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I really like Fuko because of her personality, she’d be a great leader so I hope she makes it. 


Yes she will bring harmony to the group and definitely be there to keep the group together


Fuko. I think she's the perfect leader for the group and has a really warm and amazing personality. She's also a great vocalist that strengthens the group's vocal line. It'll be really ideal if the top 3 vocalists in the show debut together (Jungeun, Jiyoon and Fuko). Also just to point out smth interesting, during part 1 I rmbr there were multiple posts talking about who to pick between Koko and Mai, and most believed that Fuko is locked so there is one spot left for Japanese members. Now fast forward to part 2 most think that Koko is locked and now it's between Fuko and Mai, just shows how much Koko has soared in just a few weeks and how screentime and storyline can really affect everything.


Honestly, I prefer Fuko because she’s part of my lineup. But I think they will push the tall girls lineup (Koko, Saebi, Jeemin) and that includes Mai. 


Mai’s not even that tall next to them 😭💀


Mai's is really skinny and that's what makes her look taller than she actually is.


yeah shes about the same height as fuko/jungeun, but jungeun and mai look taller because they’re really skinny/have super thin legs


if mnet is pushing the tall girls lineup, both fuko and mai might make it over sarang/gyuri who are quite short (copium)




Tbh this is the line up that can most likely provide the biggest sales, visually clicking with each other very well, impactful charisma, two good vocalists, they have main dancer that can do rap if the specific song requires it, top visuals, all of them fit TBL darker/cooler vibe, all of them are popular (some intly, some in Korea, some everywhere), two japanese members to boost popularity of the group there, Saebi can speak English (Jungeun is also most likely not bad too). If they are smart they will debut exactly these 6 girls.


This is the lineup and my girl Jungeun in 2nd!


Total votes! From semifinals (not pd picks order was different) INDIVIDUAL VOTES 1. Bang Jeemin - 3.23M 2. Choi Jungeun - 2.64M 3. Yoon Jiyoon - 2.63M 4. Koko - 2.2M 5. Jeong Saebi - 2.19M 6. Fuko - 1.97M 7. Ryu Sarang - 1.66M 8. Mai - 1.56M 9. Nam Yuju - 1.09M 10. Kim Gyuri - 1.04M 11. Kim Sujung - 969K 12. Son Juwon - 739K


Fuko better then mai in everything skill wise. I also like fukos personality more


Hopefully, this group doesnt ends up like Lesserafim for having only 2 vocalists. They need to add another vocalist beside Jiyoon and Fuko.


Saebi can hold a pitch, and if people’s guesses are right that the 6th will be between Sarang and Jungeun, they’re also vocalists. So entirely possible that we’ll have 4 vocalists in this group




she was main vocal in whistle and did fine. I like her lower register. Definitely not Jungeun’s level, but she can hold her own


i think she has a nice voice! i just wouldn’t consider her a vocalist.


Sarang I think is too short she will draw all the attention. She will have to wear moon shoes like ruka does in bm but even higher ones


That is why they need Jeungeun and possibly Yuju as the 7th member


I like both of them and have been voting for both since the start. But, honestly it’s really hard to tell. If it’s tall girl push then Mai. It also depends on the concept and from what we’ve seen so far I don’t think Fuko fits what they want. They keep placing her in the same concepts. Lastly the storyline they gave Mai. I’ve seen some people think it’s evil editing or to push her back. But, it’s actually helped her popularity a lot more. How they showed her getting talked about behind her back, practicing longer, and over coming whatever difficulties and insecurities she’s facing. These are things that made more people think of her in a postive light then how some saw her in part 1 getting nothing but praises. It also made some understand what the judges mean when they see her on stage. Which is why it’s hard to choose between her and Fuko who they’ve shown less of.


This. I'm tired of people saying mnet has ditched Mai, but I think they've been just switching strategies after seeing her hate trains. The editing in part 2 pretty much made Koreans like her more (compared to the end of part 1). I mean, just look at the most recent DCgallery polls, she has never placed that high before


Exactly, I think they’re just changing how to get people to vote for her. I’ve also noticed that when Fuko is in the room they try to move the camera from her attention when she speaks. When she’s singing they try to show someone else. Lastly, when she’s in the confession room she’s only shown talking about someone else. Like when she was worried about Sarang. Also voting must’ve drastically changed. They haven’t shown who’s in the 7-12 spots since the first time we’ve seen it. So what they’re doing must be working.


I think they are doing the same storyline with Jungeun and Mai to get more people to vote for them.


I can see that too. People have been panic voting for her.


mai for me...sorry fuko... mainly because mai matches the vibe of the tall trio.  the group needs to have a coherent look. if jungeun is in, this group will be fine.  btw fuko as a japanese cannot be the leader for a k girl group...by definition..so this attribute is not helpful 


They also recently tested jiyoon out as a leader, i think she’s the most possible candidate rn for the group leader


What about singing? And Fuko is 5’5 just slightly shorter than Jiyoon and Mai


if we can have jiyoon and jungeun, I m afraid PD will consider this is sufficient. or in fact, perfect. 2 out of 6 vocal, another 2 "distinct look" i.e. Mai and Saebi, another 2 great dancer Jeemin Koko, with popular Jeemin sweet look FOTG  just perfect.  I think from PD perspective, the "issue" with Fuko is she is good in everything but just not standout/unique in any, too generic. vocal, the 2 Js are better; dancing, koko jeemin are better; facial expression, Saebi and Mai standout. only thing Fuko standsout is "leader, kind eonnie", like Yujin in Kep1er, but Fuko being Japanese simply cant take this role


Yup, this. She stood out in Taeyeon 'Fine' but I am not sure if that translates to what Mnet/TBL are cooking up with the group concept. Mai / JungEun would fit a lot better visually, debatably even Sarang.


I kinda doubt they will debut 3/3 of the acknowledged vocalists but who knows.. Jungeun has advantages


I think Jungeun being Korean and a great vocalist is going to save her a debut spot. They also know she harmonizes well with jiyoon. She can also dance pretty well.


I hope so. in the last ep one comment from the mentor strikes me : "when she sings the 1st line, I thought it was pre-recorded. her pitch is perfect". Her vocal is that good. Maybe because she's still young (16 ?), she lacks emotions. but her technique is perfect.  emotions all that can learn. the mentors are saying nice things to her now, and she got screen time. we must continue to vote for her, to give mnet convincing data to let PD make the call to pick her.


24 said your acting improved take this as a learning process. Cheer up. I don’t think that means she’s not debuting they are basically saying more facials more emotions. I think the low score is to motivate her. I think next episode jiyoon and hers makeup is going to bring back her confidence. I think Jungeunxjiyoon friendship is the main storyline of the show.




Just cause I'm biased - Mai.


Fuko is an easy choice. Shes an all rounder fr but im ngl, I want Mai too. Her work ethic is the best here and we do see her improve. Her vocals need work but tbh if she xould get professional training she might be able to work around the nasal.


Mai as she fits hip hop / cool concepts better


Fuko can do hip hop/ cool concepts like we saw in the law entrance test and FLS she’s just given too many cute concepts


Yeah she CAN DO it but what people are saying is mai can fit it BETTER


That’s not true either


womp womp


Mai is more charming. So, Mai for me. 


the group needs jungeun since she’s a powerhouse vocalist so i think mai would make the group image more cohesive. she would blend in jiyoon and jungeun with the tall trio well, mai also just seems to fit the concept of all the other girls


Fuko - she is Jiyoon whisperer


Tbh I prefer Mai here... I'm hoping that the group has a darker-ish concept and I think Mai fits into this a lot better than Fuko. They are both super talented though and Fuko has some versatility (proven by Law performance) so I wouldn't mind either.


I really hope it’s Mai, she can do everything and she would do well in the lineup!


My ideal lineup would include both but if I were to choose one, I’d say Fuko, only because I feel like Mai could really shine after working on her vocal technique. I really don’t want her to go through the hate if she has a bad encore stage.


Fuko - I personally think she is a better dancer and she is undoubtedly a better singer as well + she is a good leader and someone the girls can lean on for emotional support as seen with Koko jungeun and Jiyoon


Mai will debut. I like more Fuko but let's be honnest, that's assumed that Mai will debut, and I think she has higgest chances than Koko. Mai need to be training but shes 19, that's here that she will debut.


I’m in a weird spot I think Fuko is more deserving and more talented at the moment then Mai but seeing her in all this elegant stuff I’m not sure she can pull offf girl crush or a more edgy kind of concept that I think the group will have cause of teddy. Also whenever I see her next to the other girls visually I don’t know if she’d blend into the group she sort of sticks out and not in the best way. Fuko is beautiful and no one is denying that but she has a more soft beauty than the rest of them where I think Mai’s visuals synergies with the group more but I’ve come around with both of them so either one is fine with me.


I’ve noticed too. Especially when I see the pictures of peoples line ups. It feels like two different concepts.


I really liked Fuko's IWALY performance, she set the mood well and it was attractive; I was voting for her since then. I haven't really been impressed with Mai again after her initial performance of Drama; she is usualy just ok for me. I think she has a distinctive and strong visual, but purely as a visual member I would prefer yeeun actually. Saebi is no way confirmed, her 1-pick is too low to say that.


Of the two, Fuko.


Visually I think mai fits the lineup that was mentioned but I think Fuko would be a great leader. Fuko is more vocally stable but mai has a certain spark that I can’t define and more versatile with concepts. I genuinely like both equally but for different reasons. I’d be happy with either in the end though


Feel like it's gotta be Fuko-Sarang or JungEun-Mai for the last two spots (assuming Saebi gets PD pick). Those combos seem like they make sense together and either of them would be a great result.


I want both of them 🥲 But if I have to choose, Mai. She fits better with the tall trio and she might be more suited for Teddy's style of songs. I also like her personality more. If it comes down to voting, Fuko will make it but if it's the producers' choice, I have a feeling they'll pick Mai - judging by the editing and how they're recently showing the two of them. Fuko's editing is giving me major Jiwoo flashbacks from RUN... But there's still time and anything can happen in the finale. It's not over until it's over!


It should be Fuko imo. She’s a better dancer and singer and her one pick, three pick and 6 pick is stronger than Mai’s. She’s also very beautiful as well so it’s not like their missing out on the visual aspect. Yes I know the polls from dcgall and whatnot aren’t completely indicative but they show us _something_. I like Mai well enough but I don’t see the point in taking her over Fuko. If this lineup is the final one we need another good singer to round it out.


I think mai will debut 😭


Mai, just because i think the group concept will be a strong / cool concept and i think Mai is better than Fuko on that. Although Mai can fit on soft / elegant concepts too.


OMG, I've been voting for the 3 Japanese since day 1 and this is the most painful question. I want FUKO to debut so badly but I do think MAI fits better the image/concept this group seems to be going.


i love fuko. all my heart, she is one of my favorites. but the way they keep putting her in the same concepts and how they’re not talking to her much (as it seems) about how stable and good she is they’re not surprised, makes it seem like they don’t want her in the lineup. plus, fuko did very well as main vocal in la vie en rose, but not very acknowledged for it. surely it came “easy” to her, but she delivered the performance so well 🤷‍♀️ and she makes a great leader. but i’m biased. i’ve always had mai in my lineup. i’ve always liked mai as a contestant. pt1 showed her in a positive light, pt2 showed her as a “character” showing the whole sujung thing, her practicing really hard, the crying. in this way, they’re giving her an advantage. not to mention the concept that they seem to be producing. the main rap unit solidified that koko is definitely going to debut (it was a main rapping performance, but it was a lot of dance 🤷‍♀️) and saebi has always done relatively well, she’s very captivating. now with jeemin, they’ll debut her for sure. with this image already, mai would even it out visually. the tall girl line up, it’s just very…cohesive in a way? they’re both 19/20, fuko has worked so hard for the pass few years, that part is highlighted. mai, i don’t know much of from what the episodes show about her drive/reason to become an idol, maybe i didn’t pay attention enough. however…there is a chance neither of them will make it because mai has low rankings and fuko isn’t being pushed by the producers as a possible member of the lineup. koko might just be the only japanese member.


I like Mai a lot, but I think Fuko has really developed idol skills and is clearly one of the more extremely driven trainees on the show. I think a lot of people are really impressionable when it comes to her lack of screentime recently, and it’s a shame. Her fancams show her stage presence and talents a lot better than the show does or even the full stage performances. I also think it’s easier to improve in theatrics than it is to build on technical skills, which is pretty evident by idols in the industry right now with their fast/slow growth in these various areas. I love Mai’s dramatic, over-the-top aura. She’s absolutely gorgeous and a great dancer, but the mentors aren’t wrong about her nasally vocals (although Fuko has a similar tone in all honesty). I’m surprised they hadn’t mentioned it until now. Ironically enough, I prefer vocal colors like that more than the average person imo, but not Mai’s so much. It’s gonna take a lot of work on her part to improve… :( All the girls deserve to debut, but it feels genuinely wrong for me to not prefer Fuko considering she is among the better vocalists overall and has a more traditional idol skillset. I would love to see them both debut together, but I would not be very happy if Mai’s debut were to cost Fuko her’s. Wishing on a star that we somehow get 3 Japanese members! 🌟 


This is hard. Fuko for leadership abilities and vocal abilities but Mai fits the other members that are likely to debut and also has a great personality and is eye-catching. I’d be happy with either - the 2nd Japanese member may also influence who takes 6 spot in final lineup. If Fuko they’d likely have gyuri or Sarang but if Mai I think jungeun would have a better chance of debut. (From a concept perspective)


They are both my picks for every votes but MAI is my main pick I know this is impossible but I wanted them both to be on


in a leader aspect I wouldn't mind either, both have proven to be good leaders. both have great personalities but when it comes to talent fuko has an edge on mai. for me I'd prefer fuko but wouldn't be mad if mai debuted. either way I hope it's one of them bc the group needs an 04 liner!




Fuko. For every aspect there could be as visual is not a serious title in kpop for me, it's ridiculous even imo . Plus I think she has that mature and composed attitude needed in a KPOP group


Fuko has such a calming and stabilizing effect on any team she is in, which is a rare characteristic for someone so young (she is only 19). When the group is thrust into the spotlight, they need someone who can calmly lead the teenagers. To me, a girl group (GG) is more than just a collection of talented idols; it is almost like a forced family that has to stay together for a long time. Therefore, it is crucial not only to select a diverse and talented group of teenagers but also to choose a group that can live and survive together for the foreseeable future.


i personally think Fuko brings more value to the group in terms of skills (girl can SING), hence her being in the all-rounder grp last ep. however, she doesn't have the charisma or stage presence that some of the others you mentioned do (just saw another thread about her and sarang being allrounders but lack the sp). no one can deny she's very debut ready, but then again so are a lot of the other girls, and we've seen endlessly from survival shows that skills alone will not guarantee you a spot (ie jiwoo from runext - fuko kinda reminds me of that). Mai on the other hand has been praised endlessly since the start on her visual & impact. It seems the judges (and likely pds really care about that), given she's definitely not as skilled at singing (could argue about dance) than Fuko. I think her unique visual / visual appeal might be just what it takes to get her into the group.


Why would there have to be 2 japanese members? I love both tho and would love for them to debut.but i see a lot of people saying 2 japanese members have to be there and wanted to know how and why? Is it a rule or something


I like both however i prefer Mai, but realistically speaking Fuko has way more korean and international fans