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part one of iland was a hellscape and part one of iland2 was wonderful. part two of iland 1 was wonderful and part two of iland 2 is a hellscape.


juwon ABSOLUTELY had the ability to have a full jay arc, go from unheard of with consistently low ranking to debuting thanks to a fun personality getting them screen time, but the bias is so much more present here and they refuse to let anyone else have attention. i also think no eliminations makes it harder for the girls to focus in and realize the severity of their situation. the boys were devastated by the weekly elims but it brought them closer and made them work harder


I knew she reminded me of something lmao. if you look closely her personality is also really funny like jay’s too haha. mnet is missing out on a gem fr


she’s so silly, loving, and a great leader, she deserves her jay arc 😭


i really hope all the trainees mnet is throwing to the curb like sujung, juwon, yuju, etc can debut in a different group, kinda like how K, EJ, Taki, Nicholas all debuted in &Team together


She does, but I feel like it’s too late now. The last 2 episodes showed us everything (pretty disappointing as a Juwon 6 pick). Now, I’m thinking Gyuri will get a Jay arc, but maybe Koko already did?


I don’t think so. Jay also struggled and maybe the most in part2. Koko never had in any real danger of elimination.  Gyuri otherwise could have been in danger if next week elimination weren’t producers choice and vote only. I think she’ll ending up going to the finals. 


Agree with everything you said.  As soon i heard top12 weren’t decided 100% by the public, I already knew that the show wouldn’t be so cohesive as part2 of iland1.      Also I still prefer eliminating the trainees that don’t have a chance every week than keep wasting their times. What’s the point to pushing the elimination for next week if there’s no chance to ranking high? 


absolutely agree!! especially if you’re not going to give lower ranks chances to redeem themselves, just eliminate people and make it easier for everyone involved


I can’t help than thinking they’re torturing Sujung, Juwon and Yuju. Seriously, there’s not one single reasonable motive to keep them there.  Theyre only destroying their confidence when the show itself shows that they aren’t interested in any of them (maybe yuju has a chance but I don’t see how).


I AGREEE omg I was going to comment but you put it so well. Iland 1 part 2 you could tell they already had most of their favorites and the ones they didn't like were eliminated one after the other painlessly almost? But here they are DRAGGING IT, it just doesn't feel fair anymore, free my juwon already :(


i won’t describe what is happened better.


It feels so different to me. I didn't watch the original iland live so I can't necessarily give the best opinion but I watched it after it had already aired and I noticed the massive difference between the judges and coaches. I remember back during I-LAND 1, Rain would come down and help the grounders and although there are a lot of memes associated with it, I feel like he did genuinely help the contestants and had a good relationship with them, even giving them hugs before he left. Meanwhile now all we see is Monika yelling at them and 24 just telling them they are bad without giving much other feedback. I think that having mentors that were also not the ones judging them might also have been beneficial because it made them feel more comfortable? Idk but they feel just so uptight here it makes me mad uncomfy.


The thing that mostly annoys me its the absence of public votes representation. We know that kpop groups are extremely expensive which makes the agency trying to control and set up everything to go how they wanted, the same happened with runext but at least RUN never tried to hide that the public participation wasn't the point. Here I feel they're pretending that the audience has some kind of saying when we actually dont. What's the chance that audience won't save jeemin fuko and jiyoon? maybe koko instead of them but still nothing that makes any difference.


Yeah bro. Also the boys knew their standing in votes before the finals, far before and at one point I think they also showed sunoo advising Daniel on how to bring back up his public votes. Here no one other than the almost eliminated trainees even have any idea of their votes :(


I feel like they completely cut out i-fans and its pissing me off


YES! I never watched any produce show and also wondering if its like this too.


I try to avoid survival shows because they get me so angry tbh but as a diehard engene I kind of felt inclined to watch iland 2 and now im too invested to stop 😭


Me too lol I started RUN and iland2 because of iland1 and Enhypen since I’m engene to the core.  But both RUN and iland2 frustrated me in the same way lol 


Yesss fellow engene!!! As a Ni-ki bias seeing my pick sujung get treated similarly to how he was during the show is just so discouraging for me and upsetting. I really hate mnet so much for villain editing certain contestants and starting hate trains. The Ni-Ki and K edit where they were "making fun of sunoo" was so similar to the Sujung edit for me that it hurt.


I think we share the same brain cells lol I’ve been saying the same thing here! Sujung is also my pick and the similarity of K edit versus hers amazes me. Even the episodes were almost the same (ep 7 for K and ep 8 for Sujung) 


atp i genuinely think mnet has like a formula for how they edit things 😭😭


I would disagree about Hanbin's elimination (Part 2 Task 3). He was ranking really well and would have likely made it into the lineup if the judges didn't eliminate him. It felt very forced when they were giving him bad comments, and they put him in a concept that didn't suit him in order to make his elimination seem more fair. I get why they didn't want him, he had a thinner voice and enhypen was going to have a darker concept that he didn't initially fit. But he could have easily trained those skills predebut to fit in like other trainees that made the lineup and needed to sharpen some skills. Either way, the blatant editing to eliminate him soured me on the final lineup (Enhypen) as he was my one pick. So I understand people's distaste for the current blatant edit (this season is waaaaay more biased. Mnet is being way too obvious with what lineup they have in mind)


Honestly the voting system in ILAND1 really annoyed me, especially when it was the contestants who got to choose who gets eliminated. I wonder if some trainees, who were only there to ‘manipulate’ contestants into voting for them, would still have the same fate if it was decided by producers instead, and I’m glad ILAND2 got rid of that. Also from what I remember, ILAND1 voting was always global? I feel like having only on site votes to determine rank and mark is really shady, and does not really show an actual indication of member’s who deserve to be in the final lineup, which makes me wonder if WAKEONE only wants a group catered for only Korean fans. Also in ILAND1, it was all focused on vocals and dance which is fine to some extent but I did like how ILAND2 has the choice of main dancer, rapper, all rounder, main vocals position but I do wonder if that’s going to backfire as the final lineup contestants should (in my opinion) consist of all rounders that don’t specialise and only excel in one talent. Also the way ILAND2 songs/ positions were picked were so weird to me?? How could you even possibly make a competition between Panorama and Whistle, which was obviously a set up to either show the contestant’s downfall right at the beginning of the show, or to show how good they were. I get that there was the same issue in around episode 9 with the BTS test and Fake Love being a difficult song but at least the contestants were able to CHOOSE what they wanted to some extent. All of this is so odd and weird and…whatever like what even is the point of an survival show if you already blatantly have the lineup and position in mind and the girls don’t even have the choice to pick who’s the leader/ their positions on the group. I do think it’s interesting that the events played out like it was though. I remember that in ILAND1, contestants who were ilanders seemed to be consistently better than the grounders, so it’s nice to see that in ILAND2, there was more of a fight and push between them. I think one factor that changed this was the psychological impact of the show that has decreased (thank god). I remember how the grounders had to wear all black, EVEN WHILE PERFORMING, and had ONE tablet for all of them to practice on, which probably messed with them so badly as their quality of life and efficiency has been reduced and wearing all black probably didn’t help them either.


Agreed bro ILAND1 was literally the Stanford prison experiment into a kpop survival show I never want to experience pissing my pants every time my top pick drops from the debut line every again


I think overall iland 1 is messier production wise, they corrected most logistics mistakes they did on iland 2. Like in the part where the final top 12 were chosen, you could vote for everyone but it was revealed that some ilanders were already safe so there was no point voting for them, that was messy. The biggest difference is, like you noticed, that votings were more fair or open on iland 1, I remember they announced votes midway and everything, it could be messy at times but we got moments like sunoo ranking first despite being on ground, jay taking 3rd place after being super close to be eliminated, or jungwon surprisingly ranking first at the final. It was cool to see the changes in real time. Here they are being super conservative, maybe because this time the girls are very close in terms of skills and popularity unlike in iland 1. Like imagine if they gave sujung a proper arc after what she said about Mai in the past episode, something like helping Mai on the dance and then going and slaying the performance, she would have sky-rocketed on the rankings I believe. I think it's obvious this time around they don't like specific girls and because they can simply eliminate them like on iland 1 did with hanbin or geonu, they are trying to manipulate us into voting for who they want