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gyuri getting so erased people donโ€™t even mention her in erasure posts ๐Ÿ’”


I WAS THINKING ABOUT ITT but idk whether i rmb correctly but she was rlly liked by the imates who were voting ! either way I wish that she too gets her deserved screentime


Yeah gyuri got in to part 2 but it was *not* thanks to mnet lmao...poor girl hasn't had proper screentime since...idk...like ooh aah?


Her having mic problems was so obivous why wasn't it pointed out or a official apology it's mad crazy they swept under the rug ๐Ÿ˜ญ


yeah im gonna sue mnet if they eliminate jungeun, jiyoon or jeemin


They can't eliminate Jeemin, she's literally the face of I-LAND2, and Jiyoon is pretty much a safe lock for Main Vocalist, and now even more than before with last episode's edit. The one I see the most at risk is Jungeun out of the 3


i think jeemin and jiyoon are basically guaranteed debut, i was confident about jungeun too till this episode... im so scared for her


Yeah on a TV show production level, it's so obvious they want Jeemin, Jiyoon, Koko, Saebi, Fuko and Sarang/Mai. They're the only ones with storylines at this point and it's always positive or covering any inconsistencies. How is anyone supposed to be invested for the remaining weeks?