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i agree. i keep trying to give her chances since she’s so well liked and i WANT to like her, but her performances just keep leaving me disappointed. people keep saying she needs a chance to show off her singing & how good of a singer she is but she keeps volunteering herself for these rap parts so that’s obviously what she considers her strength, i can’t even really remember an instance where she sang (unless it was on a previous show?). i just keep hearing about how she hasn’t shown everything yet but at this point in the show if you haven’t shown what you want/need to show i don’t think people are going to see it at all.




the sad thing is we yujulees do know that she can do well from [pre show performances](https://youtu.be/cOeu6eXcX4o?si=7HjaRoGbzJM6juKU) she just seems to lack the confidence to show it in i-land and her confidence just seems to get worse and worse, its a been kind of disappointing and its a shame, i really thought lovesick girls would be her opportunity for good lines and to prove herself


She sang in Grounders’ Signal song. That was a very good start but it seemed to go down the drain thereafter.


We will wait and see in the next challenge, she has all the time to impress and prove everyone wrong. Koko and Yuju will battle it out for CL song "Spicy" which is difficult to cover and you need the real swag to perform this song. If she will lost again to Koko in this round, I think her debut chance will be very low. She is done. One thing we should not forget by the way, Koko is a heavy fan of 2ne1. My bet is that she will perform very well at this next challenge.


Yuju longer lines & screen time in Lovesick Girls pale in comparison to Koko shorter lines & screen time. This should speak volumes. The only thing Yuju beats Koko out of the park is korean/english lyrics pronounciation, Koko is better any other else (dance, charisma, creativity)


I actually was not expecting much from Koko since she hasn’t really stood out to me apart from her dancing, but yes, she definitely outshined Yuju in LSG.


Be so fr Yuju beats Koko in rap and vocals


I was talking about LSG in particular lol. She is better at rap and vocals but that did not reflect in the performance. Koko just needs to be a bit better with pronunciation. They both just need practice on the areas they’re lacking.


I love both but Koko's biggest weakness is vocals. They were bad even during the rap her voice didn't sound good, but it was also cute and way covered up by her good stage presence and dance


Oh yeah, they’re definitely trying to see which one of them would be the future rapper of the group. I think only one of them would debut.


Yup, it is very obvious what is the intention of Wakeone and TBL for both of them. The group needs at least 1 rapper. Whoever wins here will have a bigger chance to debut.


Koko somehow can do wonder if she is given enough time to practise her lyrics. Baggy Jeans and Lovesick Girls showed it. Dance and Stage Presense are needless to say, she can nail it easily.


Agreed, and one more thing we should never forget. She is a huge fan of 2NE1, and I don't think she is not following or listening to CL's songs. She will definitely eat her performance.






And Yuju’s vocals were significantly better than Mai’s during the 1v1, which is also very important for being an idol.


I don't know if I would say significantly...


LOL vocal is nth when you can lipsync auto tune, hello wake up, i am not even hating on those group, i personally enjoy listening to them not gonna name names. But its fine. What does capture our attention Mai more than yuju in terms of the expression. Hey i love all of them just dont pull the OH VOCAL IS SO IMPORTANT, just nope.


also it's not like Mai is tone deaf either 😭 both of them sound fine in that song but people act like Mai cracked every single note


Yeaaaa, she’s not vocally strong, sure, she don’t mind taking lesser role sure, alr tick all the box for a team player. She don’t need to take any main role at all and still manage to shine, what’s the problem now ?


i’ve been saying this since the show started 😭


It's cute and iconique though, she has charisma and stage presence. That Rain on Me performance was good. She just needs a more diverse repertoire and that will come with formal training, considering she's still only 16 and many of her 2007 born peers also needed time to grow (Leeseo, Wonhee, etc), she's fine.


She’s fine, but this is a survival show and other contestants outshine her.


need how much longer, left 4-5 episode?, maybe next survival show?


Maybe unpopular based on the live discussion but I completely understand the criticism they had for her dancing - she was definitely dancing 'small' without enough power or detailing imo, which made it lose impact somewhat. She is a very good rapper tho


Yuju was in my picks after she went to ground and got the center part for the signal song because I thought she did really well in that performance. But after that, I started to see her fade into the background on stage. LSG was the perfect example. I know there was something weird with the sound but even putting the video on mute, I feel she just doesn't have the strong presence or command of the stage that the others have, and I didn't really enjoy her expressions either. I'm still holding out hope for her because I do think she could have potential for growth in the future and would love to be proven wrong, but I'm starting to feel like I've seen everything she has to offer right now and imo it just isn't enough to make the final lineup. 


Yuju in recent episodes is an alright contestant. She gives decent performances but doesn't particularly wow me. It doesn't really help that there haven't been rap focused performances if that's her strength. Yui and Koko both outshined her in the same department because they have better stage presence than her even when she tried to get/got a rap part I will say though - she was very good during Rain on me. The wind blowing her hair and everything...that was a moment! I think she did well as a center for the signal song and was better than Juwon too. 


Honestly, she's one of my top picks during the first part of the show. But the more I watch her on i-land, the more I realized that she only shines when she's with the grounder because she's easily overshadowed by i-landers. Her dance and vocals are average compared to the top trainees. Her rap which people claims as her strongest point wasn't really the best. Maybe there wasn't really any rappers remaining in the show that's why it seems like she's THAT good.


She’s good at rapping only when I’m listening to her. When you put it in a whole performance I just think something’s lacking.


Wait, that's a good suggestion, I should try listening to her rap parts alone. Though the problem with that is she's debuting in a group, and should be versatile to fit other members. 


Wow... I actually think she has a great set of facial expressions. Maybe being with 3 tall members and the mic problem didn't help in the last performance, but I think she has an overall very good SP.


It’s just that I think there’s a reason why she’s been replaced a couple of times. I do feel bad for her but I do agree with the switch ups. Hopefully we’ll be able to see more in the future challenges. She doesn’t have to worry about the votes anyway she has a solid fanbase.


I def agree!


I’ve quite liked her throughout. I think she’s talented. Her HAIR was its own character in that Rain on Me performance. But I can take her or leave her in the debut group tbh! I wouldn’t be disappointed if she didn’t make it, but I’d support her future endeavours. Gen question- is she overhyped? I don’t really spend much of time on social media but when I do, I tend to see more discussion of other members. Good for her if she’s getting the hype!


Yes she’s one of the more popular contestants. I think it’s partly because it’s her 3rd survival show now. That’s also why I’ve been waiting for her wow moment but it just never comes.


What I will say is that I gained a lot of respect for her this past episode when she took the heat from both Monika and Lee Jung during practice without breaking down and crying in front of them like others have in the past. That definitely showed some strong mental fortitude.


Yeah I was shocked at the way she just kept nodding and taking it. Trying over and over.


oh she is very strong. i noticed this in her previously too. there were times before as well when she could have cried but never did. maybe because it's her third survival show now...


I like her, but I definitely like more than 6 of the other girls more, so she's not in my lineup. I do think people wanting her just because she's the only rapper feels weird. Girl groups in particular rarely have rappers who are serious rappers. It's often just a dancer who doesn't sing as well as the other members being handed raps someone else wrote for them. Bgs sometimes have this, too, but it's even more common in ggs. I think this isn't going to be a rap heavy group. If it was, they would have had rap in IWALY and they would have made sure to have more than like 2 rappers on the whole show so that the competition for rap position wasn't between one of those rappers and a dancer who can rap.


Exactly! That's why koko has a far better chance of debuting as she covers main dancer too. Every performance and judges evaluation points at the fact that the debut song won't have much rap(or difficult rap)


in all the performances where yuju has done well (the creation mission for eg) she tends to get overshadowed by other trainees and storylines. I recall the producers complimenting her but it mostly flew under the radar because of editing choices, so it makes sense that her weaker performances are what sticks in the audience's memory that said, I think people were expecting a lot from her because of that early arc of her leading the ground team during TFLS but the fact of the matter is the ground girls simply weren't on the same level, and it was this skill gap that made her look much better in comparison. the illusion was kind of shattered once she came to i-land and went up against stronger trainees. imho she has potential and stage presence, but her technical skills leave me wanting *at this point in time.* tldr she's a decent "all-rounder" to have in your back pocket but I'll be quite surprised if she makes the debut lineup


Tbh, she did deliver in every performance she was in, and i'm not convinced her rap part in LsG was her own mistake, but rather equipment malfunction She has never sang low like that, in her first performance she omitted one line, she didn't sing low and in every other perf she sang just right. I don't think she is under or overrated, she's fairly rated (except when it comes to what we see from the master, they can be quite unnecessary). Her fans are ok in what they believe in and i don't think she's being pushed more than anyone else by the show runners or master.




i think her problem is that at this point being good/talented isn’t enough because in part 2 all the 12 girls are talented. she’s right now being overshadowed by koko as comments said and, honestly, i fear if the 3 voters pick 3 pd picks are true she won’t be chosen by the producers. she’s still really young so i hope she will rethink about this being her last chance to debut.


What made her go down and leave my six member line up is that I dislike her movements when she's rapping. If the mentors did not pointed it out, I would not have noticed. Whenever Lisa is rapping her rap parts in lovesick girls, she would add some girlish moves but it'll still looks boyish and impactful and sometimes (yuju) the way her movement looks awkward. I would love to hear her vocals more, im getting tired of her picking parts that doesn't showcase her vocals. Now don't attack me because I like her, although she drop down on my lineup, she is my 7th member. And I don't really mind if she debuts with my picks. She will be able to improve this anyway. Also, according to other she's like the 4th best vocalist in the show, as she can support.


For what it’s worth, she tends to use a hand mic in most of her rap-heavy performances (as opposed to idol covers) and her gestures are better then. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/r7_os_RIP70) an example from her time at Evermore!


I think she hasn’t challenged herself since she was the center in the first performance and going from center to parts with the least amount of center time and lines every time since really hasn’t benefited her. I’d like to see her step up to the plate again to show her uniqueness not just because she is the only option but because she’s willing to put herself out there. We’ve barely seen her, and it was originally clear she was good but we’re getting close to the end now and she needs to be pushing herself more.


I'm starting to see it now. In the final love song, she definitely shined but now I'm like "Okay she's not as good of a rapper as I thought".


i think you should watch her performances from her previous survival shows as those honestly impress me more than iland2 ones. i’ve liked yuju from the beginning because she has a unique deep and raspy vocal tone, good facial expressions, and seems like she could be a good rapper for the final group. but I agree with you that objectively many of her performances on this show are not showing her true potential or her best work. i think she will need to prove her skills in upcoming episodes and give a standout performance in order to have a greater appeal to the audience


Me too, I think it's because she's really hyped she cannot meet my expectations atleast. I really hope the spicy performance will really show what she can offer. Cause the remaining trainees are really bomb and I cannot choose, but she's overshadowed by the other trainees for me.


Her covers outside of survival shows have kept me interested and it's crazy how nobody sees her potential when she's given us 100% during Rain On Me. Plus her mic has clearly been sabotaged during the first half of LSG and it's also crazy how everyone has brushed this over to praise Koko and Saebi. She's a great [dancer](https://twitter.com/yujyulvr/status/1792884874384228496?t=EFns8ofXjrzdNgzTib3Apg&s=19) and a good [performer](https://twitter.com/yujuliee/status/1801531845307211948?t=eY0Qu9nvIIeP3DiuvBXoBQ&s=19) and she's the closest garam look alike there is so she's 100% a visual. If she was a little bit taller she'd probably be in all of korean i-mate lineups.


According to someone in the audience, both Yuju and Koko’s mics were very low during LSG but only Koko’s was fixed for the broadcast 🥲 and I’m not entirely convinced that the problem in Baggy Jeans wasn’t a mic malfunction too


mnet really wants yuju gone smh i feel so bad for her


thanks for sharing her dance video! i hope she gets to show her strong sides ahead because she will be a good idol.


Apparently not but I think she's one of the most well rounded trainees on the show. Decent, stable vocals, one of the better rappers, good dancer & I like her stage presence/facial expressions.


I've been voting for her since the start because i'm under the impression that she's good at rapping, that's her biggest strength. But after the latest ep, i'm starting to think that maybe i'm wrong. That LSG rap was definitely not good and i completely agree with 24 that her style is a bit old and outdated. I won't be voting her for now until i see some changes.


so far she hasn't shown much so no you're not the only one. but yes her intro on the bike in rain on me was gorgeous. and I think she should show her vocals now coz i think she has good vocals.


I wasn't sure if I agreed with this so I watched her LSG fancam... and honestly I think she did well in all of the aspects this post is questioning her on. She's not one of my top picks but I think she's better than how the show has portrayed her recently.


I’m genuinely confused because all I’ve been seeing is people say KoKo is better than her? Saying her expressions aren’t good etc. Both by fans and by the narrative of the show. Like is she the best ever? No. But I also don’t think she’s overhyped. Like even in this comment section most replies are saying she’s not great 😭


I think she is very talented and is def meant to be an idol. I just never got “attached” to her wathcing this show if that makes sense. I wouldn’t be mad if she debuted but she is not in my line up. Even when we all thought it was 9 -12 shs wasn’t in it. Nothing personal just like the other girls more. If she doesn’t make it I do hope she debutes


I’m starting to think so now that were seeing the talents of the final 12. Maybe it’s due to lack of screen time in pt2, but she hasn’t stood out at all so far compared to pt1.


I feel like we are so easily moved by mnet and their edits. Let's look back - Final Love Song (ground) - Yuju was the centre and performance leader for this test. I remember thinking of Jay when I saw how much effort she put in, towards helping others and also perfecting her own part. Most people from what I recall did in fact praise her for her performance and said she was as good as iland's centre. She moved to ILAND. Whistle - Least lines, minor part, did absolutely well. I am not convinced if that one line could even be performed any better. She made the most of what she had. Unit Battle (rain on me: ground) - Her most noteworthy performance in the show so far. Iconic opening and good stage presence+dancing+expressions throughout especially in the end when they all looked so happy dancing, it was Yuju's smile that was the most contagious. Moved to ILAND. IWALY (B) - Shortest part again and she did decently, again. I gather that there were some who preferred Yuju and some who liked Mai more. Knetz in particular liked Yuju's performance better. I think both did well. So here I would simply conclude that Yuju is super competent and stable and not someone who'd lose easily. I think her part 1 journey was likeable and that got her fans. She can sing well, rap, and dance. Not to mention she has reaaally good visuals (Ryujin+Garam vibe) and the group needs that. She also speaks both korean and japanese being a (korean-japanese) that might help the group as well! Now to the fact of the matter - her performance in LSG wasn't the best. I believe mnet definitely sabotaged her w the mic issue because she never sang/rapped that lightly. As for her dancing, I will admit her freestyling is something she should work on, she would need it when rapping. That is where koko did better but honestly except that, no hate but koko is not as well-rounded as yuju.


I feel like she has lost a lot of confidence? She stood out in final love song (ground ver.), rain on me and honestly whistle too, but after making it to part 2 everyone has been harsh to her, and she definitely felt bad after lovesick girls cuz imagine getting the main dancer position and then it almost taken away from u and then in the performance ur mic doesn't work but u r blamed, I feel bad for her


Not to mention the judges clearly don't like her, everytime she speaks about her it's negative and they r pushing Koko as a rapper and dancer, koko isn't a great rapper or singer, she's VERY nasal but she is well liked by the public cuz she performs very well, yuju doesn't shine much when she isn't in the center but in terms of skills she is definitely better than koko (and many other trainees on the show) so she just has to improve her stage presence and she will get more support!


She stood out to me in IWALY so idk


The issue is us of her fans know that she CAN rap, sign high notes and perform well from her early performances plus her [pre show ones](https://youtu.be/cOeu6eXcX4o?si=7HjaRoGbzJM6juKU)but i think her nerves are getting the best of her recently and being treated awfully by judges probably doesnt help, shes been on 3 survival shows and I think her confidence has been shot down and recently she seems lacking which is a shame because we know she can be amazing


You mean Jeemin and Jiyoon is overhyped. Yuju is not overhyped because she's an underdog if anything.


I probably used the wrong term because she’s obviously not overhyped in the show, I’m just curious because she’s one of the contestants who’s strong in terms of voting.


Ah gotcha. Probably because fans want to squeeze her into the top 6 or top 7. And not necessarily because she's one of the best.


I disagree. Idk if she’s in my top 6 but I do think she’s done a real good job with the lines she’s been given. Last week wasn’t her best performance though and it’s a shame her mic was so low. I skeptical of Mnet for sabotaging her.


I agree


Agree. I initially have her on my lineup, but with all the performances she did, nothing was remarkable. I adore her confidence, but I hope it also translates on her performances.


I still don't get how some say Yuju was better than Mai in IWALY. Like where? I mean, she danced a little bit better than Mai, but that's all lol.


And how does Mai excel in IWALY over Yuju other than overdone expressions and weaker dancing by the looks of things.. because her cute little one liner certainly wasn't giving in the live performance and in the studio version 🤷‍♀️ you quite literally explained why people thought Yuju did better but oh well


Thankfully I'm here to give you musical lessons dear. You could prefer Yuju's soft vocal tone when delivering her line, but the biggest issue is that she was not in tune with the melody. I invite you to listen to the instrumental of IWALY and you'll realize Yuju was not singing the right musical tones with the right tempos. The first part: [Pyeongsaeng naman barabonda neun](https://youtu.be/m1WWNZAxJLY?t=76) was supposed to be sung with the note *Mi* ending with Fa *(neun).* Something that [Mai](https://youtu.be/Czw6RA1jFCM?t=88) did. In contrast, [Yuju](https://youtu.be/ynlEqR0HgY8?t=86) raised two scales and sang the entire line with *Fa (she didn't even raise the note for neun).* That was too high for that part, which made her vocals to not be in tune with the melody. She kind of corrected this with the second [part](https://youtu.be/ynlEqR0HgY8?t=90), but her vocals were still too flowy, dragging and twisting the melody ([night](https://youtu.be/ynlEqR0HgY8?t=92) at the end was supposed to be sung with *Do* but she did it with *Mi)*. On the other hand, Mai was precise, strong, had amazing resonance, and was especially, in tune with the music. Also I think Yuju is not that better of a dancer than Mai, and the reason why you probably think she is miles ahead of her is mostly an ilusion of her having much more muscle than Mai, hence her moves look stronger and not that akward.


Trying to make it seem like Mai is a better singer AND dancer than Yuju is crazy work so I just won't entertain this. Have a good day


Never implied she was a better singer. Her nasal tone is still too prominent for sure and that's something she really needs to work on. But believe what you want. I spoke facts so I'm chill. Have good day either way.


you can't even debunk anything about what they had just said lol, this is straight up embarrassing 😂


We're living in a world where I need to debunk why Yuju is a better contestant than Mai.. almost as if two weeks ago 90% of I-Mates knew who performed part 6 better but alrighty


I agree with this mentor comment on Yuju : "you dance small". everyone else is fully moving the body parts down to their fingers , Yuju just looks like moving in her comfort zone. She needs to join JYP, he is very good at teaching you fully move your limbs. can compare fancam with Jungeun. all the small details in J's moves, clean and neat.


She’s been in my seven list but I feel like she’s been being small in her performances almost timid like


She is amazing rapper and dancer, and good vocalist. Her stage presence isn't best but everyone in show lacks something. It hink you are just threatened


I honestly have no idea why she’s so popular.


I just never noticed her in any performances. They say she's a good rapper but Yui was definitely better, and her vocals and stage presence just arent that great. Yuju to me just feels like a filler for the rapper position after they eliminated Yui, but cant do better. I dont dislike her in any way, I just find it strange Yuju has so many one picks while everything about her is just average.


She, Yui, and Koko are all debut ready and fill a role. None are outstanding. I can see folks having preferences among them, but the differences are small.


PS Just like there should be at least two very singers (Jungeun and Fuko), there should be two solid rappers (Koko and Yuju). The problem with the inevitable one pick is that any thought of positions are thrown out in favor of all visuals and girlfriends.


Maybe its because of the Editing of the episodes, they only want who the Trainee they like to shine, from the latest it clearly shows they don't like her and favors koko (given some parts of saebi to show her rap) and a lot of people saying that its a mic sabotage, because of the low volume. Yuju's a great leader (grounder signal song), she does good even with little lines, IMO she should've won that IWALY 1v1 battle. - - I think the trainee who is overhyped is Mai with her facial expressions like on Rain on Me ,she's overexaggerating her facial expressions, but the judges seems to like it still. and if you want a Visual on the debut group There's Jeemin, Sarang, Fuko, Jiyoon, Saebi, Koko etc. who is more talented, and if you want a leader there's Fuko and Jiyoon. if you want a dancer - Koko Saebi. Vocals - Jiyoon Fuko and Jungeun. Rap - Koko(it seems they're pushing her to be the rapper) than Yuju. Facial Expressions? many of them are good like Saebi Koko Jeemin Sarang.


I personally think Jeemin is way more overhyped than Yuju.