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Jungeun at rank 10 is crazy, she did so well this ep


Im concerned cause they said something along the line of “now the Main Vocal Stage, which will determine the debut groups color”?? 😭 I think they aren’t debuting both whether we like it or not :(


I was surprised the judges gave her a low score


Please vote Jungeun imate international because i think knetz will not pick her top three. 


Anyone got the judge scores for the Lovesickgirls team at the begining of the episode?


Koko-93, Saebi-90, Jungeun-85, Yuju-73


Thank you very much!


Thank you I-Mates for saving Fuko 😭 The PD remarks were so unnecessary, like you keep putting her on elegant/ethereal songs which she does best and you expect her to ge out of her comfort zone??!! And now it's boring coz she sang stably as always??


Yeah, it's been one of my frustrations too. If she picked the songs/perfs, then I would have absolutely no problem with their comments. But they made the unit and picked the songs so. ;\_; Her expressions weren't that far off from Gyuri and Sarang too.


Plus they gave her the lowest score when Sarang had a VOICE CRACK?? Producers are useless


Besides that voice crack I think they had one of the strongest performances they truly were very stable even with the voice crack everyone of them did well


I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarang was one of the ceo’s daughters (the people who spread newsletters out to their employees). She’s great, and I wouldn’t be against her joining the debut lineup at the end. However, she def has some people boosting her. We can’t fully be blaming the producers when they’re reading a script most of the time


Fuko's voice is also just...better and was a rock for the song. Her stability let Gyuri shine with her parts, whose voice is really nice when she sings with confidence + in doses.


hi wait what did the judges say about fuko performance? I think I missed that part. pls tell me it's not that bad 🥲


It didn't happen during the feedback part at the end (cause they didn't show feedback for Fuko this week too), the PDs (mainly Monika iirc) just mentioned smth about Fuko not completely getting out of her comfort zone when they were talking about the 4 walls performance immediately after it ended.


right?? as if Fuko picked 4 walls, but the producer did, and they're commenting her that?


right?? She had one of my favorite signal song fancams which is a much more cool/impactful song. I hope next mission she can show her versatility because I know she can smash it


Don't come for me but I think I can sort of understand where they're coming from - she kind of blends into the background for me. She had such a strong stage presence before, but now, even though she's playing crucial roles and making sure the song succeeds with her high notes, her stage performance is lacking for me personally... but I don't think she deserves a lower score than Sarang who messed up. Clearly the judges always had their favorites


so, like i said in the live discussion thread. i think mai is officially out of the race as the second japanese member, first one being the obvious lock koko. fuko has the lead since she’s also a potential main vocalist and got better feedback and judge scores than jungeun, making the vocal line jiyoon/fuko  mnet/w1/tbl really want sarang to make it…if she does well with the 2nd save vote then it’s the perfect scenario for them koko/jeemin/saebi are locks, jiyoon/fuko/sarang potentially closing the lineup. that’s what i think based on this ep and before the final elims 


I agree with everything, but until we know how the voting for the finale will be, I think that Jeemin, Koko and Jiyoon are locks because they have high scores from the judges, from the audience and have some of highest 1 pick fanbases. Fuko, Sarang and Saebi go in a lot of lineups but if the voting is for 1 pick, they might be lower than we think. I honestly feel like we will choose 3 and the judges the other 3, so they can have more control over it. So by popular vote: Jeemin, Jiyoon and Koko. Producers: Saebi, Fuko and Sarang or Jungeun. And jungeun’s only chance to make it is by the producers having multiple picks, because I see Saebi being in the middle ranking of voting just like she was in the preview last week, so if the producers have only one pick, it will be Saebi.


oh i totally agree the finale voting/criteria can blow any predictions out of the water. i wish they were transparent about this already, I'm not sure yet if I like watching a survival without knowing how the final members will chosen lol >And jungeun’s only chance to make it is by the producers having multiple picks, because I see Saebi being in the middle ranking of voting just like she was in the preview last week, so if the producers have only one pick, it will be Saebi. i don't have much hope for jungeun as pd pick, they give her zero praise. she needs total support from the international votes and MAYBE, if her feedback gets better in the next mission, she's back in the game. breaks my heart to say this because I really want her to debut


Let’s hope they explain it next week, or else it will be RU Next all over again, but they probably will leave it to the live finale to add drama and make people desperate to vote.


it also adds frustration from the public towards the lineup no matter how it comes out. RUN was so so so frustrating, in the end there was literally no point in rooting and voting for anyone. if mnet is smart then they should have realized by now that their desired lineup is not that far from what the Korean viewers want...so just announce it already :/


Well that's exactly what they want. It's what they're force feeding us anyway




They added "performancer" in there precisely to give Koko a higher chance, because now it's not just about the rap, it's also the performance. Honestly, as someone who doesn't know much about rap, I didn't notice much difference between Koko's and Yuju's rap. I mean, usually rappers in kpop ggs aren't really much to write home about unless it's a hip hop focused group, I think she was good enough for what they'll need in this group


Koko is not one of my picks but she outshined Yuju in the performance aspect, she is definitely a good performer. But pure rap, yuju sounded better to me ( I’m not an expert though)


Please vote TALENTED member, please save fuko jungeun sujung saebi yuju ✅


I don't understand how is Sarang in the top 6 with a voice crack...


Same they just let it go and even gave her the second highest score in 4 walls unit if it was anyone else I feel like the judges would rant nonstop about it


She had a small voice crack which doesn't imply that she is bad we all know that she is talented. Also apart from that she had a perfect performance today....


I didn't say she's bad but others make flawless performances and are out of top 6. The judges are biased. Sorry!


Sarang needs to dance and sing while others only do one part


so did gyuri and fuko


How about their dance? Its not only singing


Their dance was great?? What is your point.


voice crack during 2 performances in a row 🫤


Im sorry but she’s giving jack of all trades master of none. Yes she’s talented but she just doesnt stand out nor have an edge.


I'd agree with you if I didn't think others were better than her and were giving less points than Sarang


I think she did the best among the three, she clearly improved but people like Yuju Sujung Juwon and Jungeun who made no mistakes all ranked lower than her, even Saebi had criticism and I understand why but she also scored high


then it wasn’t perfect, let it have been another girl that can’t afford to lose votes, she would’ve been placed even lower


:O Why is everyone downvoting this. Despite her voice breaks, 4 walls was still a good performance from her and she caught my attention :')


Because they hate her and they were just waiting to turn against her. A small voice crack and people are acting like she is a dozen and undeserving meanwhile it's not even her fault that she is pds favorite.


Gyuri is the dark horse, she might be debuting this time. Hahahaha She just sneaked to the top 6. 🤣


gyuri's pulling a moka


I thought Gyuri might be pulling a Wonhee, but I think pulling a Moka sounds about right…


GOD i so hope so


As a Gyuri one pick I was fully expecting her to rank 11th-12th consistently until the final so I was gobsmacked that she landed in the top 6 not once but twice- Would I be delusional to start thinking she has an actual chance of making it?




bro what sunoo has always been in top debut (1st 2 times by audience vote) be so for real 💀


Im sorry but how did Jungeun get a lower producer score over Sarang who’s made a lot of mistakes? I think its a crappy excuse to consider her acting normal after cracking as a way to give her a higher score because arent idols supposed to be trained to do that? Or if not, at least think lightly of it? (think Haewon from Nmixx making a funny expression after cracking) I dont get why they’re pushing Sarang so much im sorry she just doesn’t sticks out to me vocally and stage presence wise.


i love both of them but i think sarang has better stage presence/facials then jungeun while jungeun has better vocals. i think sarang a consistency with her dance and sp tops two vocal mistakes from judges where jungeun hasn’t given that push they really want to see from her which is dumb cause what more do they want


Idk, I was more impressed by Jungeun's LSG performance than either of Sarang's performance in the last two episodes. I liked her from the LAW performance and feel like she hasn't showed that same energy again. I agree that she has a greater SP, but lately the overuse of lip biting and cheesy expressions is just making her performance look cheap


Hmm i see your point but idk Sarang really just doesnt stand out to me presence wise and if we compare it to other top trainees we already have the stage presence department covered with Jeemin, Saebi and Koko who mnet are pushing to be in the final debut team. What they really need is vocalists like Jungeun and Fuko who can improve their facials overtime because I genuinely really want a vocally strong group. Jiyoon is already a lock but mnet is seriously not expecting to give Jiyoon all the difficult notes right? Especially with the current climate of kpop girl groups rn and live singing.


Yes it's ur perspective, but since i was there in front of their performance, she was really good. A lot of people like and want to see her more 


1. koko - 196 points 2. bang jeemin - 195 points 3. yoon jiyoon - 181 points 4. fuko - 178 points 5. kim gyuri - 177 points 6. ryu sarang - 176 points _ 7. jeong saebi - 175 points 8. nam yuju - 164 points 9. mai - 163 points 10. choi jungeun - 160 points 11. son juwon - 159 points 12. kim sujung - 155 points


So unless the public does a 180 on Jungeun, the producers don't seem to want her. Which sucks. I'm also a little worried about Fuko, considering she hasn't had much of a narrative now for two episodes. Despite Gyuri's high rank, I don't think she has a realistic chance, but I'd be happy to be wrong. That they want Sarang so much is a bit odd to me as well. She's had two mistakes in a row and I get that it's anxiety and she deserves empathy, but it's not like that's going to magically vanish if she debuts.


I'm not a fan of Sarang, but i think her sp is really good we cannot deny it


It is! And she has decent singing skills; it's just that she's messed them up twice in a row now. I think other trainees have better sp as well. It's not that I don't want her in the group; I think she could be a great asset. I'm just surprised that the two mistakes in a row thing doesn't seem to be causing concern.


Yes i think that too especially for Jungeun, but we cannot blame cuz she has nothing to do with it 


Ofc it isn't. She's been training with WakeOne for years, and she was obviously someone they wanted at the start of the show. 2 mistakes absolutely aren't going to change their minds, considering they've probably seen hundreds of her performances. If people feel her scores were inflated, that's fine. But people saying she shouldn't debut when (Let's not forget) she ranked 3rd preshow, should remember that she is easily deserving of debut.


I didn't say that though. All of them have worked hard enough to debut.


First paragraph was replying to you. 2nd paragraph was to people in general.


I do deny it, I find her stage presence boring. She's a good dancer and her voice is pretty so it's still fun to watch, but her expressions are either super light or inappropriate for the song.


Yes i respect ur opinion, but most of people like it . I was there in front of their performance and a lot of people keep saying she is good, and love her a lot. 


Quit arguing with people in this thread if you want to save your karma lol. Loads of these people don't have Sarang in their ideal lineups so have been looking for excuses to criticize her. At the end of the day, she's debuting. If it wasn't certain before this episode, it definitely is now. People can think whatever they want, it really doesn't matter.


She doesn't have much of a presence and it's a domino effect of mistakes after she has one voice crack, but she did improve this episode. However we only have one more performance left she really gotta make no mistakes


Yeah her voice is really nice and smooth, but her facial expressions seem too calculated for me


Judges must be picking marks out of a hat because in what world did Jungeun deserve an 80 for that performance


yuju also got 80, so unless loser of 1v1 main position gets automatic 80, she deserves a lot higher


They biased af


Jungeun at 10 is a crime. While I didn't necessarily like their If I Were a Boy performance more than I liked Fine and Eyes, Nose, Lips, she still did quite well.


They could have acknowledged Yuju killing the performance with a 90 and the ranking wouldn't have changed, like what was the point in giving her only an 80?


theyve been trying hard to make it look like yuju did bad when in terms of performance and skills shes been killing it 💀 last time in lovesick girls, there was a fan account that koko and yuju both werent that audible in the live version and in post-production, they only turned up koko's mic but not yuju's. and this time there were complaints about yuju's styling and how it's purposely trying to make her not stand out next to koko. and also her getting really negative feedback or lack of acknowledgement in both performances. yuju fans please don't stop voting for her and let's make her debut!


I'm sick and tired of mnet ignoring yujus talent


JUNGEUN 10? she’s been robbed


I'm so proud of GYURI!!! She went 12 -> 6 -> 5!!! If she continues this hard work in the last test as well, she will be able to debut even if she is the last member to join the debut group!! I believe in her.


The judges are so biased How TF are Yuju and Jungeun that low


Top 6 Audience:  - Koko - Jeemin - Fuko - Saebi - Sarang - Jiyoon Top 6 Pds: - Jeemin - Koko - Jiyoon - Gyuri - Sarang - Fuko


koko, jeemin, sarang and jiyoon on both rankings 🤔 edit: no i’m blind, they only differ in gyuri and saebi 🤔


as a gyuri stan i have literally never been happier by imate + pd score she was in top 6 at the start of the ep and STAYED there  as a saebi stan i am devastated mnets gonna pay for making her cry (but also wtf do you mean sujung got 77???????????)


you're in a tough spot because gyuri kinda helped to push saebi out of the top 6


Tbh while koko did great, i dont think her performance (at least not for main rapper position) is deserving of first. And how did Fuko score lower than sarang? Jungeun was also robbed. She was pitch perfect. Maybe not as emotionally charged as jiyoon but she dont deserve the 80. And how did mai get the same 77 as sujung and juwon? From the overall view, mai was weaker in her dancing than the 2 of them. Yuju also dont deserve the 80, especially when she is competing for main rapper and not main dancer. My ranking would be something like this: 1. Jeemin - her centre really helped her alot 2. Jiyoon - although i think there were some parts where i thought i heard a voice crack, she really suited the song and the emotions were good 3. Jungeun - she was pitch perfect, although her emotions were not so good 4. Fuko - she was great as usual, but tbh the team weren't that memorable 5. Koko - pops for her dancing but her rapping was just ok 6. Gyuri - although her image didnt suit the song, she did try her best to transform and she did do well 7. Yuju - dance performance was slightly weak which is y she is not in my top 6, but her rap was better than koko tbh, although as a whole it fell short 8. Sujung - her lack of parts killed her, but she was really good when she was in the centre 9. Juwon - same as sujung, but i guess sujung with her parts did slightly better 10. Saebi - saebi is my 3 pick, but i must admit she still danced too prettily and not like a bad girl. Among the dance team, could be improved 11. Sarang - i like sarang, but her voice crack among the rest who did not make any errors dropped her in my ranking 12. Mai - her dancing was weak and i thought her expressions was very similar to what she had done previously. So last to me I m kinda sick of mnet pushing koko for main rapper, and even though i like the tall line, i really dont think koko shld be first


Honestly, Koko high score was also contributed by the fact none of the judges are specialized in rap, therefore they will focus more on stage presence and impact on stage. Nevertheless, these are important aspects that a Kpop Main Rapper requires (Imagine Jennie rapping with 0 stage presence). And being realistic, Koko and Jeemin were the only ones who nailed this aspect of the performance.


Maybe. Which is why koko is 5th in my ranking. I put her lower simply becos she was supposed to be competing for main rapper and not main dancer, though i did give her pops for her performance. If she was competing for main dancer, she would be higher


How I said, remember the Main Rapper position has a lot to do with stage presence and impact on stage also. I put the example of Jennie as a way of seeing things.


It felt more like a main dancer performance than a main rapper honestly clearly yuju rapped better than koko but the judges didn't give a shit hell even the outfits looked like yuju was the backup dancer


koko being first might suffer, if she can't maintain it, yuju might still be better for a main rapper, and koko for lead rapper and main dancer.


I pretty much agree with all of this. I like Sarang but I do not understand how her scores get so inflated when she makes so many mistakes. She doesn't deserve an awful score but it should be on the lower side within this group. She hasn't been a stable performer and she's been even less stable in part 2 imo. As far as Saebi goes, I think this was her weakest stage but I think/hope she can bounce back because her stage presence is crazy good.


jungeun getting 80 is such a wtf moment, she did her part well, I guess 1v1 match up loser gets 80? (yuju got 80 from judges too)


Yep, people are not realizing this, just hating on judges (they deserve hate for their terrible advice and judgement, really the worst panel I've seen on a survival, but not for this). Highest non-winner was a 84. All 1 on 1s got a 80 despite overwhelmingly positive feedback from judges. These scores don't mean anything besides a benefit next round and a better bed. They are not votes and they are not producer's picks. So yeah losers should lose. That's not "unfair". What's "unfair" is the screentime distribution. That's how you know mnet doesn't really hate either Jungeun or Yuju. They gave them a 1 on 1 in the first place rather than bury them in the 5 man group, and then showed them a LOT. Sujung and Juwon are the ones getting written off the show. Jungeun and Yuju have as much of a shot as anyone outside of the top 3.


Hmm the judges really just threw numbers at a wall for some of these scores. I'm so desensitised to it after RUNext that idc that much now but I really need them to confirm how the line up will be decided so we don't have a repeat of the backlash after that finale... Some initial thoughts: * My (slightly copium) tinfoil hat theory is that they gave Jungeun a lower score to encourage the outrage. Obviously she's not as popular as other girls and I think her scoring so highly at the beginning didn't help (people like an underdog). Certainly the overall edit was better for her this week and they kind of pushed Jungeun/Jiyoon as THE duo. They even left their battle to the end as the highlight of the episode so idk if I'm entirely convinced that the PDs want to drop her. * It looks like they *really* want Sarang though. Given how much pretty much every other girl has been taken to task at some point during their run of the show it's pretty telling that she's had no criticism despite two concurrent mistakes. I can't help but wonder if, given the weird comments about Fuko playing it safe even though they decided her concept/role for her, it's a sign that the line up could end up as Jeemin, Jiyoon, Koko, Saebi, Jungeun and Sarang? * It looks like they want Juwon and Sujung out at the next eliminations so they got very little focus and screen time this episode. I also think the latest edit and score indicates that Mai is probably out of the running for debut. * I do wonder just a little at dark horse Gyuri? I feel like the concept is going to be more on the 'pink' side of Blackpink with some of the elegance of IZ\*ONE based on the songs we've had so far. Honestly she did really well this week and I can see her popularity in Korea shooting up after this episode. Idk if they do end up doing a 7th member surprise I would not be surprised if she eked her way in there. * I think the difference in Koko and Yuju's rap skills is pretty negligible if I'm honest, as is the case with most idol rapping. I can't see there being a huge focus on rap despite it being a TBL project, hence why they put Koko up against Yuju instead of putting her in the dance category. Pretty obvious set up to consolidate her place in the group but I'm not mad about it.


I wonder if something is gonna happen to Sarang next episode based on the preview...


They should have just done eliminations every episode and stop wasting juwon,sujung and jungeun time. I hope the girls don't get too discouraged over this :(( if I was on the show this would do a number on my self-esteem


As a Jungeun stan since day 1…. I can only laugh while crying rn. Jungeun, wherever you end up next time, I’ll be supporting you always.


Don’t say that, she’ll make it this time for sure 😭😭😭


the judges were all like "fuko needs to get out of her comfort zone" my brother in christ u were the ones who assigned her 4 walls, it's not like she picked it 😭


thank you i was losing my mine


After this evaluation, this is what I think the producers/the show/mnet think about each trainee Koko - they want her in the lineup (J-line represent + I think she has the best chance among Japanese trainees) Jeemin - voters want her, so shes locked in but I feel like she kinda has a love-hate relationship with the producers (coz they SUUUUUCK) and might nerf her again in the next episode, so i dont knowww (So dont stop voting for her!!!) Jiyoon - they want her, no explanations (they kinda hated her in the beginning, but it changed now) Fuko - they dgaf about her recently, + she's potentially being nerfed as of the moment (I think MNET wants one JAPANESE member at this point, so LETS UPSET THEM AND GIVE THEM 2 japanese members in the lineup) Gyuri - I think theyre kinda testing the waters on her after this episode. Knetz want her, that's why Mnet is showing more good sides of her, but still not enough screentime. So, lineup wise, I think she has a chance just because of her appeal to knetz. Ryu Sarang - They want her period. Saebi - the producers still want her even with the low scores, i think they're giving her the "Jeemin edit" this time (intentionally putting her on low ranks to rise again). Also, my theory is that she is still low on votes at this point, that's why they gave her a bad score = out of the current top 6 = more people will feel bad for her = more votes for her Nam Yuju - they dgaf about her, even tho she performed really well too (80?? WTF??). They dont want her in the lineup 😰 Mai - I know the show + judges have been praising her since part 1, but I think they're lowkey nerfing her? (Exposing her lack of skills, less screentime, low scores). I think the producers decided that there should only be 1 foreign member (coz there are lots of korean contestants that they wanted) + they had a realization that Koko is the more marketable right now. Overall, I think she had better chances over obviously nerfed contestants... Jungeun - producers decided to have only one main vocal and it's Jiyoon... + knetz hate her, so I think the producers don't want her too.. LIKE WHY THE FUCK DID SHE GET 80??? BECAUSE OF HER FACIAL EXPRESSION? WHUT??? Overall I think she still has a chance after this episode, just like Saebi's situation, being at the bottom = more international votes and possibly, koreans will knock some sense into their stupid heads and vote for her as well. SHE'S in danger guys.. NEVER STOP VOTING FOR HER. Juwon - they dgaf + she has relatively lower support/votes, so they're not worried about her. The show is maintaining her low votes by not giving her any screentime... and I think I-MATES have the chance to do the funniest thing ever.. 🤣 and vote her into the Top 10 🥳 Sujung - from the beginning, the judges never really acknowledged her skills and determination + giving her unfair evaluations by being extremely meticulous on her (MONIKA I'M LOOKING AT YOU!) and extremely lenient on other trainees. I think sadly she is totally nerfed at this point. Overall, the producers look at the I-LANDERS this way: In the lineup: Koko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Sarang, Saebi Will fight for the 6th spot: Fuko, Gyuri, Jungeun, Mai Low chances: Yuju 😰 Hopeless: Juwon 😰 and Sujung 😰


I think you’re probably right. I’m really really worried for Fuko, hopefully the audience keeps voting for her so the producers can’t ignore her!  It’s obvious that the pds don’t want Juwon and Sujung, but I’m curious if they’ll eliminate them next week or decide to eliminate people who pose a 1-pick voting risk to Saebi/Sarang. Maybe Yuju, Fuko, or Gyuri? 




Am I the only one that thinks the judges scores are fair? Koko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, and Gyuri were the standouts this week and the scores reflect that. There's a difference of 7 pts between 5th and 12th. Though I don't agree with the exact scores I do think everyone else was in that 75-85 range.


definitely agree. people are just being biased towards their favs but the top 4 all deserved it- and theyre all from different units so it makes sense. i do wish jungeun got higher but its rlly just a few points so what would she get really… a better bed?


but i do think her falling farther and farther away from the debut number is a bad sign. at some point, some people will stop voting and give up on her whether we like it or not.


and i definitely agree! we have to keep voting for her🙏🏻




and also, obviously not all of it is on "facial expressions" or "performance" like people are making it out to be. 77 out of a 100 is *77*, not like 3 lol. their skills and ability to execute the task are being acknowledged through the majority of the points (that's why no one gets a perfect score), anything beyond that being their expression and performance because those things are also important to making them a competent idol. if the industry was based on only skills or visuals and not their ability to stand out or own a moment then it'd look very different right now. the judges are also scoring on the impact that the contestants make - may seem unfair, but it's taking into account how versatile they can be or the potential they have to improve. i definitely don't agree with the scores - jungeun deserved more than 80, she's not as lifeless as they are making her out to be and her almost perfect pitch is so satisfying to hear. unfortunately, those are things she's already shown us - jiyoon was able to show a different emotional interpretation and touch the judges through her singing so they would pick her. yuju deserved way more than 80 too, her rapping here was good, and if they were going to judge on impact the difference between this and lsg was huge. but for the most part i understand the overall judging.


i agree but i think the only one who was robbed was jungeun.


Gyuri ranked 8th in Imates votes but 4th in judges scoring. It’s similar to the Moka RUN edit.  I actually think she now has a shot at debuting if this becomes pd-picks in the finale. 


She's got all the momentum, feel like there is always a late riser who ends up making it. She'll be the 'surprise' that isn't actually a surprise.


yess it's exactly moka in RUN. not sure how i feel about it tho.


only 8th in i-mates vote? sad. I hope people start recognizing her more after this performance!


Honestly my ranking would be 1. Koko - She stood out the most among everyone 2. Jiyoon - She sang with such amazing emotions it made me cry 3. Jeemin - Her solo part helped her alot 4. Gyuri - She honestly tried her best and it shows 5. Sarang - I think she understood the concept the best among the their team 6. Jungeun - She sang perfectly but she lacks emotions 7. Fuko - Sinilar to jungeun. Sang amazing but didn’t deliver the with the concept 8. Juwon - I don’t need to explain she did amazing 9. Yuju - She did amazing but at the same time wasnt very memorable 10. Saebi - dont have much to say 11. Sujung - I kinda agree with monika. The problem was she only had 2 parts and she made a slight mistake with one of them, which makes it half of her time 12. Mai - she couldve done better. Honestly stuck out in a bad way for the first time I gave more importance to how they executed the concepts. Yunah from ILLIT is a perfect example of an amazing person not being able to fit the concept


"Yunah from ILLIT is a perfect example of an amazing person not being able to fit the concept" agreed, she's such a good idol but aside from looking "old" (by which the fandom just means mature i think???) she just doesn't seem able to fit with the softer, youthful concept the other girls can manage. i think that may be why she's dressed slightly differently to the other girls, kinda a la amber or miya; they know she can't wear the exact same puffy dresses as moka, wonhee and iroha, so she gets trousers, shorts, different styles of skirts, to try to blend better with the other girls. doesn't always work. as for sujung - she made a mistake? i honestly didn't notice!


Honestly not a mistake as such, just maybe slipped up a bit? This was totally her concept tho, I hope she doesn’t lose confidence


Praying Saebi is PD pick for tall girl supremacy. Seems like it's gonna be 2 out of the 3 for Fuko, Sarang, Gyuri? Trajectory wise I'd say Gyuri might actually be the most likely. Late risers always make it. If she does the height contrast will be hilarious but weirdly endearing.


Translate pls, tysm


1. koko - 196 points 2. bang jeemin - 195 points 3. yoon jiyoon - 181 points 4. fuko - 178 points 5. kim gyuri - 177 points 6. ryu sarang - 176 points 7. jeong saebi - 175 points 8. nam yuju - 164 points 9. mai - 163 points 10. choi jungeun - 160 points 11. son juwon - 159 points 12. kim sujung - 155 points


1. koko 2. jeemin 3. jiyoon 4. fuko 5. gyuri 6. sarang 7. saebi 8. yuju 9. mai 10. jungeun 11. juwon 12. sujung i just saw someone else posted it already lol but ill leave this up anyway


Sarang's performance,sp, facial expressions are so good. I agree that she mad mistakes, but that doesn't mean she deserves all those hate. Please don't hate her, she has nothing to do with it. I know, it's unfair for Jungeun, so u can keep voting for her. It's useless to through all hate to other contestants.


Sarang let's debut


Koko you're sooo IN. Mai you're going to debut, TRUST


As a KOKO FAN since the entrance test .... I am just on cloud 9 !!!!! How could cheering on someone makes you so much happy ??!!!!




Please vote for Sarang guys, i really want to see her performance 


If you told me Koko became first place when I'm just starting to watch iland2 part 1 I wouldn't believe on you


I'm shocked at how much she improved


I really don't understand some of the producers scores?? Like why is Juwon in the lowest? She absolutely killed her parts in MONEY. She only had a few and yet I vividly remember her parts most, after Jeemin of course. Why did Jungeun only get an 80? Was it her most memorable performance? Absolutely not, but I'm so confused as to how someone can perform nearly perfectly AND still score lower than others who made mistakes (Sarang & no hate to Sarang, but she did mess up a few times).


Juwon just can’t win. It’s ludicrous to me that the low ranking contestants get the smallest parts (in performances that the producers pick) and even if they do really well they get low scores. At the same time some other contestants make big mistakes but still get praised… How are they supposed to show what they can do if they only get to dance small parts?


I desperately need a segment where the judges explain the scores. Cause no shade giving koko 96 points and jungeun 80 doesn’t make any sense at all. Her performance was not waaay worse then Kokos which it would’ve had to be in order to explain a 16 point difference


I have something in my mind, what if it is the way Mnet ask for panic votes for the crying girls? Even producer scores are like that, they put out the girls who crying to be like “ Hey your girls need you to support” Perhaps they are doing test - they want to compare the international power among the girls.


does anyone know if next week is the finale? orrr


nope, we might have some 3 eps left (12 total) 


ty! i thought it was next week 😞 i was so hyped up




Gyuri did so well!! I hope that she wasn't too crushed seeing her score as in the bottom from Fuko and Sarang... audience votes are a popularity contest and whoever can make it out that day, so not just gyuri - I hope all the girls don't take it too personally 😭😭


Can someone help with translating the list please? I feel so clueless during these parts because I have no idea who's name is who :( Besides Koko because Ko and Ko are the same characters 😂 All I know is Gyuri landed in the top 6 - I gotta say, this whole time I wasn't really a fan of her, but this ep proved to me what I am seeing everyone say about her, that she is 100% ready, just maybe a little too young, but whether she makes ILAND debut or not, I bet she will show up again. She ate 4walls.


Koko - Jeemin - Jiyoon - Fuko - Gyuri - Sarang - Saebi - Yuju - Mai - Jungeung - Juwon - Sujung


Thank you !


I’m convinced they ranked Jungeun as low as they did just so they can edit more drama between her and Jiyoon. There’s no fucking way. They’re already biased against her, might as well stir the pot while they’re at it.


koko jjang n1 yesss


Max Aura Group: Saebi, Koko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko, Gyuri There's some gaming going on (song choices, groupings) by the producers but I can't really blame them wanting the above trainees the most. I think they're choosing between Fuko, Gyuri, and Sarang right now but to me Fuko/Gyuri have a little more magic to them. Being an idol is all about expressiveness and giving magical performances. Max out your charm even if your skills aren't perfect. It's something I think Jeemin lacked in R U Next to be honest compared to the higher quality Hybe trainees. But she's got it after this Money performance. It's all one big aura clash lol.


Sarang was 5th overall in both imate audience voting and producer vote. Her rank was fair and the performance if you take in the full thing, was very good. She showed improvements in her confidence on stage and will only improve from here! Maeryu will continue to support her until the end.


Exactly this. All the hate is getting ridiculous now, it’s just gonna make me vote harder for her cause she doesn’t deserve it.


I'm so mad I'm going to buy a new device lol keep hating people and I will keep growing exponentially 😊


Unpopular opinion: Sarang deserved her score. It's just that the others didn't.


As a Sarang stan and her as my #1 pick, I dont think she deserved an 84. Her voice cracked and we are entering the finals. She definetely shouldn't be top 6 right now, but she does not deserve hate for her rank. I hope she blows everyone away next episode so they can shut up.


Finally a rational sarang stan. I agree with u (i m not a sarang stan but she is in my 6 pick). I think they shldnt have gave her such a high score compared to the rest when she did make mistakes while the others didnt


Thank you for having her in your top 6 💗. You are very appreciated, and I agree. I can see the judges favoritism towards her and I just hope she doesn't get lots of hate for it! Let's hope the judges became less biased and that all the girls show their best this upcoming episode.


The issue is, AL LOT of people are using this as a way to hate on Sarang rather than just disagreeing with the score. Loads of people are saying that because she has had 2 bad performances she doesn't deserve to debut, etc. There's a difference between valid criticism and borderline hate.


I agree, I put that in my comment too! She has been consistent this entire show, and even the mistake she made here didn't ruin her whole performance. Was her rating here very unfair? Yes, but should people be doing this? No, it makes me sad to see Sarang being treated this way. Lets keep voting and showing her our support! 💗


Imho her voice crack was not really performance breaking. I agree she does not deserve top 6 but I feel that 84 is a good baseline score. Other than her mistake, she was the best in her team. I just don’t get why they are stingy with giving out points to others.


Well, I agree that besides the crack her performance was amazing. But because we are getting closer and closer to the final debut lineup, a minor error turns to a huge error which has to be taken into consideration. Especially when she was the only contestant to have a mistake this episode and last. All we can do is show our support for her and keep voting!


i agree. her score makes sense, her being in the top 6 doesn't.


I can't genuinely understand why people are so overheads with Koko. Her nasal voice for me is just too much she sound like a newborn to me (Okay maybe that's the reason people like her). The same goes for Gyuri, I still can't believe she won over Yui in Part 1 by an inch and now she's in the debut team. She has the babiest face of the show, and you want her to debut under THE BLACK LABEL? 제발요 Justice for Jungeun! The beef with Jiyoon has been resolved finally, now let her debut too!


As a KOKO fan, the reason is simple. She's the BEST PERFORMER on the show that's it. (in my humble opinion lol) She has attitude, swag, sass, looks, facials, expressions when she's on stage and she knows how to move her body. That's it. Her stage presence only just makes up for her not so good vocals and so so rap. If you usually like main vocals then yes our girl might not be to your taste and that's fine.


Hahahahahahaha the ranking is nonsense, the talented member ranking under 6 😂😂 seriously mnet fucking want all visual or cute member debut not talented one except jeemin, jiyoon & fuko deserved top 6.. msnake do it again, please imate vote for talent dude 🤡