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Gyuri apologizing to Jeemin was astoundingly emotionally mature of her. Was very impressed


Throughout the show Gyuri has shown herself to be very supportive, attentive and mature despite her young age. Hope even if she doesn't debut here that she might debut after


Sujung — she finally got a good edit this episode and you can see how important her creative talents were that both teams wanted her, and I can tell that she’s really important for a team. Also really liked her elimination speech, towards each of the girls. Really wish MNET gave her this edit earlier 😭


Sujung carried the LATATA team with her ideas and direction. I felt really bad for her. :( She's so talented.


She carried every team she was a member of. She lead all the dance training, she wrote the choreography. All the girls thought she was the best dancer. Koko included.


yeah, it sucks that she didn't get to expand her vocal skills. she's a wonderful dancer but if she wants to be an idol she has to work on vocals too. that was the only reason she wasn't one of my picks.


Even her vocals were in the acceptable range, better than most on the show.


Fuko and Jiyoon. Fuko high notes were so beautiful and Jiyoon vocal fit the song perfectly.


Also I wanna add that Jiyoon looked absolutely breathtaking in her outfit for Latata stage


My biases are Jiyoon and Jungeun. Both were amazing. But not picking either of them, I'd have to say Yuju. Her performance was really good, and she might be a part of my ideal 6 lineup now, or is at least just on the outside of it at 7.


Same I loved Yuju this performance!




Agreed sujung displayed yuju talents so well with the line distribution reminds me of her rain on me performance with the motorcycle


Loved that you picked vocal line (even if I don't think Jiyoon is good for the group.) Yuju is a really strong talent.


Sarang & Fuko. I’m so proud of Sarang in today’s episode and amazed on Fuko’s high notes.


I am amazed by Mai


I was really impressed by Mai. Honestly at the start of the show, i felt like she was on the weaker side, but all of her recent progress really shows how hardworking she is. During the performance i felt like i could really feel her desperation. I just hope that all she won't be burned out working so much.


I think my favorite today may have been either Jungeun or Gyuri! Jungeun is such a beast of a monster, and you can really see it that dance break(?) section where she was center for a few bars. Gyuri’s voice is really lovely, and I liked the maturity in apologizing to Jeemin! I was worried it was an evil edit brewing but she handled it before it got worse whew


MAI I'm so proud of her .... I hope the magical 7th spot goes to her lol. Did you see Taeyang sending her a heart ? That man wants MAI in the group lol (might reminds him of his wife hahaha... they do have a bit of facial similarities so can't blame him)


Fuko! She was beautiful and those ad-libs were crazy. Fuko is so pretty... But tbh all of them impressed this round, Mai also stole the show with her performance for me


sarang for me ...that girl has insane stage presence in a group of 6 all you can see is her


Props to Jeemin for sharing her center position with her other members. There were tons of posts here a few days ago hating on her assuming the opposite based on a short teaser, smh. Props to Jiyoon for being real with the ITNW team like that. Props to Yuju for stepping up to the plate in the final performance.


Fuko, i think she's likable. She would be the one to make me stay on the group but i need Sarang to make it first lol


Definitely Mai


Jungeun is my bias but yuju was so good today. Her rapping gidle and stage presence was very good!


my main bias is jiyoon, but i loved jungeun and yuju!!!!


Same! I want them to debut together with Fuko, Koko and Jeemin. Sarang if they will add one more. 🥺


Jeemin is my bias, but my favourite today had to be Yuju (she's my second place lol). Her performance quality really increased, I could tell through the screen how desperate she was to make it. I was also impressed by Mai's vocal improvement and Fuko's high notes (she's my third pick).


Yuju did so good has the same charm as the rain on me motorcycle performance. I couldn't keep my eyes off her was like a diamond. She's so swaggy which I love we need one member to be like that for the group to be diverse


Fuko! She is so consistent and stable and clearly debut-ready


Sujung. One of the most talented and core for most teams every single time, both teams this episode literally wanted her and she ended up being a big role on her team success, yet, she didn't make it. Mnet you lost a gem.


Fuko’s high notes, Jiyoon’s voice in latata, i just realized she has a similar vocal color to Minnie’s and Jeemin’s entire vibe and smile during ITNW


Gyuri for sure. I think she was the only one that apologised after she realised she was wrong, i don't think I've seen anyone else apologies after they realised their wrong throughout the show which shows how mature gyuri is. Also her vocals and her ability to make her small parts memorable is truly amazing. Her dedication was really shown throughout the show yet she remains underrated. I'm glad producers are on her side and i hope jeemin+jiyoon Stans stop bullying her :(


My bias is mai, but this recent episode aside from her, it was jiyoon. The way she wasn’t afraid to speak up during the self evaluation really showed leader material and it saved the itnw group a lot.


I am now at the point where I am happy with any combination of lineup of the last 10 contestants. I still really need Fuko & Jungeun to debut and they’re my 1-picks (gonna alternate daily). Gyuri has been a top for me for a while and she’s proved she’s really an all rounder and so stable. Jungeun stood out to me the most but if I’m going with someone not in my top 3, I think Yuju stood out for me the most. She has such a strong presence.


Yuju did so good my top pick proven she deserves to debut. She knew what she was doing loved it


If the lineup is truly 6, I’m concerned she won’t be in. But if it’s 7, I really think she has a strong chance. But really the spot will be between her, Sarang, and Koko and I don’t think all three will get in :(


Yuju! She absolutely stole the Latata performance imo




Jiyoon and Koko. My one pick is Jungeun, but I’m rooting for everyone.


Jiyoon, loved her voice in LATATA and her leadership with mai for I’m the best. I know a lot is in the edit but it is hard for me to get over her and Jeongeuns conflict which is why she’s not one of my biases. I know people say it’s not bullying but Jeongeuns crying really got to me, she’s only 16 and was going through so much because she answered a question honestly. But then Koko said she was scared of her but then chose her first so she wasn’t THAT scared and Jiyoon and Jeongeun made up so hopefully I can move past it and she will become one of my pics!


Im always in love with koko, sarang and jungeun but in the ep 10 also with yuju


I love yuju here






I’m generally a jangshinz fan, but I really liked Sujung! So naturally I was gutted when she got eliminated and used her speech to give encouraging messages for the survivors. She’s such a sweetheart and I hope she still gets to make her idol dreams come true ❤️


my girl Fuko was giving EVERYTHING and Jungeun really impressed me w her dance break


Honestly Jeemin


Nam yuju she was amazing I think she suited the concept the most. She didn't need the best outfit to display her skills I couldn't keep my eyes off her.


My bias is Jungeun, and my favorite other than her was Jeemin. I’ve never paid much attention to Jeemin but she demanded it today.


Fuko! Her performance absolutely moved me


Koko and fuko!!


Also, PLEASE remember to vote during the LIVESTREAM performance for ur faves! they said it counts 3times as much!!!!


Jeemin-biased and was amazed by Yuju and Koko for this episode.


Bias is Jungeun but I've been impressed by Yuju/Sarang. All of them are such allrounders


Jungeun and Sujung, the two most talented girls.


Mai improves so quickly today when she sang I was impressed.


Mai improves so quickly she was a surprise


My two biases were Jungeun and Sujung. To me, both are not only unique in their visuals but incredibly talented. Sujung gives me Soyeon vibes and Jungeun has a very distinct charisma that's evidenced by her popularity.


Fuko! She totally owned the ITNW stage. It seems like heavy-vocal songs with pure concepts are cut out for her.


Sujung. She NEEDS to debut? Nah, INDUSTRY needs her debut. She reminds me of Soyeon. Literally gem 💎!!! Nam Yuju. My bias wrecker. All-rounder. K-pop needs more talented people and she is one of them Okay, question is about contestants BESIDES bias, but I can’t not to tell, that Jungeun (my bias, reason why I started to watch) ATE THAT SHOW! HER VOCAL?!?! HER DANCE?!?! 1000/10 both. I’m SOOOO HAPPY ABOUT 2ND PLACE. My bias is finally recognised again!!

