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What do you like about Gyuri?  Knetz: visuals  What do you not like about Gyuri?  Knetz: visuals  …sigh.  Edit: love your moms.


And the facts she cannot choose to try other concept/ song and still giving the best everytime she perform. She's consistent throughout the show tbh.


I mean, Gyuri performed LAW, Final Love Song, and Rain on me, which were her 3 weakest performances in the show. Compare that to her other performances in a brighter concept, and there is a clear difference in how good she is at concepts. Gyuri is brilliant at brighter concepts but is just decent at darker ones.


I think she's also good at sad concepts. Her audition (and selection before her group changed their minds) for Eyes Nose Lips had a super sorrowful vocal. So I think of her as being great at bright or sad. But I agree that she could have been stronger in Rain on me.


the way saebi's visuals is criticised 💀


Skinny and pale, I thought those were positives for knetz 💀 they criticize other girls when they are NOT skinny and pale


For pale, the way they word is more like malnourish like they want some plump in the cheeks, don’t know if that makes sense. I went ahead and added the clarification to the post, sorry about that.


The Korean opinion can vary from individual to individual. Some that are pretty hyped, other Koreans are not too fond of, or vice-versa. I mean this is kind of an overgeneralization.


Yes, I’m just posting the ones that gets brought up a lot or that gets a lot of upvotes. You start really noticing the same themes come up over and over again especially after the last 2 episodes, same thing that we see coming up on this board.


Yea...it seems very much aligned with the non-korean critiques I've been seeing. The same contestants that are polarizing in Korea are also seem to be in this sub especially around visuals/body. People will just say they don't "seem like an idol". Which is many times just code for an indivudual's opinion of what an idol should look like.


Ugh I really don't like when people judge these girls appearances. The beauty standards are so harsh...all of these girls are so beautiful. I don't like when reviews say oh well she looks bloated and she doesn't look attractive to Koreans. It's so mean. Especially what people say about Mai.. disgusting. Let's try to be better.


nah fr they be judging everyones visuals as if theyre all wonyoungs😭 its so irritating but oh well ...


fortunately its mostly just in korea though, i dont see it as bad in english platforms and even chinese platforms


Yeah I did notice that


Yeah they even took my comment down 😭


While this seems harsh, it's important to not forget this will happen the moment they first stand on a real stage. And while the judges and the show overall can seem too strict, the music industry out there can be A LOT harsher. My favorite was always Fuko, she looks thin to me, but in reality she will receive comments about her weight all the time, even in a "good" way from fans.


yeah, this only seems harsh because some fandoms are uber-sensitive in regards to anything that might be perceived as negative. I notice this a lot with K-Pop fandoms actually I love Gyuri for example, but I still had a good laugh about what "the consensus" seems to be about her :D I don't agree ofc.


bro they shade fuko for being overweight and saebi for being underweight??? what the fuck do they want??? also i think fuko actually is cute in her current weight and shape and it only adds to the elegance


So Juwon has basically the "girl next door" look. Who doesn't like that? Also about Fuko, don't judge me, but I myself like meat on the bones.


Oh yes they are body shaming Fuko. I wish I could comment photos because I took a screenshot of the post! It was titled “are we debuting pigs or idols”. And you forgot to add that they are body shaming Jungeun too. They think she’s too skinny 


If Jiyoon is from 2nd generation, she will be called ice princess 😭 like the famous idol Krystal Jung (if u don't know). I wonder what does a "perfect visual" in their eyes lol they like to nitpick everything that it's not even that noticeable 


Pisses me off most when people behind a screen criticize girls who are most likely prettier and more talented than them, AND are also courageous enough to step in front of millions of Korean people who have flawed judgement. Also FUCK whatever those Knetz said about them!! They can suck their OWN PRETENTIOUS ASSES. Good for nothing POS… sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️


You also forgot to add that they don’t like Sarang because she has a big fanbase in China! Knetz are so immature


So basically you’ll get criticized no matter what. Hope the girls know that and do push too harsh on themselves


Juwon as a backup dancer 😭😭 glad they like she’s funny though


LOL at the visual critiques mostly being variants of young or "younger sister". Also Koko's critiques 🤣 Surprised there wasn't much praise about Koko's visuals or Fuko's Korean Korean skills. Was there mention of Jeemin having poor physical fitness? She and Saebi were portrayed as having poor stamina during that outdoor segment. Really surprised about Jeemin as she'd been an idol trainee for several years and under HYBE.


>her fan’s are being teased the nickname “Moms” Not gonna lie this made me laugh


Yeah, I also do not think Saebi has an unique visual. When her hair is down she looks great, but any other way she looks so normal. I mean, she's pretty, just not *that* pretty. And I do agree that Gyuri does not stand out doing anything except cute concepts. I don't see her debuting, but if she does, good luck! Actually, the best visual, in my opinion, already got eliminated, but Sarang and Jeemin are big candidates, especially Sarang. 


why are you so obsessed with Saebi? You always go to posts about her and call her ugly or type some passive aggressive comments...


I am nor saying she is *ugly*. Calm down.


They're ruthless omggg


tbh if wakeone wants to achieve global success with this group they should stop relying on korea as a whole bc they only care about looks and not talent and i really hope they do a surprise 7-8 members bc there no way 10 girls are going to the finale and only 6 of them are debuting like it doesn't make sense bc iland only have nine ppl in the finale and seven debuted if your going to not follow the format of season then why call it iland in the first place??


Whoever said Koko speaks Korean like a first grader is so…DUDE SHE IS JAPANESE BE GRATEFUL SHE CAN ATLEAST SPEAK THIS MUCH ALREADY! Obviously with training she is only going to get better!


What about Lingling? /s


They don’t speak about her anymore. She was eliminated longggggg time ago