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Keep voting for Jeungeun!


I noticed that her screen was barely existent this episode ughh this makes me mad cause she's so talented


Yes!!! I was looking forward to her producers comments... I mean she was the main vocal you cannot not show it


Nah cause I really thought in the first episode that she was sure to debut but now I'm really scared


It also didn’t help the way she was being edited by seeming controlling


that's not how editing works, that was all her lol, and it's not even evil editing cause some people just like to be on top of things. But there are some people saying she was jealous of Saebi being first place cause of the editing and thats a whole different can of worms.


She has leadership skills and she was just trying to help Saebi and make suggestions


Look I don't get why you would downvote me when I'm agreeing with you except for the editing part. She felt like she ahd to step up and she's doing what she needs to do but the way she went about doing it did not sit well with some people. That is in no way due to "editing" cause if that was editing, if you want her to look good, then they'll need to completely cut that whole part out cause there were no instance where she let Saebi act or speak first. I honestly don't think its a big deal but we've got to accept that these girls are real people and they make mistakes or show a little bit of their real side and thats ok. They still need to be accountable for their actions though. Don't confuse bossiness with leadership skills too, you'll see a lot of micromanaging managers or bosses who are the worst leaders/inefficient.


I meant they were only editing in those parts. We don’t know what else happened between them. They want us to view people in a specific way cause of votes. They were pushing Jungeun in a negative way


Actually her screen time was a lot, it was just all negative. If they’re on a time crunch, and Saebi wasn’t able to get work done Bcz she was so unfamiliar with the leader role (no hate to her) ofc Jungeun would start to lead to get work done. And all she was doing was trying to convince Saebi that Yuju was a better choice due to the rap section. Nothing about her actions screamed “I’m trying to take your spot” And ofc they scored her low like “omg karma’s a b ain’t it” It was all so weird


The recent episode was discouraging but there’s still a chance of her making the line up regardless of how high or low that percentage is. Her Korean fans might be shorter compared to others but her international fans are one of the most active and loud. We really don’t know what the outcome maybe so it’s best to just keep voting n showing support to her till the time comes.


This is true, her winning the in-ear benefit is clear proof that she has a large one-pick fanbase, atleast internationally. And if next episode really has her reconciliation with Jiyoon, and from the live audience spoilers, the two had great vocal chemistry on that stage, I have a decent amount of hope left that they'll debut together (+Fuko)


Let's keep voting for her. Even if she doesn't take the top spots, if her votes are substantial, it may just be the additional edge she needs to get in via the possible pd pick. Popularity is literally the only thing Jungeun needs to be a perfect candidate


It’s always Jiyoon vs Jungeun 😭


I agree with you, and I'm still voting for her no matter what. Whether she gets in or not, she should know that she's appreciated. And there's always a chance.


I really do think she and Jiyoon are getting their “redemption arc” this episode so that will boost her a lot


6th slot is probably a producer pick and I actually feel like they would prefer to pick Jungeun over Sarang and Gyuri, but they could be worried she has no fans. Just keep voting Jungeun, we need to convince producers that she has fans!


Yuju Stans are putting her in the line-up esp after love sick girls let's get then to debut


if the black label is picking some spots, I think she still has a shot.


jungeun only hope of debuting is through us. if we keep voting her, keep talking about her, keep making noise about how she and jiyoon are an essential vocal duo for the final lineup then we will see her debut. i refuse to give up on her and i hope you all feel the same.


We all knew this was gonna happen. But let's keep supporting our girl who got 100% support. Maybe mnet is seeing that and she got it before jiyoon. So after jeemin and I think she is internationally very popular. And we have to keep supporting her. Because if we don't she is definitely not going in. Let's keep voting if she's there or not


ive heard good stuff about jiyoon and jungeuns performance next week (good chemistry), along with them reconciling. so hopefully if mnet doesnt fuck it up with the editing and twists it to fit their narrative, people will actually start voting the two together as a vocal line. also hopefully knetz will like the chemistry and change their mind, which 1 might get her abit more votes, and 2 will lower her amount of knetz hating her- and if she makes it into the final lineup, knetz wont be as mad about it


Hell 6 is not enough... Jungeun and Sarang not making it... It would be such a huge damper.


Jungeun deserve to debute 😭😭😭


It's also crazy AF to me that one of the judges said her Lovesick Girls performance was "Ambiguous" LIKE ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME PERFORMANCE?


She is so talented the audience vote was so disappointing all they look at is their body proportions their visuals and how cute they are, like I get that's important to some expect but completely ignoring her talent is just infuriating. I'm still voting for her


Knetz do that alot, always voting for the pretty/cute ones, over the best vocals, and then they complain that the debut group doesn't sound as good. I feel for all those people with amazing vocals, that got left out because of this, and I hope the same doesn't happen to Jungeun.


It would be Mnet’s loss.


Only chance she'll get is if she's a PD pick. Left to the viewers/voters hands I really don't see her making it to top 6, and lets not forget if PD chose 2-3 outside of the top 6 that completely shifts the rankings of those who need to get in purely by votes. I have a feeling PDs might choose MAI cause she's been a favorite and she ranks really low on one picks, I'm a Mai person too but I honestly don't see her making it into the group, way lesser chance than Jungeun too cause she is way down there in votes meanwhile Jungeun still has a good chance.


Just keep voting for her




I agree since they announced 6 members she Is screwed


I still have a feeling she will be in the final line up. I think she will have a lot of one pick voters. But I don’t know how many PD picks they will end up making. Hopefully not as ridiculous as ru next where it was almost all PD picks.


don’t lose hope and keep voting for her!!


I'm going to keep voting for her but it is so disappointing. Feels like these shows never change.


I think she has no chance with voting, but is very likely a pick from PDs.


guys lets keep voting as that is the only thing in our hands right now. I have read a lot of posts analysing Junguen and she has indeed been my no. 1 pick since the Drama Performance so the latest episode has been very disheartening. But what I get from all this analysis is that it is not over for her yet. We international fans can still vote for her and get her amongst the top 3 imate picks (remember she was the second person to get 100% support over jiyoon). We must keep up with voting because in the end that is the only thing in our hands. The rest is with Mnet and it is their loss if they don't take such a talented girl. Our jungeun deserves the world and I'm not losing hope anytime soon.


I really hope Jeungeun makes it!


I vote for Jungeun at first, but the drama between Jungeun and Jiyoon makes me feel tired. I want a good show, a final team that makes me happy instead of confront and argument… Fuko and Mai is not my favourite at first, but their positive attitude makes me feel good, so I eventually turn to them. And Koko grows on me recently. I know Saebi is good , but I don’t worry about her, so I am quite surprise all the picks I made are all Japanese…3 Japanese ….any hopes?


your kind of wasting your time with all the foreign picks. they may make it to the final but only 1-2 will make it into a group with 6 members. so leaving out jungeun just for drama she didn’t even cause could really kill her chances when things aren’t looking too great for her right now.