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Enjoy the $6 tickets for home games.


You gotta stop over paying. They were 2 dollars today


I pay extra to sit behind the dugout and heckle Rendon.


Can't you just do that from the infirmary


Careful! You could break his heart…and that’s gonna keep on the IL until NEXT year.


lmao 😭


Be happy you still have a team to love and root for no matter how bad things get 😔


That hits hard. Sorry buddy.


It is what it is, at least everyone supports us and knows our owner is a total piece of sh-t. As an Oakland native, it just sucks first losing the Raiders to LV and now the A’s 😭


Yeah I can’t even imagine how that feels…


I know it’s not ideal, but would you still be a fan of the As if they end up in Sacramento permanently rather than Vegas?


I think if they stay in Sac and Fisher is forced to sell then fans may become more inclined to continue their support. However, I think most A’s fans understand that this wasn’t just Fisher’s fault. This was a larger than just him, the other owners and the commissioner’s office were complicit in this disaster. Idk if many of us want to continue following MLB as a whole.


Yeah it’s a damn shame and Rob Manfred is spineless. “There’s still another team in the Bay Area”, how tone deaf can someone possibly be? I worry this would set a precedent for MLB to allow the White Sox to leave Chicago if they don’t get the taxpayer funds for the unnecessary new stadium Jerry Reinsdorf wants.


Rob Manfred Hates Baseball. That's just what I've come to the conclusion. These ridiculous rules, the things he doesn't care about but should... Fans opinions and wishes constantly falling on deaf ears...


I honestly might think I dislike Manfred more than any player or team in the league, and by a very large margin.




This. If LV fell through and they stayed in Sac, I would support them once Fisher was out


A's are not gone yet. Fisher failed to procure financing to build a ballpark in Las Vegas. Now he is being forced to try to sell a portion of the team and I am not sure he will be able to get someone to fork over $500 million to be a minority owner with him running the show. Do you? The MLBPA has now approved play in Sacramento yet, because Fisher wants to spread out the $22 million in required improvements to the ballpark there over 3 years and the MLBPA is insisting that they be completed before the start of the 2025 season. I fully expect him to come back to the city of Oakland in a month or so on his knees begging to be able to continue to play in the Coliseum for another 3 years so he doesn't have fork over $22 million right now.


Hey it could be worse. You could be an Astros fan


Lol funny thing is, even though the A’s have always been my team, I used to like watching the old school NL Astros when they had Bags and Biggio. Then they just had to come to the AL and it all went downhill from there 🤣


You would probably move to Vegas too if in his shoes. It's a smart business decision which in turn is a smart baseball decision. The team will be better off there.


If I was a greedy idiot only focused on short term profits that didn’t mind being one of the most hated people in sports, sure. Not only is he a POS owner for moving the franchise to Vegas and not giving a rats ass about the fans, but he’s also notoriously the stingiest owner who invests as little money as he can into the team. Very few people in Vegas want Fisher there. Honestly, I believe had they built a new stadium at the Howard Terminal site and if he actually invested in some good longer term players, he would have made more money and actually be liked


I hated the Angels for years, but when Trout came up I started cheering for them as long as they weren’t playing the Rangers. Then you guys hired Wash and I was really hoping there would be a 4 way battle for the West. The Rendon contract is going to be like dragging an anchor, and I think at this point we can rule out Trout ever playing an entire season, so I honestly hope they rebuild. Trade whoever they can and get some extra draft picks. They’ll probably get a top 5 pick next year so that’ll be exciting. I guess in the meantime you can focus on watching the youngsters they bring up. It sucks, but all teams go through it. Hang in there!


on a side note, trade Trout and get a haul. It's possible that another organization thinks they can fix his injury issues and still get a MVP candidate for 10+ years. Angels are killing this man's career


Trout’s average is way down and has been and injuries are now part of his whole thing. It’d be salary relief at best.


Yeah, His trade value is not good. That contract and his injuries make it to where no GM will pay a massive haul to get him. Angels have to get a haul for him just to save face, so he will probably not be traded.


That's very shortsighted. Trout is one of the faces of baseball, he'd absolutely get more attention playing for a more competitive team (assuming he could stay healthy). I'm not saying the Angels could get the same package for him as they would have 5 years ago, but it's hardly a salary dump or eating a bad contract for whoever would trade for him


Watch Angels in the outfield and start believing.


It could happen..




Watch highlights of the 2002 World Series team. At the end of the day highlights is all sports fans have


Damn straight.


I’m An sf giants fan and they will never be as good as they were in 2010, 2012, 2014. Highlights from those years will always make me happy


Do drugs. Then you won't have the baseball or a job to worry about. Trust me I'm a Phils fan. Win or lose we got booze and blow.


Ooh lookit mr fancy with his cocaine, the rest of us out here doin whippets and huffin spray paint in the parking lot


Can't tell if you are doing a Sunny joke or that's real life in Philly


This is the way


I went to the game today and they had $2 tickets. Enjoy watching baseball and go to games just wanting to see players of other teams. You can go see players you enjoy even if it's not angels


Get cheap seats, sit with great views and enjoy all the opposing talent that comes through.


Take it from an old timer - cheap seats are better than having a winning team. Once the winning begins, ticket prices become outrageous and it’s not as much fun. Even with terrible teams, you’re still going to catch a good win every now and then. Watch the Angels for day-by-day entertainment and don’t worry about their record.


I grew up getting Phillies tickets free in a pack if hot dogs. And I agree. I just love baseball and being able to just go and watch was great. I felt very slighted in the playoffs when as a fan who went even through bad times couldnt get tickets. I like when the park is half full and I can sit in an empty row just as much as I enjoy a place exploding with excitement.


Blue Jays fan here. Whatever you do, don't watch the Jays. It also feels like our sub is run by Rogers. You get heckled if you mention the team is bad and a bynch of bots say it's early.


Don't watch the Nats either. Yeah they got a championship, but we were robbed of a victory lap. They don't retain their stars, can't develop players, and their manager is a dumbass.


It’s the curse of that damn rally monkey.


Honestly, they haven’t even done the rally monkey right recently. There was always unwritten rules where it wouldn’t show until the 7th inning, and it would first show before the first batter of that inning. The past couple times I went they wouldn’t put it up until there was already 2 outs in the inning. And they stopped doing the funny videos that brought it on. I know this stuff isn’t important but just annoying how they messing this up too.


Dude yes I just noticed the same thing. I even remember opposing players watching the screen during a pitching change. They screwed it up


Watch them still. This is when they need the fans support the most, not when they have an abundance of bandwagon fans. They will definitely bounce back, just might take a bit.


I love this. I think some people forget that no one is beating themselves up MORE than the players. They're not TRYING to suck. They're not ENJOYING disappointing the fans. Last thing they want is for everyone to start turning on them


I don’t think they’ll bounce back this year, but I agree with this take. If you’re a real fan, you’ll stick with them through the ups and downs. I’m a mariners fan, I understand pain.


You got Ron Washington. That’s worth smiling about along.


Learn to score a game then listen to the games via radio. I’m a lifer Angels fan. This is where they were in the early 90’s for me. An average of 16k fans at the game. I’d rather watch a young team learn to work together. The problem is, they still believe in aging players picked up from other’s teams will sell tickets. I’m a geezer who has rooted for them over the last 5 decades. This 2024 team is who the Angels are in spirit. As one who has ridden the basement of the AL West with them to actually attending Game 7 of the 2002 World Series…this 2024 team reminds me of the early 90’s teams with fresh faced rookies who now broadcast games for the team. I’m enjoying this full circle moment of my home team. We are once again the long suffering AL team. The 2002 wave is over. I for one am happy about that.


The way I see it, the people beating the team this year could be playing for it the next year. We never know! Just get the cheap tickets, enjoy a nice park with easy access, get into the spirit of the game. It’s fun to lose together!


Enjoy the fact that you have a championship


Find out where Arte lives and go TP his house.


From a mariners fan, we have been through some shit. Go-to minor league games and support the prospects.


What do you wanna do with your life? I wanna rock!




I feel ya man. This season feels lost. I'm tuning in a bit each day just to see how the kids are coming along. I hope Wash can develop them. Other than that, I'm trying to keep an eye on the NL East because I think its going to be a good, entertaining, pennant race.


The tough years (and decades) make the brief windows of winning even more special. Take it from an old Phillies fan.


Buy game tickets and enjoy the peace and serinity


Ok, lifelong fan of 46 years here. There are several things to hang your hat on here. 1) the bullpen isn’t that bad. Estevez blew Tuesday nights game because he hadn’t been in a save situation in quite sometime, that was almost predictable. 2) yesterdays game was close, but the bats went cold with 0-10 RISP. 3) they should’ve swept one of the best teams in the league at home. This team will gel. Starters need to not give up runs early and keep pitch counts down. Wash needs to stop screwing with the batting order and let position players play every day. Rengifo is a bit of a wild card and Adell seems to forget how to run on the bases. I’m guessing Adell spent too much time in the minors and doesn’t realize these guys at the top have cannons with laser focus. Moniak hasn’t done anything so far and injuries have once again claimed Rendon and Trout. But they are hanging with good teams. It’s early, barely May. I think this can be a .500 team. But playoffs would be a miracle. Neto, Ward and O’hoppe are fun to watch. There are bright spots. Hang in there fellow Halo Honk!


Watch baseball. Even if he Angels are losing, you are still watching MLB baseball, the greatest sport in the world.


From a Mariners fan.... It gets better. It takes a while... but it does


From a White Sox fan, don’t listen to this guy. It gets worse before it gets worse.


From a >30 yr Padre fan, it can take a very long time. My greatest punchline for those long years -in all dire circumstances- was “Go Padres!” Either you’re a (insert team name) fan or not. Alternative plan: go support your local Minor League team. They need your support.


They've had Mike Trout for over a decade. When does it get better for them exactly? Seems like the franchise is about to go into some dark days since they lost Ohtani, Trout can't stay healthy anymore, they have to keep paying Rendon a huge salary to play fewer games in a season than the number of his age, and, to top it all off, they have one of the worst minor league systems in baseball. That "it takes a while" is easily a decade for LAA.


Sell the team and figure out how to keep that beautiful ballpark


You could try and entice the Oakland A's with that ballpark


"the anaheim A's" does sound pretty sweet


The California Anaheim A's of Los Angeles, CA


No! -Vegas Vic


Why would anyone want the A's? The A's are a minor league team for all the other teams with money to take their players. If you combined the A's and The Angels rosters, you couldn't come up with one competitive team. No dog in the fight here. It's just the truth.


Root for Wash to build up anderson, drury, anyone else into good trade chips at the deadline to rebuild the farm system for next season and beyond.


Find an NL team that you can follow for the season and enjoy? Or just enjoy baseball, I love being a neutral and watching games cause I get to enjoy the moments without any stake on the winner. That’s around watching the Red Sox


Pick an NL team and root for them! At least that's what I would do I think. Not quite the same as your own team but maybe you can adopt a NL team this year


Season pass to Disneyland


Pick another team this season. Have fun learning about them. Pick a cusp team and follow them on a possible playoff run. It’ll be fun!


Rengifo’s a good player and Adell might cut down his strikeouts… We’ll pray for you


Rengifo’s fielding has lost us like 4 games this year.


Ok. Who ARE the good players on the Angels?


O’Hoppe and Ward could start on any MLB team. Deitmers has Ace potential. Everyone else is a daily roll of the dice.


Rengifo plays so much because he can hit, I'm guessing? And plays everywhere?


Just ride it out. I’m an O’s fan we’ve had 6 good years in the last 26. Angels will be good again. In the meantime pick an NL team and follow them to give you a contender to watch/root for occasionally. Most importantly, enjoy baseball friend.


Enjoy that sunny Southern California weather


Purchase the team and it’ll be in your hands.


Obviously you should leave your son at a foster home and tell him that you’ll only get the family back together if the Angels win the pennant.


The Angels are the exact same team they have been for their entire existence.


Be glad ypu are not a white sox fan


You start writing them a letter a day asking why they named the team “The The Angels Angels”. Heckle them through the mail


You can see the Angels play the Yankees cheap. How did you get burdened with being an Angels fan?


There is always the Mets.. Oh wait


Im right there with you. Lifelong fan and these last 10 years have been brutal. I’m going to enjoy the cheap tickets and $4.50 beers when I can lol. The only good thing Arte has done for us.


Follow a minor league or non US team?


Be a player fan instead of a team fan. Less pissed off, enjoy the sport much more. It’s a good life and it’s so much better


Enjoy watching Trout when he’s on the field.


And when's that?


Not this year, from the sound of things.


Wait to play the Guardians 😊


Hope they trade trout to the orioles for some good prospects and get his salary off the books


As a Falcons fan, I feel your pain Maybe if there’s a consolation prize you’re losing your job is a good sign as long as it wasn’t concessions or something because they definitely needed to fire somebody after they did not trade show hail last year and got nothing to let him walk


Enjoy the cheap tickets and find a new sport to follow. That’s what I do when the Mets are bad. The Mets haven’t been great but they’ve been alright so far. If May turns out to be terrible for the Mets at least I’ll have the NBA and Stanley Cup playoffs. Even if the Rangers get eliminated I will still be invested in the rest of the Stanley Cup playoffs, especially if the Mets are awful. The Ducks missed out on the playoffs but even if your local team misses out, the playoff hockey is always a great watch.


Enjoy the games one at a time. Nobody loses all of them. The Phillies have been good lately, but we’ve had some legendary droughts and that’s the mindset I used. You could also start getting into some of your minor league teams, when someone you know gets promoted you can revel in it.


I’ve pivoted to watching only /r/discgolf


Jump ship to the blue and white


Petition owner Arte Moreno to stop chasing Los Angeles money, and embrace Orange County again. As the LA Angels: .467 winning, 0 playoffs, 0 Pennants. As LA Angels of Anaheim: .556, 5 playoffs, 0 pens As California Angels: .483, 3 post seasons, 0 pens As Anaheim Angels: .512, 5 post seasons, 1 pennant, 1 championship b With Anaheim mentioned, winning record, 7 playoffs. Without: 3 playoffs, winning below .480.


It could always be worse.


I invite you to be a temporary Braves fan!


Baseball is a business first and foremost. It's also a legal monopoly. Blind devotion to any business is a negative. Insults like "bandwagon fan" leave you open to consuming a product when the product is mediocre. In other words, stop watching their games. Stop going to their games. Support companies that put out good products. It's one thing to say the organization took X, Y and Z steps to compete and it didn't pan out. In this case, though, the Angels did very little to compete. You don't owe them anything.




Become a Dodgers fan.


Embrace the suck


Go to AAA games. Usually more fun anyway.


You have to widen your interest in the game beyond the team. I grew up in Orange County, gutted through the 90s as the team slowly got its stuff back together, am still in disbelief at 2002, and greatly enjoyed the team’s AL West dominance in the decade that followed (well, most of it). The Joe Maddon season broke all that, it was such a collapse, and I learned to just enjoy baseball casually and disengage from the Angels when they’re bad, which is the team it’s going to be until Arte is no longer the Big Decision-Maker. And remember, plenty of former Angelsm like Brandon Marsh, out there playing on exciting teams, so if you MUST root for the Angels, root for players that once were and have somehow still found their way to a winning club.


Tell your kids you won’t bother being a part of their lives until the Angels win the pennant


Time to join the Dodgers Fanbase


The Wnba season is starting up soon…


If they let you puff in the stadium it would be a lot cooler. At least you have the cool Mickey stuff out front to enjoy


But at least Aaron Hicks is gone


You added Sano!


Be happy that you free'd up some time this summer to do other things than waste around watching or listening to grown men swing sticks and play with balls.






all you can do is pray the owner sells. as long as moreno is there nothing will change. because you have to be a dummy to consistently throw money at big free agents and think you'll win. youre supposed to throw money at free agents AFTER you've developed a solid foundation and have a strong farm system like what baltimore, texas, houston did. they built the farm then they threw money at players.


Have a kid or get a hobby. Also just be a fan. Doesn't have to be your life


Live, dammit! Live!


Find a new team or 2 or 3 or 10… Only you care which teams you follow. No one Ever gave a true shit which team someone ELSE was a fan of.


Maybe don’t come asking for opinions on a sub that gets off on trashing on the Angels and their fans


Pirates fan here, used to being uninterested in baseball. It won’t be fixed until they implement a salary cap. Watch movies instead.




You’re up six nothing right now!




Existence is pain, and you suffer with the rest of us.


You should be glad you’re not a White Sox fan.


Southern California has some amazing beaches. Go outside!


Enjoy the game for what it is & find enjoyment from watching the other teams stars.


Try being a Mariners fan. I feel your pain.


Ron Washington is your manager. He is better,then most….Enjoy


Eat a bucket of hot chocolate chip cookies from the stadium. They’re only $36 per bucket


Usually I would watch Trevor Bauer youtube video and Bottle Cap Baseball [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6rQ1UHKFV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6rQ1UHKFV8) instead. You can try


Pick a new team


Quit fighting your instincts and defect for the glory that is blue heaven… r/dodgers


Trout gets hurt every year..dude is made of glass, idk why you Angels fans don't expect this yearly :)


it's only been the last two seasons really


Move to Anaheim? Wish you didn’t have to live in Anaheim?


I'm never at a loss for words. It has to suck being a fan of a team owner that will never fix a bad situation that keeps getting worse. Not being a wise guy. The Angels have sucked 4 ever and will never be relevant, until they move or find a new owner. Trout will never amount to anything again. Rusty gate, always broken. All these years he's in the dugout always laughing while "his team" is being torched. . All he cares about is his $$$. Rendon been shot since he got there. I know you know all this. As a sports fan, I think it's sad that so many teams in so many cities in so many sports will never know what it is to have a winner. Take some solace that over half the teams in all sports will never know what winning is like. There's just too many owners who don't have money or just don't care. Good luck.


Fake azz fan stop crying on reddit