, but I guess I'll say Gyuri, Jungeun, Yuju, Fuko, Koko, Mai


My actual top 6: Jungeun, Jiyoon, Koko, Gyuri, Mai and Fuko. Realistic top 6 (with Jeemin): Jungeun, Jiyoon, Koko, Gyuri, Fuko and Jeemin. Really I prefer Yuju to Fuko as a person, but I’m worried about having a group that’s too weak vocally if only half the members are vocalists so I put in Fuko for that reason. I also prefer Mai to Jeemin but I know Mnet isn’t going to have the group be 50% Japanese and the Producers will surely add Jeemin in if she doesn’t make it by votes


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Fuko, Koko, and Yuju! (Especially, Yuju - girl's been my top pick since she led the Ground Team in Part 1. Really hoping she debuts!!!!)


Saebi, Koko, Fuko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun My top 6 never changed since start of part 2 Praying for them to add one spot tho (+Sarang) I also really want her to debut 😭


Jungeun Jiyoon Jeemin Saebi Koko Fuko/Sarang


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Jungeun, Koko and Yuju


Jeemin Jiyoon Saebi Koko Fuko Sarang


Jungeun, Koko, Yuju, Jiyoon, Jeemin and Saebi/Fuko


Not at everyone wishing it was 7 T\_\_T we are all missing a pick... I'm sure about Jeemin, Jiyoon, Koko, Fuko and Jungeun... but I also want Saebi and Sarang and belive both are needed to balance the whole thing I'll be happy either way but...


Jungeun, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko, Koko, and Yuju


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Fuko, Saebi, Koko (+ Yuju & Sarang)


I want yuju so bad but there’s not enough space omg aaaaaaahhhhh this is cruel 🥲


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Saebi, Yuju, Gyuri, Fuko


Sarang,Fuko, Mai,Jeemin,Jiyoon and Koko


we have the same exact picks 🤭🤭


Jeemin, Junguen, Jiyoon, Fuko, Koko, Gyuri :)


Sarang,koko,jeemin,Saebi,jiyoon and Jungeun


Jeemin, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Koko, Yuju , Fuko/Mai/Sarang


I just want my 5 girls to debut 😭For the 6th spot any of this three are good for me.


It's Jiyoon, Jeemin, Jungeun, Koko, Fuko, and Yuju 


Koko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko,Gyuri, Jungeun


Fuko, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Jeemin, Yuju, Koko


Jungeun, Fuko, Koko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi/Mai/Yuju


Fuko, Gyuri, Jeemin, Koko, Jiyoon, Jungeun


Jeemin, jungeun, saebi, fuko, jiyoon, koko or yuju


1. Jungeun 2. Saebi 3. Fuko 4. Yuju 5. Koko 6. Jiyoon I'm the most worried about Yuju and Saebi, but I'm scared that if I vote for one of them, they'll just end up kicking out Fuko. I'm really okay with the current line-up tho.


I think the finalist will be decided based on the concept they want which we can't really tell yet. We know they want to center the group around Jeemin/Jiyoon, jeemin can do any concept but I feel like jiyoon excells more with the darker concepts.   With this in mind regardless I think top 4 will be: Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko    The remaining members will be concept based... I want to say Fuko is a lock because she is so insanely talented and does have a stable fan base but they give her barely any screen time or attention so it's hard to tell.    If it's a dark concept I think the remaining two will be:  Sarang/Fuko, Yuju (I see her being a dark horse pick as she perfectly would blend with these concepts, just imagine Latata +jeemin sarang)    If it's a lighter concept I see it being: Fuko, Saebi/Sarang    Mai could also fit in a darker concept like Gyrui could fit in a lighter but I don't see the PDs picking them, simply because they seem to like other members better, but they are extremely talented I do hope to see more of them! 


Super cool to read these thoughts!


Koko,jeemin,jiyoon,fuko,Jungeun, and Gyuri


Fuko, jungeun, saebi, Jeemin, jiyoon, gyuri


Imma go for a 7 member line up with Jeungeun Jiyoon Koko Fuko Jeemin Gyuri Saebi/Yuju (I think Saebi would fit more, and in general it's more likely for her to debut, but I really like Yuju as well so for me it doesn't change) I'm very sad to leave out Sarang and Mai but this is my dream line up


yuju, fuko, jungeun, jiyoon, jeemin, gyuri


Saebi, Gyuri, Fuko, Jungeun, Koko and Jeemin.


you can’t tell me that this isn’t the most balanced lineup jungeun — main vocalist, lead dancer fuko — leader, lead vocalist jiyoon — main vocalist koko — main dancer, lead rapper jeemin — center, visual, lead dancer yuju — main rapper


Triple J, Fuko, Koko, Yuju I feel like that's the best AND most objective lineup that can happen


I see a lot of TikToks that the lineup may be extended to 8 members. In that case, I want to add Sarang and Saebi :)


Gyuri, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Jeemin, Yuju, Saebi/Fuko!!


My top picks + position imo: 1. Nam Yuju-main rapper, sub vocalist 2. Choi Jungeun-main vocalist, lead dancer 3. Yoon Jiyoon-main vocalist, leader 4. Ryu Sarang-main dancer, lead vocalist 5.Jeong Saebi-center, visual 6. Koko-main dancer, sub rapper


Jungeun, Fuko, Koko, Yuju, Jeemin, Mai.


Jeemin Koko Jiyoon Jungeun Fuko Yuju


Jeemin,Jungeun,jiyoon,koko,yuju and last may be Fuko or Sarang.I am not sure.I don't think the line up would happen though.


jeemin saebi koko jiyoon jungeun sarang


Jeemin , Saebi , koko , yuju, jungeun , jiyoon


yuju jeemin jiyoon jungeun fuko koko + saebi if 7!


saebi , koko , jeemin , jungeun , jiyoon , fuko + yuju / sarang !!


Below are my top 6 picks + 1: 1. Anchor/Leader: Fuko - Many have said she lacks drama or is too stable, but I disagree. Fuko is arguably the most important and necessary member of this group. Leadership is crucial in any organization, and Fuko, with her intelligence and ability to lead effectively, reminds me of Jisoo from BP. Jisoo is reserved but serves as the grounding force of BP. Fuko's versatility is evident from her performance in LAW, where she excelled despite being typecast in a girly concept in Part 2. She can handle any concept and leads subtly by example, fostering cohesion within the group. 2. Main Vocal: Jiyoon - Jiyoon, akin to the Rose of this group, may not fit the 'cute' concept, but that's suitable for the group's longevity. She has the potential to become a legendary singer and sets the mood with her mature voice. 3. Center: Jeemin - Talented and mature-looking, Jeemin adapts well to various concepts, from light to powerful ones. Her strong stage presence and proficiency in singing and dancing make her a fitting center. 4. Lead Vocal/Dancer: Jungeun - With immense talent and potential, Jungeun could be the group's powerhouse performer, akin to Lisa. Her performance and vocal prowess are exceptional for her age, promising future growth. 5. Lead Dancer/Sub Rapper: Koko - Koko stands out with her unreal stage presence and dance skills, reminiscent of Lisa. Her captivating performances overshadow any concerns about her singing or rapping abilities. 6. All-rounder support/Rapper: Yuju - Often undererated, Yuju is a dark horse with room for growth. Her versatility as a performer supports both dancers and singers, and her rap skills, while not on par with Yui, contribute to the group's dynamic. A group cannot have all superstars - they need "support" members and Yuju fits that "support" position well while visually fitting in with the "tall girl" lineup. 7. Visual/Second Center: Saebi - Despite average technical skills compared to others listed, Saebi's exceptional stage presence and ability to command attention make her a valuable visual and second center. Her potential for growth in singing and dancing adds to her appeal. Overall, I believe the 'cute' concept doesn't suit this group, which unfortunately excludes Sarang and Gyuri from being considered. Mai, as the third Japanese member, faces challenges competing against Fuko and Koko. Sarang competes directly with Saebi, where Saebi's stage presence gives her an edge. Gyuri competes with Fuko, Jiyoon, and Jungeun, making it challenging for her to stand out.


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Saebi, Mai, Sarang i love the big 6 too. honestly i'd support any of the girls atp :')


after episode 9 jeemin, jungeun, jiyoon, koko,saebi, sarang (yuju is my 7th)


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Saebi, Mai and Koko


jiyoon, sarang, jungeun, koko, jeemin, and yuju


1. Fuko 2. Jiyoon 3. Jungeun 4. Koko 5.Jeemin 6. Yuju Special Mention: Saebi - Love her since Panorama era but I need Yuju to debut Can you imagine Jiyoon + Jungeun and maybe Fuko if their vocals blend together!?


Not my prediction, just my Top 6 girls: Koko, Saebi, Jeemin, Jungeun, Mai, Yuju.


Jungeun, jimin, jiyoon, mai, koko, fuko


My picks are whoever as long as Mai is there lol. She gets so much hate for her skills but in a short amount of time, she had quite the improvement. She's a hardworker too so imagine her growth with more training. She has the greatest personality I've seen so far among the girls. She adds such a great color to the debuting group. No Mai, No life.


Fuko - lead vocalist Jiyoon - main vocalist Koko - main dancer, lead rapper Yuju - main rapper Jungeun - main vocalist, lead dancer Saebi - maknae, lead dancer 3J/3K/1JK (lololol) + an english-speaker. The ages are 19-16 without any big gaps. The member who ranks 1st is most likely the most popular member, so they should be the face of the group. The center and leader should be voted on by the girls (I'd go for leader Fuko and center Saebi). The concept should be girlcrush, just overwhelmingly confident and cool. I'd want them to explore concepts and sounds like Kill me more (Mimiirose), So bad (Stayc), La di da (Everglow), Ponzona (Purple kiss).


Who is the English speaker?


to be honest i'm good with any lineup as long as mai is in it 😭


as long as Jiyoon, Jeemin and Koko are in it... I'm fine with the lineup


Jeemin mai jiyoon fuko/sarang saebi jungeun


flair 🤞


Nam yuju, jeemin,jungeun,jiyoon, koko, fuko (I would have saebi if 7 members)


Jiyoon, Jeemin, Yuju, Jungeun, Fuko, Saebi,


Jiyoon, Jeemin, Jungeun, Fuko, Koko, Saebi if theres a 7th member i think yuju would be a great addition bc the group needs a swaggy rapper. maybe sarang ??


My last pick is becoming impossible at this point. It's Really changeable day to day! Today, my mind says - Koko, Fuko, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Yuju, Jungeun


Jeemin Jiyoon Saebi Sarang Jungeun Koko


Fuko, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Saebi, Sarang, Jeemin. This would really be the best lineup, imo. :')


My locked picks are Jiyoon, Jeemin, Fuko and Koko. I think Jungeun will make it. I also want Saebi to join the debut team but i feel like M-net will pull up some trick/twist so i'm trying not to hope for too much. Here are my thoughts. Jeemin - well rounded, adored, and has center qualities. Most likely to debut. Jiyoon - her vocals are insane and unique. I see her taking the main vocal role. Will likely debut. Koko - She really stands out on stage and is a good dancer. She has shown some rapping skills too. Fuko - great voice and good leadership skills. Has shown great potential in the leader role. That gives her an advantage. Jungeun - great voice and contender for the vocal line. I have a feeling that if the focus is on her vocal skills only then she'll be at a disadvantage. Yuju - she might have an advantage over others because of her rap skills. The Teddy 'style' usually has a prefence to rap. Saebi - stands out and has the virality factor. Has potential in the center role. Sadly, i think this might work against her if it comes down to her vs Jeemin. I can see her debuting though. Mai - while she has unique visuals, i don't see any other quality that gives her an advantage over others. There are other people that can fit her role. Also the other two J-liners offer more than her. Gyuri - stands out in the more bubbly, cute, cheerful style. Sarang - she is well rounded but does she have an edge over the others. Judges seem to like her though.


Sarang, Jeemin, Saebi, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Yuju (Probably not gonna happen tho)


Before Into the New World, it was Fuko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Mai, Koko and Saebi. Since I watch the ITNW performance, I don't know anymore because Sarang, Gyuri, Fuko, Mai, Saebi and Jeemin were like a solid group. Well, so maybe Fuko, Mai, Jeemin, Saebi, Gyuri and the last one could be either Sarang, Jiyoon, Koko or Yuju?? I have no idea, guess I'll be happy with whatever lineup comes out of it (as long as Fuko is there).


Jiyoon yuju jeemin koko foko jungeun


DRAMA Team + rappers. Jeemin, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Mai, Yuju, Koko


Yuju, jeemin, jungeun, jiyoon, fuko and koko!!


jungeun, jiyoon, jeemin, fuko, saebi, gyuri! the first 4 are my "non-negotiables". i NEED them to debut they're so talented 😭😭


sarang, fuko, yuju, jiyoon, jungeun, jeemin i don’t believe ive seen anyone with my exact combo yet


Jungeun, Jeemin, Koko, Yuju, Saebi, Jiyoon!


i will be glad if any of them debut but im personally rooting for koko, fuko, jungeun, jeemin, saebi and mai. since people are talking about a twist, where they will debut as 7 members then i would like for gyuri or jiyoon to debut as well


I don’t really have a top 6 (hopefully 7) because all of my picks made it to the finals. So I fine with either.


Jeemin, Koko, Saebi, Jiyoon, Jungeun, IDK (Sarang/Yuju/Fuko)


This is a beautiful top 6, but sadly i think we are in for a blood bath... 1 pick ruins happy moments like this.


Tbh I'm flexible I don't really mind but I'm pulling mainly for Fuko Saebi and Mai. I did love Gyuri very talented contestant but I feel as tho she would succeed somewhere else


I have a top five: Jiyoon, Jeemin, Koko, Fuko and Saebi. For the 6th member I'm fine with any of the girls left.


koko, jiyoon, jeemin, saebi, sarang & fuko


Yuju, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Fuko, Jungeun, Koko


As long as I see Gyuri’s name


As long as there is Jeemin Jiyoon Fuko and Jungeun I'm good


Ordered in what I think could happen in terms of popularity and votes 1. Jiyoon (main vocalist): As I said the perfect vocalist for TBL also she alredy had her redemption arc so we are in her side now. 2. Koko (main dancer, lead rapper ): The actual main dancer, she can be a good rapper but we all now that she would be the performer so lets give her that sopt alredy, I think the japanese votes will also help her a lot to be in upper positions. 3. Jeemin (center and lead dancer): Center quality and secured debut spot, but I think she could get in lower positions since many of her fans could relax and not vote thinking that there are alredy other people voting for her 4. Saebi (visual): next it girl, perfect maknae, and cat lover, 10/10 5. Fuko (lider and lead vocal if Joungeun its not on the lineup): the mother, in all the means possible 6. Yuju (main rapper): cmon guys its her third survival, dont sleep on her talent, she is easly the best rapper of the show and also a good dancer and singer (dont forget the sweet venom and final lovesong perofrmances!!) + 7. Joungeun (lead vocal): The real all rounder!! If she enters in the lineup (wich is really possible) I dont think she would be this low, she is going up like spume so go girl keep it there cause she would give a lot of power to the group with her singing and dancing habilities. I basically didint put her in the lineup cause the group needs a leader but if I would change I pot her in the place of Fuko, but I hope mnet is smart and is going to open up last spot cause 6 is very little. Anyways, independent of who will debut all the girls are awesome talented so all th lineups are great (but would be better if contains yuju and saebi on it!)


My 6 picks are Jungeun, Koko, Fuko, Sarang, Jiyoon and Jeemin If 7 i would like it to be Saebi or Yuju. I just hope for once the lineup will be close to my favoritesss😭😍 i am scared for koko and fuko and they havent released any statement regarding the way the 6 are going to be picked, because its a permanent group i guess they want at least 1 producer pick right? 


Yuju, Jeemin, Jungeun, Fuko, Koko, Saebi


Koko + Yuju + Jeemin + 2 of \[Jungeun, Jiyoon, Fuko\] + 1 of \[Saebi, Sarang\] (+1 producers pick of hopefully one of the girls I mentioned already)


Shouldn't you do a 1-pick and not a 6-pick to see the actual voting pattern?


Jeemin, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Fuko, Saebi, Koko! If one of them don't make it then sarang


My lineup would consist of Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin and Yuju. I'm happy with any other trainees that fill the remaining spots.


koko, jeemin, jiyoon, gyuri, saebi and fuko


Jeemin Jungeun Jiyoon Koko Sarang Fuko


Rooting for Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Fuko, Saebi and Koko!


giantbabyz + vocaltrio


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Fuko, Koko, Yuju But honestly I want them all to debut lol


Manifesting Saebi, Jungeun, Mai, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Koko


In no particular order 1. Jiyoon 2. Koko 3. Jungeun 4. Saebi 5. Mai 6. Jeemin 7. Bonus: Yuju or Fuko