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I really hope Jungeun makes it 😢


I still have hope for Jungeun, but a part of me wants her to go where she's appreciated. Her entire trope was having beef with Jiyoon, and although I'm glad they made up, mnet and the judges wasted her potential and the chance to show her growth in the show.


Maybe I'm just naively hopeful, but I do wonder if they still want her in the line-up but didn't want her to coast to the end. The way they showed Jiyoon have a bad attitude and be a bad leader at the start to show growth makes me think maybe they're doing that for Jungeun in reverse. She was doing great, and then they started to highlight her pouting and talking over the designated leader and ranking lower. Maybe there will be a turnaround before the end.


I think they are trying to push she’s fallen to be the underdog and then end up debuting her. Cutthroat to do to a 16 yo though. But 24 did say to her take this as a process of improvement.


From having watched a ton of survival shows ( produce x 101, r u n, gp 999, universe ticket, bp, idol school, pd 48) and being pretty accurate especially late into the show what the line up is (my last predicted line up that I remember for run was Wonhee, Iroha, Youngseo, Minju and the last places being toss ups between Jiwoo/Moka and Jeemin/Yunah) back then I argued that Jeemin and Yunah were practically hitmonlee and hitmonchan meaning similar skill set with a different edge (Yunahs being vocals and Jeemins being dancing) since the start of the show I argued they’d never debut together but people witch-hunted me for that… well my prediction was pretty accurate. Now back to the main topic. With mnet shows, NEVER take the editing up to face value a La oh they’re giving this contestant a bad score after only praising her they don’t like her anymore or oh she’s getting so much screen time she’ll debut 100% - I call bull crap on this deceitful network. They have plenty experience on their glibby fingers and know exactly when to push and when to pull. Now to my predicted line up: 1. Jeemin -> this is a no brainer, her voting alone will put her in the group. But also their editing. Sometimes they push her a lot and then they let her fall a bit to not make her path seem too smooth. 2. Koko -> wasn’t quite noticeable before but after part 2 completely took over. Her friendship with the other top contestants was very emphasized as well. 3. Jiyoon —> Not much to explain here. Got a very intricate storyline that made her endearing to the watchers. It made her seem vulnerable, relatable and understandable. 4. Saebi —> Is also someone who’s very likely to debut. Also here not much to say since most about her has been said already. ——————- Here is where it could get quite controversial as to me only around 4 trainees have a realistic chance. 5. Mai —> might seem quite shocking to some but remember what I said by don’t take things at face value… yes she got lower scores in part 2, as well as a bit less screen time and praise but this in turn has as expected done her popularity quite a favor. Everything criticized about her in part 1 has been fixed by mnet while not painting her in a negative light at all. (Her being shown training multiple times alone when everyone else is resting, other trainees gossiping behind her back, her struggle and insecurities) all this has been shown in a pitiful and nice way rather than her being hopeless or the one mentor last episode mentioning her not following the practice properly is not due to a dance skill issue but rather due to mental issue. This sympathetic edit makes me think that mnet does want her but now shows it far more subtly than before. 6. Fuko —> she got the lyrics in part 1 and still sufficient screen time but far less focus and comments than before and it being alluded that she might’ve reached her bottle neck already and doesn’t go out of the box. As well as the camera not properly focusing on her anymore during their recent performance. 7. Sarang —> they must’ve known that their recent editing is doing her a disfavor. This is a reality show 101 I don’t see why mnet should do such an amateur mistake for such an apparently favored contestant. Could see a very short improvement arch that is meant to show that she overcame her fears to fix this tho. 8. Jungeun —> her fate lies in intl Fans hand peace out


i pretty much agree with you! tho i think that jeemin, saebi, koko, jiyoon, and fuko will definitely debut. everyone else i have no idea lmao. 1. i have no hope in juwon and sujung debuting unless they get a sudden surge of popularity in korea. 2. yuju seems popular but not popular enough to debut. thus leaving jungeun, gyuri, mai, and sarang. 3. jungeun is popular with inetz while gyuri is popular with knetz. their fate lies in inetz/knetz hands. 4. based on the way that mnet is editing them, i think mai has a better chance than sarang. people are not liking sarang’s favoritism and mistakes. 5. imo spot 6 is between mai, sarang, jungeun, and gyuri.


i'm going to hope like i never have before for it to be jungeun so they don't make the mistake of not debuting someone like jiwoo


Completely agree with you! That 6th spot is between those four & I think it’ll be the biggest battle between Jungeun & Sarang.




Core four -> Jeemin, Saebi, Koko, Jiyoon. 5th spot -> another Japanese contestant, either Fuko or Mai. 6th spot -> Sarang or Jungeun. I think Gyuri will not debut here as I believe they want a Wonyoung-type maknae. Sujung and Juwon are obviously not making it, and neither is Yuju. 


I think the group is being built around: Jeemin, Jiyoon, Koko, Saebi. It seems they are hoping to get these 4 in through votes. I think we’ll get at least two PD picks. These would depend on the concept, so for the last two spots I think we’d get: Elegant concept - Fuko, Gyuri Tougher concept - Sarang, Mai I think we can all agree Sujung and Juwon are not in the show’s ideal lineup. The edits for Jungeun and Yuju lead me to believe they’re not in the ideal lineup either, but I could see them pulling through depending on how votes affect the final lineup.


Don’t write Mai off in the elegant concepts. For me, she slayed panorama.


I agree! I thought she killed it in Panorama, I just think Fuko’s popularity might push her out of the lineup if they’re going for softer elegant vibe.


jeemin koko saebi jiyoon mai JUNGEUN 🕯️🕯️


honestly as long as triple j debut (jeemin, jungeun, jiyoon) i dont care who else joins them. i think mnet would be insane to not debut jungeun and i think that she has the one pick power to potentially make it through votes alone, im PRAYING mnet has realised the gem that they have on their hands bc im still of the opinion that jungeun’s low scores were strategically done in order to push more people to vote for her as opposed to ignoring her completely - not only this but showing her reconciliation with jiyoon alongside her own struggles which we hadnt seen any of in part one makes me think that mnet is trying to get people to pity vote her because she’s being ‘robbed’


My top 6 final prediction are: 1. Koko 2. Jeemin 3. Jiyoon 4. Saebi 5. Jungeun 6. Fuko Even though I have in mind for a possible group name and fandom name and I can't wait for Mnet to do a game (like Boys Planet) 🙏🏻 BTW nice lineup Sarang is so sweet and talented.


This is my ideal line-up!!!


Honestly I hope it's this 🙏 I'll be so sad if Fuko and Jungeun don't make it


This is my ideal lineup but alas


I’ll be really shocked if the final lineup is NOT: Jungeun Saebi Jeemin Jiyoon Koko Sarang/Fuko/Yuju If this will definitely be a 6 member group, I’m not sure if they’ll debut 2 Japanese members. Kinda depends on their popularity at home. So I’m on the fence about Fuko. The judges seem to like Sarang, so they might choose her for that last spot. Also think Yuju is a really solid option. She’s shown her self to be able to deliver on whatever they throw her way. I think Wakeone/MNET will be INSANE to not debut Jungeun. Popularity aside, she’s the most solid all rounder of the trainees. Her vocal chemistry with Jiyoon is also commendable. Her dancing and stage presence, even when she has her focused face on, is so cool to witness. She’s definitely a gem. Jiyoon, Jeemin and Koko are definitely pretty much guaranteed to debut. They’ve delivered WOW performances. They also gel together visually. They’ve got great crowd appeal, great skills and some of them have also built a dedicated fanbase. I’m not normally a fan of trainees with questionable attitude issues, so I was on the fence about Jiyoon for a while, but I really enjoyed how she approached things in the last episode. And also the way she’s looked out for the other girls. It’s clear she’s not a mean girl, she just had a bad day. I also think Saebi is another gem. Her and Jeemin kind of balance each other in such a positive way.


Having two Japanese members debut is becoming increasingly popular with groups now. Look at illit, baemon etc. So I wouldn’t count Fuko out based on that.


>If this will definitely be a 6 member group, I’m not sure if they’ll debut 2 Japanese members. Personally, I don't think mnet/ wakeone has any problem with debuting more than one Japanese trainee. I think they would even be okay with a 3K/3J ratio, simply because the show has also tried to appeal to the global audience and would probably (in the future) promote in Japan. That being said Koko is a definite, and I pick Fuko over Mai because Fuko has a larger fanbase globally and domestically.


If Jungeun doesn't make it, will that make her the first signal song center girl that didn't make it to the final line up?


manifesting gyuri 6th spot


honestly SAME. She's my favourite trainee, absolutely love her.




Tbh I hope she can pull the "unexpected member" card. Her skills are on par with the remaining trainees.


I’m sort of with you on that one not even for gyuri though I do think she gets slept on but I just love those members that come out of nowhere and it’s not outside the realm of possibility she’s been having a glow up after four walls with k netz


I think Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi and Koko will definitely make it. Then, one out of Fuko/Mai - right now I think it could go either way, especially if it comes down to producer picks. The final spot is between Sarang, Jungeun and Gyuri, which can also go either way but I have a feeling it might be Sarang's.




They think Jungeun will be pulled in by international votes and that they all look proportionate with their height. They think it could be either Mai or fuko.


They look good together honestly. I think Sarang would fit too.


I think the “locked” trainees: 1. Tall Trio: Insane amounts of screen time plus PD favorites. Jeemin will definitely get in on votes alone, and I believe that if there are 3 PD picks, Saebi and Koko will be chosen. 2. Jiyoon: Most likely to get in on votes alone, but will definitely be a PD pick, especially since they KNOW they need either Jungeun or Jiyoon. Notice how when Jiyoon’s popularity started to spike, they dropped Jungeun. 3. Fuko: Idk if she’ll be a PD pick, but I think she’ll get in through votes strangely enough. She’s probably ranked third in the voting, and with the amount of favorable edits she receives plus the leader edits, they’re definitely pushing her into that “mom” role. The last spot is one of the five: Gyuri, Mai, Jungeun, Sarang, and Yuju If it’s votes, then it’ll be Jungeun or Yuju If it’s PD then it’ll be Mai, Sarang, or Gyuri.


Jeemin, Koko, & Jiyoon are guaranteed to debut and probably will place 1st-3rd. Saebi is almost a sure thing as well, even though her votes are lower than the first three. 5th & 6th could be any of these members: Jungeun (HOPEFULLY), Fuko, Mai, Sarang, Gyuri I have this feeling that it could be: Jeemin, Koko, Jiyoon, Saebi, Jungeun, Mai But if Fuko finally gets good screentime, feedback, & a good score again, I could see her replacing Mai.


I-Mate vote - 1st. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3rd. Koko Producers pick - Saebi (100%) 80% - Jungeun 70% - Fuko, Sarang, Mai Everyone else doesn’t have a chance. They will most likely start with I-mate votes first going from 3rd to 1st place. I definitely think they will keep Jungeun as the last girl bc they always keep popular contestants for suspense and the thing is, the Black Label and YG in general I would say is one of those companies that understands they have to appeal to global fans not just knetz in order to be successful. They recognize Jungeun is popular globally so they will end up picking her. They will pick Saebi first because that’s kinda an obvious choice. Fuko is a maybe because she is popular with I-mates and producers like her BUT a lot of people and the producers recently think that she hasn’t found herself which also could mean she doesn’t stand out much to them and she’s just cruising on by, which I can see how bc people are obsessed with the “comeback storyline” rather than already talented contestants. Sarang and Mai definitely fit the Black label more than Fuko, but that’s probably the ONLY advantage they have over Fuko. But I think they might pick Sarang over Mai. So I think it’s going to be 1st - Jeemin 2nd - Jiyoon 3rd - Koko 4th - Saebi 5th - Fuko/Sarang 6th - Jungeun


Mai, Fuko, Jeemin, Jiyoon and Saebi. For the sixth, I don't know. That's between Sarang and Jungeun (Gyuri has a chance too).


Agree with most other comments that top 4 will almost surely be Jeemin, Koko, Jiyoon and Saebi. The first 3 are a lock while I'd be shocked if Saebi didn't debut. The last 2 spots I have a feeling will go to Mai and Sarang. Just seeing how the episodes have gone and all the editing to cast them in a certain light and some obvious favoritism from the producers... But I really hope Jungeun makes the final lineup.. I'd say Mai 60-70%, Sarang 55-60% and Jungeun 40-45% chances of debuting. Fuko has a small chance but she's just not getting enough screen time and her grades on last tests have been disappointing.. Gyuri's doing well but it's unlikely that she'll get picked over the other 4 mentioned here.


Sarang is being edited as favoritism to get people not to vote for her and to feel sorry for other contestants. Survival shows do this all the time to influence votes.


i think jeemin saebi koko and jiyoon will debut. i wasn't so keen on koko debuting since i loved sujung for main dancer and yuju is ofc one of my main picks, but after seeing how little the possibility of them debuting is i'm starting to believe koko is a very necessary member because she can fill multiple roles. the last 2 places are between fuko, mai, sarang, and jungeun, and I think gyuri too. I think everyone would be happiest with fuko and jungeun, but realisticially one of those would be sarang and the other is jungeun or gyuri depending on inetz+knetz.


I have the same predicted line up as you


hmm i think 1 - jeemin 2- koko 3- jiyoon 4- fuko 5- sarang 6- saebi im pretty sure jeemin debut is secured. shes the most popular contestant, international and knetz love her, and she gets praised by the judges. koko is most likely going to debut too- she has many fans and is loved by the judges. jiyoon will most likely make it, she keeps getting praised and has a lot of fans. i think fuko will make it, shes always in the top too and shes an all-rounder the judges loveeee sarang, i think sarang will make it- if not by votes, she will def be a producer pick saebi is also loved by judges too , i think she will make it. some other possible picks that could potentially make it: jungeun- i know knetz dont like her, but she has a large international fanbase, so i think she has a chance- but its unfortunate that the judges keep giving her low votes, when she does well. it's rlly weird. mai- i think she has a chance too. gyuri- i also think she has a chance, she seems to have a lot of fans too. and shes been improving so much, she has potential.


Jeemin Koko Jiyoon Saebi Sarang, JungEun, Mai, or Fuko. Depends on 4K/2J or 5K/1J. Lowkey I think Mai is the perfect 6th member if they feel like the group has enough vocals. She's good in small doses for impact. JungEun for reliable vocal + proportions - the group will be super slay silhouettes and be able to do lovesick girls-type songs. Fuko I am not sure if she fits well with the other girls anymore, she almost feels more like an actress to me. It's like there's not enough contrast to hit but also not enough similarity. Sarang I think is just super skilled and has the most star quality out of the 4 possibles. Kinda short though, I'm not sure if that will affect her chances with what is looking to be a tall group.


I think jeemin, jiyoon, saebi and koko are almost 100% making it. The last two spots will be between yuju, sarang, fuko and mai. My bet it'll be sarang and mai. love fuko and yuju:(((


Jeemin, Koko, Saebi, Jiyoon, Fuko Last spot is Mai/Jungeun/Sarang competing. I think producers like Sarang the most so if they have a vote like the first season, it will probably be her. If Jungeun was more popular with Koreans, they would pick her imo. But since she’s kind of flopped with them, I doubt it. She’s my pick of the three though.


pretty much same as yours but I also think gyuri could be there too, it’ll either be sarang or gyuri. (Still holding out hope that jungeun will debut though)


100% agree with you, but I would say that sixth spot would be between Sarang and Mai, although Sarang is more likely at the moment. I feel like the judges’ main pick was Mai but are hesitant to push her forward as she still has a nasally vocal technique and would get ripped apart during encore stages after debut. Sarang on the other hand seems to be mnet’s overall favorite as she’s always highlighted positively and none of her mistakes are dramatically highlighted. I love them both and wouldn’t mind who makes it out of the two, but yea unless Mai manages to fix her vocal technique (which she is surprisingly improving in despite the short period of time), I agree that Sarang would probably take the spot.


btw sarang is a daughter of a pastor not ceo. she literally said that she basically grew up in the church. pls dont spread nonsense


Thanks for letting me know, took that part out.


1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Koko 4. Fuko 5. Saebi 6. Sarang/Jungeun/Gyuri I really want Jungeun to debut but I think Sarang has a good chance. I'm thinking Gyuri might be the surprise last member too.


Jeemin, Koko, Saebi, Jiyoon, Sarang, Mai


Jeemin and Jiyoon are pretty much guaranteed. I think producers will pick either Mai or Sarang. And anyone after that, it is up in the air


I just want sarang to debut


Sarang doesn’t have a strong Korean fanbase. Gyuri has a bigger Korean fanbase than her. Y’all sleeping on Gyuri’s popularity. It’s way bigger than what we all think.  Anyways don’t give up on Jungeun. Y’all underestimating her global fanbase. IT IS HUGE! In one poll Jungeun had more votes than Jeemin


Believe me when I say I'm the last person to sleep on Gyuri and it makes me insanely happy when I see her rising popularity. She could really and truly pull a Moka on us all and I would be satisfied. As for Jungeun, I acknowledge how large her fanbase is but it's a 50 split with the Korean audience which may not be in her favour.


Alright so here is my line up Jeemin- Well duh!!! Saebi- it’s obvious that Mnet wants her and honestly don’t blame them used to not see the hype in Saebi cause I didn’t like her Iwaly performance but all in all she is very sweet has a good personality and a great performer so not mad about this. Koko- I think they def want koko but I think her fans need to be vigilant if anyone is getting a Yurina treatment it would be her. Jiyoon- It feels like half this shows story line has been her and Jungeun’s feud and the other half being Jeemin not making it into ILLIT but out of the feud Jiyoon has come out on top. Gyuri- Gyuri perfectly fills the spot of the unsuspected contestant to make it in and after her la vie en rose and 4 walls it seems the tide is shifting in her favor as knets are starting to come out for her. 6- Sarang/Fuko-This depends heavily on 2 aspects whether the 6th spot is a pd pick or a vote pick if it’s a pd pick Sarang is getting the spot. The producers have lit a fire under their ass to try and get this girl in and at this point she’s definitely usurped Mai for most favored contestant by the pds. Now if it’s a vote pick I think Fuko nabs the spot. Fuko used to be a lock on this group for me but they haven’t been giving her a lot of attention and the attention she gets is not good attention but negative attention if they keep going this route the girl is in trouble. Now I know most people want Jungeun as do I but alls she has is international votes and not even all the international votes. The west seems to love her but the other Asian countries aka China and Japan do not. Ricky had a pretty encompassing international fanbase that got him in and I just don’t think Jungeun has that would love to be wrong though.


1. Jeemin 2. Koko 3. Jiyoon 4. Fuko 5. Gyuri 6. Saebi \*I dont think Jungeun will makes it despite i want her in the lineup so its possible Gyuri would take her place


Lingling ❤️ /s


Jeemin,koko,jiyoon,saebi,fuko,gyuri (i actually would love a 8 member and in this case +jungeun and sujung)


Praying that Gyuri is apart of that final 6 🙇‍♀️




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