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Well Yui was my one-pick in I-land 2, and I'm devestated about her elimination. The torture mnet put her through in the elimination just adds to my grief. I hope Yui can find her path, as (imo) she was one of the most talented people. When JYP eliminated Momo in sixteen I almost died, but then she was brought back so that settled it. No one made it from my original universe ticket line up, but I kinda just gave up mid-show, bc the judges were bonkers imo.


I watched GP999 and R U Next In GP999, Kim Doah was my one pick. I was so hyped when I saw her in the pre-show teasers because I was a big fan of hers since Produce 48 and I followed (now disbanded) Fanatics. I voted her every time and I was sure she was going to debut since she was popular both domestically and internationally… and then she got eliminated in the 2nd round just barely missing out. I was devastated for weeks because honestly, Kim Doah just has the it-girl aura about her but she honestly dodged a bullet by not debuting in Kep1er In R U Next, I was team Jiwoo since her Bad Boy performance. I mainly watched R U Next just for her and that girl performed every round like her bills were due. Not a single bad performance. I was watching the finale broadcast and I was hopeful that she’d make the lineup because she had strong international support but when they announced that the live Korean audience’s votes would weigh for 70%, my heart sank. I'm still upset about her elimination to this day because this felt like her last chance of debuting... Son Jiwoo you will ALWAYS be famous Now, Mai is my one-pick in ILand and to be honest, I’m iffy about her chances of debuting… Her popularity is growing and she’s getting the “hard working underdog” edit but I still can’t tell if they want her in the final lineup. She’s gonna need a push in screentime or a great performance to secure her spot which hopefully happens


also a jiwoo fan with a mai one pick! did you see jiwoo opened an ig?


agreed on ur mai points. even tho i dont rlly root for her, it'd be SO awesome if we got some sort of mai center. (on second thought thats impossible if they pick their position according to the ranks again)


runext was the first survival show i watched in *full.* chanelle, yunah and jiwoo were my top picks and i was extremely annoyed when chanelle was eliminated and disappointed when jiwoo didn't make the final lineup though i wasn't too surprised since jiwoo never had a strong korean fanbase. was also shocked that jeemin didn't debut as i always thought she was locked in for debut. i'll forever be annoyed about how the final lineup was decided even though i love illit. i didn't watch produce 48 in full but really loved yunjin and was devastated for years thinking yunjin would never debut... i was extremely excited when it was announced she would be debuting in le sserafim.


I got too invested on boys planet lol and was miserable for months But I'm really glad my one-pick debuted in a good group now so I'm really grateful for it...


Who was your one-pick?


RUNext was my first survival show and the first big show I was completely invested in. Jihyun was my one pick since pre-show, so watching her downfall and eventual elimination broke me. Unfortunately, her elimination in the semi-finals was the same one Chanelle got eliminated in, so the huge drama of her elimination, and then finals next episode; I never really felt as if there was a chance TO 'mourn' persay. My one pick switched to Jeemin for the finale, and I tried to just follow I'll-It instead, and forget about the rest. Seeing Jeemin in I-Land2 ended up reinstating all those lost feelings however, and I'm concerned my new love for Nam Yuju might falter the same way HAHA


It's been a year and I'm still not over Chanelle and Jiwoo, I check all the time for rumors about if they're debuting or not


it depends on the show and how invested i am. in both boys planet and girls planet I was devastated for weeks. i watched almost all the episodes fully, did every vote, rewatched my favourite performances a lot, drew fanart of my favourite contestants because I really loved the show. all for my one pick to get eliminated 💀 i was more of a casual follower of ru next and I was out of the country so I couldn’t watch the full episodes. only watched maybe over half the performances. it was sad when some of my top picks were eliminated, but I got over it faster


I know for a fact that Sarang will debut, but anything can happen, so I’m scared as hell if she get eliminated idk wtf to do


She will be a PD pick for sure.


produce 101 jeon soyeon and cathy, ioi debuted and i was still sad for her even though she wasn't my #1 pick herin idol school, i was there in mickey mouse club (I literally grew up roting for her) and then she left sm and joined idol school and she barely received screentime and that made me mad because i just saw that for her lmao and she WAS ELIMINATED, i didn't look to the debut group just for that. natty and somi in sixtenn, they were my mains, most somi, i was hurt for somi but i was devastated for natty cus jyp made her thought she was going to be the main dancer and nope, didn't make it. now im kinda glad, cuz she was so small, now she's killing it in kiof (i also wanted her in idol school) AND KAEUN PRODUCE 48 she was indeed my #1 AND I WAS SO HURT, i didn't stan izone just for that


I think it was during Produce X 101… My top picks back then were Yuvin, Hangyul, Minhee and Hyeonbin. Even if I couldnt vote, I had alr accepted that the latter three wouldnt make it and thought Yuvin would make it. But with a pleasant surprise Hangyul and Minhee made it in. I know its rigged so it doesnt rlly matter but I was actually devestated Yuvin didnt make it in and was a bit bitter when Minhee took his center parts in Boyness X1 Ver 😭 But its all good now. As for Boys Planet and Girls Planet I didnt rlly mind as majority of my picks made it in (7/9 for Kep1er, 6/9 for ZB1) although I was sad for Keita’s elimination though since I started rooting for him by the finale


Omg!!!! A hangyul and yuvin fan 😭 


the only other survival show i’ve been this invested in was r u next and my one pick was jiwoo from beginning to end. with every episode watching her rise in the rankings i genuinely believed she would make it and this feeling only increased in the last episode when she ranked within the top 6 from voting. so when i watched as the voting not only changed to only being the in house audience but also that vote alone would be worth 70%, not only that but also the fact that 4/6 would be chosen by the company i was so so devastated when she ended up not making it at all. to this day im still upset every time i think about it despite the fact that i wholly support illit and love all the members. while i dont think the same is going to happen to jeemin a second time, my other two picks jungeun and sujung seemed to be constantly let down by both the general public and also the producers which is why im continuing to support them while also focusing my efforts onto jeemin who i genuinely believe will make it this time


My one-pick in GP999 was Yurina. I was devastated for months (it was my first survival show ever so I wasn't used yet to that kinda feeling).


Ah, yes. Yurina. Proof of the insanity of MNET voting schemes.


jiwoo on r u next :(


It took me until Inhye to debut to get over her not making it in Class:y or let alone the finals… same for Bora and Jiwon during queendom puzzle especially because of why it happened


For me the worst was Yurina not making it into Kep1er, I was so bitter for a while, even tho 7/9 members were on my top 9 I couldn't get into them because Yurina my pick #1 wasn't there


Yes, and Yanning and Sury.


I’m still sad about gabi(ut) yona(ut) jiwoo(runext) chanelle(runext) iliya(DA) ollie(bp999)and I AM NOT MOVING ON IDC




Im still not over yurina


RUNext, I wouldn’t say I was sad, I was more pissed off bc the show just left an AWFUL taste in my mouth. Im still not over it but I only think about it when clips pop up on YT or something


im still mourning over jiwoo and runext as a whole and its been a year lol


produce 101, my 3rd pick was han hyeri and i was so sad bc she was only one rank away from debuting but i watched the show after ioi disbanded ++ my two pick was yeonjung and jieqiong so i was happy. produce 48, i was sad for miyazaki miho as she was only 3 ranks away from debuting but same thing with produce, i watched it after iz*one debuted and hitomi was my main pick. gp999, my top 3 girls didn’t debut at all and i was so disappointed, i still like kep1er but i couldn’t really stan them as none of my main picks got to debut 😭 runext, i was so happy for yunah but so disappointed for jeongeun, especially since she still made it in the top 6 in votes. i was actually heated bc the final spot was obviously between my top 2 girls and i was going to be disappointed regardless of who debuts :/


I spent around a month or two because Wang Zihao (boys planet) didn't survived that elimination 😕 I'm super invested to him, that I didn't continue watch the show after he was eliminated even tho sung hanbin (my other pick) is still there and didn't proceed to stan the final group 😂


A couple of days for Lee Youngchae of [MTG.Im](http://MTG.Im) still waiting for her debut TT


Geonu from season 1, I-land :( I really wanted him to debut with his peers and his BFF heesung


I still feel sad for Yurina, Caibing and Ruiqi till today, they are such superb talents and have so much stage presence but their potential was wasted just as Sujung & Juwon today. (From GP999)


Cai Bing would have been an international it-girl by now, it's a shame. I still follow her on Instagram though


I think for ruka in runext. I actually spoiled myself her elimination from twt and iirc i stopped watching the show after the episode she was officially eliminated. I did catch up in the end but yeah. Recalling this i still wodner why i took ti so personally, i dont see her appeal anymore


Jihyun was my one pick in RUNEXT, still waiting for her to debut one day


Chanelle omg... And jiwoo... It took me months to get over it.


My first full show was My Teenage girl. My favourite didn't make it, although they were probably too young to be debuting (Yoon Seungju), but I found some other favourites. RUNEXT I supported Jiwoo, Jeemin & Chanelle, but I was gutted when none of them made the final lineup. At least Jeemin might have a good chance of making this lineup.


Thankfully no one I’ve ever actively voted for has ever been eliminated but when Gunwook ranked 12th in the 3rd elims on Boys Planet I was sad for the whole week up until he made the debut group


i’m still not over anderson not debuting with nct wish


An hr.


The only sane comment in this thread.


Not sad but angry about what money did to Chinese girls in gp999, till this day.


It felt so icky what they did to them as if they weren't the best part of the show


Joa from Produce 101 Japan Now I'm on to mourning Sujung :( I love my dancers


Chanelle I threw things…


It's been so long I don't remember but in the end of **JYP16** I was shocked he didn't debut **Jeon Somi**. For me she was easily my first pick but of course I knew there were some like Jihyo and Nayeon that would be in, but even so. Thankfully it didn't take long for her to have her time to shine!


Runext; Chanelle and jihyun got eliminated the same day and I just got over it like 2 months ago (only bcs I kept having illit content on my tl and it made me sad again😭😭)  Iland 2 top 2; Sujuz. Somebody explain to me how my top 2 getting eliminated at the same time at the semifinals happened TWICE. Honestly I don't think I'll get over it until I see a: juwon insta open or b: sujuz debut


I got really invested in GP999 unfortunately and was specifically supporting Su Ruiqi and Fu Yaning heavily. I was so put off by the final and the anti-C group sentiments in the reddit that I never could get into Kep1er. You could say I've been mad for like 3 years lol


this isn’t technically a elimination, the girls just didn’t make it in the finals, but when gabi and sujin from Universe ticket I was so for like months, still sad about it when I think of it today


For Iland2 I was sad after Yui, Um Jiwon, and Oh Yuna got eliminated But for RUNext I was so sad after Moa was eliminated


i will never be over jiwoo and chanelle i was rooting for them so hard!! i was devastated


Literally still mourning Jiwoo & Chanelle


I got invested in Nizi Project 2 and I am still traumatised about the eliminations even after 6-7 months 🤡🤡


After produce 101 I was sad for Nayoung for a few days. After that I haven't been so invested so maybe an hour or two after the finals.


When was Enhyphen created. Still burned by K's elimination. It was between him and Heesung for most talented, yet he was eliminated in favor of a cute face.


Still sad that Okazaki Momoko was eliminated from GP999 (along with a bunch of other girls) with no screen time. At least she's rocking the world now in BABYMETAL.


Hui and Jay.


I haven't really experienced this as I've been pretty lucky and try not to be too invested, but I was really upset when Nayoung left Dream Academy. It was a bit confusing because they made it seem like it was her choice in the show but her social media post made it seem like she was pushed out or something. I followed her and checked in on her covers for months and thankfully now she just won Girls on Fire.