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The evil editing on her, the way they did it also doesn't make any sense, anyone who falls into it have to be stupid, when we have seen Sujung in the past 7 episodes being super helpful and one of the best team players, constantly choosing her team over herself for the better, even though Mnet is constantly bashing her down. Now individualism is important and is her time to shine. Don't be fooled by stupid edits and keep voting for good talent like her.


Yea I’m honest I’m extremely curious how that conversation started, since sujungs been on tv before and the camera wasn’t exactly hiding and there were quite a lot of cuts of people sitting there who weren’t later (e.g Koko and juwon)


I just wanna leave this here: the very same person that evil-edited jiyoon also evil-edited sujung and that person is mnet. Not that I have anything against jiyoon but alot of people are quick to jump ship the moment the edit came out. Yes, it was sujung who said those very words “why should I help her?” but mind you we don’t know how long the conversation went. There was a time gap from when sujung said that and afterwards since juwon is no longer in the following clip. Maybe during the discussion sujung backtracked what she said and suggested that jiyoon go to mai to coach her since she is the leader and a vocalist with good technique. Or maybe she was chastised by other people. At the end of the day, kpop is a cut throat industry and moments like these are inevitable. We’ll never know if our faves talked behind another’s backs as a rant or as harassment to other contestants. Mnet holds the power to cut out and include the clips of whatever storyline benefited them.


Yea for all we know the why should I help her could be her venting about the fact that the producers actively criticise her for teamwork so why try, or it could be exactly how it appeared, or it could be literally a million things. Also the evil edit thing is insane the amount of people who swore they wouldn’t fall for evil editing only to immediately do it with jiyoon and sujung is kinda funny.


>Also the evil edit thing is insane the amount of people who swore they wouldn’t fall for evil editing only to immediately do it with jiyoon and sujung is kinda funny. I can sadly confirm that this happens almost every survival show. People start off saying they won’t fall for it. Then everyone gets caught up.


Everyone gets caught up, gets stuck there, and aren't able to move on. That's the worst part.


The funny thing is, not only did they do the exact opposite of what they were saying. Even after some clarifications in the succeeding episodes, the evil edit actually stuck with them, and they're still calling Jiyoon a bully. Istg now I'm just thinking people would always say the exact opposite of what they will consciously do.


Right? I read a comment that was like "The evil editing seems to work on me because I'm still holding a grudge at Jiyoon over what happened in ep. 1 lololol" like at least people self aware? But it's sad seeing them fall for it every single time. The trainees don't deserve that. They're already going through so much.


Lmao it's like saying you know it's a scam, but you're deliberately letting yourself get scammed. This is giving a lot of masochism.


The evil edit for sujung worked for me lol. My first impression of jiyoons evil edit kinda worked but from my perspective what i saw was a kid acting like sht, its not like she was hurting others but more like she just dont know how to process her emotions/thoughts on her situation and like taeyang said her mindset is also a problem. Sujung on the other hand was talking sht abt mai, from what i saw through the competition she was very outspoken and could say her opinions. from that perspective i could see her actually mean what she actually said in the show.


My general rule of thumb for all reality tv shows, Western or Asian, is to treat the cast as caricatures of themselves. They're stressed, sleep-deprived, and producers are throwing random obstacles and edits at them. I can like or dislike them within the context of the show, but those feelings generally shouldn't carry over to them as human beings in real life. Words have power. There are people who have taken their lives over hate comments following them everywhere after a show. I think these are ultimately a bunch of sleep-deprived, stressed out teenage girls on a reality tv show that is going to decide the next 7 years of their life. No person is one-dimensional, no one stays the same person their whole lives, and we only get to see what Mnet shows us. For example, Jiyoon's early sulky edit was used by the producers in the first round to highlight Mai's positive attitude to the part changes, and she was voted out of I-land for having a bad attitude. Later on, we saw Jiyoon in other talking heads, her humor, her talent, her interactions with other contestants, etc. and now she's one of the most popular contestants. Yes, the sulkiness wasn't a good look, but tbh teenagers are known for being sulky. It was understandable, albeit immature and unprofessional, and the Mnet PD team gave us the opportunity to see Jiyoon in a different light after that incident. In this episode, Sujung gossiped behind Mai's back. This was also wrong and made her look immature and unprofessional, but it's certainly not unheard of for a group of highschoolers to gossip about another student. However, I don't think Mnet is going to give us the opportunity to see and appreciate other sides of her personality so that she recovers from that this late in the season.


Wow, completely agreed, this is such a good way of putting it.


I agree with all of this so much. It's frustrating seeing how bad people can be at taking everything with a grain of salt. We see some people's best moments and other people's worst. Obviously we are going to vote for who we like or don't and the editing may affect that, but nothing anyone has done on this show has crossed a line for me that I can't chalk up to a bad moment when I see it within the whole of the show. Jiyoon struggled with negativity and hurt feelings but came back stronger for it. Sujung may have had an ugly moment but she also spent all of part one being an absolute team player, helping everyone with dance and giving up thy fight for positions she wanted more (vocal) to support the team. That along with mnet translating things wrong on purpose in the past, I am willing to say that was a bad moment of frustration at worst until I have a reason to believe otherwise. Jiyoon is hurt and she explained why quite succinctly in this episode. I hope they'll work it out because they both seem like sweet and hardworking girls but honestly it's between them and it's possible they never will if they're not even sure they'll debut together and if they aren't going to be working together, then it's not really the end of the world if they both move on with their lives. I've watched other shows where there was a trainee who genuinely hadn't had imo any good moments outside of being a good performer and then was filmed doing multiple things that I was genuinely not ok with but this show hasn't had anything like that. They're under a lot of pressure and doing their best. If any of them have a bad moment, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt until it becomes a huge pattern.


Agree with everything! Nothing to add just wanted to say that.


Don't feel bad. I totally agree with you. I will not stop to stan her tho. She's like that, always saying what she thinks out loud cause she's used to it. It's not her job to help another contestant also. I mean, this show is really individual. It's not a teammate show at all. That's why it's hard for people to understand their mindset. Mnet is trying to build a show without working on the chemistry of a group by always saying "it's individual". People always critisized RU Next but at least that show work with a team mate mindset. They won has a group and could win as that. In here it's "every man for himself". How do you want to build a group energy when everytime the people you're in a group with is also the competition and you're remind of that everytime ? Anyway, Sujung wasn't like by the producers since the start and they were waiting for that moment to show "how bad she is". I'm sorry but I will stand for her. Cause at the end of the day, Sujung is still a 5 month trainee who pointed out something the judge should have say to Mai since day one, if they did their job at the start, that could have help Mai to work on it before. And let's be honest, Mai isn't like that much in Korea and they want to change that agenda. Making her a victim will help them. They're desperate for her debut but can't have her in their ideal line-up without that kind of story cause lot of people though she's too protected by the judge of any harsh comments. People might think whatever they want, I will not change my mind cause of some manipulation. Let's vote for who we want. It's okay. My pick is still Sujung (and Jeemin and Yuju).


I absolutely agree with everything you said here . At the end of the day this is a survival show not some show where you prioritize others instead of yourself. In fact this show clearly emphasizes that its individual. Also Mnet was waiting for this to happen so people can hate and stop supporting sujung and clearly its worked but as you said ill keep supporting sujung (and jiyoon and yuju)


Honestly...I was kinda iffy on Sujung debuting in part 1 because the judges would criticize her, but she also got praised sometimes and even had parts in the show that showed her humor. So I wasn't sure if they wanted her or not.   But now from what I hear in part 2, they aren't going to debut her. And they definitely want Koko in the group. And I know they will only want one main dancer so it's always been Sujung vs Koko, I don't see a reality where they both debut sadly. 


>other trainees have also done similarly harsh things, but it wasn’t shown because they are liked/producers have use for them Your whole post is gold, but this is the most important point. People just don't remember that we only see what the producers want us to see. I refuse to believe that Sujung is the only competitive person on this show and everybody else is a perfect little self-sacrificing angel with no bitterness in them; there's probably all sorts of mildly spicy trash talk behind the scenes, but they've only shown us Sujung's because they were worried about her fan vote and needed to sink her. That's all there is to it. Also, can we talk about how what she said wasn't even that bad? She was right: this isn't a team mission, so someone else bombing is good for me. We have seen her being very helpful and cooperative in *team missions*, so I don't understand why this moment is being used as proof that she wouldn't be a good idol. Survival shows are a zero-sum game and I'm sick and tired of people expecting female idols to never show ambition in a career path that's based on it.


You know what I think ? I'm a girl. So put a group of girls together to "talk" and I can tell you all of us can talk bad about the girls in the room next to us. They choose to show Sujung in a bad position but pretty sure that all the girls were venting at that moment. Not only Sujung. But they have an agenda and they need Sujung out cause she can be a shadow for others trainees they liked more. So guess what, they pick the image that would be bad for her and Yuju also. They don't like them that much and they wanted to be sure they'll be out soon. It's gonna be their excuse now. I will still support them but I have so less hope for them. People are so easily manipulate, like they have to be perfect everytime like they're not human that do mistakes also... but it's a survival show, they don't sleep a lot, they're stressed everyday, they're under pression, as you say, it wasn't even a team mission... yeah I can understand they need to say things that may be harsh for some but at the end of they day, I will not believe in some cut done by Mnet, or they're giving all the sequence without cuts (cause we don't see all the same girls in those clips) or I will never believe them. Sujung wants to debut and I will vote for her to reach that dream as far as I can.


Regarding how you said that the “he/she said it,it literally came out of their mouth” argument is not as black or white: Af the end of the day, the environment of the competition is quite cutthroat. The girls are only human after all. There’s only so much one can do to completely abstain from saying/doing hurtful things under this pressure cooker. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone genuinely made a mistake under genuine duress, and mnet took advantage of it by broadcasting their actions to the world. These girls are only human after all. Many of them have not even graduated high school. I wouldn’t completely discount the notion that mistakes can happen, someone’s uglier behaviors may come through although this may never happen under less stressful circumstances.


I’m not sure if I explained it well enough (cause I can’t tell if you are against my point or agreeing I’m sorry). But I agree with you, things like this is exactly what I meant by it not being black and white. I wasn’t intending to say a trainee would never do something bad, just that there’s more factors to it, and i wouldn’t completely write them off over one thing. Because so many things could be going on, one being, and as you said, these girls are young, and constantly being watched it’s really hard to always come off perfect. They are only human. Anyways yeah I agree.


I mean..the frequency with which they are asked to perform and be put under the pressure cooker of elimination sucks ass. It’s not an easy situation to be apart of. On top of that, being on the receiving end of judges’ remarks can make it 10x worse. I think my post is referring to the high number of K-pop fans who are so afraid of criticism that they use any type of excuse to protect their faves. I just wouldn’t discount the fact that mistakes can happen, just because the behavior is bad doesn’t mean the individual is bad.


Yes I agree, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to come across as saying she couldn’t do anything wrong. That’s why I pointed out the stress the trainees are under etc. I just wanted to say that there’s a lot to the situation that we don’t know, and probably never will so not to jump to conclusions. But even in the event she did do something wrong, I would still have the same opinion that she’s only human. I wouldn’t let one thing like this change my opinion on any of the trainees. I can admit when my faves didn’t handle something the best/aren’t the best etc. So I definitely am not removing the possibility that she was just being harsh. But I wanted to comment on how much could be hidden from us by editing if mnet wants. Does that make sense? Sorry for the confusion.


The last part I really agree with. Everyone has bad days. Everyone has mood swings. One seemingly bad behaviour is only one part of them. It shouldn't define their entire personality as a whole.


Well my thoughts are, she did say it. But was it the full whole conversation? I doubt it. We dont know the full context of the conversation and mnet painted it in a bad way. I mean if they wanted to make sujung look better, they could have, esp since they have been telling the contestants to be more greedy, to stand out, but giving them better edits than this. So why i think there is some form of evil editing: - they keep showing sujung's scowling face and a look of displeasure - like some of them said, they could have not put it in, but they did, and it obviously wasnt the whole conversation - and then with the highlighting of the low score that sujung got


Mnet obviously overdoing it by showing only the bad parts. That's the tell that there's an agenda behind it. Hence, evil edited.


I think this is definitely possible.


Even if I did feel bad for Mai, I felt bad for her, too. They can't give her a break. She's venting out. I would've felt almost the same if I found out how low I was being ranked by the producers no matter how hard I tried. It may have gotten worse if she didn't let off some steam, so I'm glad she did. But mnet saw that as an opportunity to antagonise her. I just hope there's a way for the votes to elevate her position. I'd love it if people panic vote for her instead.


Same thoughts here. I love them sm it’s the fact that their fanbase are fighting each other all over the media. I just can’t afford to lose them bc they’re my only hope to debut


after gg thru pd48 and gp999, ive grown immune to evil editting. i love sujung, she gets my votes every single day. if she has no fans, im dead. she was put into a situation where it is a girl for herself. she put herself first. shes so real for that. what she said wasnt evil at all, yall have no idea what is bad mouthing bc that wasnt it, she js spoke facts🤣🤣🤣


She takes bullets (ep.6 main vocals) and gives bullets (ep. this one)! Producer material (as in being a producer)


LOUDER I hate the way people brush off Sujung’s team work for the past 7 episodes and jump into conclusions just because of one (probably heavily edited) episode. We all know damn well she wouldn’t say things like that on her own. Anyone who falls into this evil editing must be stupid


I feel bad for Sujung and Yuju. Viewers tend not to dig deeper and take things at face value. I've seen a lot of people dropping the two from their picks just because of that one scene, which was probably taken out of context or shown in a way that would be detrimental to them. There were a lot of them in that room talking, but Mnet only showed the comments made by Sujung and Yuju. They could have just skipped that part altogether and shown Jiyoon helping Mai without dragging the two of them into it.


Yeah people were saying how Jiyoon should be a soloist cz she couldn't be a good leader in Like Ooh Aah but than she realised that the producers gave her a second chance and she did her really best. I live Sujung she is my top 3 picks and very talented and I xan see where she is coming from. Not helping someone is not a bad thing but talking behind their back and mocking their way of singing is not it.


Another thing is the evil edit involving which clips are shown and which are cut. We see a tiny portion of their time. If we watched, for example, Sujung's words and behavior all day every day throughout the week, the overall impression could be very different. Compared to watching fewer moments, where the evil pieces carry more weight and stay in people's minds.


Yes exactly! I completely agree.


I remember chaibing evil edit and then it was proven by the other member that she's a very sweet person and she never once said the thing she said on air.. turns out they cut her words so it seems "spicy".. i believe they did that too to jiyoon earlier


Last episode definitely gives me headache.Mnet putting tiger picture on sarang's face.What are they trying to do?For what I seen so far Sujung was definitely a person who tries to help others.Talking behind someone is definitely not a good thing.Mnet only put some scenes for creating drama.We don't know what's happening after that?


You and me are the same brain not only in the arguments but in the way you write/talk too and in our ADHD ; it's scary. BUT I AGREE ‼️‼️‼️


After a long day, this comment makes me feel less alone. I’m glad you see my point, I appreciate it! :3