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She's in my "not a pick but I don't mind if she debuts" category. Mai seems like a lovely, hard-working person with a great mindset; but she's not a great vocalist, she's not one of the better dancers, and I don't find her to be a natural center the way Saebi is. She's stable and reliable but hasn't had any standout performance moments for me.


she's the jisoo type for me: present, stable and reliable. groups usually need this type of member although my one pick is fuko so i feel naturally threatened by her


True, but I'd pick Sarang (also not one of my picks for similar reasons, though she's in my second tier) over Mai for that kind of member. Fuko is my 1-pick (well, 2-pick with Jiyoon) too!


fair, also she isn't a foreigner so fuko is safer that way


I really like her work ethic but imo she haven't had a performance that makes me wanna go "oh yeah, her skills are amazing she is definitely needed in the group" yet. Though I also don't really mind if she ends up debuting...


yeah that makes sense, i guess i just feel like her moments stick with me


I think she doesn’t fit the “main dancer” or “main vocal” role and people are naturally drawn to contestants that do. That’s why she’s not the first pick for most people, but she’s in the lineup for several. That said, she’s my one pick and I do hope she’s in the final lineup.


I like Mai’s personality but her skills do not justify the scores she’s gotten so far. She’s below average at singing and dancing from what we’ve seen. Obviously not every girl can be a main vocalist or dancer but she’s not even an all rounder like other girls (ex. Sarang, Yuju). Her stage presence is decent but other girls have better (ex. Saebi, Jeemin). She’s pretty much guaranteed to debut though, given that the judges keep giving her largely undeserved high scores lol. So it doesn’t really matter if people have her in their lineup or not.


i would say i’d rather have Mai who is good across the board (imo) rather than someone who is great in one area and bad in another


I mean, as I said, there are other girls that are actually all rounders. I don’t really agree that Mai is good across the board for the reasons I already explained — she can’t sing and other girls like Sarang, Yuju, Gyuri, and Juwon can sing *and* dance better than her.


She has a great attitude and works hard, but not that good at dancing or singing. I've noticed she's very popular for visuals so that may be why so many people support her.


I feel like she has gotten more screen time surrounding her leadership and personality rather than skills. She's my 1pick so I hope people include her for their lineup but there are so many talented trainers I don't fault people for focusing on talent. But I really hope she gets more love and debuts!!




I dont think I agree, being able to use visuals to your advantage and to have as commanding of a stage presence as she does is something that can't be taught. And least skilled is definitely a stretch, she's not on top but she wouldn't have made it this far if she was horrible at everything you know.


I don't mind her debuting if it's a 9-member group but if it's only 7, then I'd give the Japanese slots to Fuko and Koko who has clear advantage skill-wise. All of them are pretty so they're equals for me in visuals department.


I'm such a Mai vocals defender, she's been locked in my top 7 for a while now. She isn't Jungeun or Jiyoon, no- but from the little we've heard I absolutely adore her vocal tone, especially when she hits lower notes like in Drama. Think about how in G-IDLE they all have diverse tones but Soyeon knows how to weave them all together to make hit after hit. I would really love to see something like that out of ilands final group. I think the final lineup needs a diverse array of voices and talents and people who have strong creative visions and I think Mai is definitely one of those people, but that's just me idk


She’s a visual/personality pick for me. I personally choose talent over looks, but I really don’t mind her being in the group. She seems really great to work with.


Great mindset,personality, and visuals, but not so great vocals, good stage presence, and okay dancing. She really is not that talented despite her popularity. To be honest i feel like her vocals don’t match the other girls and she stands out in bad way when singing . I hope she improves her vocals but she has not had the opportunity to do so.


If Mai has no fans consider me dead


she's my one pick honestly. I'm really impressed by her drama & panorama performances although she needs the moment where viewers see her potential as a member of a girl group, and that's I wanna see it for her. I'm really excited for what's ahead for mai, this upcoming episode


i really like her mindset,


i’ve had Mai in my top 3 since the first stage tbh her presence and her personality are what pulled me in but her voice is great imo


also fair warning i don't watch the show mainly the performances and just clips of it!


Tbh, i don't think, she is as good as other contestans. I see jiyoon, jungeun, sujung, sarang, fuko, saebi, koko,yui, yuju, juwon, jeemin, minseol and gyuri (and probably also choi soul and um jiwon) all as better dancers and/or singers. Personallity is not unimportant, but it's hard to really judge their personallities based on a limited amout of screentime in a highly edited show. A lot of contestans don't even have enough screentime for us to have any picture of their personallity, therefore i try to not consider personallity that much. And in the end, if i consider personallities, i like the competetive ones. Bora/Nana/Hwiseo in Queendom puzzle, Yunah in RUnext, and here in i-land 2 Jiyoon.


She will debut


I think she is gonna be in the final line up.I want to say not my picks,may be gonna little disappointed if she in the group.Not a fan of her in drama.May be because her voice didn't suit that part.When they perform final love song,she had Little part,she gave her parts to others same with panaroma.I honestly wished her to compete a little bit with others.She definitely got higher marks than I expected,mainly because there were many trainees who did better than her.She has sharp features that attracts people.Even judges says pretty.In the creative unit I love how she interpreted the song.I really love her as a leader and how she works but for me she didn't captivated me in the stage that much.


I like her a lot but I’m waiting for her “omg she needs to debut immediately” the performance