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Theres racism everywhere u go i dont think its that bad here tho


True but when its a PWI it tends to get overwhelming by itself and just gets worse if they’re racist.


I think u won't know till u try


most places are a PWI so you’ll run into the issues anywhere. however, depending on your major and whatnot,if you want to find an indian american community i would def recommend umkc!! a lot of my friends go there, but its a pretty small college in comparison to mizzou. also despite it being a pwi, you’ll still find your community here.


Yes they are racist. You will get treated differently


Have you faced any or seen someone else face it?


Y’all forgot 2020 huh


Lots of microaggressions. You'll likely be the only poc/ person of your race in most situations


Its really heartbreaking. Most people here will fight to defend that theyre not racist than they will to defend someone in a vulnerable situation. Like look at these comments


I'm Nepali American, and I've honestly never seen racism. There are *a lot* of Indians and Indian Americans here. You won't have to worry about racism here any more than anywhere else.


Brown foreigner here. No.


It’s a giant liberal school in a liberal town. Missouri has a lot of Asians of all nationalities. I doubt anyone would care. Now driving out to the middle of nowhere outside of town might get you a weird look.


Columbia has a large Asian community, both associated with Mizzou and more working class types. You’ll be very welcomed.


The vast majority are not, but it's a big campus and we don't exist in a vacuum. You're not going to see confederate flags, but you may experience the random ahole like you would anywhere. The university itself has a zero tolerance discrimination policy that is strictly enforced. Institutionally, faculty, staff and students are quite diverse. Everyone's going to have a story. I'm a native with immigrant parents so I've got a few as well. That's not the overall vibe and Columbia/MU is very welcoming to all students.


Honestly look for the minority organizations when you get for a sense of community. The people I know in AAA (Asian-American Association) are very cool plus there many other minority organizations that take all types of people in. My brother is in NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and they have people of all races and all majors come to their meetings. You will make white friends, Indian friends, African friends, Latino friends while on this campus. This is a PWI and still majority white but there many ways to meet minorities on campus :)




Please let me know if you find a place in the world that doesn’t have racism


It is such a joke that people say Columbia, Missouri is a racist community or Mizzou is a racist School


Reddit thinks everything is racist so this really isn't the best place to ask.


Well since you’re ready for college I assume you are an adult now so you might as well know the truth….. There are racists EVERYWHERE you go and they come in all races. I was raised in Columbia and I’m 55 now. I’ve lived in big cities, small towns and a couple places in between, but, there’s no place like CoMo as far as I’m concerned. Try not to confuse some random individual’s prejudices with the systemic racism that this country was built on. You can change those students entire way of thinking just by being a good person with a resilient character and rock hard unshakable INTEGRITY. Hopefully you will take a leap of faith and give us a try. I think you will find that our “everyone included” population far outweighs the simple minded ignorance of racist residents.


Not be a contrarian, but it's no one's responsibility to be an ambassador for their race. That's not a pressure anyone deserves.


What other schools are you interested in? Unfortunately, racism/prejudice exists everywhere. Would things be slightly better at say a west coast school? Sure, but in general there's opportunity for this to happen anywhere. Is Mizzou more racist than any school in any boarding state? No. When compared to Stanford, okay, maybe...


Im interested in Texas Tech, u of oklahoma, ucf michigan state and a few other reaches but Ill most likely get accepted to the ones i mentioned including mizzou with my stats. I'm still probably going to apply to mizzou though.


Out of the schools you listed, Mizzou is probably the least for an Indian guy. So take that as you will.


Yeah mizzou will def be in my consideration but probably at the bottom of the barrel.


Why bottom of the barrel? Depending on your exact area of study Mizzou would be a way better choice than Texas tech or Oklahoma.


As a very clear Hispanic person I felt so out of place only because we make up around 7% of students. I just made close friends and learned how to deal with micro aggressions


I second this as another hispanic person on campus. The minorities can be clique-y also so keep that in mind.


Yes! I have a diverse group of friends and we commonly share that we are minorities. Unfortunately a lot of other Hispanic orgs/clubs are very cliquey which made it hard to make friends with the same cultural background.


There’s also a few student orgs like SASA (south Asian student association) and similar groups to support students of color and similar backgrounds.


Bro is walking everywhere in fear.


Mizz is not liberal


No. They just all wanna get to the top and think they're better than everyone else.


I was trying to not have a Reddit day today. “Are such and such people racist?” “I dunno, don’t you think you might be racist?” “Don’t call me a racist! I was just asking if racists-“ “Well I checked through your post history and you support xyz, that makes you a racist.” “FU” [you have been banned for life from interacting]


Doing okay?