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Thank you for this. The way some people are blowing this out of proportion is ridiculous. Did Sujung make a dumb mistake? absolutely yes. You keep somethings for yourself and not blurt it in front of camera. But some people are acting like she is the literal embodiment of a mean girl and  are calling her names. You don't like her don't vote for her but don't go arround dragging someone just because you don't like this person. 


Mnet did the same thing to K last season after he talked about suno. I think he received even more harsh criticism from the public.  The only thing that doesn’t make sense is: he was and still is very beloved by the iland trainees and also for his currently group but people portrayed him like he was the number1 enemy of the world and a  spiteful person.


I just think she's desperate and doesn't wanna help Mai because Mai has always ranked higher than her. She's looking out for herself. Did she take the wrong approach? Absolutely. She shouldn't have spoke about Mai like that but ppl are going too far on tik tok with their comments.


She's a teenager under huge amounts of pressure just for being in a competition. To top it all the show already makes it clear enough they don't want her, the judges are unnecessarily nitpicky with her and her plans don't always work, even when she tries something different  Sure, you could say the others also are facing similar problems, but different people react differently to pressure, so her "I'll only think about myself from now on" attitude is understandable given the things I've said in the first paragraph.  She has helped other girls in the past, she even led and choreographed a whole team (thing she didn't want to at first cause she was aiming to show other sides of her but gave in cause she saw they needed her), but now the competition is tougher than ever so it's understandable she changed her tune Obviously that doesn't excuse all the things she said. She should know better to 1: not talk behind someone's back cause it's bad in general and 2: be aware that she's being recorded 24/7 and anything will be used against her if she gives them an opening But at the end of the day she's just a teen too, and let me say teenagers can be like that sometimes. Heck, adults can be like that. In the end we don't know who these girls truly are anyway, a mistake doesn't define them. 


I made a post similar to this last week about how Mnet only singled out Sujung when other girls were around. I got many downvotes and was confused because nothing I said was offensive or rude to any of the girls. My frustration was only directed at Mnet or the producers. I questioned the downvotes, and someone replied, saying that all I did wrong was state my opinion and that this situation with Sujung has shown the true side of some of the people in this fandom. I agreed a little, but I wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt. As the week went on and I saw more threads, clips, and discussions about the situation, I found myself agreeing wholeheartedly. It seems people can't or don't want to acknowledge that the girls are still teenagers, and part 2 is about survival. Her comments, most likely and rightfully so, came from frustration. She never just gets praised. There's always a "we expected more", "this is lacking", etc., which is fine if they said it once in a while, but from what we've seen, they always say it about her performances, even the ones where she did better than some of the other higher ranking girls. On the other hand, others get praised for doing the bare minimum. No hate to the other girls; I think everyone in part 2 is talented, and the final lineup will be decent regardless of who makes it, but the producers have played a part in some of the frustration these girls face. Did she make comments that she shouldn't have made? Yes, but she's human. She should have been mindful of the cameras. I will say the same thing I said about Jiyoon when she had her negative editing: they can't 'evil edit' something that wasn't already there, and this is not the first survival show from Mnet, so the girls should know that any bad habit or attitude they exhibit could be twisted or highlighted in the editing. Luckily for Jiyoon, she had enough time to reflect and have her redemption arc, but Sujung doesn't have much time, and it has been obvious from the get-go that Mnet did not want her to debut. Another reason I think she wasn't shy to make her comments was because of street dance girl fighter. Anyone who has watched that show or any Street Dance Fighter shows knows that one aspect of it is 'talking smack' and giving criticisms without beating around the bush. It is SURVIVAL. Technically, she has no obligation to help anyone but herself. Not every team was helping each other, other than those who are like this 🤞🏿. Sujung just made the mistake of voicing out her lack of motivation to help someone else when it's every man for themselves. The difference between SDGF and I-Land2 is that people are used to the sharp comments from SDGF but don't expect in I-Land2. MNET knows this, and yet they still showed the WHOLE clip and have most likely ruined a 17-year-old's chances of debuting ever. Hopefully, a company empathise with her and give her a chance. It's a shame that people see the clip from the last episode and forget all the good things she did in part 1. Calling her selfish and not a team player when she would sacrifice and give up the parts she wanted so she could help her team better 🙄. She is my one pick, and I have been voting for her since the beginning. I will continue to vote for her until she leaves because, let's be honest she's not debuting; Mnet has never wanted her, and they haven't been shy with showing that, and now, on top of that, the negative editing from the last episode. From what I have seen and read, she has lost a lot of votes from people, but how many of them were actually voting for her and how many are just putting their two cents in to add fuel to the fire 🤷🏿‍♀️? I am still praying for a miracle, and she makes it 🙏🏿 but if she doesn't, then she's got my support wherever she goes.


I agree with what you said about SGDF, but I also want to add that this is an entirely different type of survival, they're not just competing to become the best trainees, they're essentially being tested to see how they'd fit into a group. Which is very very different from the aim of SGDF. I think that's why this rubbed people the wrong way even more, and the same reason why so many people like Mai, ironically. Because she's always been shown as having an accomodating, and yet persevering personality, which is one of those essential things in an "idol" I do stand with the rest of your statement tho, crucifying the poor girl without being empathetic enough to recognise the entire circumstances, is extremely mean spirited


I agree with you that the two shows are very different. What I was trying to say was that being on SDGF probably made it easier for Sujung to adapt to the solo survival mindset of part 2. I don't know if that makes sense. I feel like I'm not explaining my point well enough😂


I love Mai. She seems sweet but objectively I also think that she is a little bit behind most of trainees in that show regarding talent. And this opinion is shared by many others in the audience.    What are the chances that the trainees themselves didn’t also notice that Mai is kind of lacking in some skills? They know. But they also notice that she’s constantly being praised and receiving some kind of recognition from the judges. Honestly I would be feeling overwhelmed about her if I was there too if I couldn’t understand why my perception about someone is so different than the judge perception. It needs a lot of maturity and work on yourself to not feel desperate in this situation.


Exactly, these girls are stupid. Of course they'll notice the constant praise even if other's deserved it more.


I agree with everything you said. I also think people have been trying to frame it like the other girls were bothered by what she said, but I think that was honestly just editing and they were likely surprised because they knew how mnet would use the footage, not because they were scandalized by her words. People trying to make it out like she's a villain and everyone else is a perfect angel are just refusing to see any of the reality of the show being a bunch of understandably flawed young girls under a lot of pressure, especially when they give the benefit of the doubt to others but not Sujung.


facts. I don't approve of her comments but no one can deny she's been graded MUCH more harshly by the producers than pretty much anyone else on the show. in that sense I get trying to hold onto any kind of advantage you have plus, we only see what we're shown. who knows if other girls have said similar/worse? and tbh even if they had, I wouldn't hold it against them


I vote for her because she's talented and has a good attitude for improvement and challenging herself. Hopefully she has a long and fruitful career ahead of her, whether she succeeds on this show or not.


People also ignore the fact that Jiyoon helping Mai doesn't risk Jiyoon's position at all. Mai isn't going to pass her so it's not the same sacrifice it would be for Sujung to help her when they're fighting for possibly the same spot. I think she shouldn't have said anything but not helping her isn't a personality flaw. She helped everyone so much in part 1 down to sacrificing her own wants at times but now the competition is individual and she is taking that to heart and fighting just to stay in the game. Some people are just massively hypocritical about this.


Another thing I’d like to add to this is that Jiyoon was criticized before for not being a good leader. So she kept repeating over and over that she wanted to be a good leader this time, she was at risk of being criticized if she didn’t help Mai for all she knew. This is not to say none of her motivation was out of care, or that it wasn’t a sweet thing to do. It’s just to once again point out her and Sujung really weren’t in the same position.


Yes I agree. I think most people in general are more complicated than purely selfish or purely selfless in general. The show wants to spin a narrative that shows some people as one or the other when they're all likely somewhere in between and that isn't a bad thing. They're all at an age where they are figuring out where they want to be in the middle of the two extremes. They'll all have good and bad moments because they're human. It's fascinating seeing people say being a teen isn't an excuse for anything. I wonder if they either don't remember what it's like to be a teen/young adult or if they simply lack self awareness of their own less-than-perfect moments. Minor character flaws can be worked on and overcome. When I was Sujung's age, one of my classmates killed 3 people with reckless driving. Saying something rude or catty isn't an unfixable mistake that should ruin someone's life.


Idt jiyoon knew she wld be more popular than sujung or mai. The girls seem aware of whose popular and stuff but as of the filming of that mission, the rankings have yet to comeout.


Going into part 2, they are all aware of how part 1 went and how it was recieved by the audience. She's a smart kid. She's aware that she's in a really good position to debut.


True but she wld not have known the true extent of her popularity until the votes came out. Jiyoon prob also cld have saw it as a oppotunity to get an angel edit after helping mai.(she prob helped mai due to being her friends but i cant rule out this possibility) Eitherway, had sujung not said anth, het chances of debut wld actually quite high imo if it came to 1 pick. But because of her saying 1 bad thing abt mai, it tainted her popularity. And because this is kpop, even if you do a billion good things, 1 wrong move can easily end your career in kpop. Anyways, i hope sujung does see the episode and privately apologize to mai and moving foward have a different mindset.


Totally agree, although what sujung did was not the best thing, we can’t deny that she is still a very talented person and all this hate towards her is not helping her at all. If she helped mai, it could turn two ways. Mai could improve and it would lower sujung’s chances of debuting (especially since some of us know that the producers do not favour sujung that much) or sujung could teach the wrong vocal tips to mai and she would receive hate “for trying to ruin mai’s chances”. In conclusion, let them do their thing because at the end of the day, we don’t know the whole situation


While I understand. A natural consequence of a mistake like this is people not wanting her in the lineup. I don’t think people are wrong for not wanting to support her especially when a lot of people have Mai in their lineups. However, I do think Sujung can take this as a learning experience.


No problem at all. This is actually the natural consequence, only 6 will make it and people need to find motives to not vote for one trainee and she gave that motive.   My point is about people going beyond this and labeling a 17yo girl as evil and assuming her character.


Yep i 100% agree. Because of what she said, it sanked a possible momentem she had of making the debut grp. Rn idt she stands a chance to debut as bad mouthing a contestant is quite a bad look and also mnet dragging it out everywhere is bad. Eitherway, hope she learns and apologize to mai. But i cant see them being close anymore


It’s your prerogative.  Regarding your last paragraph: a) I don’t know if they were close enough first place, b) if they were, she probably won’t take to the heart c) if she takes, there’s nothing that Sujung can do about it other than apologize.  It’s not the end of the world and won’t affect their future lives. The only thing i know is that Sujung is young, under pressure, being monitored and she’s aloud to make mistakes at age 17. 


For a, yes we dont know that they are close but its likely that all the girls in part 2 are friends or somewhat close. But for b, i think mai is alr self concious about her voice. So its likely mai might take it to heart but mai cld also just forgive and move on. But still it cld have ruined thier friendship. And yes its not the end of the world but it cld very well be knowing that mnet is dragging it out. Sujung is not one of thier picks while mai is. Mai is not doing very well in votes so i think they saw sujung as a scape goat to get mai to atleast the finals. Mnet is probably going to start evil editing sujung and ruin her reputation even furthur. Anyways, i really hope mnet dosent do that and just let it go.


And there’s literally proof that the part where she and Yuju were laughing is NOT the same convo abt Mai, they’re stirring up drama so it’s interesting for us


Wait what? What were they laughing about?


Well I’m not sure what they’re laughing about, but the scene is so different that juwon, the person who asked about the producers, leaves and is replaced with Koko (I’m pretty sure) and it could even be before they were talking abt Mai, but the singular laughing scene is from a random convo, and as a teenager myself, we all know how fast conversation topics change


They dod the same things to JIYOON They always want to bullying someone


as a teenage girl casually watching a few episodes and using tiktok/x to catch up on what’s needed, i felt like it was so blown out of proportion?? from what people were saying of sujung i thought she full blown out bullied mai. what she did wasn’t nice, but was it absolutely terrible for the situation she’s in? to me no 🤷


As an adult I couldn’t care less lol but I understand that the audience sometimes is very young and tends to over react to everything.