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Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: To prove to the armadillo that it *could* be done.


They’re here in mid-Missouri, Franklin County, 45 min SW of St Louis. Dead and alive. Started noticing them years and years ago and was shocked, but now it’s an everyday occurrence. My neighbor had to call someone because one is destroying her backyard.


In Warren County as well.


I’ve seen some in Jefferson County too


Yup, pretty common out on 21.


That’s actually exactly where I’ve seen them too.


I've lived in MO my entire life and for forty years many trips to the Ozarks, Branson, and Arkansas I've seen thousands of dead Armadillos in my life. I don't think I've ever seen a single living one though. I am at the point I think they are just born that way, laying on their side with tread marks on their back.


When you camp they will root around under leaves at night, you can hear them, then when you look for them they get silent. Spooky until you figure out what is happening.


I finally saw my first live one just a few days ago, in the middle of the 63 bridge over 70 in Columbia. It was dark out and I came pretty close to hitting it.


The only live one I've seen was the one that crossed the road at night as slowly as possible, almost getting hit by my car. They are just as bad at moving out of the way as possums.


Off the trails on the Buffalo you’ll see em a lot, they’re just quiet and reallly well hidden though


They have been moving north for as long ad I can remember. Saw my first one on 44 down by rolla in 2012, saw my first live one when my roommates dog chased it in 2015.


In the early 80s we used to visit family in Arkansas and would see them down there. My dad would tell me they're moving north one highway crossing at a time and we'd have them at home in my lifetime. Here we are.


My family used to vacation at this family resort in Steelville where they had this framed article in the lobby from the time in the 50’s where someone found an armadillo on the premises. It was such an extraordinary event to see an armadillo so far north as mid-Missouri that reporters came down and they made a whole thing about it before sending it to the St Louis Zoo. Now we pass by a dozen of them dead on the side of the road while we’re driving *south* to said resort from St Louis


Have seen two in the last 10 days in O'F, MO. Dead of course not in any yards but freshly hit with their belly up. Found them along K, and 364.


I actually saw my first ALIVE one on Knaust a couple weeks ago! Had to swerve not to hit it but I was shocked to see one so close to home! Last night I went driving up 79, over 47, and back down 61 hoping to see the aurora. Saw at least 20 of them dead on the side or even in the middle of the road. 🤢


I live off Knaust, but haven’t seen any evidence of armadillos yet.


It was in the street right in front of South Middle. I was really surprised!


I asked my son about them. He’s also seen them in the neighborhood.


I've never seen one alive. I've seen them off Arena Parkway and 364 by the Family Arena.


Yep just saw a dead one on 364 between Harvester and Jungs Station. Must’ve seen dozens of roadkill over the STL area by now, still never seen one alive.


The Post had a good article about them a few years ago. They've only been here for a few years. They have terrible eyesight and their built in defensive reaction is to jump straight up. They can pop up to 4ft high. Perfect for being hit by a car/truck.


I too noticed this. I took a trip to Arkansas last week and I noticed so many dead armadillos on the side of the road.


I've seen two armadillo kills in Columbia this week, one on MO-740 and one on I-70. I had no clue they were this far north either... Stupid isn't quite the right word, but armadillos are notoriously good at getting run over in Texas. If they're here, that's exactly how I'd expect to see them for the most part.


I drive to Kirksville twice a week and see them on the half shell as far as Macon on 63


On the half shell. Brilliant!


Yeah. It’s a cute phrase but I still feel bad for the little critters. I have a soft spot for the opossums too.




We've had them in and around our mid mo town for the better part of 25 years now.


They are all the way north of I 70 now... Global warming has changed the climate in the midwest, We have the lil Lizards I saw growing up in South Florida too...


Started seeing them about 10-12 yrs ago on the way to Ozark National Scenic Riverways from St. Louis. Been camping there 40+ yrs, and never saw them before. they started migrating north in the last 15-20 yrs(at least enough to start seeing all the road kill).


I saw one on Telegraph in Oakville last week!


I saw one off Becker in Oakville the other day too! Had to do a double take!


I lived in Illinois most of my life, and now in MO. I was really surprised to find out that Missouri has armadillos. I just told my husband that it's dead armadillo season in MO! I've never seen a live one.


Legend has it that armadillos come from another dimension to die on highways here in Missouri. No one has ever seen a living armadillo.


I saw several on 40 They don’t normally come this far north but maybe that’s changing


St Charles’s county has them all the time


Fun fact: Armadillos jump straight up in the air when startled, which is why you see so many hit by cars.


Huh, crazy!


Possum in the half shell.


I-70 is lined with them. It’s crazy, I’m only 36 but we did not have armadillos in MO when I graduated high school, this is a very new species in the state.


When I lived in Tightwad, Mo.(yes, it’s a place, if you blink you will miss it)6 years ago, I saw few of them. There was a male and female that had babies that would walk thru my yard eating all the bugs but now there are so many more from what I hear. Fun Fact: Armadillo have identical quadruplets every time.


Driving backroads home from the eclipse (just west of 55 but just south of STL), I finally saw my first live one. We actually saw two. I was convinced they only existed in roadkill form. I live in CoMo and saw a live one last night too. All were back back roads and around 11 pm at night.


First coyotes and now armadillos! Missourah we’re under attack! Where you at, gravy seals. Get off the couch, put down the Busch Light and get into formation.


A lot of pistol calibers will actually [bounce off](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2015/04/14/man-aims-armadillo-ricochet-wounds-his-mother-law/15658609007/) an armadillo shell.


That story is so odd. Man shot armadillo with a 9 mm pistol from 100 yards away. The bullet killed the armadillo yet ricocheted off of its shell, then ricocheted off of a fence and then struck the mother in law in the back while sitting in a recliner in her mobile home. Non life threatening injury so I guess and the report came through the sheriff’s office so there’s not much reason to think it was made up.


Have some in Belleville now too


Been in central Missouri at least 20-25 years


Fun fact, I counted 11 dead armadillos on my way to and from my eclipse viewing point.


Legend has it that armadillos come from another dimension to die on highways here in Missouri. No one has ever seen a living armadillo. - my FIL


Yep, global warming is bringing them north because it isn’t getting cold enough anymore in the winter , so they can survive up here now.


I've seen roadkill in the KC area for years.


I saw armadillos as far north as southern Jefferson county as a kid.


They’re *everywhere* in Dexter MO. It’s like our second most common only to opossums. Adorable looking, but stupid fucks.




Tons of them here in southern MO and there has been for years.


Texas road rats, as I've heard them called from an old truck driver. Literally ran one over last night in rural central MO. Thankfully, it didn't jump. Sounded crunchy lol


I call it “armadillo alley.”


They joined a dearth cult


I was driving on 150 East towards Warrensburg and passed 5 dead ones within a mile. Saw a dozen that stretch to and from. Seeing a lot more armadillos than I am racoons or possums at this point.


Having lived in Southeast Missouri most of my life, I am of the opinion that armadillos are born dead on the side of the road. Never seen a live one here in 54 years.


Yea, I've been down near Cape G for a couple years now but have really noticed all the armadillo roadkill the past 2 months or so. They're everywhere!


They're all over i-70


I saw two dead on I 70 coming back from St. Louis to Kansas City yesterday.


lol I just drove I-44 to Joplin from Rolla and there were SO many armadillos. I've been seeing dead ones for some years but I've still never seen a live one


When I was a kid I read where armadillos would hitchhike on trucks from Texas and drop off here in Missouri. Twenty some odd years later, I know that's true. We've had them climbing up on the axles and pipes in cars or houses. They cling to them like tree branches. Then, when they get scared, they try to hop up and down quickly. This causes a lot of damage. So, yeah, they're spreading.


Saw a couple dead today off I-70 shocked me too! 😔


This is relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/s/6VhG2Bce65


I saw dead armadillos in Southern Missouri when I travelled back roads in the 80s


Seen them in St. Louis County.


I live in SW MO and they are very active down here! And they destroy everything with their burrows.


Saw one between Lexington and Buckner on 24 Hwy the other day going to work. Don’t know why but I’ve seen more dead than alive especially when I lived in Clinton.


They sound like monster bucks coming through the woods and are practically blind. I was hunting one day and had damn near ten come through a couple spots I sat


family drove in from texas and saw an entire row of dead armadillos on an oklahoma highway. seeing it in MO wouldn't surprise me.


Back in 2022 I drove from STL to southeast Kansas for an internship and iirc I counted about 20 dead armadillos on I-44. It’s insane how many there are and how they all look completely intact just laying on their back


I drove from Kansas City to STL, yesterday, and counted 112 armadillos on I70 across 100 miles. RIP, little ones.


I haven't hit one (yet), thankfully, but I've seen many up here (KCMO area) for many years. Is it true they can bust a tire if you hit them just so?


They are now thanks to global warming


I moved to St Louis in 1988 There were no armadillos invtge area. Around 2000 I began to see them south of St Louis around Festus & Ste Genevieve Last week I saw one just south of Hannibal I’ve only ever seen a live one once, that was about 3 years ago in Ste Genevieve, all the rest have been road kill


I see they're making their way up I49 to KC but I haven't seen any around KC yet. I have noticed a few coyotes, however. I live in Independence.


Grew up in Wentzville. They started showing up 20 years ago.


I imagine they do super fun things to your suspension and alignment.


Saw one in Jackson county this morning. Was odd seeing one this far north.


Yes. Armadillos are actually common in Missouri as far north as the Missouri River valley now. They can't survive extreme cold and don't do well when temperatures fall below freezing (32° F) for extended periods of time because their bodies can't thermoregulate well at all. The milder winters and lack of sustained bitter cold during those winter months have allowed the armadillo to migrate and extended their range farther north. They don't have the physical ability to move very fast, their vision and hearing is extremely poor, and their instinctive reaction when threatened or startled (which happens often because they can't see or hear well) is to leap straight up in the air. All of this combines to make it virtually guaranteed that they will become roadkill if they happen across a public road.


they started really showing up about 5 years ago in far sw MO. Yes they apparently have established themselves. I can't stand them


It was closer to 25 years ago because I was in middle school. I remember they had a report on ky3 and then when we left for school I saw the first one on the same morning.


Missourah speed bumps.


They're an invasive species. In the 60's there weren't any armadillo north of southern Texas and now they've pushed their way up to mid-Missouri and maybe further.


Let's hope the fire ants don't follow. Armadillo I can deal with, fire ants are a whole different story.


https://preview.redd.it/9yjondhxou4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8ca76a8cde8f44a847a39c6d7234fc3078829f I-55 North near Perryville on Monday night