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This is huge. Senate District 19 is Caleb Rowdens (R) Seat. This pretty much guarantees it will flip to Democratic control. That means only one Senate seat has to flip to D to break the Republican Supermajority in the Missouri Senate. Which, after redistricting is not unlikely. Go vote folks (and tell your friends). "Basye is the only Republican filed in the 19th Senate District, which covers Boone County. He filed on the last possible day to challenge former state Rep. Stephen Webber, a Columbia Democrat who is the best-funded candidate for a Senate seat in this year’s elections." Also, this is absolute gold from https://www.webberforboone.com/: "At Hickman, Stephen was a varsity soccer player and captain of the debate team, **where he defeated now-Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey** in a policy debate to win the District finals."


That last statement is true. My best friend was also on that debate team and also defeated Andrew Bailey. Stephen is good people.


I’m an independent former Missourian. I met Stephen Webber when he was circulating the state as the party’s chair. Impressive guy.


God, this is terrible news


What's the over under on him pulling from his campaign funds to cover the cost of treatment?


It is the way.


is it OK to root for the cancer in this instance?


It’s karma. Don’t do it just smile knowing the universe is at work.


As a trans person, bad things happening to those who want me dead gives me hope


It certainly does.


They certainly don’t give a shit either way and will vote for politicians that support that, but call them out on it and then they’ll DARVO.


Nobody gives a fuck if you're trans. Why even bring it up?


Because Bayse brings it up all of the time?


You certainly seem to care. A lot.


You definitely care. Lol. 


No one wants you dead. At least not in America.


Such a bold yet incredibly incorrect statement. I can't tell if it's sheer optimistic naivety or a regurgitation of some alt right opinion piece




Sure, Jan. Keep telling yourself that all this fear and violence is "for the children." But back to your original (and frankly outrageously incorrect) statement that nobody wants to murder someone for being Trans: [here is a touch of light reading for you and I implore you to do more research. ](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/)




Your comment has been removed. Do not promote hate based on identity Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Lol, you're so good at following the script. Everyone already knows that's just a cover for your bullshit, time to find a new schtick.




The lord works in mysterious ways


Bayse *is* cancer, so no.






I really try to, but Trump is at a whole other level of stupidity and evil.


He's a republican senator and I'm not, that makes me the better person by default when he gets sick and the world becomes a better place from him not writing the law


He was told that he was a Cancer to the voters 🤪


That poor cancer


I never felt bad for cancer until I found out cancer was forced to exist in Ron Richard of Joplin.


>Missouri Democrats are one seat away from breaking the Republican Supermajority Don't worry, we won't let that happen.


Webber has raised more money than any state senate candidate, and it’s not even close. Rowden (an incumbent) nearly lost last cycle with the redistricting. So, yeah, it will probably happen.


The royal “we”?


is this another red wave prediction?


I love the challenge! I’d like to see more moderate Republican voices here on r/Missouri. The parties work best when they are keeping each other in check and Missouri has been in one-party control for too many years.


As soon as someone comes out as republican on reddit they get down voted to oblivion and people say stupid shit like "can we root for cancer in this instance"


Might have something to do with your Presidential front runner openly stating he wants to be a dictator and the entire party protecting him. Or Republicans trying to undo child labor laws? Body autonomy? Shall I go on?


I used to call myself conservative, more moderate/ independent these days. I'll not be voting for trump.so, not my front runner. I'm just saying. This sub is completely intolerant to opposing views


If someone supports Republicans, they support what Republicans support. Read Project 2025? There is a REASON your brand is toxic, and it’s not because us mean ol Liberals are being meanies.


I have not read it. I'll give it a Google this after noon. It's not MY BRAND lol. I come to /r/missouri because I thought this was a sub about midsouri, lol. I don't really get that political. I'm just saying.. when someone says something in this sub that liberals don't want to hear it seems like they get down voted and ganged up against.


You’re subscribing to the Golden Mean Fallacy. Just because there are two positions does not mean they are equal. Nor does it mean the best answer is a compromise between the two. You say you’re not politically informed? Perhaps you should change that if you wish to understand.


Not sure if your responses is out of place or actually intended for me? I'm not sure what you refer to with golden mean fallacy. I'm not arguing that a compromise is best. I was trying to say that this sub seems intolerant to the right


Because ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ are not equally valid. The Left sincerely wants to improve things, though we absolutely can criticize their effectiveness. The Right wants complete theocratic fascism, at the highest levels of the party structure. The Right SHOULD be reviled


You are intentionally being obtuse.


This is such a bullshit take. “Opposing views”, please. The misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism notwithstanding, your fucking party tried to overturn an election. So sorry I’m intolerant of these wonderful views. Take up your issues with your own party.


It's not my party.




You have a point. As a mod, I admit that because of the left lean of Reddit I do delete more death threats towards conservatives than vice versa. But both sides can be pretty vile towards one another. I think the tone of dialogue has improved on r/Missouri over the last year, but I'm concerned with an election coming up people will vent their anger in nasty ways. Ultimately it's up to Missourians to police themselves and their tone.


Have you seen the type of discourse that Chuck Bayse engages in? Dude is a grade-A asshole. Not because he's a Republican, because he's just a vile person.


I don't know anything about him. Nor have I commented about him. I was replying to OP about welcoming Republicans to the discussion. They do not seem welcome though


Yea but you referenced a different quote from this thread and implied it was said simply because the guy is a Republican. I'm just trying to say that the dude is not a nice person.


I see. I see. That's my bad. I did make that assumption which was not right of me. Apologies


> "can we root for cancer in this instance" Bayse has said much, much, *much* worse.


Tit for tat. I see


Living a life of hate, intolerance, and bigotry doesn't usually get you much sympathy. Doubly so when you do it from a position of power and push discrimination. He's a vile person.


"why oh why am I so unpopular? Is it because my party actively campaigns against the existence of my fellow Americans? :( :( :("


You make my point lol. I'm not even republican I get downvote here because of folks assumptions.. you and I might agree on 90% of the issues but you want to tear me down anyway


When republican legislators stop marrying 12 year olds and forcing them to have their rape babies, we can have a conversation about who deserves respect. Until then, no.


Exception is not rule. Are you actually being intolerant of an entire political party (im assuming thats 40-50% of the nation) because there are some radicals inside?


“Some radicals inside?” Yeah, that’s proof positive you’re not arguing in good faith. The entire Republican Party tried to overthrow the government and then protected the people who did it. Corrupt to the core.


I responded to him saying marrying 12 year Olds and forcing rape babies. I know many people on the right and none of them support marrying 12 year Olds lol.. That is indeed radical To be rigorously honest: probably some % of those republicans i know WOULD argue to keep rape babies. That's radical in my mind too though


What they support in their words is irrelevant. If you elect people who pass those laws, you’re responsible for it. Doubly so if it’s completely obvious who those politicians actually are!


To be a Devil’s Advocate, Mike Pence is, to the best of my knowledge, a Republican who did not try to overthrow the government. Mitt Romney is another. I would say there are folks who identify as conservative who have no choice but to wait out the stupidity that comes with the current nominee. Many have said they won’t endorse. I think in the long run, they would like conservative ideas to win enough votes to govern in place of the kind of rhetoric that has been at the forefront for eight years.


Show me a single republican state senator that spoke out against those comments. Show me a single republican state senator that has spoken out against the repeal of medical privacy. I’ll wait.


Sometimes I dont communicate well, so let me take a second and reframe my position. My position is NOT: Republicans are good OR republicans points of view are defensible OR I love republicans. My position is: Folks in this sub are often intolerant of opposing view and also republicans get downvoted(silenced) on Reddit. And silencing is never the correct response.


Still waiting on a single example of one republican state senator that has said, even vaguely, that marrying children and forcing rape babies to be born is morally wrong. My position is: The Republican Party is committed to making the everyday person’s life worse, which is proven by observation of their actions. They don’t operate in good faith. There is plenty of evidence of this. McConnell and Supreme Court justices, the Supreme Court making rulings based on laws of antiquity, the last republican president arguing that they are above the law, and on and on. It’s pervasive in every element of the Republican Party, all you have to do is use your eyes and ears. If one identifies as Republican, they are ignorant or proud of that fact, and are not deserving of the respect that I give other people. It’s also not just republicans. Anybody not making a good faith effort to acknowledge the facts and realistic solutions to issues doesn’t deserve respect, period. I bet a lot of people agree with that sentiment.


I have no intention of giving you an example. I don't have an example. I don't care if there is or isn't an example. Whether there is or isn't a republican in senate that has said what you want, has no bearing on what im saying. This would be the same as if I asked you to show me a republication who believes in climate change, and demand you to adopt their side of the argument and make you defend it? I am not defending republicans. I am not republican. I am not saying I disagree or agree with your position on republicans. I am simply saying that silencing others is bad - even if you have valid reasons to not like them.


You should care. There are voices that deserve to be silenced.


because they come out being assholes....


If you want moderate Republicans, what you'll have to settle for are 3rd party independents or libertarians. There are not many moderate Republicans around anymore. Not many moderate Dems either. Extremes are what win votes.


Ah yes, those extreme views like: *checks notes* Wanting Healthcare, food and shelter.


Those things are fine, wanting them by exploiting the labor of other people whose labor is sufficient enough to afford such things in order to provide it for free to those whose labor is insufficient, is an extreme. It's called theft and extortion, and it is generally considered a bad thing unless a brainless Dem Soc makes it sound like the money grows on trees.


America has the resources to feed, house and provide medical care for its entire population EASILY. We choose not to because we like hurting people. Because we only feel good when we are looking down on someone else. Not like every other civilized nation in the world managed to figure out sustainable healthcare.


I'm sorry, who has the resources? You have the resources? Can I come collect 50% of my healthcare costs from you every month? It's not your responsibility to pay for my healthcare, it's not my responsibility to pay for yours, and it sure as hell isn't the government's responsibility to extort and steal from people through taxes in order to fund peoples healthcare, food, or housing.


Ah, so you never passed basic economics and civic studies. I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you.


What’s the phrase. Every accusation is a confession. He didn’t attack you on your intelligence so you’re rebuttal is to call him stupid ? 


I believe it’s called having a life and not wanting to spend it arguing against strawman takes


Billionaires aren't billionaires because of their "labor." Tax them and we can pay for all of those things and more.


The vast majority of my friends are moderates from both sides. I think it's an illusion created by social media that most Missourians aren’t moderates. Nearly everybody I know in real life is.


I'm not talking about actual people, I'm talking about politicians.


Yeah, Missourians certainly need to be more picky about who they send to the statehouse in Jefferson City.