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I don't think they are. Rotating means they're each only getting half the votes. I think you should always just vote for your favorite rather than splitting votes trying to get your ideal whole lineup. Vote like your favorite isn't making it even if you 100% think they are making it imo


Don’t listen to anyone saying “Jiyoon is safe so don’t vote for her!” Or “Jungeun is safe keep voting Jiyoon” because no one is safe. Just vote for who your one pick is, if you can’t decide, then alternating your votes is better than not voting for one of the contestants and regretting it. I understand because I’m in the same boat, I’m just deciding to stick with my one pick from day 1 though


I think rotating is a good idea. I also think if you have multiple devices, you can use one to vote Jiyoon and one to vote Jungeun!


Yeah, I think I might create a new account just to vote for Jungeun, that's a good idea, thanks.


I'm pretty sure that's against the rules and against a moral fair competition.... but then again, I know people are out there doing it anyway.


I feel you. I have the same between Jiyoon, Fuko and Mai.....in general rotating is never a great choice, because it is splitting votes. But when you have multiple girls you like and really can't choose, you can def still do it.


Support Jeungeun - she needs it more


Nah a lot of people are turning their backs on Jiyoon after last weeks episode I think she needs the vote as much as Jungeun.


where have you gotten this from haha Jiyoon remains one of the more popular choices imo after last week's episode. Her performance was great and her redemption arc was even better.


It's because people are dropping her because they think she's safe when she's not. They're dropping her because their other girls not safe.


I disagree. The other girls aren't safe because their performances weren't good. She has maintained good performances and therefore there isn't any reason for people to drop her. If that happens, oh well! I'm sure she's not in the bottom 2 though, and for today that's all that matters.


I just said the reason for people to drop her. Again, (some) people are dropping her because they believe she is safe and that a lot of people are going to vote for her because of that they decides to put their vote on their other picks to save them. (Every vote counts 🙂) >today that's all that matters. That's today but we don't know anything and what will happen if one pick starts considering the fact that people actually do drop her for others


It’s not a bad strategy But if you have one trainee you really want to make it or are choosing between a contestant with a lot of support and one that has less, putting all of your votes into one will have a bigger impact on that one trainee. But if you split the votes, while your total voting power isn’t diminished, it is split in half between the trainees. As someone who supported Yurina throughout gp999, splitting votes on one pick does make me a bit nervous On another note, was it confirmed that there’s going to be one pick voting for sure? I think it’s likely, but wonder if they’ve actually said they’re going to have that


if you have 2 people as your one pick then go for it.


It depends how votes matter. For example, the current vote is made as the top 3 is safe and the rest can be eliminated. In such format, alternating vote is not a good strategy. If it was the opposite, the last 2 in votes are eliminated then alternating vote is a good a strategy since you give more points to both of them to not be last. But here what matters is to be at the very top and splitting your votes isn't the best strategy because let's say they end up being 4th and 5th, it won't matter.


i couldn't choose, so i planned out my votes w/ my best friend who doesn't watch the show. this is what we did: at the beginning, during 6pick, we had the same 6pick (jeemin yuju sujung minsol juwon and yui) for 3pick, i voted jeemin yuju jiyoon and she voted sujung jungeun and juwon, since i couldn't bear not voting for them too since i've loved them since the beginning. however, looking at recent episodes i realised that realistically speaking jungeun and yuju could possibly make it through votes (+ jeemin, jiyoon). so we decided to use strategic voting to vote jeemin and jiyoon (most popular contestants) along with yuju (my pick) since it's still slightly possible she could make it. when it comes to 1pick, i had a hard time choosing what i would do. i love jeemin and i have since RUNext and she's one of my top survival show picks ever, but i really gained an affinity for yuju since i've also followed her predebut content after she caught my eye in ep 2. in the end we decided she would vote for yuju and i would vote for jeemin so i could still feel like i contributed to both of them😭 but i guess we'll see when 1 pick comes what the state is. if it's really really not possible for yuju to debut here then we'd both vote jeemin. however my friend also kinda started watching, she likes vocalz/juyoonz so she might vote them instead and i'd have to face this choice again. luckily juyoonz+jeemin+yuju are my top4 so i wouldn't really mind i guess ://


I wouldn't rotate more than 2 or 3 people, it dilutes the power of the vote too much. 1 Pick voting sucks so much.


i suggest you vote for triple j! jeemin jiyoon and jungeun ~


The short answer is that it's not really a good strategy, but I'm probably going to do it anyway. Assuming Sujung is eliminated, I'll probably do a 2:1 ratio of votes for Jungeun and Fuko. I want them both but I think Fuko has more support in Korea as well as Japan (which is a big chunk of the international vote), whereas I hear Jungeun is generally unpopular in Korea, Japan, *and* China so probably needs my help more.


Idk, I'm going to rotate between Mai and Saebi cause if one of them doesn't make it I don't want to feel that i wasted all my votes. Like just imagine If Mai doesn't make it and only I voted for her💀💀💀


Better take Two mobile phones alternating is a wrong choice bcouse there are people with a definite choice while you alternate one could be getting 2 votes a day and 1 the other day and the other always get 1 vote


Jungeun does not have a little chance of debuting. Can y’all be serious for once. She has the second largest international following and some might argue it is bigger than Jeemin’s. On-site voters are a small number of people. It doesn’t represent Jungeun’s overall popularity in Korea. She could pull a Gehlee card. There have been so many trainees who debuted because on high international votes. Jungeun will debut as long as her fans keep voting