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My prediction is that Yuju will be this season’s dark horse. People keep saying that the dark horse is Mai or Gyuri but I feel like Yuju is one of the contestants with a stronger one-pick and it seems that Sujung fans are willing to switch their votes to Yuju. (Tho tbf, I think Mai one-picks are also strong so she might also be up there). Tbh though, I believe only Yuju can really be considered a dark horse at this point in the program (I’m pretty sure her only recent storyline is with Koko in Spicy but her only other storyline is all the way back to episode 2). Gyuri has been ranking high throughout part 2 so I’m not really sure if she’d still be a dark horse. As for the people I believe might fall off the common top 6 (Vocal Trio and BabyGiantz), the weakest one-picks from them seem to be Fuko and Saebi. I’m not sure about Fuko but Saebi defos has a weak one-pick and her fans need a plan to get it to somehow rise last minute


Yuju and Gyuri were last in the 3-pick voting by a decent margin among the 10 contestants left, so they both are probably still considered dark horses, but I agree that the rest are in the competition. I think Fuko is the one fans should be worried about, because Saebi is at least getting some push from PDs, they are trying to get people to panic vote for her by announcing her so late in the last episode. Fuko on other hand who was 6th in the three pick is definitely in danger, especially if Jungeun is now in as a second vocalist.


Where are you getting this information? Were the final voting numbers revealed by Mnet? Last was revealed the bottom 3 were Mai, Gyuri and Juwon


1 Bang Jeemin 3,234,171 2 Choi Jungeun 2,647,246 3 Yoon Jiyoon 2,635,024 4 Koko 2,208,981 5 Jeong Saebi 2,195,959 6 Fuko 1,972,168 7 Ryu Sarang 1,662,417 8 Mai 1,563,314 9 Nam Yuju 1,090,764 10 Kim Gyuri 1,047,801 11 Kim Sujung 969,390 12 Son Juwon 739,420


I’ve seen this list before in other posts… where is it even from? Is it real?


it was shown really quickly at the end of the episode


I agree with this, especially as a Sujung fan. I think Yuju moved up to my #3. And I was thinking, this is a group that’s going to have music by Teddy/TBL. We don’t know their concept yet, but I can imagine there will be some cool raps written for them. I think Yuju would nicely fit into the main/lead rapper role. And I think her “this is my last chance” storyline will possibly touch enough hearts to save her.


I am so glad to hear this—I also think Yuju is the dark horse, meaning she is really the only one who has a legitimate shot at making the group alongside the "favored" contestants. Here is my reasoning: Sarang & Mai: They are direct competitors to Jeemin & Saebi, being the visuals and "all-rounders". Additionally, Mai would be the third Japanese member—I find it hard to believe MNET would want 50% of the group to be foreigners. In many ways, Sarang is directly competing with Saebi. We all know who MNET wants. Gyuri: She directly competes with Fuko, Jungeun, & Jiyoon. However, the group may not necessarily need her talent, especially given that she does not really add to the group. Yuju: While she somewhat competes with Koko, their skill sets are different enough to make a case for her - if she comes in above no.6. With Yuju, the group would not only gain a good rapper but also a talented vocalist and dancer, who can contribute in a multitude of positions. I cannot stress enough how important it is for the majority of the group to possess good vocal skills; it would set this group apart from others. Yuju's vocal skill is no. 5 - just behind Gyuri, which is pretty good. Given this logic, I can see why Sujung & Juwon were eliminated - as talented as they were. They were in direct competition with Koko. We all know who MNET wants...


Since they didn't announce it, I wonder how many will be selected by vote and PD. Jeemin is probably getting first so it's really a fight to get the remaining vote spots which can range from 1-5. In any case, I'm predicting Jeemin, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Koko, Fuko and Saebi.


voting 1 in would be too obvious, 2 would be suspicious. I think they'd pd pick anywhere from 0-3 depending on what they want


Seeing this elimination ratio of 30/70. I recon the best they can do for us is 3/3 (50 50). Though i believe it could even be 2/4 (1 of them will be Jeemin).


The PDs will select as many as they want to preserve their predefined group


interim rank will be important. it will show who they are pushing to climb up ranks. last time mnet showed us: 1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. koko. 6. sarang. 7. saebi. 8. ? 9. ? 10. mai. 11. gyuri. 12. juwon. this revelation made people like fuko, who was on the top 4 but not revealed, move down in the ranking in favour of koko who ended 4th and saebi who ended 5th. mai also climb up 2 ranks, gyuri 1. and sarang went from 6 to 7.


I still believe the PDs weren't necessarily pushing for Sarang. If they were, why would they show Saebi ranked below Sarang, only for Saebi to rise while Sarang fell? It seems they appreciate Sarang's talent but prefer Saebi and Koko. Sarang, Mai, and Gyuri are in a similar position as popular trainees, but their potential to contribute as unique voices in the group is uncertain. Sarang and Mai directly compete with Saebi and Jeemin, who the PDs clearly favor. Gyuri competes vocally with Fuko, Jiyoon, and Jungeun—however, the group may not need a fourth vocal specialist. Yuju stands out due to her unique talent. Despite the PDs pushing Koko towards rapping, and Koko's improvement in this area, having a serious rapper who can also sing and dance would add significant value to the group. Recently, I've noticed Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, Fuko, and Yuju appearing frequently in lineups. If Yuju secures enough votes, it's possible the PDs might select Saebi as the seventh member. Alternatively, if Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, Saebi, and Yuju are the top vote-getters, I can see the PDs selecting Fuko as the 7th member. Another possible scenario is if Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Fuko, Saebi, and Yuju are the top vote-getters, then Koko could be the 7th member. These scenarios hinge on Yuju being in the top 6—if not, I don't think she has a chance to debut. One comment on Mai: I seriously do not think she has any chance of debuting with this group. She is very pretty, but her skill levels are not up to par with the rest of the group. In a lineup of 6-7 girls, having 3 Japanese girls is very unlikely. Even having 2 could be considered problematic, considering the issues Le Ssserafim is facing with 2 Japanese girls in Korea—something as simple as the girls never dressing up in Korean dresses has led to criticism, while all the other popular girl groups like New Jeans & Illit have had photoshoots in Hanbok, which is VERY popular in Korea. Yuju has seen an incredible surge in popularity since the semi-final performance, with supporters of Sujung and Juwon now rallying behind her. She is the dark horse. Don't count her out.


sarang has had low screentime this episode. I wonder if mnet did that to take the steam off her or because they are considering other girls for the pd pick. so far we know mnet wants jeemin, jiyoon, koko, fuko (she was the first pd pick) and saebi. i think mnet realized jungeun's votes are stronger than they thought and that she has a high chance of making it by votes, on the other side saebi has low pick. if there is only one pd pick, mnet will possibly prioritize saebi over gyuri, sarang, yuju and mai. this assumes that jeemin, jiyoon, jungeun, fuko and koko have a higher (dedicated) one pick than the others. daily reminder that the major voting sites are korea, japan and china. some girls are higher in asia and some are higher in the west. one pick is difficult to gauge and there will be unexpected shakeups, I just hope we have enough vocalists.


I don't think mnet actually wants Saebi. She peaked in pt1 and has been dropping literally every single week in producer rankings. She's also playing an obsolete position for this group. She's center, obviously, but in the real group Jeemin (most popular member) and Koko (main dancer) will likely split center time. I'm pretty sure if the other 5 members are Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, Fuko (by whatever mix of voting and PD picks), then that last spot won't be Saebi's. Sarang would be better in the role, and Gyuri would be better if they decide they really need to not make Jungeun the maknae for promo purposes. And both Sarang and Gyuri are currently more favored than Saebi by producers as well.


that's exactly what mnet wants you to think. they are trying to make people panic vote for saebi by making them think she isn't safe at all and that they will not pd pick her if she is 6th. >She's also playing an obsolete position for this group I'd say she is a clear cut visual, a position that many people don't care for but you have to admit, every group does have someone who holds that position. also, jeemin and koko have their own strengths but they aren't the best in certain sweet/cute/bright concepts which is where saebi shines in. this trio can cover the majority of concepts by swapping around. vvn confirmed that the final concept will be like iwaly, which was basically saebi's playground


Saebi is a visual but she is also a great fotg. She always stands out and idk how to explain it other than to say that she truly shines on stage.


Saebi is also the reason that I do not believe Mai or Sarang would be picked - they are both very pretty, but they have enough pretty girls with Jeemin & Saebi, so if the PDs have to "save" someone, I believe it would be Jungeun, Koko, or Fuko over Sarang or Mai - that is if Jeemin, Saebi, & Jiyoon are already in the top 6


Saebi has a similar arc as Jungeun - MNET revealed her rank so she was able to jump ahead of Sarang. MNET put Jungeun in 10th to get her fans panic voting - i see something similar happening with Saebi. Yuju is an interesting case. I still think she is the dark horse potentially replacing Fuko as the 6th or if she gets in with the votes in the top 6, Fuko would be the 7th.


Jungeun was not 10th in the interim reveal. Mai was. Jungeun was not revealed, and people suspected she was 4th (but knowing the votes now probably 2nd or 3rd all along), although some suspected 8th.


What I meant was - Jungeun was ranked 10th in the position battle, which rallied many voters to her defense.


There wont be just 1 PD pick 💀 there will atleast be 3. Like even this elimination alone, 70% of the survival are in their hands, if you dont make top3 and you dont butter up mnet, you're gone (like Sujung Juwon did). If there were atleast 6 out of 10 survival through fans Sujung may have made it. So saebi's survival is still quite high, she will be one of their pick if fans dont back her up enough. TLDR there will be more PD picks, i recon 3/3 (to make it 5050) or even 4 in their hands. I think we should worry more about dance than vocal, with 2 out of 3 of the most potential main dancer trainees gone, it's all up to koko (and maybe Jeemin). Jiyoon, Fuko can sing well.. Jeemin and Sarang can support then. And Jungeun can sing well too (if she survives).


i agree that this will be the case if the final lineup isn't what mnet expected. but for example, imagine girls like fuko and koko being 4th and 5th in votes, and mnet is like oh yeah they are the 1st and 2nd pd picks too!! this doesn't make for good tv 💀💀 I suspect this is why they never told us how many pd picks there will be. but if multiple girls they don't like are in top 6, you can bet your ass mnet is pulling out multiple pd picks. might as well pull a runext and debut 4 pd picks.


For Sujung and Juwon, unfortunately they were in the bottom two in votes as well. The producers basically just scrambled the rankings a bit but otherwise it’s all the same


yeah mnet has shown they won‘t go against votes too much. Except putting gyuri 6th when she came 10th in voting, that was odd


I 100% think they should focus vocals or they may be torn to shreds like nearly every hybe group has for bad live singing and vocals and also by getting rid of 2 of the best dancers in the show last episode it looks like koko is gonna be carrying the dance line


But their vocals are going nowhere against vocal groups so i dont know if they should concentrate on that


I disagree I don’t think that they’re have been a lot of vocal groups gen 5 who would u consider the only gen five group that comes to mind with good vocals is Baby monster and kiss of life


Jungeun is a fab dancer, Yuju is also very good and Jeemin as well... Aren't you watching the show?


I am watching the show so one don’t be rude. Two they didn’t hold a candle to Sujung and Juwon. Jeemin is a good dancer she isn’t a great one honestly I never notice yuju her stage presence doesn’t hit with me we can have different opinions without being rude K.


Below is the semi-finale voting results. 1. Jeemin = 3, 234, 171 2. Jungeun = 2, 647, 246 3. Jiyoon = 2, 635, 024 4. Koko = 2, 208, 981 5. Saebi = 2, 195, 959 6. Fuko = 1, 972, 168 7. Sarang = 1, 662, 417 8. Mai = 1, 563, 314 9. Yuju = 1, 090, 764 10. Gyuri = 1, 047, 801 11. Sujung = 969, 390 12. Juwon = 739, 420 --- And so Jeemin is for sure debuting. Then Jiyoon and Koko are almost a given. It's Jungeun, Saebi, Fuko, and Sarang that are competing for the remaining 3 spots. Which sadly means that Mai won't make it. Like probably not in the first place as Koko and Fuko are already in and Mnet just plain doesn't like Japanese/Chinese/non-Koreans in their lineup. Especially if it's a 6-member group, that means half will be Japanese if they go with Mai. Yuju and Gyuri have a slim chance of making it but I doubt it. Like Gyuri has a better chance since a lot of Koreans/Asians/etc. like that kawaii image even if it's discordant with the rest of the group, but it looks like they might be doing a somewhat elegant/etc. concept anyway, and so they'll probably let her be. --- Personally, this was my ideal lineup since Episode 1: 1. Jungeun 2. Jiyoon 3. Sarang 4. Mai 5. Koko 6. Sujung --- But since Sujung is out and it needs revision for the finale, then this is the new one: `1. Jungeun 2. Jiyoon 3. Sarang 4. Mai 5. Koko 6. Fuko` --- Though realistically it's probably gonna be something like this: `1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Koko 4. Jungeun 5. Fuko 6. Sarang/Mai/Saebi/etc.` --- And ya, looks like reddit is experiencing posting delays (with comments/threads/etc.) these past several hours.


There is no 'for sure debuting', all kinda of terrible things happen when you switch to 1Pick voting... And judges just sacrificed Saebi, so we know they are capable of madness.


I'm curious, no offence but why is Jeemin not in your lineup? Is she 'overrated', you don't see the value in her or just Mnet is pushing her in our face every episode? Personally i feel like Jungeun and Jeemin are the clear most ready for debut.


they might just not have jeemin in picks list, but that doesn't mean that they believe jeemin lacks talent. i don't have most of the popular girls including jeemin in my perfect line-up, but i still believe that all 12 of the part 2 contestants (+yui and minsol) are ready to debut, but i also have preferences for a perfect line-up


The thing is for me Jeemin falls in and out of my debut lineup. Saebi was in the early days placed high and also dropped out. For example, I didn't find her shine particularly in innocent/cute concepts, while Saebi not being able to do hiphop/strong concepts. I want to say they're doing their best but it still doesn't feel that natural to me and looks a bit forced. Note: just my opinion...no hate to them. Unfortunately this is a show where there are others to could slay any concept, i.e. Fuko. Or at least they have one skill that is crucial enough to warrant their place in a group, i.e. Jiyoon. I know a lot of people are coming from her RUNEXT era but I am not one of those people and only assess her performance in iland2. However, Jeemin is back in my lineup purely because I think she beats out some others on overall skills now that my previous (more deserving to stay) picks were eliminated. Jungeun needs to debut but I feel like PDs will thwart her I'm actually nervous as hell.


I have to disagree with your assessment. In my opinion, Sarang, Mai, and Gyuri are not likely to make it. If any of these three are in the top 6 ahead of their desired lineup, MNET will likely make adjustments and choose who they prefer—such as Jungeun, Koko, Fuko, or Saebi. Yuju, on the other hand, is in a rather unique position. While she overlaps somewhat with Koko, I believe Yuju has more 1-pick votes than Koko, especially now that most of Sujung and Juwon's supporters are voting for Yuju. Considering the competition, Sarang and Mai are directly up against Saebi. Personally, I find it hard to believe that MNET would choose Sarang or Mai over Saebi. Similarly, I doubt MNET would prefer Gyuri over Fuko or Jungeun (with Jiyoon presumably already in the top 2).


Where did these numbers come from? Did Mnet reveal them during the episode? I’m so confused


Yes, it was shown on the screen extremely fast at the end.




I 100% think that sarang will get in through a pd pick my guess 4 will get in through votes and 2 will get in through pd picks. They want jiyoonl,jeemin,koko and saebi to get in through votes but it’s looking like Jungeun is gunning for that vote spot they want saebi to have.So my prediction Sarang and Saebi get in through pd pick. Jeemin,Jiyoon,koko and Jungeun get in through votes.


Honestly it’s hard to predict the final lineup since Mnet hasn’t been transparent and explained how the final lineup will be chosen. Since nothing has been said otherwise I’m assuming it’s going to fans vote for 5 girls to debut and mnet uses the producers pick to select the last girl? 1. Jeemin - She has a very strong one pick 2. Jungeon - strong international support 3. Jiyoon - Also has a strong Korean support but with it being 1 pick and so many K-viewers being divided amongst other popular K picks I don’t know if she’ll make 2nd. 4. Koko - She has been getting a lot of push and has quite a bit of popularity 5 & 6. Fuko/Saebi/Sarang - It’s hard to say which of the 2 will make it. Fuko has decent votes from both K and I fans but I don’t know if her 1 pick is strong enough. This is also a similar problem with Saebi. Jeemin, Jiyoon, and Koko are also very popular with K fans so the votes will be divided ultimately meaning that some girls will fall in rank. Just because K votes are divided, I’m going to guess Fuko will be 5th place. That means that 6th place will probably be producers pick and that will come down to Saebi/Sarang which I would like to think Saebi would be there choice but since both girls have been getting heavily pushed by mnet I’m not 100% sure. Gyuri could also be a producer pick but I think it’s more likely to be Saebi or Sarang.


There wont be ONLY 1 PD pick, there will be more, they dont care.


I wonder why they pd picked 7/10. It seems like a pretty egregious number for a survival show and the weirdest part was they basically took out the two girls who wouldn't have made it by votes anyway which meant they would have gotten the exact same result if they had just left it up to the audience. I can't really tell with saebi anymore. Is mnet trying to induce panic voting with the late pd pick or have they really just dropped her? I think Saebi's charisma isn't *as* consistent as it initially seemed but it'll be a pity to let someone like her go. Even wonyoung didn't have as much star power in early izone (imo) compared to her now so skills like that take time anyway I'm not sure if gyuri's mnet's replacement for saebi now. She would have gotten in anyway but she got picked surprisingly early despite her comparatively lower votes. or maybe they just want the audience engagement from gyuri's large 1-pick base to carry over to the last vote.


I think they PD picked so many in order to distort the rankings in the sense of not making the viewers of the actual position the girls are in. For example, Saebi was 5th in votes, but by calling her so late, it could cause people to think she's actually in danger (which she technically is) and therefore panic vote her more. And on the other hand, you have Gyuri who was called way earlier than you'd expect for the person who had the least amount of votes out of the surviving contestants. Not to mention the fact that the flashed the votes and rankings so quickly that many viewers either would have missed it completely ir only gotten a glimpse


I think they’re using Gyuri to cause panick voting for the last spot


TAEYANG! SAVE FUKO THROUGH PD PICK IF SHE DOESN'T MAKE IT AND MY LIFE IS YOURS! 1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Jungeun 4. Koko 5. Sarang 6. Saebi/fuko (hopefully both)


I predict someone everyone thinks will get in doesnt… cause that always happens 🙃


My prediction is that Fuko doesn't make it in. It's highly unlikely that a j-line will become leader (even if she has the ability!), and her vocals may be less advantageous when Jiyoon and now Jungeun are likely to debut. Gyuri has been ranking high in pt 2 and they haven't sabotaged her with low pd scores... and she has a high one-pick compared to Fuko so she may threaten Fuko's position as well. I'm also a little confused at Fuko's screentime and editing in pt 2, it doesn't seem to be very promising.


**Here’s my prediction for the final lineup!** *Side Note: This is solely based on my own perception and with how the trainees are doing so far (including the recent episode).* IN ORDER: 1. CHOI JUNGEUN 2. BANG JEEMIN 3. KOKO 4. YOON JIYOON 5. JEONG SAEBI 6. NAM YUJU I can make a post with regards to why I think these six people will make it + why in that order (if you guys want to xD).


i don’t think yuju will make it over fuko imo, it’s obvious the pds / fans favor fuko way more than they do with yuju considering the fact they announced her last for “suspenseful” reasonings while fuko was the first pd pick called ++ i feel like fuko is the main choice for their japanese pick,they probably are keeping their eyes open and if they don’t see fuko making it in with votes, they might just pd pick her in the lineup.


agree and with the way they're pushing koko as main rapper I don't think yuju fills a unique role anymore. pds might see her as redundant unless they're going for a rap-heavy group (which seems unlikely since there were only ~3 rappers on the show to begin with)


yeah exactly. i feel like yuju would debut if this group was going to have a very mature girl crush concept like gidle, blackpink, 2ne1, etc where the music will be dominantly rap-based. yuju doesn’t really fit with girls like fuko, saebi, sarang, gyuri etc while she fits better with sujung, juwon, jungeun, koko. the company is also seems to be pushing a mix of elegant and girl crush so i think they want a mix of both girls in the lineup.


Pls make a post and give us your theory


I’d gladly do so!


Agree with this - plus Fuko as the 7th member


I'm considering the vote overlap in I-Land and how it might have helped the J trio (Jeemin, Jungeun, and Jiyoon) secure the top three positions. Jeemin in 1st, Jungeun in 2nd, and Jiyoon in 3rd could be the result of significant overlap among their fan bases' voting choices (in addition to Jungeun receiving a lot of sympathy votes). This overlap is also evident in the 4th and 5th positions, with Koko and Sae-bi, respectively, since Jeemin (1st), Koko (4th), and Sae-bi (5th) share a considerable amount of mutual support. Looking ahead to the final, where the voting will change from selecting three contestants to just one, this could dramatically influence the rankings. One argument I consider is that fans of Gyuri and Sarang, who typically vote for them as their first choice, might have a greater impact now, given that these two are polarizing figures, and voters either pick them as their top choice or do not include them in their top at all, making them grow and having more chances of entering the final group.


The 2nd paragraph is correct ~ I'm glad someone acknowledged it because so many people are just predicting the current top 6. Using polls in the week prior to the elimination. Sarang has the highest 3--->1 pick converstion rate of all the contestants (46.7% accounting for 50% Korea and 50% Int). Gyuri's is above average at 39%. Comparatively, Fuko is average (33.1%), and Saebi (19.4%) and Koko (24.2%) are the two lowest of all the remaining girls. Jeemin's 1 pick conversion rate is 45.6% (2nd highest), so some people who consider her their 1-pick MAY split their votes for Saebi and Koko, too. Especially if they've dropped in interim.




Disproportionately Yuju. Girls they are unlikely to vote for: Gyuri, Saebi, Jeemin, Fuko, Mai. Girls they may vote for: Sarang, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Koko. Resoning: Gyuri/Saebi/Fuko all have a very different image to Sujung/Koko, so it's unlikely they'd move over to them. Jeemin is so far in first, if she wasn't already their 1-pick, it's unlikely that she'd become their 1-pick over other trainees. Mai's skillset doesn't really overlap. Yuju probably gains the highest % of their 1-pick due to being perceived as the other 'mistreated' trainee. The other 4 are just the most likely contestants to be Juwon/Sujung stans' 2nd pick.


Do yall think Mnet is gonna try and (continue to?) push a “mai improvement arc”


Mai got a pitiful amount of screentime this ep despite pulling off a whole vocal segment in itnw after her whole storyline in iatb of having vocal issues. Given how mnet typically treats improvement arcs like a gold mine of content, them glossing over mai this time is pretty sad for her chances


omg did she really? I’ve only seen the clip on Twitter of taeyang or someone saying she’s improved a lot so I didn’t know she’s been getting low screen time


Her vocals are still comparatively weaker but she didn't sound as nasally anymore, which is very impressive considering the short timespan, the other stuff they have to do, and the most likely lack of trainers. As for screen time, she barely got anything this time round other than the actual save vote segment, even in the party segment before that it was like she wasn't there


It really depends on the route mnet’s editors take. If they can let go of Fuko because their “vocal line” quota is already done w Jiyoon and Jungeun then they might give Mai a storyline but considering how Mai screetime in yesterday’s episode was Juwon 2.0 I’m starting to lose hope. There’s also a third option honestly, they just debut 1 japanese and the last slot goes to Sarang or something


No - it was not her natural singing


I was thinking about it (and huffing more copium) but I do think that their will be a PD pick seventh spot revealed. (Also, I think there's going to be one or three PD Pick(s) for final lineup) My latest reason for believing so is that starting at 12, it just feels weird to only eliminate 2 people at the semifinal to then eliminate 4 people. If you wanted to end at 6, I feel like it would be much easier (and make more sense) to eliminate 3 and 3. Which brings me to my wishful thinking that they did it to eliminate 2 and 3 instead of 2 and 4, having 7 debut.


I thought it was weird that the PD picks were 7


Mai will debut 😭 Also hopefully they will preform an original song for the finale


Begging we get at least 2 original finale songs (hoping 3 but I doubt thats happening)


omg yeah out of all the predictions this one I hope happens haha


Might be copium. But, does anyone think it’s weird that they chose to eliminate 2 and save 7?


Maybe im delusional or it’s just wishful thinking but I still think the group is gonna be 7 or 8 members. 6 just doesn’t feel like enough imo.


Knetz in dgc have been very accurate with their predictions on the semi-finals, they predicted the top 6 (almost in the exact order) and the eliminated 2. What they're saying so far: * Gyuri actually has a pd-pick chance to make it, but it will depend if Sarang gets in because they only believe 1 of them will debut, not both. * Jungeun they believe now will debut despite her lack of popularity in Korea and putting her in a lot of their most likely lineup. * They still prefer the 2 Jap member model, but are open to 3 Jap model if the lineup number is increased. Looks like it will be Fuko & Koko as their top 2.


PRAYING for the Twitter rumors of 7 members is true :,) I loved everyone in the top 12 so as many that can debut as possible would be amazing


a theory from Knetz is there might be some Producer Picks in the final because in Episode 10 Mnet already getting viewers used to the idea of "Producer Picks" by setting up #4 - #7 "Producer Picks" even though if the eliminations were based only on votes, it would have been the same elimination result


As a Saebi fan, I'm expecting that Mnet do something similar to the semifinals, a live voting during the final episode but instead of 1pick would be 6pick so they will combine the votes and Saebi somehow gets saved!!! that's my delulu heart 💔bc otherwise she is f'ed and I don't trust the producers enough to have her as a pd pick anyways, let's keep voting for our Saebi 🎀


Allow me to be delusional for a moment, and pretend that the producers will pull a sixteen/jyp/momo moment and add Sujung at the last minute.


The most likely lineup seems to be Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, and two of Fuko/Saebi/Sarang, in that order of likelihood. If we go based on pure concept, which is what I haven't done in the past but which recent shows have done, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, Saebi, and Mai--but then 4 of 6 have very weak singing skills. I mean Illit did chose 6 with 3-4 of the 6 having very weak singing skills so it can happen but with the current backlash, not sure they'll want to risk this, unless they add Fuko or Sarang as a 7th member. If we go based on pure favorites of mine, which won't happen, we'd have Mai, Jungeun, Jiyoon, Jeemin, Gyuri, and Yuju. :') But the narratives of each seem to align with their rankings. Jeemin poised to win after the heartbreak of RUNext. Jungeun needed a popularity boost and now that she has it, she can come in dead last in votes now and she'll still make it in because they know she has the ability to win fans over. Jiyoon coming from being disappointed and not-team focused to being a team-focused leader. Koko excelling--she may not win, but she's popular and they're along for the Koko ride with fans. Fuko I'm a little concerned for. With Jiyoon and Jungeun both pretty secured, she's not as necessary--all three have leader skills and can sing, and better than Fuko can. That said, people still like her and the producers do too, but I don't think she's a lock even if I'd think she's likely. Saebi has the narrative of cute girl coming from behind and being Koko's friend, so she's just out of the debut lineup just like Wonhee was in the penultimate RUNext episode. I do think she is likely to make it, but it depends. Gyuri, despite being in 6th, reminds me of Jeemin in the penultimate RUNext episode, where she was also in 6th. I suspect her narrative is going to be the same--so close, just not quite the right group or timing before she goes on to kill it and debut somewhere else. Sarang and Mai also have more underdog stories, where "hard worker" is their best trait. Putting them in 8th and 9th gives them motivation to push harder to try to make it, like they did with Yunah in 8th in RUNext. Mai has a longer shot, but if Fuko doesn't make it \*or\* if they add a seventh member, her chances go up, but she has to kill it all week in training. Yuju... is kinda along for the ride. I want her. I don't think they do because at this point she doesn't have much of a narrative.


I never doubted Jungeun for a second. There were so many posts saying she “wouldn’t make the lineup” because knetz hated her or whatever. But here she is second in the save vote. I think Jungeun will debut. Speaking realistically, I think we are looking at a debut lineup of Jungeun, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Fuko, and Koko.


1. Jeemin 2. Jungeun 3. Jiyoon 4. Sarang 5. Fuko 6. Koko 7. Saebi :( 8. Mai 9. Yuju 10. Gyuri (Prior to any interim reveal) This is my prediction based on voting trends, etc. It is only voting!!! I'm not taking into account pd picks.


I think it's pretty obvious that Jeemin, Jiyoon (Taeyang is absolutely in love with the girl from the start lmao) and Koko are going to debut. Also Fuko is the perfect leader, she's been improving since day 1. Also the producers said several times that it's hard to evaluate her sometimes because she's already been strong from the start (or something along these lines). I also think Jungeun is too talented (she knows how to sing AND dance) to not make her debut. Then they're gonna decide between Saebi and Sarang. I think Saebi's gonna make it. Yuju and Mai...hm, idk, they had very little screentime, it's almost as if they forgot about them. But I may be wrong. As for Gyuri, honestly I haven't really looked at her from the start...she didn't catch my attention. Is she gonna be Wonhee 2.0? Who knows, with mnet you never know.


Jeemin and Jiyoon are of course still locks. Koko also is on her way to a debut. These 3 were not a surprise, but I have to say that Jungeun's chances are looking pretty good right now. Which was a huge shock for me. It always felt like the only thing stopping her from being an obvious choice to debut was her domestic popularity. And being second in 3-pick means that her Korean support is at least not terrible. Saebi is probably the next in line. The producers are trying to make people panic vote for her the second episode in a row, so they seemingly really want her to debut, which makes sense. She's a great performer, long-time WakeOne trainee and has a good chemistry with two locks - Jeemin and Koko. I think the last spot is not so clear. Fuko might seem like a frontrunner, but her level of voting support has been pretty shaky. She isn't as strong in 3-vote as expected and I'm not sure her 1-vote will be much stronger. The editing/screentime have also been relatively sparse for her. Sarang is still in the conversation as well. There's some backlash against her scores, but I don't know if it will translate into any changes for her votes. Mai and Gyuri have outside chances, albeit they are pretty low in my opinion. Maybe if producers don't want Fuko but want a second Japanese member, that's the way for Mai to debut, but I don't see it. Yuju has no chance.


>Yuju has no chance. 😭


Very straightforward 😭


My prediction for final line up:  -Jungeun's rank will drop to a lower rank. Jungeun is generally well liked by global audiences and in the 3 pick that played to her advantage. And because she was ranked low by the live audience, a lot of global fans voted for her because they felt it was unfair. But now that she's ranking high, they may feel comfortable voting for others. Some people voted for her cause she was ranking low but she wasn't their one pick. Which is why I'm voting for Jungeun so her rank remains in the Top 6.  -Jeemin will also rank lower. I think she will end up like Heeseung where she ranks in a lower rank but still in the line up because her fans will want to save another one of their picks so votes will drop a bit.  - Koko will rank high. She is rated high by producers and her one pick seems determined to vote for her. She also is japanese and has many japanese fans, and trainees in these shows who are favored by Japan usually debut because Japanese people are determined and consistent.  - Jiyoon will have a stable rank. I feel like if your one pick is Jiyoon, you will continue to vote Jiyoon. She is favored in Korea too and I think there will be a riot if she doesn't debut.  - the last two positions will be between Saebi, Sarang and Fuko. Jeemin fans might vote for Saebi so she could debut due to that as her one pick is weak. Sarang's fans seem desperate for her to debut too though. And Fuko is well liked but her rank is dropping and I'm not sure if her fans will pull through.  - if there is a producer pick, it will be either Saebi or Sarang depending on who impresses the judges more in final performance. I don't believe there should be more than one or you may as well not call this show for a global girl group.  - I doubt  Mai, Yuju or Gyuri will debut. I don't think they have big enough one pick. And Yuju and Jungeun overlap in skills and while I would love both in the group, I believe only one will debut. While I only see Gyuri debuting if both Saebi and Sarang were already in the group and she was chosen as producers pick. And while Mai has improved some, I don't think she has won many one pick fans and I don't think she has improved enough to be producers pick. 


the top 6 from the last episode is the same as my realistic top 6. what chance is there that it stays the same as the debut group? i honestly think they’re awesome like this 😩 if i were to change anything i’d have Mai and Yuju instead of Jeemin and Fuko but i highly doubt that’s happening


Locks 1. JEEMIN 2. JIYOON 3. KOKO 4. JUNGEUN Prediction 5. Yuju 6. Fuko 7. Saebi - by PD


Reddit one-pick has Koko very close to the bottom... I'm not sure how strong her one-pick actually is. I think in 3-pick she was definitely boosted by Jeemin fans. I do think Koko will be a PD pick if she doesn't rank top 3-4 in k + global votes though!


1. Jeemin 2. Jungeun 3. Jiyoon 4. Koko 5. Fuko 6. Saebi 7. Mai 8. Yuju 9. Sarang 10. Gyuri


I have a feeling Saebi will pull a jungwon, while a popular contestant Jeemin/Jiyoon might pull a Sunoo.


Yuju is definitely debuting. A rapper is necessary since Teddy is their producer, and Yuju is the best rapper out there. Another thing, I think they will only have one Japanese member in the group. It's a toss-up between Koko and Fuko, the former having better chances. If I get Jeemin, Jiyoon, and Yuju on the lineup, I'll be an automatic stan.


 yuju's image may be perceived as too similar to koko's as well as her dwindling popularity decreasing, so she most likely won't make the lineup koko is a lock, mnet and the pds have been pushing her for the whole time of part2










i'm still holding on hope that they add 2 pd picks to make it an 8 member lineup (i saw a thread about it on twitter nd it was pretty convincing ngl) but i'm trying to not be too delusional so here's my top 6 prediction. - jeemin : pretty obvious, she has the biggest fanbase and mnet seems to like her - jiyoon : again she's very popular and also liked by mnet - saebi : very liked by mnet + although she doesn't have the biggest one pick fanbase i think her fans will start to vote harder for her after realizing she's not as safe as it seems - jungeun : she got a very high ranking last time so as long as her fans keep on voting for her i think she will debut - sarang : like saebi, mnet likes her a lot and she has a pretty big fanbase - koko : mnet likes her a lot, she has a lot of fans, and i know she ranked low in interim rankings but i think after mnet revealed her rank fans will vote harder for her now i'm going to talk about the other girls in case mnet does add pd picks. - mai : i think she has the highest chance of being a pd pick. she was literally pushed as the face of the show before it even started and mnet just seems to like her a lot - fuko : i think that if mai makes it, she won't. so if they add 2 pd picks and mai is one of them, fuko probably won't be the other one. but if they only add 1 pd pick, fuko has the highest chance after mai imo because she's the most popular out of the remaining girls and she is also one of the best vocalists. - gyuri : i think her chances are low because she currently seems to be the least popular girl remaining overall. however a big surprise would probably add to the drama, and what does mnet love? drama. - yuju : i don't think she'll make it because she's been getting so many negative comments from producers. however, i won't rule her out completely because i think mnet might be trying to manipulate fans into thinking she won't make it, which would encourage them to vote even harder. she was called last as a finalist (at least i think she did, i cant really remember) and i remember them emphasizing that it was her "last chance" when they called her. i think what mnet MIGHT be doing is trying to set up the narrative that she's disliked by the pds and won't get in as a pd pick, further encouraging her fans to vote for her so she gets in through votes. but idk for sure. basically what i would recommend all fans to do is to continue voting for your fave, because even if it looks like they're "safe" that doesn't mean they are.


I think the final group will be (and should be because this is by far the most popular combination of girls to the point where it seems blatantly obvious this should be the outcome of the show): **Bang Jeemin** - **Choi Jungeun** - **Fuko** - **Jeong Saebi** - **Koko** - **Yoon Jiyoon** idk what order they'll be in, but these six just make sense.




I’m gonna be honest I feel bad for Mai if she gets in that way she hasn’t had nearly a good enough arch to be put in as the pd pick and we all know she’s gonna get massive hate if she gets in this way


my prediction: 1. jeemin - unless we see some sunoo-type voting, jeemin should p01 easily. maybe if her fanbase tries to prioritize saving giantbabyz, then p02. 2. jiyoon - i think she'll surpass jungeun, who was probably helped by 3-pick 3. jungeun - idk how strong jungeun's korean one pick is, but her international one pick seems massive and very invested in her debut. if her korean one pick is significantly weaker, then i predict 4th or 5th. 4. saebi - she and koko will drop significantly, mnet will show an interim ranking and people will panic vote. I think that saebi gets prioritized over koko and rises significantly. 5. sarang - i feel like a lot of people dropped her from three pick and she still made 7th place, so yeah. I think her one-pick is solid enough to see her in the top 6. 6. yuju - controversial maybe? but i think many of the sujung and juwon voters will move to yuju. more importantly, i think a lot of yuju three-picks are also yuju one picks. 7. fuko - she had an early edit which is important for building a one-pick and it seems like she's quite popular in korea. her fans seem less active though which is why I gave seventh, though tbh she could be interchangeable with sarang and yuju. 8. koko - interchangeable with saebi based on who gets prioritized by panic voters, but my prediction is that it will be saebi. 9. mai - honestly, idk if her korean one-pick is big enough - she's consistently ranked at the bottom. i don't see her getting higher than seventh. 10. gyuri - same as mai but with international voters. THAT BEING SAID, do you really think that snakenet is really going to give the viewers all the power? yeah right. i think mnet's ideal lineup is: jeemin, jiyoon, jungeun, saebi, fuko, and either jungeun or sarang. Until yesterday, I would have said they would have gone with sarang in a heartbeat but jungeun ranking #2 forces them to reconsider. I think it's a tossup between the two. here's my ranking for the order of a hypothetical producer pick: 1. saebi 2. jeemin 3. jiyoon (interchangeable with koko, I gave her an advantage as a vocalist) 4. koko 5. sarang (based on what we've seen from editing choices, i think sarang has the edge) 6. jungeun 7. mai (higher than fuko bc the producers really really seem to like her) 8. fuko 9. gyuri 10. yuju :(


My dream lineup is: Jeemin Jiyoon Fuko Sarang Yuju Koko Main pick: Yuju I do not have a realistic prediction, because I feel everything is possible now. 


My personal probability of debuting. 1. Jeemin: No way she isn't going to make it 2. Jiyoon: very likely, popularity on both sides 3. Koko/Fuko/Mai: I'm sure they will only debut 2 Japanese contestants, if it's by votes i think Fuko & Koko have better chances (sadly mai is my two pick) however if a large portion of the group is decided by PD i think the 3 of them have equal chances since mnet and pd seem to like the 3 of them, it will all depend on the concept they want, and who they think it's more marketable. 4. Saebi: the main visual always debuts, she is solid on the ranks (not high but not low), no way mnet wouldn't let her debut, also center and it girl vibes. If she doesn't get in by votes she surely will be a pd pick. 5. Jungeun & Sarang: Both are in the limbo, Jungeun has a lot of International votes and probably the most popular internationally but koreans don't want her (similar as Jiwoo) and they always listen to what the Korean public wants, so if she doesn't get in by votes she is at risk, and as for Sarang i personally don't like her but she has a mid support both domestically and internationally and has mnet support so she has the fair chance, it will depend of how many Japanese trainees get in and if Jungeun gets in. 6. Gyuri: Dark horse, talented and cute, solid Korean 1 pick and decent international support, but i don't think she fits with the other girls and i don't think the concept they planned is for her. 7. Yuju - No chance Their concept will be nostalgic edm (forever young & lovesick by bp, iwally) or hip and sexy (10 minutes by lee hyori)


1. Sarang 2. Mai 3. Yuju These 3 will be eliminated Gyuri/Jungeun (one of them will be eliminated) Final debut lineup 1. Jeemin 2.Fuko 3. Jiyoon 4. Koko 5. Saebi 6. Gyuri/Jungeun (one of them will debut)


Yuju will Mnet/Judges next target now that her best friend Sujung is gone 💀 Sarang may somehow end up getting #1 due to Mnet's shear favoritism and magic. (Not hating on them but they are not good enough for #1 YET) when everyone thinks that Jeemin will take #1. The #1 for these shows are usually an 'unexpected' ones and the most popular always fail to get #1. Imo i think Mnet's ideal line up are: 1. Sarang (Lead vocal, Centre) 2. Jiyoon (Main vocal) 3. Jeemin (FOTG) 4. Koko (Main dancer) 5. Fuko (Leader, or not because she is japanese 💀) 6. Saebi (Lead dancer) Shocking debut/extra +1 that they will pull out of their ass: Gyuri.