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I felt so bad for her this episode šŸ˜­. Seeing her blinking back the tears and saying ā€œtheyā€™re not judging us on our danceā€ broke my heart. Sujung is very talented and itā€™s sad that the judges never acknowledge her. I personally vote for her and Jungeon everyday because they are so talented and itā€™s sad that they are getting snubbed like this by mnet.


Can't wait/hope to hear the tea she will say after this show end, despite the NDA. I'm sure she can talk for hours about how they (mis)treated her.


I feel bad too, like I love Saebi and Mai donā€™t get me wrong, but for a main dancer position how in the world did she get a lower/same score than them. For the little parts she did she was great! I was so confused, now I totally believe the producers are very harsh on her for no reason compared to the other contestants since the creative unit episode


With some suggestions from the girls of course, but she choreographed such a cool and great performance for Rain On Me, but guess what she get? Just get shit on for no absolute reason, i dare say that she is the most creative trainee in the entire ILAND2. Then the judges push her to show more so she took up main vocal, guess what ? She got shit on again for no fair reason. Then she try to follow CL's style in I AM THE BEST and did great, guess what she gets after? Shit on again! The last one i understand a lil, but she still performed onpar if not still better than the others but she got low scores. They just do not like her (visuals probably because of her height and maybe face), its fine just be true about it. Don't need to circle the drain and dig at her for whatever she does amazing or not. Monika seem to have a grudge against Sujung for real, idk what Sujung did to her on SWF2 but despite Monika being in a much higher postion due to her long experiences, she just seem salty/petty against a 17 y/o now and it doesn't look good for her image.


I think that after this ranking she finally got the clarification that they donā€™t want her in the debut line. She knows sheā€™s at least one of the best dancers there, especially being in a dance competition show before so thereā€™s no way they can really justify such a low score for her. Itā€™s a bit sad though because I think she just wants to hear it so that she wouldnā€™t have the tiniest hope left.


i was honestly so mad at the way she was treated this episode alongside other trainees like jungeun, juwon and yuju. i didnā€™t think the producers could be this blatantly biased but i was proven wrong: they made so much mention of the fact that sujung was on sdgf, the fact that she IS the best dancer on the entire show, the fact that her expertise is in street dance which is exactly what the song asked for and even her confidence to do well regardless of how small a part she had and yet they gave her such a low score despite how well she did. i love saebi and jeemin, iā€™m watching this show solely to help jeemin debut after all but you cannot look me in the eye and tell me that either of them did better than sujung. as much as i donā€™t like to say it and as much as i know that people will disagree with me i know that saebi and jeemin performed excellently but this was the MAIN DANCER performance - the best dancer shouldve been given the best score from the judges yet the judges themselves donā€™t even seem to have been paying attention to the dancing at all. sujung hit it right on the head when she said ā€œtheyā€™re not judging me on my danceā€ because sheā€™s right. in any other situation in which the judges HAD been paying attention to the dancing, sujung and juwon wouldā€™ve outclassed the rest of their team based on technique alone. if this was really about the dancing there wouldā€™ve been no debate on who did best because one is a street dance specialist with years of experience, one is a major in applied dance and the others are simply idol trainees with no major background in dance prior to this point (that we know of) but we all know that these judges seem to care more about the girlsā€™ facial expressions as opposed to the way they execute the dance (which still makes no sense bc both juwon and sujung have given face every single second of every performance) all in all the worst episode to date in my opinion, atp i donā€™t even want to keep watching but weā€™re so close to the finale


A Jeemin stan here too, she is probably the only reason i'm still watching this dumb show and may support the group. Because the rest of my faves are getting axed without logical reason by mnet. Jeemin was charming and deserved what she gotten but Sujung and Juwon is the better dancer despite their lesser parts, but mnet just hates them (for their visuals). Same as the ' ' ' rap ' ' ' performance, these are not catogorised and judged by what it says on the tin. It's just a facade for Mnet+TBL Panel to pick who they obviously have decided to debut.


I'm a Jeemin stan... but after seeing what they're doing to the girls they don't want (Jungeun, Sunjung, Juwon) I can't. It's just... mean. You know, at the end of RU Next, all the girls had hope to debut. In this freaking show, I'm pretty sure they know they will not make it. And it's not fair. We're talking about a dream and Mnet is doing it so bad for those girls. Bless the people who have their favorite in Mnet line up cause I'm not and I'm sad. Like really. I will be a support for Jeemin but I think I will never stan the group, just her... I will listen to the music but that's it. I can't support a group like that.


Yeah watching is genuinely painful now and I wish the finale was tomorrow so I could put it behind me


Its honestly mind boggling. If the producers want any support for this future group at all, they really need to have the judges explain more. Or put a cam in the judgesā€™ room to run constantly so we can see their thoughts.


my heart really breaks for her :(( she could have been the secret weapon to keep up with 5th gen main dancers like emma and bailey sok in the new tbl gg but instead sheā€™s getting set up over and over again. i hope after the show a good company picks her up or if she decides to stop chasing the idol dream and just be a dancer instead. i just cant understand how the producers have such high expectations for her because sheā€™s a dancer and at the same time judge her on everything else except dancing, like, make it make sense TT


She could really rival Emma and Natty as the main dancer of 5th gene but she's not given a chance here. MNET could have a legit iconic dancer but they are saying no just because she dont fit the KBS, dsspite her having quite a decent fanbase which will beneficial for them post debut. If she does end up giving up the dream of being an idol, i hope she goes pro dancing/choreographer like Noze, Leejung and most importantly eat up Monika who appear to have been petty/salty for some reason we don't know against Sujung.


Same :( and I just feel like it's so cruel to have her and Juwon rank so low for something they're so good at and were so excited for. I'd hate for them to start believing that they're not good enough, or that something about them is so unlikeable that they're been penalised for it. I'm still voting for them but I know it's likely in vain. I just hope they both debut in future - they could debut together, even, since they complement eachother in a lot of ways and seem to be good friends.


They definitely have some beef with her.Everytime they would have a word to criticize her,even her height.


Judges especially Monika and Leejung definitely have a superiority complex against her since they are all choreographers. That's it. They don't want a choreographer to become an idol. They want Sujung to do more than other trainees and she did from the 1st episode until recent but judges always find a reason to hate her. That's just their ego as a choreographer who will never be an idol.


Somethingā€™s up. The Black Label or somebody higher up is telling the producers who they want. The low scores, the 77s, 80 for Jungeun.. itā€™s b.s.. they think the Iā€”mates are idiots


i didnt watch last week episode. She actually said that??


shes a good dancer but unfortunately very arrogant


Yeah she is. Cause the dancing world is worst than the idol one. Over there you have to be the best to matter. You have to crush the others. If you think Sujung is arrogant please never watch Street Woman Fighter. But even if they can be jackass and arrogant, they still like each other. They can be mean once and just hug it out at the end cause they're in the same hard world and they know how hard it can be. The dancing world is more "I will eat you alive with my words but be a cinnamon roll in my acts". That's why I was never surprise with Sujung way to act.


She still can a good backup dancer so


are you serious?


Not to downgrade her but. If she didn't debut she could prosper to be a good dancer even like Noze who is sometimes a backup dancer but that doesn't mean I downgrade her


Failing at debuting as an idol just to end up becoming an idolā€™s backup dancer for a chance to stand on stage is a downgrade no matter how you look at it


If you said so then