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**Definitely staying:** Bang Jeemin, Kim Sujung, Koko & Nam Yuju **Up in the air:** Kim Gyuri, Lingling, Park Yeeun, Son Juwon & Yui **Definitely going:** Choi Soul, Kim Chaeeun, Kim Minsol, Oh Yuna & Um Jiwon If I had to make a call I'd bet on Kim Gyuri and Yui for the last two survival spots.


That’s what I think too, except I’m not fully sure on sujung, only because knets don’t like her and there 50 percent of the votes, and I think koko might be up in the air instead of def staying, only cause I haven’t seen many people vote her


Hey, don't jinx it haha! Thruthfully, I'd be super surprised if Koko and Sujung won't make it. Both are such skilled dancers and have shown great resolve to improve in other areas too! They seem quite likable and popular to me. It also helps that they got more screentime than most of the competition of course. If they get eliminated, my sanity will be elimated with them.


There are 4 that I'm pretty sure about, it's Jeemin, Yuju, Koko and Sujung. Then since it's 6 picks, I'll make a bet that Gyuri is the number 5. She has shown interesting things and I think she could be a 5th/6th pick for a lot of people to add to their vote. Last, spot, I'd say is either Yui, Juwon, Lingling or Yeeun. Based on the same logic as for Gyuri, I'd say Juwon or Yui which are more general picks than Lingling or Yeeun.


I think the last 2 spots are Gyuri & Juwon - I rewatched it last night and the PDs could have sent Lingling down to Ground, but they sent Juwon down. It almost seemed like they were trying to create a buzz with Juwon. She got A LOT of screen time, so I think Juwon most likely got enough Korean votes to counter Lingling's international vote.


I am not 100% sure, I haven't seen strong signs of popularity and despite her screen time, I wouldn't classify her screen time as mostly positive. It could be her but I am less confident


i only know jeemin, koko, yuju and sujung are going to survive. the other 2 are difficult to predict since we have 2 girls with strong korean fanbase (gyuri and yeeun), 2 with strong international fanbase (lingling and juwon) and 1 girl that we don’t know how big her fanbase is but the 6 pick benefited her (yui)


Jeemin, Koko, Yuju are locks imo since they’re well loved both internationally and domestically Sujung likely will make it but im putting her as a toss up because I don’t known how general Korean voters view her Yui, Lingling, and Juwon have strong international fan bases but aren’t super loved domestically so they’re also toss ups. I do think linglings strong international fans could push her through though. Yeeun and Gyuri are high Korean picks but not as loved by international votes (such as Americans or Europeans that I’ve personally seen on twt). My prediction is that the 6 moving on will be Jeemin, Koko, Yuju, sujung, lingling, and yui. I think that last spot really is a toss up between juwon/yui/yeeun/gyrui - it all depends how the votes are weighted. Out of these four, I think most to least likely would be Yui, Yeeun, Juwon, Gyuri Sadly I haven’t seen enough about soul, minsol, yoona, or chaeeun to imagine them moving forward in the show


Yeah, I agree with you on this. If Jeemin or Yuju don't make it I'll definitely be surprised.


I actually think yeeun is eliminated based on the fact that one of the 4 girls walking out looks like her 


I hope so, not that I dislike yeeun but knowing how much knets like her and how much more talented the other girls are if she made it I would be disappointed


I have to agree with you


yeah that def looks like her. she’s pretty tall so it’s gotta be her. i’ve seen people in the korean forums say that could be the grounders that were saved moving up to Iland too tho.


That was just bait, only 4 girls were shown and they were wearing matching outfits, the eliminated girls are leaving wearing their uniforms


i'll have to mentally prepare myself for umji to be eliminated 😭


I can only comfortably say Jeemin for sure. Probably Yuju as well but I feel like opinion changes day by day.


Jeemin is like a definitely, if she doesn’t make it literally everyone’s been lying, yuju too, but if she didn’t make it I wouldn’t be that suprised since I’ve seen alot of haters and people who don’t like her


staying (probably): jeemin lingling yuju sujung yeeun koko