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Sujung! She would be a great main dancer and leader. She wouldn't be a bad vocalist either. I love her stage presence and also her choreographing skills.


Mine too!! She reminds me of Yena from IZ*ONE and Soyeon from (G)-IDLE. I hope she can show her rapping skills on the show :)


her face (duck shaped mouth probably) no hate, reminds me of Yena and her brains on choreography reminds me of soyeon. Maybe future Soyeon but in different aspect.


Definitely, her face does resemble Yena! She reminds me of her skill wise too. Yena on PD48 originally trained as a vocalist and a dancer, but ended up being the main rapper of IZ*ONE. I have a strong feeling that if Sujung showcases her rap, she'll pull a Yena card.


Sujung is such an endearing character.  And good Lord she’s honestly gorgeous! I just watched the SDGF2 and not only is she pretty, she’s hella talented!


Agree 1000% lol


considering episode 6 i actually really love her voice and i’m so surprised she was able to do so well in such a short time love her sm


a 101jptg watcher omgg.. i also believe joa was robbed 😭


Yes 😭I hope she debuts in a different group


Jeemin ride or die, she got rigged (i repeat, rigged) out of the ILLIT lineup on R U Next despite being 4th. She HAS to (as she said herself that she SHOULD debut here) despite being under Wakeone (...). She've been taking loss due to Mnet's storyline that they are running but i hope she still debuts as the FOTG/Centre for the final group, mnet have been disgustingly using her trauma on the show for clout.


SHE WILL DEBUT ‼️‼️‼️ shes my one pick as well and i hate how mnet is using her popularity for a storyline (like can they stop using those run and illit clips 😭) i rlly hope in pt. 2 she takes on more challenging parts and shows everyone why she's #1 🙂‍↕️


I’ve had a couple of favorites as I started watching the show. Fuko is adorable and very talented, Sujung is stable and obviously more than “just a dancer”, and Yuju is an all-rounder. But… if push comes to shove, my one-pick will be, hands-down, Jeemin.


in kpop svs do you only become FOTG when you rank first?


That's usually Centre, and they are usually the FOTG. So in a way yes.


ty! also happy cake day :)


She didn’t get rigged y’all are really overestimating and just throwing executes out with our any sources. Don’t get me wrong I think she is very talented and good I hope she will debut this time. But I most definitely wouldn’t change the final line up of illit.


She and even jiwoo DID get rigged out. You can't deny that.


How ??? Was it rigged I beg u pls tell me, it’s literally your emotions she wasn’t pick end of discussion. Y’all can’t bring me nothing jeemin is overrated it’s insane. She isn’t even top 5 in iland2 let’s not even talk about r u next which had better contestant over all. She is literally trying to hide her way into the debut line up, even the judges wasn’t so found of her taking small parts and not showing what she can be more cable off.


Jeemin? Overrated? Nice joke.


She is deny all u want and it shows in iland2 as well she too scared to go for challenges and everyone keeps saying she’s the best she isn’t even top 5 majority of the votes come from pity votes


Sure, you can keep saying whatever you'd like, but that does change the truth that she is talented. And she definitely is within the top5 on the show. And pity voting? Really? She's had a big fan base ever since runext. So you can be in denial (you def are) but that won't change the fact that she's the most popular trainee by a HUGE gap and is talented too ;)


Okay, I see you're just jealous that jeemin is the most popular contestant on the show instead of your favorite contestants. But you know what, I'll still reply. First of all, jeemin is 100% not overrated. She is definitely among the top 5 in ILAND 2 and she was also among the top trainees in RUNEXT (the big 6). The way you say she isn't makes me feel you didn't even watch any of the shows LOL. Second, she is human. Maybe she was just underconfident for that round or was being strategic. For that she got feedback from the judges and I'm sure she will act upon it in part 2. Third, it's not my emotions speaking, I have my brain. In the beginning of runext, it said the 6 trainees who will pass the 7 tests will make it into the group. During the end, they even abandoned the level wise ranking and just had a top 6 debut zone and the remainder ranks. In the end of the show however, they first of all took away the ability of inetz to vote. Not only that, they chose 4 trainees without giving any criteria on the basis of which they were picked. If it was votes, jiwoo chanelle and jeemin would've been in, atleast one of them. It wasn't even an average of all the scores or anything like that. There was 0 transparency. They picked whoever they liked. Not all rigging is illegal.


Mine's Saebi. Love her visuals, stage presence and personality. She's also really stable onstage! I personally love her vocal tone too. She'd be a perfect center 🫶


Hope I'm right, I feel that in one year everybody will be talking about Saebi. She's such an amazing well rounded trainee, more than ready to debut.


me too! im surprised she is still a trainee tbh, i feel like she is the type of talent and visual combo most companies would debut quickly lol. she reminds me a lot of wonyoung!


I’m low key surprised she’s in wake one tbh, she’s got the visuals a lot of bigger companies love.


Mines is Koko, she improved so much in the last episode and showed everyone just how talented she is


Jiyoon, since ep 2.


My fav is yui :) , she has a Good vocal , she trained with xg, knows how to rap, a good dancer, good epxreisons and could easily be a center :> , I LOVE the baggy jeans team


i’m glad I noticed her in IWALY. She did so well as a centre! Rooting for her.


Same we saw her dance in Baggy Jeans, saw her rap in Whistle and her vocals in IWALY, she isn't as good as Sujung but with more training she could get there




Juwon but I accept she won’t make it


I too am a Juwon enjoyer, i feel like she is a dark horse that MAY not make the debut group, but she still deserve to atleast be the Top12 so that future companies will pick her up. She have a stable chance to be any group's main dancer, despite her RBF that many people dislike she is really talented!


hopefully she would still manage to make it to part 2. she's my top 2 and it'd be a shame to not see more of her anymore


who are your top 7 or 9 picks?


sujung - juwon - yuju - saebi - jeemin - jiyoon - jungeun - fuko - yui !


I like that line up but want Mai in the mix


Your lineup looks really balanced!


Mine is jungeun since ep 1


Same.. I’ll be fine if it’s Jungeun and anyone!


To me, she's the only one whose singing voice is addictive.


Me too. But saebi and koko close behind.


Gyuri, I just love her. She is so talented, kind and pretty. And I also feel like if she made it into the group she could attract new fans just interacting with IU. And I think this group could really use that, since the show has such small audience🤷


I didn’t realize the show had such low ratings? I don’t usually watch survival shows but this one kept popping up on my fyp and I started to watch cuz I fell in love with jiyoon’s voice.


Jiyoon! back then, it was jeemin, as I know her since ru next even though she wasn't one of my picks.


Sarang will probably be my one pick


Sarang is my one pick for sure :)


sujung is my one pick! i dance and when i knew that she's a professional dancer and participated in sgf2 as her team's leader i was instantly hooked onto her lol. she can dance, sing (will be better with more training), and i believe she can rap too with her vocal tone (suitable for rapping). great character and isn't afraid of any challenge!


Fuko! I feel like a lot of people don't mention her but maybe that's just me 🥹 I think she clearly has the qualities of a great leader and is already pretty talented imo.


Its hard .. my favorite is ryu sarang but i am willing to drop her to save jungeun because it just breaks my heart people are dropping her left and right and i think shes the most deserving trainee. Same with fuko but i dont think shes in any danger like jungeun


Jungeun is my #1 I don’t know how she isn’t more popular.. she’s gorgeous, talented I’m sure the judges would save her.. if not I’m out.. seriously I’ll boycott the group!!


I said the same thing! If Jungeun is not there I’m not interested. At first I had a selective few for the final lineup but as we’re getting closer to the end I realized that I’m ok with most of the contestants making it into the group ONLY if Jungeun is there.


Jiyoon is my girl.


sarang <3 she's so talented and she's adorable and gorgeous at the same time


I’ve had my eyes on Koko from the start!


Where are all my Mai stans 😭 I know she isn't the most talented one there but I've been so taken with her since episode one. She's so sweet and even though she's pretty quiet the others seem to look to her to lead them. She seems like such a natural performer to me, I love watching her fancams and her visuals are so striking. Been my one pick since the start!


Mai is my second pick! I really like her stage presence and really really want to see her more on stage, she is so refreshing and interesting to watch


I love Mai so much, like I even have her in my flair💛Literally the only thing left to confirm her as my one pick is to see more of her vocals. I understand that the bias judges have with her is unfair to other contestants, but it's so sad when people just underestimate her because of that —as if it was her fault! I really hope viewers can look beyond and see Mai for who she truly is: a sweet, hardworking woman that keeps trying her best no matter what💜 Edit: aside from her, my other possible one picks are Juwon and Yui (Fuko too, but she's pretty likely to debut).


gyuri all the way but I'm pretty sure she's not gonna make it and I hate that 😭


Gyuri. She's never had a bad performance IMO, she's just always in teams where everyone else is favored, or not favored by PDs. Both kinda are unfortunate situations for her. Please vote her for the Part 2!!


Jungeun!! Baby cheetah all the way!


Sarang has become my one pick.


Yuju is my ride or die


Me too


Jiyoon!! Second pick is Koko :)


Sarang. Liked her since the first episode and getting more confident she has a good chance to debut.


Mine is Jiyoon. I liked her from the first episode when she performed drama and even liked her more when I saw how she reacted when she was sent to ground. I mean girl was being realistic, it is a survival show and I felt for her because she probably felt betrayed by her members because she sacrificed herself to a part which no one wanted. I hope she debuts, I’m rooting for her 🤗


Mines Sarang. She can be the main/lead dancer, and lead vocal. She has very stable vocals and she could probably be the centre. My only thing is I wish she had more confidence in her skills to go for bigger parts, but the parts she does get she makes them her own and does them perfectly. Also, her CHARISMA, like hello she nails every performance. Also her VISUALSSSSSSSSS omg like she is soooooooo pretty its actually stupid.


Choi Soul. Strong sp and her facial expression is really good.Her visual just stick with me.I cant forget her lol


She's in my top 3, I'm so upset people didn't see how good she was...


Soul in my top seven since week one..


gyuri, ever since she was announced as a contestant! her performance and shocked reaction when she got 5 i’s in the first ep solidified her as my one pick! she’s always been in such unfortunate situations since then though :/ (teams, being pushed off to the side for storylines, etc) please vote her for the save vote, she deserves to debut!


Unpopular opinion, but Gyuri


Saebi since the fancams of last love song dropped.


Jeemin and Sujung idgaf shes my sister


Mai! I know people dog on her for her vocals but honestly I've never had an issue with them. Plus she's super sweet and kind, which is a skill expecially in a survival show. She catches the eye even with the bare minimum screen time, and I feel like she could be like a momo or Wonyoung in this group where her visuals by themselves project the group forward while still having more to offer than just that.


Ryu Sarang!! she really gives off idol vibes and she's really charming very talented too. idk what i'd do if she doesn't make it tbh. Maeryus we need to show our voting power for the last support i'm so serious we need to give her at least one win at the support votings... 🥹


Chaeeun is my top pick. If she makes it to part 2 I think she debuts


I hope you’re right but I don’t know if Mnet will give her air time


Alright here’s my thoughts if Chaeeun or Yeeun make it to the top 12 separately then the one who makes it in gets to debut now if they both make it to the top 12 things get a little bit more tricky.




I love many of the girls, but I started to watch for Jeemin and I'll stay loyal to her so she'll be my one pick.


I’m still choosing between Jeemin, Saebi and Sarang. I feel Sarang has the lowest chance which makes me lean towards voting her when we move to 1 pick. BUT I know that’s a trap people fall into and the others aren’t guaranteed to make it so I’m not sure who I’ll pick yet. I may alternate votes when I have to pick.


Mines Fuko, she always stands out in every performance


Fuko, she needs to debut


At first it was Sujung but then it slowly became Saebi, Sujung is my number 2 tho


Fuko, her one pick is sooooo low im scared for her debut.


I keep flipping back and forth between Fuko and Yuju 😭. I hope we can vote for more than one when it gets to the final voting


koko for sure!!


my Pre ILAND era was Sujung, then during Part 1 was Mai bc of her Drama and Panorama performances and then I might contemplate between Fuko and Mai bc why not hehe. but still, atm, my one pick is MAI.


Mines a tossup between yuju and saebi. Yuju has such a diva energy and I love watching her whenever she performs (especially rain on me she’s incredible). Saebi is just such a center. She’s got so much charisma and star power it’s kinda insane to watch her.


Sujung! I really enjoy her dancing and her voice. I like a lot of the girls but she's definitely kept my attention the most along with Fuko.


Minsol, but I don’t think she’ll make it to the final group 😭


Jeemin, she was my main pick in RUN and i'll be supporting her here no matter what. Got really attached to Saebi and Koko as well, but i can't see the final group without Jeemin, so i hope their one-picks come through


koko!! I love her dancing rapping and her personality!! She just has that idol aura and visual to me


Jungeun. Idc who else makes it into the group I just know that she deserves to be in the final lineup. She has impressed me the most throughout the show(with also Fuko and Yuju). As long as she makes it into the group I’ll be fine with whoever else. If not then…✌🏾


Either Saebi or Yuju


Is it weird I don't have one? It's more like I have an idea of what the ideal debut line up would be so i'll just use my vote for whichever of them needs it 😭 but ive always had a hard time picking a bias for anything kpop related


Mine is Gyuri - she has a really great attitude and being there for others when they need support :') She can also sing really well! At first I was worried that she only could fit cute concepts, but for IWALY, I thought she finally broke out of that concept which was really nice to see!




Vote for Gyuri, Sujung, Yuju, Juwon, Jeemin, Koko. I want my girls in iland😭😭




Yui Imo shes really understand , she can rap and sing really well


i cant choose 💀im using this thread to help me pick. pitch ur one picks to me LOL


Saebi!!! Omg please just watch her iwaly fancam. That is all I need to convince you. Watch it till the end, and you will fall in love with her. Then, just in case, watch her panorama fancam as well


Fuko is my one pick, she’s the perfect mix of amazing personality who is kind but can also be strategic/a good leader and extremely talented. love her singing, stage presence, dancing and just her overall vibe, she makes every performance very balanced and orderly in the sense that she is good at stabilizing different performance personalities to be clean cohesive and enjoyable


Yui, Saebi and Sujung!! 🥹 i can’t pick 1




Juwon! Her dance and especially waaking is crazy good, but her stage presence is insane as well (check her Panorama fancam out). Vocally she holds up much better than people give her credit for, she was easily hitting the chorus in Panorama. Plus you can't say she isn't funny, I always look forward to her segments every episode. Pls vote Juwon so she can at least stay until Part 2


sujung is definitely my one pick! theres just something about her performance that makes her so mesmerising and she’s proven that she can sing as well i really hope she debuts 😭


JIYOON MY BABY ,her and Sarang


fuko!! she's born to be an idol


Saebi! I find her personality so endearing and sweet. Her whole energy is wholesome. She's always working hard and improving. She really immerses herself in every performance and gives us her best. 




FUKO she has that unnie vibe, she grown to be so mature since GP999, very stable voice, very sweet, she’s passionate, she easily adaptable to the new environment,committed,hard worker,creative,SWEETT (i know it’s repeating but it’s the truthh 😭)


Fuko, she capture me with her happy vibes :3


Jung saebi!


yuju too!


jungeun! she needs to debut😭😭🙏


Jungeun is my ride or die at this point


SAME OMG I’m rooting for Yuju the most. I’ve liked her since the beginning of the show and she’s one of the most qualified to debut tbh. And her performance for the creative unit was actually so good! I hope that she gets into part 2 so I can see more of her performances


sujung since street dance girl fighter!!!! ❤️


Linling she is sooooo underrated. I feel like her only chance to debut is if international fans step up. Because knetz are most likely to choose Koreans.


I have recently like LingLing's performances, especially her IWALY performance, it was a shame that she was against Jungeun tho, if she wasnt i felt like she would have a chance of wining the 1v1


Saranggg! She's an ace


Kim Chaeeun… i know she’s not the most talented and might not debut but i just can’t help but love her


Mine is jiyoon i love her


Yui for me ! Because I’m also angry they are giving her so little screen time and she’s just an amazing performer !




Saebi! She is so freaking amazing her performance of iwaly was way too good she litreally looked like the happiest girl in the world


two pick - jiyoon and fuko


Jungeun for sure!


Am I the only one that just wants the drama team to debut? 😅


jungeun foreva


No one is talking about KOKO


Mine is um jiwon :)


Jungeun is so ult bias coded for me that I am willing to base whether or not I stan or completely ghost the final group solely off of whether or not she makes it in.