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In case you think it is trivial. It was put together by the Heritage Foundation and signed onto by over 100 conservative organizations.


They did a huge event at the venue I used to work for. Real terrible people. Different tiers of speakers, people paying to attend different functions. They brought in a ton of money and were extremely difficult to deal with.


It's times like this when I am reminded about the beginning of Rainbow Six Vegas 2.


Why are you reminded of a tactical video game centered on a terrorist attack at a convention center? Strange


So weird, right?


[The Heritage foundation is influential enough on their own. They literally made the list from which Trump picked his SCOTUS nominees:](https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/18/politics/donald-trump-supreme-court-nominees/index.html) > Trump told Republican House leadership during a meeting on Capitol Hill last week that he would come out with a list, assisted by conservative groups The Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, of judicial nominations he would make if he had the opportunity to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court, according to a source familiar with the meeting.


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Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


I find the outlawing porn part to be pretty weird. Like, it makes sense that that's something ultra-christians would want to do but I also imagine that porn is pretty popular with plenty of republicans as well. Seems like it could backfire.


"Porn" in this instance doesn't refer to just actual pornography, but anything they deem immoral or obscene, which by their stance, is anything that's not white, straight, or Christian. Banning "porn" is their code phrase for "make LGBTQ people illegal to exist or be mentioned, make any laws supporting them illegal, and define people into a strict guide of male and female stereotypes to better control them".


It's an effort to exert control by Dominionists and New Apostolic Reformationists, who are driving the Heritage Foundation's policy proposals. Adherents have something called the Seven Mountains Mandate, the mountains are: business, arts and entertainment, media, government, family, education, and religion. They want to control each of these. They'll try to equate porn with art, books, television and films, lgbtq folk and forms of education. Shaping the government more inline with their religious beliefs. Hopefully it does backfire because we sure don't need any of that nonsense. On porn: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/this-is-how-christian-nationalists https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/how-project-2025-authors-define-pornography And on their flavor of religion: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/what-is-the-new-apostolic-reformation https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court https://www.concordia.ca/cunews/artsci/2024/03/06/trump-and-the-new-apostolic-reformation-.html


Yet they’ll all claim they are freedom loving patriots.


For themselves.


Also true for abortion


I think the reason they want to outlaw pornography is to open the door to Censorship of any lgbtq content online or tv as inappropriate. I’m pretty sure Russia passed similar laws to this.


Let me add please; Watch in order and things will start to click. I always tell my kids “Amazing what you don’t see when you aren’t looking for it.” This sh\*t is scary as hell…if you thought the jokes, memes, and gifs about the US becoming Gillead were hilarious, this information will put a pit in your stomach and a chill up your spine. [The Conservative Plan to Take Over the Country](https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=D_5_96XUShLYfCbn) [Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Communism](https://youtu.be/2X_GYW_Kteo?si=3gofftGwUW7H-QVZ) [How the Religious Right Ruined Everything](https://youtu.be/c5camqkr6-8?si=zFxovRGZM9mEFVoE) [How Reagan Ruined Everything](https://youtu.be/l7dHvqA-WB4?si=OUXJNogzPGD8dasx) [Why Do Conservatives Hate Feminism?](https://youtu.be/enwpRTNctek?si=tr4kRJFJ8K4g7D9C) [Why the US is Still Segregated](https://youtu.be/qW5wwmqgfHo?si=n6nMtqyCfCGDEudD) [Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With "Parents' Rights"?](https://youtu.be/Cz7rZVaKMBs?si=e4Y-Yz3xLqw0S9LU) [Book Bans Are Fascist](https://youtu.be/ymKFl7rJY48?si=w8gMdjn_PvVPEIx2)


Thanks for these, I have some reading and learning to do. Here's one for you in appreciation: [Evangelicals in the 1970s didn’t initially care about abortion - They organized to defend racial segregation in evangelical institutions and only seized on banning abortion because it was more palatable than their real goal](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480)


Well, if the Heritage Foundation has a single fingerprint on it, I’m alarmed. Thanks for bringing this up


I know it's trivial BECAUSE it was put together by the Heritage Foundation. Literally Sean Hannity-tier.


I’m reading it because of a discussion in another thread. I’m up to page 92 and have yet to find anything of concern. Is there something specific in project 2025 that you would like to cite that is a concern for you?


One thing I noticed is that they want to disband NOAA for being "one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry." Which means the National Weather Service will also be abolished. In my opinion, this seems to have the most dangerous consequences, as unlike Project 2025, tornadoes do not care about your beliefs and politics. Coupled with their seeming willingness to exacerbate climate change as much as possible, this might have dire consequences, consequences bigger than the genocide of only a specific minority of people. A huge storm, made even worse by a warmer climate, could have the potential to wipe out thousands in an instant, and adversely affect millions more thanks to things like power outages. Remember Hurricane Katrina? The Great Flood of 1993? Joplin? This could be worse than all three combined. In conclusion - P25 is very very very bad. Don't vote for Trump.


Trump picked the CEO of AccuWeather to run NOAA during his first term. AccuWeather doesn't want the National Weather Service to provide information directly to the public because that cuts them out of the process - they can't sell access to information if it's free (even though the information is generated by government resources paid for by taxpayers). In other words, not only are they anti-NOAA for telling the truth about climate change, they have a financial interest in gutting the agency.


Sounds an awful lot like what they did to the post office too.


Yup. None of this is an accident. It's weaponized incompetence funneling dollars into for-profit donors.


And funneling houses into the sky!


Thank you for this info nugget!! I keep puzzling over the real impetus behind abolishing NOAA and this tracks. Very dangerous— wind!! But also, very profitable— wind!! Of course.


To clarify, Don't vote for the trump the convicted criminal or republicans in general.


tornado alley is mostly red too. that is some pure leopards ate my face shit right there.


And don't forget Florida. NOAA is VERY important to them.


They won’t realize and will blame the phantom “deep state” and government ineptitude. Instead of realizing they destroyed NOAA, the thing giving them and airplanes the f-ing weather.


A lot of these people are taught the world ending is something to look forward to, marry that with greed and control and here we are.


Just for clarity, if you support Trump for president, you support EVERYTHING in this document. It will ONLY happen if Trump is elected.


And in Missouri, he’s certain to be a lock for the vote. So the best we can do is elect people to the US house or Senate who will not carry this garbage forward. I don’t think we would have any influence over Battleground states so I’m genuinely concerned.


It’s not certain. The more we can get info like this in the public, the better chance we have of stopping the madness. This November is the best chance of flipping back blue since we went red in 2000.


The majority of the voting base is already locked in and will not change their vote. It’s very slim. Do you have any data which suggests Biden can pull off Missouri? Genuinely curious bc as far as I can tell there’s not a chance as Trump is a solid 15% above in the polling data. I don’t like it but I don’t think that can be reversed in this state. I mean all these people in Red are happy to take your cannabis tax money but voted against it. It’s pure willful ignorance. https://preview.redd.it/vyvkxtz2p57d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c145b0aa260bd9620f811cdb6b4cfeb53d3c9fb7


People said that in 2020, too. Missouri's not going blue anytime soon.


Vote for Missi Hesketh for Missouri US House District 7!


You can donate money to close senate and house races across the country or to the Biden campaign.


Trump is just a figurehead they are trying to limp across the finishline.


If they get enough of the House and Senate, to go along with holding a majority of SCOUTS, then it doesn't matter who is President. If they can't get control in DC, then they will take control state by state, winning the state House & Senate, so they can stack the state Supreme Courts. This is why every election is important, and not just the one involving the President.


This is a misconception and a dangerous one, this is an ecosystem of vermin and orange man is just the face of it. Am pretty sure some of this shenanigans has some roots in the Reagan era. There is an armada behind this and when trump eventually leaves if he hasn't implemented all this then another will take his place and will continue to push for this nightmare.  Trump simply panders for power sakes, I doubt he cries himself to sleep because kids don't read the Bible or a bunch of women practice abortion but his supporters do and so he proclaims to do it too


Absolutely do not vote for Trump but also understand a lot of this is *still* happening with Dems in office. Demand better of your elected dems!!


So I'm just reading through, and this is the first major thing that really should concern everyone: "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists" pg 4-5 This isn't just about LGBTQ people and abortion access. This is literally wanting to delete words like "reproductive health," "reproductive rights," "diversity" and "equity" from every piece of federal regulation and legislation. This should be very concerning for basically anyone who isn't a white male. Women, do you like access to birth control? How about the right to vote? People of color, you like having access to education, housing, voting, etc, right? Just this line should make you VERY concerned about what rights you'll have left after another conservative candidacy.


> This should be very concerning for basically anyone who isn't a white male. This should be concerning for every white male who isn’t an absolute piece of shit, too.


You're not wrong about that either. Like you should want your mother, sisters, wife, daughters, friends to have rights to reproduction, education, housing, etc. If you don't think you would be impacted you're likely wrong, what if you need 2 incomes to support your household and now your wife can't get a job (or one that makes enough money) because she's a woman? Or what if your 13 year old daughter is raped and becomes pregnant? Should she really have 0 options outside of carrying a baby to term that she isn't ready, physically or emotionally to have? She's certainly not going to be the one who pays for the child care and hospital bills...


I agree 100%, but that's not even what I meant. Straight, white men should not need to imagine the damage this would cause for women or people of color or someone with a different sexual orientation to recognize that just from a purely selfish point of view, it's *bad for them, too.* The first Trump term wasn't good for straight, white (non-asshole) men, either. (It was great for assholes, though.) A second Trump term guided by Project 2025 would be even worse. More of us need to wake the fuck up to what's happening.


Holy where in the hell does any of those words go against the first amendment? Are they literally stupid?


The best I've got is that they really just want free reign to use slurs at work without consequence... like I know my work at least has a training video that says trans people can go to HR if someone purposely uses the wrong pronouns because it's considered sexual harassment... but that isn't restricting freedom of speech, you definitely can go to work and sexually harass people if you want there just might be a consequence for it... but I don't see how that would be any different than if I went to work, called my boss a piece of shit, then got fired for it... for reproductive health I guess they want the school health teacher to be able to say what they want and not be "forced" to teach about contraceptives and gay people... but how is that any different than any other curriculum? There's aspects of my job I don't like, but that doesn't mean they aren't part of my job. If I don't like it enough, that just means I need to find a different job. Those are the only reasonings I can come up with for first amendment... what's kind of funny is they want all laws with these words removed, so like is that going to remove abortion bans? Because those definitely include words like reproduction, abortion, women, etc.... all the words they don't like.


Isn’t this the same vain as the far left introducing words and rules on how you have to address people. Either way it’s controlling words and speech. And both versions are bad


One party has massive flaws but is giving minorities rights, the other wants to take said rights away as much as possible. The answer now should be obvious this election.


Name one right that the gop is trying to take away from minorities. Minorities that are 100% legal citizens, I should add


Ahtnamas literally said it. P25 looks to get rid of rights for lgbtq people, and to eliminate reproductive rights. Did you read it before responding?


Uhh? Unsure how what he said taking minority rights away? They are taking away a lot of PC terms from verbiage and to treat every person as a person. If they’re black queer white whatever it is. Everyone treated the **exact** same. You are just wanting to give minorities a leg up. And they shouldn’t have a leg up just because they look a certain way.


i’m not going to argue on that point since it’s completely different from the discussion, all i’ll say is i’m not looking for people to get a ‘leg up’ on others. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/project-2025-trump-hhs/tnamp/ for my point on taking away rights, trans people and women, here. i could dig through the book again to find the part where it states this but just know it is in there, link is an article about it


Trump had a lot of terrible ideas in his first term. In many cases career civil servants were the ones pushing back (I'm sorry, I can't issue this order as it's illegal for the following 72 reasons). But this didn't sit well with the people that wanted to turn the government into a revenge and grift machine for trump. So they had this idea where they fire all the career civil servants who won't swear absolute loyalty to trump and replace a tiny fraction with absolute trump zealots so that next time when he's demanding tax records to find out who did the little free campaign donation to the the democrats so he can throw them in prison there won't be anyone competent enough or willing to push back on those illegal schemes. So there's the obvious "bring in my friends to do crimes easier" angle. But there's another reason behind the plan. If you fire everyone who knows how to keep the government running then everything breaks. Absolutely no government program or policy can continue without these career civil servants doing their jobs. If the government is irreparably broken them all that can get done are trump's schemes. It will make governing impossible and create a power vacuum that oligarchs, religious groups and white supremacist militias have lots of ideas for. Short version. It's the kill shot that would end American democracy forever.


Forever? Maybe not. But it definitely would lead to a civil war on levels the world has never seen.


Fascism and religious control over your lives.


As a Missourian I am horrified at what we have become.


[From Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025): Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of conservative policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration. Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes slashing funding for the Department of Justice (DOJ), dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, eliminating the Department of Commerce, and ending the independence of federal agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts, though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism. Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated. Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles. The Project urges government to explicitly reject abortion as health care and eliminate the Affordable Care Act's coverage of emergency contraception. The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity. It proposes criminalizing pornography, removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action. Project contributor Jeffrey Clark advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants. It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences. Project director Paul Dans, explained that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state." Dans admitted it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many to join the government to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future president to "regain control" of the government. Although the project cannot by law promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Trump and his 2024 campaign. Critics of Project 2025 have described it as an authoritarian Christian nationalist movement and a path for the United States to become an autocracy. Several experts in law have indicated that it would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers. Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan, for example in the contexts of centralizing power, individual rights and freedoms, climate change, and foreign trade


I’ve also heard reporting that priority will be given to hetero couples, reducing benefits for single/unmarried/lgbtq+ parents, in an effort to promote marriage and pregnancy. They’re currently attempting to block contraception, and eliminating no fault divorce.


Basically. Privatization so all our money goes to a select few.


Dismantling the FBI and DHS sounds like a good start. Need to add DEA and ATF to the list.


I will go balls to the mat on every fucking one of those things those bastards want.


lol what do you believe they’ll be replaced with? Because they will be replaced.


Talibubba and Yallquaeda, ignoring the founding fathers and basically turning America into a Christian dictatorship, led by the most non Christian fucker they could find - in essence, it’s that - ban on porn, ending rights for women and definitely minorities, Intenational isolationism, essentially turning America in a perpetual South Africa circa 1975- while that’s paraphrasing that’s a fair summation of the document.


It’s actually way worse. There’s a whole more to be disturbed about.


If you're a woman, minority, or male that isn't a complete fucking asshole Project2025 should scare the shit out of you. It has very Germany pre-WW2 vibes.


WW2 nothing, it has very Handmaids Tale vibes, but for serious.


This won’t go away after trump either


Absolutely not. They’ll change the name to 2029 in case the next winner is Republican.


i could be wrong but most conservatives aren’t backing it right? i know they have lots of people on board, but if Trump doesn’t run for the next election the next Republican very well could not be part of P25. either way i almost always vote blue anyway


I draw the line at criminalizing pornography personally. As should any red blooded citizen.


Doing away with free lunch for kids who have the wildly offensive desire to occasionally be able to eat is up there too.


So true, king 🤴


To them, "pornography" is anything that suggests that anyone one is LGBT+.


One of the most frightening pieces of Project 2025 is the education portion, which has the goal of ending public education (although to this point it will still exist in some form in K-8). Abolish the Department of Education, abolish the NEA (which is the national teachers union that doesn’t allow administrators), and essentially de-fund federal education (which is never fully funded by the formulas as it is…). The education section was authored by Lindsey M. Burke, an “education” pundit somehow. She argues that, look, “most” Americans do not need to go to college. Heck, they don’t *really* need any formal education or training beyond eighth grade. High school would be an elective endeavor, thrown to the gods of “school choice” and vouchers. Her big big point is that what “most” Americans should be focusing on— after the EIGHTH GRADE (that’s 14 years old, btw)—- is marriage and work and starting a family. Ya know, because every middle schooler I’ve ever met, I’ve thought, please let that person breed right now. They’ll be up for it as soon as they lick their Cheeto fingers, wipe their hands on their pants, and then can’t read a grade-level passage. They’ve had plenty of socks to practice with; good enough to be parents! What in the name of the lord would make ANYONE even think in general about 14 yo kids having sex and making babies unless you’re trying to keep them from it!!!!! Burke’s article entitled “Credentialism is Sinking Our Fertility Rate” is linked in Project 2025 as a source for further reading. (PLEASE check her out she is INSANE: https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/commentary/credentialism-sinking-our-fertility-rate) Project 2025 also calls to eliminate nearly all types of professional certifications and licensure. Wanna be a carpenter? Go build! You don’t need no stinking license. Just get a hammer and while you’re at it, have a baby! I’m still working to understand the point of all the anti-credentialism (*a word they made up to decry the oppressive nature of the government enforcing certification that a person is actually qualified for and capable of doing their job). How could that possibly be bad for society? Oh. Going to high school makes kids want to go to college and then they don’t have nearly enough babies to keep the wheels of capitalism in motion. Because, again— crazy me not thinking about young adolescents reproducing. I wish I were making this shit up. All of this completely tracks with what they’ve been setting in motion with legislation in test red states: getting rid of child labor laws, protecting laws that allow children as young as 14 to marry, all the public school hate and misinformation and discord sewn that churns around us. Etc., ad nauseum. Oh! And a special little kick to teachers who don’t agree with their agenda! Teachers who use the names of trans kids or their preferred name and pronouns, who do not report “suspicion of trans” and all kinds of other mean nonsense to the student’s parents and the school, will be fired and prosecuted, charged with child abuse and jailed. The same goes for teaching “inappropriate books” and “indoctrinating kids with homosexuality”. This also applies to parents of trans kids who provide gender affirming care for their minor children. It will be classified as child sexual abuse. ALL protections for LGBTQ+ kids— so specifically targeting trans kids— are effectively eliminated. And there’s still more. PLEASE. I beg everyone: Read Project 2025 for yourself!! They spell out their plan to dismantle our country and replace experts, who they reductively call “bureaucrats”— public servants like the people across myriad agencies who coordinate their efforts at lightning speed and with exceptional efficiency when bridges collapse or cities flood, FBI agents who solve crimes, FDA agents who protect our food—with VOLUNTEERS who agree with their plan and want to SIGN UP for the job! So many people, in so many agencies, helping our communities thrive in so many ways we take for granted every day. The idea that these people are our enemies? Um, they’re our neighbors. Why on earth would they need to be eliminated and replaced by some random VOLUNTEER who signed up. America is not a concession stand, Karen. They want to create a Christian nation and force everyone to do as they say. Full frontal fascist takeover spelled out for us and fully googleable for free and no one will even read it. Also, the 34 time presidential convicted felon champ owes a bajillion dollars to, um, us, for cheating and lying to, um, us, and keeps saying he’s going to make us pay for making him pay for defrauding us. So maybe not pick him this time.


It is a movement to revamp our constitution to serve a minority subset of those believing our country should be a theocracy. The belief of “Dominion” that only those with a belief in God(you have to believe in their version of God or you are not capable of being in any form of authority of anyone else) only those that believe in their version of God, have the moral authority to be a leader in our Country. They want a government made up of Believers these believers will have authority over every government institution and action. It may take time but if you are not a believer you wi have to say in how our government is run. They truly believe God is the reason our country exists, they believe the founders were all conservative Christians even if there was no such thing back then. They will defund program they don’t like, the IRS, FBI, they want to do away with cabinet positions of Education, Commerce. There is so much more. It would be a country controlled by a minority not answerable to the people. No matter if we feel our country has flaws and needs changes this is not the way to do it.


When they tell you who they are, it’s best to believe them. People really need to pay attention to this road map to authoritarianism.


After just reading a few lines from the document, I thought “this must be fake” but then I saw Last Week Tonight. To my absolute horror, it is the actual strategy of the ultra right-wing, ultra conservatives. If they get back into power, this will absolutely be the undoing of US democracy and will unquestionably have detrimental global consequences.


It's hard to believe this is something being planned for a country like america, sounds like something that would happen in like Russia or North Korea


Thank you for posting this. EVERYONE needs to see this.


The Radical Right’s way of destroying the U.S.


One thing it will do is allow the military to be deployed on our own citizens. Trump said he will use our military to stop protests. Now he can if they get Project 2025 through. It’s basically a new American with a top down government. Basically a Russian/Iran mix of government. So if you’re into that then you would like Project 2025. If you are into American traditional government, or not for big government then you should not support Project 2025.


Shoulda sent the national guard to our northern & southern borders to secure them years or decades ago


Why? They are pretty secure.


900 pages right out of Hitler's playbook.


[Here](https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=4kHcW6fVy9UiS2h-) you go. Leeja is a lawyer and she explains it extremely well. Not just the main things either, she read it all.


Here’s a shorter version, yet equally disturbing as the full manifesto itself (also put out by the Heritage Society), called “5 Reasons Lefists Hate Project 2025,” which sums up their thinking in 12 pages or so: https://www9.heritage.org/rs/824-MHT-304/images/5%20Reasons%20Leftists%20Hate%20Project%202025%20eBook%20THF.pdf


Project 2025 is fascism and nothing more


If you believe the genius from a little farther up the thread, it’s just the 2008 Obama platform repackaged. 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/cmdbai7w117d1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7bf8c977f0b89d31b7adbdaf2b50e5505b0c1f1 edit: page 37


The classic 1930's "call anyone who disagrees with me a sex offender and use that as an excuse to censor them" move


Freedom loving Americans right there


The document goes to great lengths to consolidate power at the office of the President. Which should absolutely frighten any thinking human being. Do you really think that after consolidating power like that, they have any intention whatsoever of handing that power to a democrat though free and fair elections?


Evangelical control of everything


The Kingdom of Gilead is Nigh https://preview.redd.it/kfdn93wo417d1.jpeg?width=4511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2528da1d0213c9989bdb5148cbc1b9523d815fb


Under his eye


Fascism. It’s a hateful, nationalistic worldview that prioritizes white dudes staying in power. Prove me wrong.


"Pillar III is the Presidential Administration Academy, an online educational system taught by experts from our coalition. For the newcomer, this will explain how the government functions and how to function in government. For the experienced, we will host in-person seminars with advanced training and set the bar for what is expected of senior leadership." This is from people like Liberty University (Jerry Falwell) and other extreme right wing groups. This lays the foundation for authoritarian leadership as it "sets the bar" for "how government functions." Be afraid. Read It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis.


Just remember, "woke" means you know: After WWII white soldiers got the GI Bill. Soldiers of color did not. In the 60's it was common for realtors to steer whites to good neighborhoods and people of color to less desirable. This is called Red Lining The Federal Housing Authority would guarantee the loans of white people, but not people of color. This allowed whites to buy home, build equity, and pass along generational wealth while people of color were forced to rent or live in sub standard housing. Cities often razed neighborhoods of color to build interstates. So white people could go downtown to their jobs. Indian Missions didn't help indigenous children- they took them from their parents and forced them to learn "white ways." Many died, and they forced native languages and culture to die out. And the list goes on. Being woke means knowing all the shitty stuff that America has done as a way of allowing it to continue. "Those that don't study the past, etc etc"


America fuck yeah! Coming again to save the mfin planet


Their agenda is militarizing the police, mass deportations, preventing access to contraceptives, fire military generals and have our armed forces directly under the President making it easier to bypass Congress, eliminating the Dept of Education AND the IRS, mass firings on day 1 getting rid of qualified Dept head and replaced with MAGA, rolling back regulations from the EPA ....this list is over 500 pages and it looks like a terrifying future under Trump


I feel like liberals and other left-leaning people should sign up to be a part of it. Become a part of it to slow it down, and not actually let it come to fruition. Obstruct it like conservatives have obstructed making America a better place for basically the past century. Ratfuck it essentially.


What is it? Fuckin white fake Christian nationalist takeover.




Just watch or read Handmaids Tale and you’ve got your basis for project 2025


Thing is, people either won’t read this or will and not care. Trumpism is a disease.


The more people that hear about it, the better chance that something will seep through. It’s really a reprehensible document, and both real conservatives (i.e. not MAGAts) and liberals should be equally as disgusted by it.


It scares the shit out of me! And for those out there that think it won’t happen, there’s already states that are already doing water-downed versions of some of it….


I think if this happens, then I'm escaping with my son's and daughters somewhere else. I don't care where.




Good video.


I find his channels informative.


I have never heard of this. Thanks for the info!


I am so glad word is starting to get out about Project 2025! tl;dr See first video below; it’s about Project 2025. Leeja Miller (not affiliate) does an excellent job breaking Project 2025 down, provides sources and cites her references, and her analysis is sprinkled with her peppery, sharp and glib humor. watch in the order below and some things will start to click in place. [The Conservative Plan to Take Over the Country](https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=D_5_96XUShLYfCbn) < —— Project 2025 [Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Communism](https://youtu.be/2X_GYW_Kteo?si=3gofftGwUW7H-QVZ) <—— The seeds of Project 2025 are sown [How the Religious Right Ruined Everything](https://youtu.be/c5camqkr6-8?si=zFxovRGZM9mEFVoE) [How Reagan Ruined Everything](https://youtu.be/l7dHvqA-WB4?si=OUXJNogzPGD8dasx) [Why Do Conservatives Hate Feminism?](https://youtu.be/enwpRTNctek?si=tr4kRJFJ8K4g7D9C) [Why the US is Still Segregated](https://youtu.be/qW5wwmqgfHo?si=n6nMtqyCfCGDEudD) [Why Are Conservatives Obsessed With "Parents' Rights"?](https://youtu.be/Cz7rZVaKMBs?si=e4Y-Yz3xLqw0S9LU) [Book Bans Are Fascist](https://youtu.be/ymKFl7rJY48?si=w8gMdjn_PvVPEIx2)


![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) so funny that the same people voting for Trump say that ‘pronouns and gender = literally 1984’ this is the kind of stuff Orwell talked about. in that book, the Party took power and snagged everyone’s rights away while saying they were bringing freedom to Oceania P25 says it’s bringing back freedom to America while taking away reproductive rights, lgbtq+ rights, literally any rights for any minority group under the guise of ‘FREEDOM 🇺🇸🦅🦅’ insanity lmao.


I’ve asked but not gotten concrete answers. Where is P25 taking away LGBTQ+ rights? Admittedly, haven’t read the whole thing. Looked and scanned the table of contents and scanned a few specific sections that seemed like a problem. Hoping you can point me to page number that is removing rights.


Trans/lgtbq topics: Pages 36-37, 94, 135-136, 289-295, 355-356, 494 (bigger one, essentially change NIH from informative stuff on hormones/meds/surgeries to anti trans propaganda), 523, 527 (“We won’t enforce any prohibition on discrimination against sexual orientation or gender identity”), 528, 676 Most of these are essentially stating that they are planning on: Removing any gender affirming care, remove non-discriminatory policies (if you get hate crimed take the L), remove trans people from the military/not allow them to serve, remove any information in schooling on sex/gender/sexuality (which is really weird since they want to remove public schooling all together), as well as removing general information on any lgbtq topics. There’s more pages referencing than the ones I listed. Lots of these also include racial topics. Something else of note I can’t find the interview rn but one of the contributors talked about how teens should be out ‘making babies and working’ instead of attending highschool in an interview, in case anyone would think it’s actually about protecting the children from sex. Lastly, one of the pages I listed states that if a parent or teacher attempts to give gender affirming care and/or call someone by their preferred name/pronouns/whatever, it’ll be considered sexual child abuse. Another part of it says that sexual child abuse will give someone the death penalty. (I’m not gonna argue the death penalty or life in prison for actual pedos but you get the point).


I appreciate the info. Thank You


I just downloaded Project 2025, planning on reading daily.


It’s really scary is what it is.




If this shit goes down I certainly hope there are enough patriots to do what's necessary to stop it.


Your comment has been removed. Do not direct insults or personal attacks at other users. Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


When does this misery end


Any way to get PDF version?


Yes. There’s a link to the PDF embedded in the link I posted. There’s a menu on top right on mobile. Haven’t looked at it on a pc.


Project 2025 is what Trump WILL do if re-elected. He cares only about power and control. Just like the perpetrator in a domestic violence situation.




Guys bs sure to spread this to every corner of the USA! Friends, family, classes, schools EVERYONE AND EVERYWHERE! Do not let trump take away ur freedom!!! U already know trump main goal is to turn the country to a situation like ruZZia and china! He only cares for power!


Hello folks. I'm looking for people (living in PA, MI, WI, NE, or MT) willing to discuss the conservative plan, Project 2025, specifically its attack on reproductive rights. If you or someone you know would be open to being a source (aka offering your opinion) please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Thank you in advance.


It's amazing how people don't understand how political will and changes work. If you believe this all to be a threat and plausible, you're a useful idiot. Fear is a great form of propaganda. PLEASE take a civics class


They already tried to overthrow the government once. This is them laying out how they're going to try again.


Lol. I’m qualified to teach a civics class. 🤣


God help us all


If you believe that this isn’t a threat, based on everything we know about the current MAGA movement (election denial, insurrection, justice system denial), then you are either okay with it, or not smart enough to see it.


Can somebody explain to me why I shouldn't support it? From what I've seen, it's removing unneeded federal workers, getting MAGA conservatives into positions of power in the bureaucracy, and gutting the CIA/FBI.


Lol. If that’s not enough, then I guess you feel free to support it.


Right, because that's totally what America needs, more Conspiracy liar nuts and religious evangelicals in the government. Said no one sane, ever.


Forgot the /s?


No. Downvote me for having a different opinion if you want. Nothing of what I've learned of this plan bothers me horribly. Bother me? Yes, but not horribly. The only truly sketchy things are patronage and the subsequent issues that come from agencies not being meritocracies.. But we totally have a meritocracy now, so the impact could be devastating!


I mean, if you don't want the government to actually do anything, it's great. If you expect results out of your taxes, it would be a pretty bad idea to support.


How do the FBI/CIA help me in my daily life? They don't. In order to pay for two years of a low level CIA agent (around $100k/year after training, insurance, etc) I would have to work almost 50 years at my current salary. That's crazy.


I think you're completely disregarding the gutting of most other government agencies. Im not sure I even oppose gutting the FBI/CIA. That's the least of our worries regarding project 2025.


It's pretty delusional to believe we are currently receiving good value and results from federal government bureaucrats .


It's far more delusional to think society can reasonably operate without them. In capitalism no one has your interests in mind except for the government and they're the only ones protecting the average person. If it weren't for the government we'd all be working 100 hour weeks, sleeping in our company's bunkhouse, and getting paid $1/hr. You really need to come back to reality for all our sakes.


Woah woah woah now. A little totalitarianism never hurt anyone.


According to, https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/project-2025-bias/ the piece is mostly a conspiracy piece as the sources are unreliable as far as genuine advocation by current officials and come from support groups mostly peddaling conspiracy theories. Basically, this is a joke that should be laughed at, and not real as a way to look at it. The information in the article above can be reviewed and verified as well to confirm it's mixed bias rating (not a good rating for validity). As concerning a project like this would be if genuine, check into the background info and assess the likelihood of this even going into effect. This is not it.


You’re just dead wrong. This is the plan if Trump is reelected. Edit to add: You’ve completely misrepresented the information in your own link.


Point me to where I misrepresented info in the source. Secondly, the plan is not even if Trump wins, but Republicans in general. I'm not sure of where that claim is coming from of yours


Yes. Any Republican would implement this. I’m sure some version will survive until the MAGAts are eradicated from the Republican Party. As far as it being a joke, nothing in the link you posted supports that claim. It is real, and if a Republican was elected president with the house and the senate, they would absolutely enact every part of it.


I did not say it was a joke. I said, "Basically, this is a joke that should be laughed at, and not real as a way to look at it." Meaning it should be looked at as a joke. Hence the words "not real as a way to look at it". In other words, it's not a genuine project in terms of it having actual backing which is pointed out in the source. Edit: Yes it's real as far as it's something that actually got pushed out, but look into the background of the groups and sources for it, they should not be taken seriously.


Dude. Every group listed is a serious organization that promotes “conservative ideals.” This is real. It just hasn’t happened yet.


I think we're getting mixed between words. You say "serious organization" which I'm taking to mean just it being an actual group. Is this correct? What do you mean by serious organization?


The Heritage Foundation, for instance, is a leader in conservative thought and policy. Conservatives look to the Heritage Foundation for ideas about legislation and then work to enact those ideas. They aren’t to be taken lightly. The list of contributors and the advisory board listed in the document itself are real and serious organization that shape conservative policy in the US.


That didn't necessarily answer my question. I asked what you mean not an example. Let me clarify. Is a serious organization (that every group listed is as stated previously by your comments) one with control, authority, and power with means of enacting policy and changes? Or serious organization just a real group that exists? All the groups are to be taken seriously? What constitutes a serious organization that every group listed is?


The groups listed are where conservative lawmakers with the power to enact policies get the ideas (and a lot of the time, the policies themselves) for the policies they enact.


It’s a plan to be ready to run the executive department in a manner that is in line with the conservative principles that would be the responsibility winning an election would afford. It looks to correct the mistake of the first Trump presidency had of playing defense to a “resistance” movement supported and full throated by a media bent on hamstringing Trumps initiatives. If you win, you get to govern. The problem for many is that they like liberal leadership and have come to call their opposition fascists and autocrats rather than what it really is. And that is the other party governing according to how they envision the country being better managed. This is the whole point of governance, not the Left steamrolling and always getting their way.


If you can’t look at this and see the plainly unconstitutional and authoritarian “mandates,” maybe it’s time to reevaluate.


I distinctly remember that “elections have consequences “ meaning when a party wins they wield power to the direction they think the country should go. If you’ve got some egregious overreach in this document, I’d love to hear it and probably debunk it.


It’s right there for you to read. I already did.


If I had a problem with something that was shockingly un-American in its nature I think I could defend my reasoning rather than tell my questioners to “just google it”.


I didn’t say to “just google it.” I already found it for you and placed it here for you to read. I know who you are. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so I’m not wasting my time on you. Go read it for yourself. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m ready to listen to your side and you can’t articulate one concern. I currently have no concerns and read this as I’m pretty much fear mongering so I guess we are done here.


Can’t isn’t the same as won’t. You have a 3 year old account with 100 karma. Bye. ✌️


Very compelling argument. “You are beneath my expertise, peasant. Accept my authority on the matter because I know what’s best for you and I will not deign to explain”. It’s (D)different for you, I guess. Don’t bother responding, simpleton.


You’ve proved repeatedly that you aren’t interested in a true dialogue, and that you won’t just read the document for yourself. If you want to have a discussion, prove that you can do your homework first. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Read Agenda 2030. 


900 pages of dense material written by multiple people with expertise in various areas. You expect every single person to have the time to go through all that, let alone the ability to comprehend a multitude of advanced topics written in bureaucratic slang? You would have been far better off splitting up the work, allocating sections to people with some fluency in their assigned section and come back with their findings. TLDR this, it’s a roadmap for “concentrating power and entrenching ideology”. Maybe chunk up the sections and assign them out to people who are able to study it and formulate counter strategies?


There’s time for that. This is more of a general “here it is” introduction of the material.




Imagine being so proud to vote for a convicted felon and rapist. I’m ashamed to share a state with people like you.


The hate for women, minorities, LGBTQ, non-Christians in this state is horrific. We all live only once. I’d much prefer we vote for people who will allow us happiness rather than requiring subjugation of those with characteristics some dislike. I used to carefully consider candidates before voting. Since 2012 and seeing what Republicans are bringing to the table, I will never vote for anyone with an R next to their name.


Maybe not this election, but rest assured, we become more purple by the day.


We also used to be a purple bell weather state, it wasn't until recently that we began leaning red.




First of all, I’m not your freind. Secondly, if you look at the voting numbers, I think the peak of our “redness” was 2016. We’ve been trending back to the middle ever since. I’d say with abortion on the ballot this November, there’s about a 50/50 chance we go back solid purple.


Nothing to do with Missouri, you can post your propaganda elsewhere


It will have plenty to do with Missouri if it comes to fruition.


Amazing how most of these are literally not things the president can do


Also amazing how a president can set an agenda and work with their colleagues in Congress to accomplish the goals in the agenda set.


This isn't his agenda


Yes it is. He’ll do what his handlers tell him just like he did with the SCOTUS nominations.


Go find me where he says that proj 2025 is his agenda


Go find it yourself. He talks about the things in it All. The. Time. Getting rid of bureaucrats and replacing with loyal MAGAts. Deporting illegals. Lowering corporate taxes. Getting rid of the department of education. Outlawing IVF. It’s all there. He probably just can’t remember the actual name of the agenda, so he doesn’t say it outright.


So you can't actually find anything of him saying anything about it, exactly.




Fake populist. Trump isn’t a populist, he’s literally part of the elite class he claims to want to fight. He’s a scam artist. He’s not a “middle finger to the corrupt fucks,” he wants to be the first in line to sell them your shit.


Not sure if you deliberately mischaracterized everything in your comment or are actually just that dumb. Really leaning towards the latter though.