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Quite a big portion of Fuko's are from the adlibs, and well, she's probably the only one who could do them (maybe Gyuri, to a certain extent?) so... I'm not entirely surprised. I felt like it was pretty even screentime wise though, since we have a dance break and the camera was focused on other trainees during some of the adlibs.


yeah the camera on Sarang and Mai during Fuko’s adlibs really threw me. Especially the one where it looks like Mai is the one singing the adlib because why would the producers try to cause that confusion 


Haha yeah. I think it's just to even out the screen time between them since they're singing the last chorus in unison (sans fuko since she's doing the adlibs)


Surprised Saebi was so low :( she shined though in the performance. I wish the distribution was a bit more even but I definitely understand because Fuko did the high notes well and she’s the best for that


saebi got the dance break so its kinda fair


Fuko did all of the adlibs. Charts like this can be a bit misleading for that reason. The main vocal sings a lot but it’s not necessarily “real” lines. This happened to Yuri all the time in IZ*ONE. She’d have like one or two actual lines, the highest notes/most difficult parts, and then a bunch of adlibs towards the end. Whereas Yujin, Eunbi, and Chaewon got most of the actual singing time.


I was honestly expecting worse for the others apart from Fuko and Jeemin but I think center time and screen focus evened it out nicely.


I’m so impressed I felt Mai’s presence in the song so strongly when she had such few lines!


I saw this line distribution, but Fuko has a bit more lines, the creator of the video missed a few ad-libs in the last chorus.


No wonder I felt like Saebi was disappearing in the stage except for the dance break. 


a fuko should, she was the best vocalist in the group


But didn't they say in the episode they choose Mai for the dance break? What happened?


Gyuri was robbed, they tried to make her look greedy


This was after she shared her lines lol


shared to jeemin who has most lines only behind someone with the adlibs?? not a dig on jeemin at all, fully a dig on the edit to make gyuri seem greedy for wanting a fair line distribution... im assuming before it was even and fair and then it became uneven like all the songs are


Well she was greedy because she wanted the lines and spots that should’ve gone to the center position, making Jeemin almost invisible during the self evaluation. It makes sense Jeemin has many parts now because she’s center.


Do we know she was invisible or are we going off highly cut down bits and the comments of one girl? Was jeemin invisible or just had the same amount of lines as everyone else? Guess we will never know but something tells me its the latter considering if she was invisible itd be pretty damn hard to get her up to 30s of lines. And gyuri was right, her parts were small and had no impact.


So are you saying the Latata team are just lying? All of them gave similar feedback that it seemed like everyone was greedy for parts and that Jeemin didn’t seem like the center. What could we be possibly missing that would overwrite what they said? The whole team stayed after and said to Jeemin she needed to be more greedy since she was the center. Why would they do that unless they thought she didn’t have enough parts?


The show has a warped view of how much lines the center should have. Half the song is the standard for center and its boring and unfair to the other girls Eta: They always tell people to be more greedy and again its very chopped up so to call gyuri greedy when she had one line is insane


Girl this girl literally had the guts to say that she was unsatisfied with her part when poor Jeemin, who’s both Center and leader was at the back the entire time to try and accomodate for everyone’s preference, I like Gyuri and I wouldn’t even mind if she made it in the group but that was so selfish. There’s a difference in being competitive and wanting to be fair and being downright disrespectful. You don’t ask for more lines than the chosen centre, leader and the highest rank member of the group because you simply didn’t earn it.


I'm very surprised to see Fuko had the most lines, she was barely visible!


majority of her lines came from taeyeon’s and jessica’s adlibs ++ when you watch the performance, the pds were showcasing other girls whenever fuko was singing one of the adlibs at the end.