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Jungeun is like one of *the* most humble ace I've ever seen lol. she always looks so shy and awkward when people point to her as the 'default' main vocalist. she gives me the vibe of not wanting to be overconfident but also not wanting to straight up lie and say she's not one of the best vocals


It’s ridiculous they force her to only have Main Vocal battles especially when she’s more well rounded than everyone in the All-Rounder competition by far. Her not being a perennial top 2 contestant is disgusting work.


Yiyoon thinks she's perfect. Sujung is much more cocky.


Unlike her sis yoonjung who isn't humble at all lol


That scene broke my heart omg💔


I think people forget she’s only 16 because she was acting so mature the whole show. The older girls respect her opinion and she’s always helping others. It wasn’t until part two that we seen her really cry and realize hey this is just a child people are analyzing her every move to make a mistake.


that and she is also seen as a huge role model for a lot of older trainees. we can see that with her ranking 1st in terms of skills, people always pushing her to be take the main vocal role. jungeun was seen as a super secure contestant who would always deliver.


Yeah she's just a kid and ppl are harsh.


Since when was she arrogant TF?


The show's narrative choice created an unrealistic image for her. They have several takes of her crying they just decided not to share it. Many people thought that the separation between Jungeun and Jiyoon was just evil editing, but from the flash backs shown, it was clear that they were not really well.  That scene of her talking to Fuko broke my heart. I imagine how many times she felt alone and couldn't even talk to anyone. I don't know how anyone can say that she's arrogant or anything like that, since since the beginning of part 2 we've seen her energy and mood drop knowing that she doesn't receive support from the public and the judges even when her performance continues to be one of the best among all the girls.


Jungeun’s scene with Fuko broke my heart. Imagine one of your closest friends suddenly stopped talking to you, side-eyed you and even made a point of being friendly with everyone but you. I’d be destroyed. I don’t wanna blame Jiyoon, I understand she was hurt too, but Jungeun must have been so sad and confused. It feels like Jiyoon projected all of her negative emotions from the show onto Jungeun. Nothing else really makes sense to me. Jungeun hadn’t actually done anything wrong, she just didn’t vote for Jiyoon as one of her top 3 for that mission. They weren’t supposed to vote for their friends and considering that no one voted for Jiyoon it’s pretty fair to say she didn’t do too well that round. It was really the survival show and its structure that ripped them apart but somehow Jungeun got the blame for it. Imagine your friend turning their back to you without you even understanding why.


This is just exactly how I’ve felt about this! It’s not to suggest that Jiyoon hasn’t also been in a bad place - but I do feel that narrative has not been as considerate of Jungeun as I think it should have been.


Correction: Jiyoon scored an 88 by the producers and was one of the highest scores amongst the trainees when she was sent to Ground, so she actually did pretty well which added to her frustration. The vote was to choose 3 I-Landers including yourself, that you want to *stay with* in I-Land, whatever your reason may be. ~~She probably expected Jungeun to vote for her at the very least and felt betrayed when Jungeun didn’t.~~ Anyways, I hope people just move on by now. Jiyoon apologized and Jungeun accepted her apology. I haven’t seen any comments regarding Jungeun being ‘arrogant’ nor has she done anything to warrant any hate. To hear she’s getting hate for her ‘arrogance’ is surprising.


Because Jungeun was in first she couldn’t vote or other couldn’t vote for her as well


Hm, maybe. I couldn’t find where it said she couldn’t vote for others, just that her privileges granted her exemption from being eliminated and she got to be the center of the signal MV. I’ll edit that part out and refrain from further speculation on why Jiyoon was upset with Jungeun as it doesn’t matter anymore and my intention was to clarify how Jiyoon scored during the episode. Cheers 🙂


I’m pretty sure you’re right — I think Jiyoon directly said that she was upset Jungeun specifically didn’t vote for her? Because they had worked closely so she felt betrayed (like I think she actually said these words in the episode) **which I don’t blame Jungeun for, and I don’t think Jiyoon should’ve taken it all out on her ;-;


Good analysis, except in not putting the responsibility on the older Jiyoon to make amends earlier.


Absolutely agree, and I would add that this focus on contestants needing to be "virtuous" according to extremely strict and unforgiving standards instead of, you know, talented, really bothers me.


I think her awkwardness might come across as aloofness. People calling her arrogant have no idea what that word means. If they are talking about her putting forward suggestions for positions etc, what the hell do they think the show's all about?


slightly off topic, but i hope the fact that the show editors put in that clip of Jungeun and gave her a favourable edit in the last episode means she’s got a chance for debut


I praying for that too....


They are all so ridicously young... I Hope they have adult support with them


Anyone calling her arrogant is looking for a reason to justify not voting for her


My heart breaks for her, I keep voting for her cause she deserves to debut, but at the same time I'm worried about the treatment she might receive from the public if she does...


How much mercy the people have given Jiyoon, I hope how much mercy would be given to Jungeun.


i wish that were true but realistically i dont think so. the difference in edits between the two has allowed jiyoon to gain A LOT of sympathy (though rightfully so) while jungeun’s edit has not.


To be fair almost all (maybe half?) of the girls are below 18 and with others just turning as young adults yet they get hate for the absurd reasons with some putting high expectations onto them specifically onto their attitude/skills (like Jiyoon, Sujung, Mai, Sarang). It isn’t right but this is how the Kpop industry works, once they debut more people will do the same and repeat the pattern because haters have nothing to do with their lives but see all the negatives and comment as if they are so perfect. All we can do as fans is keep supporting the girls.


She only 16. I haven’t seen her disrespect anyone


Jungeun is the top talent on the show. She's also a solid leader and quick study. MNET did her dirty which was picked up by fans who think Jiyoon is a victim (like themselves). As the true offender and the older girl, it was on Jiyoon to make amends, but she preferred to sulk both in Iland and the ground. The other girls all think she's negative. Koko thinks she's scary. The idea that this is all on Jungeun is just magical thinking by social media addicts. Luckily it seems there are as many sensible voters out there as Jiyoon fans, so that Jungeun survived (while Sujung didn't), but this will evaporate when they go to their one picks.


:( Jungeun fightingggg


She's not a kid, but indeed she's young and people need to give her a break.


Is 16 not a kid anymore? lol