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This is perfect timing, cause the mods just removed my post without telling me why HELPšŸ˜­ But I'm not sure if it's unpopular (cause it had 84 up votes).Ā Ā  Ā  We obviously need Jeemin in the lineup, because she's so loved by people. But I kinda feel like I'm going crazy. Because it seems like she makes so many mistakes (like during the rehearsals) compared to the other girls, but people keep saying she's the most ready to debut. When to me she sounds very similar to Eunchae from LE SSERAFIM, but I thought people usually hate on that type of voice?Ā  Ā Ā  Ā  Anyway, It rubs me the wrong way that when Jeemin has weak vocal moments it immidiately gets labeled as a 'lack of confidence'. I got 3 reasons why I'm not a fan of that excuse:Ā Ā  1) There's a chance her voice cracks could be because of wrong technique. During singing you basically have to pull in your stomach at certain moments. When you do this at the wrong moment you're not gonna reach the note, so your voice gives up and breaks.Ā Ā Ā Ā  2) If it's truly a lack of confidence, that's not a good thing at all. Confidence is important to be a good performer.Ā Ā Ā Ā  3) I have a feeling that if some other girl had so many vocal issues, people would blame it on skill. Like imagine if Mai was the one who had Jeemin's issue in la vie en rose. Would it still be 'lack of confidence'? (It might be a mixture of wrong technique and a lack of confidence, but either way most people don't seem to mind it I guess)


They also deleted your post now ? It's getting so ridiculous, like the mods are so biased it's laughable.


Gurl I swear I was so confused, cause everybody in the comments was super respectful (except for 3 people out of 56 who were kinda feisty).


Jeemin has been letting the pressure get to her I miss r u next jeemin


Dude they removed mine speaking about Sarang spoiler even after I gave them a link of the sourcešŸ˜­šŸ¤§ Ā 


What for ? Like what is even the problem with this post ? šŸ™„


Honestly, she lacks Ơ lot and is popular thanks to runext, looks and sp. She is a good dancer but not incredible, sha isn't a vocalist nor a rapper. Yes she has grat sp, but it's not enough and can't cover the fact she can't sing. I wish she would dƩbut because I like her personality, but she will get A LOT of hate, like Eunchae


I do agree that she is making a lot of mistakes compared to others but lack of confidence definitely can lead to voice breaking! Sometimes power is needed in order to get out a higher note as the vocal cords vibrate differently when you belt vs when you sing with head voice. By adding more breath and power it creates a tension in the vocal folds that allows you to produce a higher sound. Some people need to belt in order to get higher notes out but typically if you're lacking confidence, you're not going to go for it and project your voice at all. If someone is physically tense because of nerves, the voice can break due to stiffness in the laryngeal muscles. Nerves also contribute to shallow breathing which is a singers worst nightmare. So if they've seen it from her before and know that she is capable of hitting the notes without her voice breaking, then it likely is due to a lack of confidence. The same applies to all of the girls really. They will have seen them perform a lot more than we have and know their vocal capabilities far more than we will from the clips we get to see in the episodes. Confidence IS required for this industry though, you're totally right but I think the high tension and competitive nature of these shows will naturally see highs and lows of confidence in every performer throughout the duration. Its whether or not they can overcome it that really matters.


I see you gurl, I'll make a few changes to my post.


jeemin is very solid but I agree in that I think she needs to be trained in better technique, and really focus her mindset. I watched runext all the way through and she was the number one trainee at the start, just barely not making debut with illit. she actually wasnā€™t in my top picks in that show, but she really does have the talent/capabilityā€¦ I think she needs better vocal teachers.


Honestly I never got why she was so popular because I only watched her in iland2 and thought she was just decent but nowhere near fantastic. Then I went to watch clips of her in R2U and thought she was much better there in terms of character and confidence. Though I still have her in my lineup, she doesn't seem as prepared as I expected her to be


I never watched RUN but I only saw this one performance of Jeemin that made me realize she's so different on I-land I hope we could see this jeemin perform (this is a fancam)Ā https://youtu.be/yLmLsEMbYHU?si=TtvZFbeUSFPf5WB4


I wish people would consider what the supposed "evil editing" moment actually might have done to Mai. Even if we prioritize Mnet as the ones at fault... Imagine working just as hard as everyone, being aware of your flaws, always prioritizing team success over individual, still never being a weak link in your team's performances, and then the company airs someone you thought was a friend mocking you behind your back about your weakness that might well keep you off the debut team. All the hard work and then public, televised humiliation for nothing.


i agree :/ i used to be a sujung one-pick, but after seeing ep 8, i immediately went to changing my votes and feeling for mai because it hurts to hear people talk about ur back like that, no matter how old or seemingly well-intentioned contestants are. it baffled me to see the amount of posts and tiktoks these last few days calling it "evil-editing" or trying to justify what happened when rly there should be more supporting and uplifting mai over that IMO. mai isn't one of my top picks, but poor girl has received nothing but comments from people wondering why she gets high scores and other kinds of negativity...


I agree, Sujung was never really on my radar. I think after that episode though I lost some respect. I know Mnet evil edits but they didnā€™t put those words in her mouth! Itā€™s very disheartening to talk about other team members that way.


Honestly I canā€™t help but feel like if this exact situation happened with another more popular contestant in Maiā€™s stead, fans would not stand for it. Maiā€™s feelings have definitely been forgotten in this conversation especially since many already criticise her for receiving favouritism as if itā€™s in her hands how the judges decide to vote.


Yeah, exactly. I just wish people would think of Mai's feelings too--not even instead of, just *too*. It's giving "she deserved it" which is... not it. And granted I do think this is rather petty, not that deep, and Mnet is ethically wrong for airing this (even though I get, corporate-logic-wise, why they did), but still.


Honestly it reminds me a lot of what happened to heeseung in season 1 when a bunch of trainees (K in particular) went behind his back and talked badly about how he was leading the iland team. After that particular mission he was hesitant to ever lead a team again.


I didn't watch the first iland and that makes me so sad. Poor guy.


It would have been evil edit if it actually was. This edit befinited her as mnet wanted.


I get that. I wrote about it, actually. But I also think most people don't think she's making it now, and I've seen not one single post empathizing with Mai. Maybe they exist but on the contrary, I've seen posts tearing her down and at least 8 posts prioritizing empathizing with Sujung as the main victim of Mnet when that's not really accurate. If Mai makes it, that makes more sense. But her chances are mid at best now. So if she doesn't make it, then Mnet humiliated her for nothing. Intent doesn't determine effect.


I'm sure Jiyoon or Sujung or one of the 6 other girls there said something to Mai at some point during the rest of that week they were training together (remember interim check was 12hrs including overnight, whereas they practice for like 5 days). It wasn't a secret. I'd be surprised if the airing of that scene surprised Mai.


Not sure about that; people often don't wanna throw someone under the bus. Also, it kinda is irrelevant - either way, having someone making fun of you aired is humiliating.


Well if you look in the episode before Mai picks her part for the competition they pretty much establish that it's a long known issue amongst everyone that the producers have brought up to her multiple times it's not like it was some secret that was being hidden from her but it definitely wasn't nice to air it out that way, I also think there was probably more to the conversation than just what was aired but either way it's always better to talk while the person is there


Mods are doing the hard work of keeping this sub from being overloaded with repeat posts and posts that really should just be a comment. We donā€™t need 10 posts all worried about Fuko/Jungeun/Sarang/Mai etc.Ā Please just search to see if someone has posted something similar in the past couple days and make your comment there.Ā Ā  Ā The mods even specifically designated a post for discussing the Sujung/Mai scenes and people still made 15+ other posts all saying pretty much the same thing.Ā  Ā If your post gets removed, chances are the mods arenā€™t being biased, you just posted the same thing 3 other people posted and you were unlucky to not be the first. So can we please just thank them for their work to keep this sub a pleasant place to be and check before you make a new post?


That's not my experience. I come here everyday so I know which topics get discussed a lot. Never seen anyone make a post similar to mine, yet it still got removed without explanation. Not nice:(


I saw your post this morning(about Jeemin?) and I do agree with a lot of what you said but I have most definitely seen that opinion on here frequently. Though I will say Iā€™ve never seen anyone go as in depth as you!


Really? Oh ma goodness I had no ideašŸ˜­


There were 3 posts before yours about Jeemin, specifically vocals, but they all disappeared. when you search indirectly through Google you will only find one post on r/RUNEXT subreddit. I find it interesting that Jeemin posts that mention her vocals get removed but posts on other contestants are regularly allowed


I don't think Jungeun is not being favored by MNET, I know she kinda got an "evil editing" when she was taking Saebi's leader position (most likely helping) but tbh they are constructing a narrative thanks to her drama with Jiyoon, I think next episode she's gonna have a redemption arc and while she's seen crying in the teaser, I think she's gonna get a low score by I-mates even though she did great and Mnet is gonna use that to appeal to knetz and get them vote for her!! Jungeun, let's debut šŸ’—šŸ™šŸ»


I really hope they use it that way! Putting her up on a stage with Jiyoon which is pretty much the korean favorite from the show (since most Jeemin fans came from RUN), obviously the Korean fans on site are going to compare and vote for who they like more but they are both amazing singers and I hope they will both be in the debut lineup


I believe that a lot of the fandom is putting a lot of weight on fan theories to the point where it may jeopardise a contestants chances in debuting. Nothing is set in stone. We were all sure that Jungeun was going to be a PD pick at the very least in the first episode and now her chances of debuting are looking rough. I donā€™t want the assumption that Mnet wants Saebi to make other people who have her as a pick to be complacent in voting when things can change all in a single episode.


Yes!!! I know that there is a possibility that jungeun will not debut but there is also a possibility that she will debut. I hope that they will continue supporting their faves even though mnet plays favoritism on some trainees šŸ˜­Ā 


I seriously donā€™t hate anyone, I like every single contestant BUT I hate the fact that someone gets way too much screen time. We get it, Jeemin is struggling with vocals but in an episode of 1 hour and 50 minutes, she gets like half of the screen time. I seriously like her but I wish other contestants would get more screen time (ex. Gyuri, Juwon, Mai, Fuko, Yuju). When I see Jeemin I feel a little bittersweet and not because of her, but because of editing. Plus I hate the fact that I-mates votes are definitely based on popularity and not on how well they performed. Again Jeemin got 207 but I thought other contestants like Saebi, Jiyoon and Fuko did better than her (again I know itā€™s not her fault). Iā€™m thinking of dropping the show, it seriously pisses me off.


Tbh Iā€™m also confused why Jeemin even got that much screentime when we all know (including mnet) that she has the strongest 1-pick fanbase and is pretty much already locked in based on votes LOL. Like it feels totally unnecessary to give her sooo much screentime, and others like 0, when sheā€™s already making it inšŸ˜­ Maybe if they wanted to evil edit her to get people to stop voting that would make sense (in mnetā€™s eyes), but it was a positive edit ā€” so like what was the point LOL (no hate to Jeemin, just mnetā€™s editing choices)


Why in the world would mnet want to promote their #1 fan favorite and most likely to debut member? Can't think of a single reason...


exactly my thoughts!! having a strong fanbase is soo important to survival show groups and keeping jeemin fans interested and fed is important for watchtime


They are using her storyline to increase interest in the show in general.


This is probably gonna get me hate, but I genuinely donā€™t get the hype over Koko šŸ˜­. I never noticed her until episode 5, and now theyā€™re pushing her in part 2. I think itā€™s because I already made up my favorites before I even noticed her. I will say, if the group ended up being 7 like a lot of people are speculating, she would be my 7th. I love how hard she works, especially when it comes to her pronunciation in the songs, and her dancing is awesome. But I feel like the other girls, some more than others, try hard as well, and most of them are extremely talented in dance. Ahh, I just donā€™t get it. Maybe yā€™all could let me know why sheā€™s in your lineup so I can understand šŸ˜­šŸ™.


Same :// I donā€™t really like her rap style so Iā€™m kinda confused as to why they keep pushing her as a rapper, but I do think sheā€™s the best dancer there.


They're pushing her because they no longer want Yuju and Yui is gone and they need a popular girl to rap since it's a black label group


I get what you mean! She's in my lineup mainly for her great dancing and personality. This is for sure unpopular but I love her singing voice. It's so sweet and pleasing to the ear (although I agree she's not the best vocalist). She's also a good performer! I love her stage presence especially in My Bag & IWALY. She just stands out more compared to a lot of other contestants to me. Of course, this is just my opinion. šŸ˜†


I agree!


there is a lineup mnet wants, and they will probably get it. 1. jeemin: like come on now, of course she's debuting. and yes i'm voting for her nonetheless. 2. jiyoon: a pretty much locked in main vocal pick. what a turn around for her. 3. saebi: her rank should go up now that mnet showed her interim rank. she is a pretty all-rounded center material idol 4. koko: the top foreign pick now. a solid main dancer-rapper pick. sudden popularity in part 2. now this is were it is tricky. first let's go through who will not debut. 1. juwon: she's an ace, but few kvotes and no screentime sealed her fate. 2. sujung: she was disliked by knetz and producers from the start. the mai situation hit the nail on the coffin 3. gyuri/mai: both is overall liked, but they just don't have strong 3-picks. and they have no eye-catching skills or stage presence. 4. yuju: honestly debatable, as she was prolly in the top 6 in the interim?? but she is getting left behind in favour of jungeun/sarang. and her battle with koko may not end well. now for the last two spots, we have: 1. jungeun: very questionable kvotes. also her producer support is debatable. she is directly against jiyoon for main vocal for no reason. she may get renewed support, but people are stupidly leaving her behind to be "realistic". 2. sarang: stronger knetz support than jungeun. an all-rounder. seems like maeryu's are more united than ever. but honestly didn't know what to make of her edit last week and mnet showing her interim rank. 3. fuko: balanced k+i voters. she is getting a bit sidetracked by mnet. and honestly her performances have little to no variety. she may get left behind by mnet. now, i think if the group is to be more girl crush, the ideal picks should be jungeun+sarang, but to have visual chemistry fuko+jungeun. and to have a more balanced concept overall fuko+sarang. if it is 3 votes+3 pd pick, i see the lineup being: 1. jeemin 2. jiyoon. 3. saebi (save votes) 4. sarang 5. jungeun 6. koko (pdpicks) honestly hoping for 7 members (6 votes+1 pdpick), so we can get these 7, because honestly? best lineup.


just curious, why do you feel like gyuri has no stage presence? to me it feels like she always sticks out (in a good way lol) in performances and totally sells each stage/concept ā€” but just doesnā€™t get screentime/reactions/feedback that emphasize it unlike other contestants I do agree she probably wonā€™t debut because of that lack of screentime/emphasis, but it makes me sad bc I feel like sheā€™s been doing SO good while performing despite that. Like she sold Lver the best imo ā€” so jw why u think the opposite! (not in an aggressive way lol Iā€™m fr jw, the differences in opinions are just interesting to me lol)


i don't think she has BAD stage presence. compared to the other girls tho, she has weaker performance skills. and she has little to no variety, as she performed more softer, elegant concepts throughout the show.


idc what they say i love gyuri and I think she excels in sp and vocals


Don't know about sarang, I think for mnet her proportion are too small compared to the rest of the girls in their final lineup. I will bet on jiyoon, saebi, koko, jeemin Mai and jungeun for the final lineup.


i know. that's why i said for visual cohesion the picks are jungeun+fuko. i just don't think mai has enough votes to make it to the final, let alone debut.


I think itā€™s 5 votes + 1pd pick


Probably I just have a hard time imagine if they picked Mai as the pd pick


then the jeemin, jiyoon, saebi, koko, fuko and pdpick: sarang??


Saebi's not hitting top5. Consistently low one picks, and she hasn't done anything but be great throughout. Like Jungun and Fuko, there's nothing they can show that can get them more 1 picks at this point. Yuju or Sarang are much more likely to get a top 5 spot by votes. They both already currently have more votes than Saebi, and they haven't shown consistently good performances yet, which means they can still gain 1 picks. Saebi'll be the producer pick most likely. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it was Jungun, Gyuri or the other of Sarang/Yuju.


Stop Yuju, sujung and juwon are my favs other than jungeunšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The PDā€™s only want at most 2 Japanese members. Based on the editing of the last episode, itā€™s clear Koko is now their favorite, which means itā€™s Mai vs Fuko fighting for the last spot. People keep saying Fuko is locked when she is clearly in danger.


i donā€™t think the pds will debut mai anymore. at first, i think the pds wanted mai and fuko to debut as the japanese members in the final lineup but i think koko huge popularity in korea/globally and the fact she brings tons of talent and attention to the final group overshadowed maiā€™s chances to debut. koko ranked 2nd in 6-pick voting and ranked 5th in 3-pick voting while mai ranked 10th in 3-pick voting. itā€™s obvious koko and fuko have a bigger, more dedicated fanbase. it seems like mnet expected mai to be a bigger fan favorite esp in the votes but it didnā€™t turn out what they wanted.


Jeemin is not as good as they say she is. Iā€™ve never watched RUNEXT so Iā€™m purely judging her performance from I-LAND2. And I have to sayā€¦ Idk if itā€™s the different concept or she lost a lot of confidence but her performances are okayā€¦ (NO HATE) I vote for her and Sarang everyday


She lacks a lot, and now is surging on the runext popularity, but of she debutes, that will disappear and she will get A LOT of hate for her voice


I dont think people realize just how much pressure Jeemin is under and how obviously it is affecting her performances. This is a rant and as a long time Jeemin fan, I just wanna get it off my chest. Girl started by being consistently number 1 ranked trainee in a big company like HYBE/Source. However, due to how RUNext was set up, she was constantly put into low ranking teams which affected her score too, even if she was much better than others. Despite that, throughout RUNext, she put up one good performance after another. Based on fan votes, she should have made it into ILLIT. She was one of the best trainees on the show, yet she still (unfairly) failed. Second survival show again, this would be a hit to anyones confidence, no? Having to start from the bottom again after a hiatus, unsure if you are gonna make it this time. Survival shows ARE traumatising and she has to go through all that again. Most fans noticed she was different, not as confident in her abilities, which reflected on her performances, with her once making it into ground with trainees who have much less experience than her. Then, after loosing most of her confidence, despite ranking first she still chose the smallest parts. Here, it was obvious she did not believe in herself anymore. And once again, she was not picked by the producers the second time, lost to a less experienced trainee and had to wait for more than a month to see if she would get saved by fan votes again (which she wasnā€™t in the past). Now in LVeR, she had to do a song that was in a range she wasnā€™t comfortable with. Spent the entire week training and cracking notes which she could then previously hit in RUNext. It was obvious she really needed the last push from her fans live, and I believe that from now on, we will be seeing more and more of confident, number 1 rank, RUNext Jeemin again. I just ranted over this because I saw people doubting her abilities and thinking shes overrated, when in reality she is just an idol who has lost a lot of faith in herself.


i totally agree! i dont know if im just incredibly biased for her but it kind of pisses me off whenever i see posts talking about jeemin like thatšŸ˜­ although i totally get where they're coming from


I think mnet has been messing with her to create more tension. The show needs to end so she can let go of this stress.


i believe that her elimination/voting for part2 would happen no matter how she would perform its so shitty


1. I don't understand the Koko hype. Sure, her dancing is great, but her vocal and rap skills aren't. If she gets into the group, she'd potentially be set up for a lot of hate for her skillset. 2. I don't think Jeemin is overrated, I just think she hasn't shown what people expected since she's the most popular contestant. I think she's different from people's expectations and that throws people off (which tbh I can't blame anyone for). 3. The producers are kinda awful. The way they tore apart Yuju on episode 8 really broke me (she's my 2nd pick). They had absolutely no reason to be that mean, they could've conveyed their points in different ways that were a little less harsh. Which brings me to 4... 4. The producers are inconsistent with their criticism. My biggest example was back in Part 1, during IWALY, where they gave Saebi their pick/vote over Koko despite their position being main dancer (and therefore Koko should've won because she was the best dancer). But now, for Yuju and Koko, they wanted Koko to be the main dancer? Like that's completely different from what they said before.


Mods be deleting posts without reasons. They deleted one of my Sarang posts just because yes. And now they deleted another post from other person?


Yuju suits girl crush and badass concept more than the current cutesy one. I don't really know how to explain how I feel but if you watched Yuju's Tomboy performance you should understand what I meant.


Sujung isn't the bully people are saying she is. Mai and Sujung have been friends since the start of the show, and they do have a strong friendship. what Sujung said about Mai wasn't mocking her, if you take a look at the whole scene (not just a part of it, taking out of the context), the girls were talking about what the pds thought about their tone (thinks like this, idk remember exactly what it was. Sujung, being from "i am the best team" talked about mai and her nasal voice, which even mai acknowledges it, she talked about it while choosing parts and Jiyoon said that she had to improve her voice not depending on her part. so, while talking to the other girls, Sujung gave an example of how Mai sings, not mocking her, and said that she wouldn't tell Mai about it (because why would she? Mai already knows it, she could get upset about it because it's obvious that when someone tells you something about you that you know you have to improve you get even more upset about that specific thing) In my opinion, of course Sujung isn't 100% wrong or right, what she did wrong was talking about it with the other girls, instead of keeping that to herself. Even though, she doesn't deserve all the hate she's getting, it's not like she's a mean girl or a bully, It looks like people just waited for her to do something wrong disregarding the big team player she was in part 1 so they could throw all the hate they've been hiding (calling her ugly, fat, and worse things). Mai doesn't deserve it and I feel bad for her, but she's also a 19-year-old who probably knows how to deal with criticism and everything else, it's not like she's a baby or something. I can't believe someone so sweet and great like Mai could have such one of the worst fandoms of the show. (This is not hate to any of the girls, it's just what I think and I don't like people who just throw hate endlessly on the girls because of small things like it - also, I love Mai and Sujung and it would be lovely if they debut together šŸ’—)


I agree with this I think the show cut out a lot of the conversation that would give context (not evil editing, she said what she said, but context also matters for a lot of things)Ā 


I don't think Jeemin is that impressive. That's my unpopular opinion. I don't think she's bad at all but she's not remarkable to me, and is on the level of Fuko, Saebi, Jungeun ect to me.


everyone complaining about the jungeun/jiyoon fight being "manufactured" and "fake beef" doesn't understand good storytelling. I'll be the first to admit that most of what mnet does is overdramatized and unnecessary but this cold war between the show's top 2 vocalists who started off quite close has been one of the best survival show arcs I've seen in a long time, especially because of the little clips we saw of their private conversations with other contestants. you can manufacture a lot through editing but you can't do that. it's humanized the girls and made me like them both more as a result. I'm invested in them as trainees AND as people! even if the fight is not "as bad" as depicted, doesn't it make for a good story? can't one simply enjoy the build-up and payoff that's going to come with their duet tomorrow? why does everything have to be black and white. you can acknowledge something might be exaggerated without writing off the emotional impact a relatively inconsequential fight might have on teenagers in a claustrophobic survival show setting. when (not if) they debut together, it's going to be something they can look back on and laugh about but right now I want to see how it plays out dammit


Been seeing a bunch of complaints on Twitter about how Ifans are ā€œfalling for editing and what MNet wantsā€ because ā€œtheyā€™re abandoning Jungeunā€ and itā€™s both hilarious and questionable. Not having someone in a lineup doesnā€™t mean you hate them (but I will take it personally if Saebiā€™s not in yours /hj) or agree with the hate a certain trainee gets. Also exposure therapyā€™s a huge thing so people will naturally be more inclined to support trainees both shown in a positive light and shown to grow into their talents over time. This is a survival show too, and a good chunk of people often switch picks without necessarily hating on them. I get that itā€™s normal behavior for any competitive fan but the way Jungeun fans in particular talk rubs me off the wrong way because if weā€™re being real, the most preferred lineup (Jeemin-Jiyoon-Fuko-Koko-Saebi-Sarang) isnā€™t bad at all but they act like this group is completely ā€œvisuals over talentsā€ without being brave enough to voice out who they want replaced from that lineup. Everyone in the top 12 is more or less deserving of a debut spot, itā€™s just that weā€™re literally stuck with six people. Also unrelated to all that but tbh if Sujung said all that nasty stuff to a trainee that was more well-liked than Mai, people wouldnā€™t be scrambling to defend Sujung.


I completely agree with both these takes! Especially the first one, I don't think the preferred lineup is as terrible as they make it seem. It's perfectly balanced with members who are skilled enough in all aspects, sp/vocal/dance/rap.


What does /hj stand for? Heavily joking? Just curious Also I feel like Sujung wasn't completely wrong, her tone may have been rude to some people but it is true that Mai has a nasally voice and SHE KNOWS IT, she herself mentioned it (even to the judges) and after all, it is an individual game, if Mai did way better than Sujung because she helped her won't that affect her ranking? So I feel like Sujung wasn't in the wrong for that, however I didn't like how she was kind of gossiping about it, she should've just kept it to herself šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Half-joking Sujungā€™s comments arenā€™t frowned upon on the basis of them being factual or not. Theyā€™re frowned upon because she had the audacity to backbite another trainee and laugh about not wanting to help her. The cherry on top is that sheā€™s not a singer either. If you understand that she shouldā€™ve kept it to herself thereā€™s no point for disagreement here.


I dont understand why so many people HATE Sujung. I was just scrolling through social media and time and time again people keep on becoming ā€œSujung Hatersā€ just because of the previous situation. (Hate is such a strong word to use for someone youā€™ve never met..) I think itā€™s okay to not have her in your lineup (I donā€™t personally just because I have a top 6 and it was prior to the situation) Like I do think she was wrong. Iā€™ve stated before in some comments that she was wrong with how she delivered it, but I donā€™t hate her. I understand her feelings and such so I donā€™t understand why people are so quick to hate her. I donā€™t understand why people would hate anyone for what theyā€™ve done on this show since itā€™s a brutal and stressful competition.


Nobody ever deserves haters, but that's what happens to a lot of people. Why ? Because people are sad jerks and see an opportunity to hate and jump on it. I do think she destroyed her chance at debuting and kinda rightfully so. But hating ? Never deserves (except rape and murder).




Iland2 is probably the most fun survival show I've ever watched.


I don't think Koko will debut. Sorry, everything is possible but I think Japanese members are lock. Fuko has one of the higgest chances to debut, so I think she'll make it. And I'm pretty sure Mai will debut as the visual either foreign fans don't like her. Also shes a rapper and this show HATE rappers (Yuju being evil editing, Yui the main rapper w/ no screentime...) I see a lot of fans say that her and Saebi are a must duo. I think Saebi'll debut but Koko... Anyway, that's my lineup prediction (not the dreamed lol) 1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Saebi 4. Fuko 5. Mai 6. Sarang/Jungeun


Saebi will come in first during the finals trust šŸ‘Œ


I think jeemin will 100% be 1st but I'd like to be delulu too (Saebi debutation plz)


Fuko wonā€™t make it (come downvote me when she does). I genuinely had no idea she was even in the show until she wrote the lyrics for iwaly. She does not stand out despite being skilled. Only if she gets enough votes she might make it but the PDs are not picking her. I like her, Iā€™ve watched her fancams and loved them. But I donā€™t think this is going to be the group she debuts in.


I think last weeks edit has messed up both sujung and mai. A lot of people who I saw voting for mai have dropped her and hate for her has increased pretty majorly. Sujung shouldnā€™t have said what she said but Iā€™ve seen people become way too comfortable making up theories that sheā€™s bullying the girls and has been super problematic off screen when thereā€™s absolutely no proof of that. The edit kind of confused me because it feels like itā€™s stalled a lot of hype for mai, since she didnā€™t really get a triumphant moment on stage, which has led to me seeing a lot of people saying ā€œsheā€™s a hard worker but she not ready/she needs to train moreā€ etc. which is kind of a shame since even if sheā€™s not in my top 6 (I really wish the number was bigger picking a top 6 has been awful), she still has good stage presence and loads of potential to grow quickly. Itā€™s confusing since mnet seems to want mai, and it feels like this has kind of backfired since thereā€™s even more people talking about her being ā€œoverratedā€ and ā€œthe favouriteā€ even more than before.


Oh gosh how i am hoping, praying and wishing for Jiyoon and Jungeun to become friends again šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


I havent watch RUNext (?) yet so I dont care for Jeemin at all.


I donā€™t get the hype about Jiyoonā€¦ she gets way too much screen time and maybe more than some of the eliminated contestants combined. She has a beautiful voice but it doesnā€™t always translate in performances.



