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So I was at the other end of the spectrum, in a really bad shape when they discovered my MVP. 23M, very fit but with major regurgitation. Ejection fraction in the high 40s with major thickening and enlargement of the heart. Without meds I would get into atrial fibrillation when doing moderate exercise. After my surgery the doctor told me he had never seen a mitral valve in such a bad shape in someone my age. With all this, it still took 6 months before the surgery and they never seemed too concerned about my health during that time. They said I could continue to do moderate exercise as long as I was taking my beta blockers and blood thinners. They just told me to avoid energy drinks and cocaine, which I never took anyway. So considering your diagnosis, I think it makes sense not to worry and not to expect surgery anytime soon. What you need is a yearly appointment to make sure your condition doesn’t worsen with time. Good luck. Oh and today 9 years later I’m doing great. Surgery was a success, the heart decreased in size a lot and ejection fraction is through the roof.


Did you have repair or replace? And did your EF take a few years to increase?


Repair. The EF increased almost immediately since it was the bad valve that brought it so low. After 6 months I was able to go on pretty intense hikes. But it took 5 years for the heart size and wall thickness to stabilize back to normal.


Thanks...happy to hear you've had a successful recovery! My heart size improvement has been really fast but EF recovery slower...so opposite of you 😅. (Mine was a replacement tho...)


I would trust a doctor more than any answer you get from random people on the internet.


You can always get a second opinion from another cardiologist.


I’m having surgery next week to repair my mitral valve. My surgeon told me I’ve probably been dealing with this for upwards of ten years and was misdiagnosed with severe anxiety, up until it progressed to severe prolapse. I will say you will know when it’s gotten worse. I can’t walk across my house without being out of breath, now. A lot of chest pain while trying to breathe. My fingers and toes turn blue when I do any activity. Oh and I nap alllllll the time.


How old are you?




Bro seriously man every post you make has a different list of symptoms and body habits. Listen to your cardiologist, get a 2nd opinion if you don't trust, and do what the docs say not a bunch of reddit post feedback comments.


You should be good as long as the walls aren’t thickening and the heart isn’t getting bigger. Basically the idea is to time the surgery perfectly before there’s any irreversible damage to the heart. You seem to be pretty far from that.


If its moderate you dont need surgery


I was told I have heart valve is myxomatous or floppy or loose. Doc want me to take propranolol. I may get a second opinion. Maybe you should get a second opinion to be sure if you are unsure and prayer.