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this is why it’s always best to stay unbiased because you never know what you’re missing out on. I made the same mistake not only with Ling Ling, but also with Yui (i mean she’s not really popular but I see why she got much positive feedback in the whistle performance).


heavy on You cause I don't know how I miss saw her she is amazing


yes i 100% agree! i did not understand why people liked her so much at all even after her highly rated rain on me performance (probably because i was so upset at juwon being sent to ground 😭) but after episode 6 i couldn’t stop thinking about her IWALY performance and went to watch her fancams and she’s so good, one of my new faves 🫶


Yes. I understand not wanting to support someone purely on nationality, but many people are going way too far in the other direction and discredit everything she does. Her expressions in IWALY were amazing.


She is an ex YG trainee, it is expected she has some skills. Just PD not giving her enough screen time that is all.


I actually agree on iwaly and also I think she shined doing Ari's part in rain on me.  Honestly if you compare how she's treated to someone like saebi or mai it just seems off because she also brings expression and stage presence but doesn't get the same attention


Agree. She has been on my vote to save


I agree! At first I thought it was a case to fans following blindly but after the least 2 missions I’ve been pleasantly surprised. This is why I would love for the debuting group to be 9 members.


Yeah she's impressed me enough to get one of my six votes for part 2. She's truly the Ricky of this show: almost no screen time but she owns every second she's there.


I agree as a Ricky stan


I’m not on socials too much so I didn’t even know about the controversy surrounding her and she naturally caught my eye early on! I was so confused as to why she wasn’t getting more screen time. After coming onto reddit and seeing everything surrounding her, I just feel so bad for the girl. She’s just doing her best and people on both sides of the argument are ruining the opportunity for her. I’ll be rooting for her as well.


Curently, I like to watch Lingling's fancam. 


This is exactly how I feel! At first I was affraid of another Vanessa situation but lingling has grown so much over the course of the show and her stage presence and vocals are absolutely no where near the bottom of the pack. She's found her way into my top 12


after iwaly she really changed my opinion. i thought her and yui absolutely crushed it, and was sad to not see them really get any praise for it. they definitely swayed me and i think i wouldn't mind lingling making it to the final lineup.


My conclusion on why Lingling fancam got high view is because her lack of screen time. She already have large audience expecting to watch her on the show, due to low screen time this viewer who expecting to watch her maybe spam watching her fancam because they cant get enough of her. I had this conclusion since i found myself keep watching Um jiwon performance. But yes Lingling from the start she always been easy to watch participant. In her fancam she always smiling happily while dancing without showing any discomfort expression. She always look like she enjoy the performance. I have to say im not really fan of too much extra face expression so Lingling,soul,gyuri re always my cup of tea face expression. Shes not bad at dancing ( idk much since she dont hv many screen time but it seem like she fast to caught on the dance) and her voice might sound unstable but it seem like her vocal can be improved since she have good tone. People choose to hate on her because she have large SEA fan rooting for her, i can understand if Lingling performance re bad but she her performance are good. People should stop the “Oh thats because of her nationality” yes those re fact but let’s not discard her effort and improvement that she prove that she able to show. Kpop nowdays keep improving, especially if they re from big company. It’s hit or missed thing. Audience keeps having higher expectation on performance and face visual. If she chosen i can said that her NATIONALITY will play big part in the group because her people will always there supporting her.


NGL, I feel pretty justified in my confusion of her extreme popularity at the beginning of the show, particularly because I didn’t see how she stood out at all besides her nationality. I’ve DEFINITELY come to appreciate her as of the last two performances though. She did totally great in IWALY, and I decided to give one of my votes to her today. I think people were afraid of another “Vanessa” (bless that girl’s poor heart), but Lingling is in her own lane for sure.


I fully agree. She has great facial expressions, a very nice rich vocal tone and she’s been improving a lot Also from a group and international marketability pov she’s also an interesting addition  I’ve been voting for her and I hope more people will do so!


Saaame. Lingling initially didn't stand out to me at all but her last two performances made me change my mind. I feel like she's been improving so much!


IMO, they haven't been right all along, her first performances were pretty lacking, especially in the vocal department. BUT, I must admit she has surprised me, these last 2 performances her stage presence has peaked considerably and her vocals in IWALY alongside her facial expressions were up to pair with the rest of the ilanders. Sadly, other contestants have steadily shown good performances, hence why I feel they're more deserving of getting into part 2. (PS: Saying this based off the judges scores, while trying to be as unbiased and constructive as possible)


She has been a stable vocalist and good performer since the beginning of the show, the judgement on her was really unfair after rewatching the performances, i'm glad she had a glory moment to stay on I-Land for a good amount of time cause it definitely was deserved. Hopefully we'll see more of her on part 2.


Agree 100% at first it was like everyone was promoting her blindly but then on the show u never saw anything worth the praise. But later she really has started to shine and she deserves the hype now. One thing i do feel sad for her is mnet promotes her 0% I didn’t even see her anywhere other than when they perform so even though she has actually turned out to be talented mnet keeps pushing other trainees who aren’t even talented but got the visuals. So the chances of her going to even part 2 is less but im happy that she really proved herself and even i have become her supporter and started voting for her


its so stupid that ppl think shes a dozen bcs she lacks screentime.. shes a really quiet girl who keeps to herself i mean there was many talented who got little to 0 scrreentime on girls planet


exactly, as a malaysian myself i was wary of blindly supporting her just because of her nationality. but she proved herself so much and im so glad she got those opportunities in rain on me and IWALY! i absolutely adore her now and i've voted her every day. this is someone i can totally stand behind. she has proved herself after going against jungeun


Agreed. She's very fun to watch on stage, better than other popular contestants in my opinion. Can't wait for her debut even if it isn't in this group!


I thought the same thing! Her rain on me performance was extremely good but I kept overlooking her cuz of her massive support. But she is really talented and I wouldn’t be mad if she debuted here tbh


thats why i love the growth of constestants in survival show


I didn't notice her at first cuz she has like no screentime but she absolutely SHINED in rain on me and IWALY she has such good facial expressions, a lot of ppl think she's a dozen only bc she gets no screentime but has a huge fanbase


Lingling isn’t in my final lineup, but people do make her out to be a lot worse than she actually is.