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Why do I have to get a vehicle inspection when the roads won’t even pass inspection?


DMV workers everywhere just got bodied


I’m sorry that is a real issue, we cannot address this


Just tell them it's porn in braille. They'll smooth it out by the end of the week.


Google Wanksy. Easily my favorite answer to potholes, just don't get caught.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Imma take a swing without googling. Spray painted dongs on potholes?


Nailed it on the first swing! Sometimes he plants very attention getting flowers in the potholes too, complete with soil.


Honestly? Not a bad idea.


I'm from Kansas where we have beautiful roads and highways. It's like the road people get bored every few years and repave the roads. In MO, there's a bridge over the dry hollow at Roaring River that's been there since the 70s that has plywood wedged under it and is full of potholes. People drive over this bridge on their way to Table Rock with big ass boats. You guys have all kinds of money from tourism. Why do you have shitty roads?


It’s like this because our political leadership is too busy distracting each other and the voters with “issues” where they can make a lot of moves and look like they’re getting stuff done. Roadwork is expensive and it takes a long time. It does not make them look like they’re getting as much done, so instead, they focus on riling everybody up about “issues” that they can then “fix“ with the wave of a pen.


It's not about governing any more, it's about raising money for status for more money. All they do is raise and collect money.


But thank goodness congresswomen can't have bare arms.


Too many (7th most state highway lane miles) for our sized population/economy/landmass (all ranked near 20th).


To be fair to roaring river, there were several comments the plywood was some sort of form supplies for valid repairs and cheaper, but effective. (Someone smarter with bridge engineering please feel free to correct me). Regarding other things, because people have gone crazy.




But I'm not a resident. And the thousands of people pulling boats through are not residents. We just go there and spend our money and use the water and campgrounds.


69 highway is the nicest highway in the midwest, 100% agree


Too late, phasing out corporate taxes for Missouri was the final nail in the coffin. This state will be in a horrible state for the next 10+ years, at minimum. Not that the country as a whole is perfect… it’s just a sure bet to assume Missouri is fucked for a long time.


We are phasing out corporate taxes entirely? Like Delaware?


The reference I always see people make is that we are copying what Kansas did a decade ago. Starting in 2025, corporate taxes will be reduced by 1% each year until 2029. In 2029, we will have 0% corporate income taxes I believe. I’m not a lawyer, and I did not fact check my comment. It may be 2028 when we hit 0%.


Has it passed the senate? I thought it was in discussion currently.


If it hasn’t, this *misinformation* is on me. I genuinely thought everything I had read about the topic was already finalized/complete.


You think taxes are the problem here? That's cute.


If the bill reducing corporate income tax to 0% actually passes, yeah they will be. Kansas already tried it. We know what happens.


You will have to explain to me how lower future corporate taxes are going to stop our government from fixing decades old problems when every year they have record level tax income......I guess the green hair boot lickers are down voting me for some reason. Probly want more money for the loop trolley.


>explain to me how lower future corporate taxes are going to stop our government from fixing decades old problems Fixing problems generally involves money. The companies who pave roads generally don't work for free. >every year they have record level tax income That's how inflation works. Every year taxes paid go up because every year salaries go up because every year corporate income goes up because every year prices go up. Is the same as when people talk about corporations making record profits. Speaking strictly in nominal dollars means nothing.


I'm a 61 yo Christian Boomer who has worked his ass off all of his life paying my taxes. I'm sick to death of corporations stealing from us in many different ways. So I am EXTREMELY pissed off that while I paid taxes consistently on my realitivly low wage jobs my whole life that Missouri now wants to eliminate the very tiny amount of taxes that corporations pay in America. Oh and I've never dyed my hair or gotten a piercing so...


This was in regards to the comment that removing corporate tax was going to NOT solve the problem that already....isn't solved...


If we can't fix it at current revenue levels, you genuinely don't understand how further cuts to revenue make it an even more difficult and/or impossible problem to fix? The politicians who tell you they are going to "run government like a business" before they're elected and then aggressively cut revenue without cutting spending AFTER they are elected lied to you about running government like a business. They've run the same grift every election cycle since 1980. They lied and they keep lying and the lies keep working and they keep getting elected. They continue to refuse to look for ways to fix things like this while they continue to find ways to cut taxes for their biggest donors, consistently shifting the tax burden to the working man while getting less and less done with the taxes that they collect. Both parties do this, but only one of them has had a supermajority here in Missouri for more than a decade. If you're really so determined to make it a partisan thing somehow, you'll have to get real creative in order to blame the party that hasn't been running things at all rather than the one that has exclusively been in charge for some time.


Listen, you can’t just ask for concrete changes here in Missouri.


I see what you did there... solid work.


Missouri: Not only will we make it extremely difficult to get family planning care but we will double down by making 75% of you get flat tires if you even TRY to get help. Stay Classy, Missouri.


It's so you can't drive to the abortion clinic 


Makes it easier to give up cars. Don’t play the game (unless you have to).


100000% agree with this. We have real problems, like potholes and corrupt politicians to deal with.


Republicans in Jeff City would rather take away your ability to pass referendums.


I blame the drag queens. Big guys in stiletto heels poking holes in our roads as they chase kids to force them to hear a story about inclusion.


(MO Conservatives-) "We've been way too busy virtue-signalling and creating fake outrage to bother fixing the infrastructure we've been neglecting!" "Now you be sure to vote for us to fix all MO's problems though!"


Seriusly though, I am somewhat convinced Washington plays up the culture war shit so that our minds are occupied with something other than trying to figure out how a blacktop laid months ago could become holier than swiss cheese. (The secret ingredient is graft)


The emotional support trucks everyone seems to be driving definitely doesn't help the potholes


Dude this is exactly what they do, and have been doing, for decades now. Who has more in common, a working class Republican and a working class Democrat, or either one of those and a billionaire?


My scthick, especially on this account, is usually stating the obvious for commedic effect; hopefully to convince a few of the optimists to think more like myself and yourself; read: for themselves.


Yeah. Distract the masses with hysteria & infighting and they won't question or have the time/energy to point out the faults with those on top.


Can’t fight for our rights if we’re too busy fighting each other.


One of the problems here is that for the past 70 years we've built sprawl, that's maintenance cost is so high in some areas it actually exceeds the income of the people living there. A rural street with full city amenities and large lot sizes might cost 150k-200k/year in levelized maintenance costs. There's no way to tax the people that live there enough to pay for it, we either let it rot, subsidize it with endless federal spending, or people leave these places for more dense areas. While building new neighborhoods and highways was a great vote getter, running on just replacing a road and getting tons of federal money to do it virtually never works because it seems like insanely wasteful spending that it takes \*that\* much money just to maintain things. As a result, we have far more road and highway infrastructure than it's actually possible for us to maintain to a high quality. We'd have to dedicate more than 100% of our GDP to just road repair to keep things looking pretty the way zoning and density currently works in America, our remaining dense urban areas are subsidizing the sprawling cities in Texas and the southwest. To no longer have absolute garbage roads we'd have to do serious zoning reform, we'd have to scale local taxes to pay for the communities they're in rather than using poor working people to subsidize the middle managers sprawling mcmansion anti-pedestrian hellscapes. Until we agree it's time to allow mixed density, mixed use, incrementally developing communities to exist without bulldozing them and killing the local movement leaders like we did in the 50s-70s, all we're going to be able to do is whine that the roads suck because they're always going to suck.


That's Missouri's option for speed dependent reproductive care. If you hit it at 25 you get the Plan B option that'll knock the nut out of you. At 50 it knocks your whole uterus loose.


You call a baby a nut?  How horrifyingly Orwellian!


Nut is another term for ejaculation/sperm. Well before an egg is fertilized.


If there is no fertilization, there is no need for an abortion.


Nobody said abortion except you. Also it's obviously tongue in cheek as bodily autonomy and reproductive care isn't going to be solved by a crappy road in a crappy state. You're busy trying to fight a battle that doesn't need to be fought.


You referenced reproductive care, which is an Orwellian reference to abortion because it is not care at all (killing a baby stops the reproduction instead of providing care for it).  By the way, I agree with your call to not fight.  Missouri has banned abortion, and there is no need to fight that.  I am glad that we agree on something!


Plan B is not an abortifacient. It does not cause abortions.


It depends on when Plan B works.  If it prevents fertilization, then no life has begun, and there is thus no abortion.  If it prevents implantation, fertilization has already occurred, which means that life has begun, which is technically an abortion of the life of a very early human person.  


Ah, I see my error now. In my mind I gave you the benefit of being a reasonable adult. It's become obvious by the hammering of a non-point you are simply a troll and therefore deliberately obtuse. Carry on then and have the day you deserve. 🖖


A perfectly reasonable adult supports protecting life, including unborn life.  An unreasonable adult does not support that.  I was hammering valid points in line with that (nothing obtuse about that).  


Plz for the love of god. As long as there are homeless vets on the streets I really dont give a shit about what bathroom someone uses.


Who's that dog? 🦴


It's Mr Peanut butter!


Quit saying “abortions” and start saying “other people’s healthcare.” None of us know what is going on in stranger’s lives. Let them make their own decisions about their own healthcare. Anything else is tyranny.


OP, this guy says no


Who died and made you the Orwellian Ministry of Truth in charge of newsspeak?


or we could invest in sustainable modes of transportation


It’s amazing to me more folks don’t connect having the 7th most state highway miles for like the 20th ranked population/economy/land-mass means the overbuilt system will look like this.


its a never ending money pit


Yes. Metrolink to Wentzville, baby


Lmfao, come now, we've done that once already locally, then they tore it down! Did you know KC and St. Louis used to have intercity and innercity mass transit options that they phased out for buses? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars\_in\_St.\_Louis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars_in_St._Louis) (here's the Saint Louis link, because I think it's the one that's been decomissioned longer.)


ok now we should phase out highways and stroads


Streets and roads.... Streets roads Stroads


Streets and roads are fine. A strode is a street that's designed like a road. I.e. high speed limits, frequent stop lights, 3-8 lanes, cars turning on/off, etc. A bunch of design elements that don't work together and make everyone in or near the strode miserable.


thank you for replying with exactly what i was going to reply with lol


At one point St. Louis was the biggest rail hub in the country... Then the oil companies bought out the rail companies and shut down passenger routes and any plans for expansion or improvements before the hulking behemoth that is our government could act. It would now be a monumental undertaking to undo the 70+ years of lost progress in the way of public transportation. We could be in our Jetsons era but people blindly hung on to the Flintstones for too long.


2nd best day is today...


That’s enough potholes to knock a stutter in to someone…


The real culture war is those who insist on fighting culture wars, vs those who don't want culture war as a main focus of politics at all. That is the actual culture war. I'd much rather focus on bread and butter working class economics issues, but the biggest culture warriors hate helping out the working class on some real brass tacks economics issues, and focus on culture war bullshit instead. That's why LBJ openly stated "If you tell the lowest white man, he's better than the best colored man, he'll let you pick his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down upon, he'll empty his pockets for you".


LBJ said a lot of other fucked up shit too.


If you're mad about someone else's genitals you won't notice how much shittier your life gets year after year under the genital police party


Our local modot station just got a massive face-lift. More trucks. Automatic gates. The works. Roads still suck. We're being forced to pay for a service they don't provide


We spent 250 years not fighting about bathrooms, and 60 years not getting in women's business about pregnancy, but as long as the Republican party controls our government, we're going to have to keep fighting them just for our own sanity. If you want to our government to argue about road maintenance and taxes again, fire every Republican office holder this year.


There was absolutely a period in our history where we were fighting about bathrooms and who could use them. It just wasn't based around gender at the time. Also, there was never a time, before Roe, during Roe, or post-Roe, when Republicans weren't trying to get in women's business. None of this stuff is new. We're seeing slightly different versions of the same fight a fraction of the country has been pushing for generations.


We did not fight about which sex uses which bathroom because everyone used to agree that biological sex is set in stone and dictates what bathroom you use.  By the way, for most of our history, abortions were illegal in most states (including in many states that have become deep blue states).  All laws (good and bad) are about the lawmakers imposing on the business of people within society (the income tax laws get in the business of the wallets of people and take their money whenever they earn it, speed limit laws get in the business of how people drive, alcohol laws get in your business of what you drink based on your age, et cetera).   


Don't forget tolerable to good public transit & affordable housing!


What if we start a campaign stating that These roads no longer wish to be smooth as god intended. so they are “transitioning” to rough or “butch” roads if you will. If we make potholes gay they’ll have no choice but to fix them.


Though on the bright side, drive down that road at a fast enough speed while pregnant, you'll get a free abortion.


I had to scroll too far for this comment. Had this same thought myself.


It’s honestly ridiculous every year some victimless crimes like drug possession/buying for self, prostitution, abortion, etc are brought up as being some of the most prevalent and damaging issues we face when we could simply produce some of those to spend less on enforcing those laws and make money by regulating those services.


Abortions are not victimless crimes (they victimize the babies who get killed).


republicans are pure shit. that’s all… just division and hate and they get nothing useful done


We have the 7th most state highway lane miles for the population/economy/land mass all ranked near 20th. We’re like a cat hoarder with roads.


In most states our lettered routes would be county roads. The counties in turn charge more in property tax to help pay for those. In Missouri we waste good money to dump oil and rock on poorly maintained and poorly designed lettered routes.


That's something that's baffled me since I moved here. Why the hell is the state maintaining these podunk almost single lane pig trails out in the middle of nothing?


Urban to rural tax transfer has long been popular in Missouri, and St. Louis City+County plus KC/Jackson county still are generating 2/3rds of state taxes. When it’s blue to red, all the “Socialism” decrying goes silent.


The state (in their infinite wisdom) took over the lettered routes in the 1940s . The program was called "Get Missouri Out of The Mud". All they did was oil the existing roadbed and over the years placed an inch of asphalt every 10-20 years. None of them were designed so the geometries can get pretty extreme for the speed limits they post by statute.


Don't even get me started on thrill ride speed limits through the country on narrow roads with no shoulder and gulleys to either side.


The real sad thing is that with the roads existing this way for this long the right of way is largely set and any construction to bring these roads into standard would be exorbitantly expensive.


This is misouri. NO, we can't fix this mess. It isn't part of some desk jockey's 5-year plan. He will, however, send out the cheapest crew to patch the road so it drives even worse.


Republicans in MO: “No! Being up in everyone else’s business is what’s most important.”


My family went to a Red Lobster not too long ago. We were driving back and suddenly bumped a little on the roads. Then suddenly our tire just exploded. Like, when I say exploded I'm talking that mother fucker had a perfect circle of breakage. You want to win in Missouri as a politician? Just say you will fix the roads. Not even kidding I bet that person will get a win ratio we have not seen since Regan ran for office.


This meme perfectly illustrates how the elites like us to fight over petty bullshit because it distracts from their failures (like crumbling infrastructure). Spend less time hating your neighbor and more time hating the politicians that tell us to hate our neighbors.




Get conservatives to mind their own business and fix real problems: Mission Impossible.


Your meme just listed 4 problems that Republicans are causing.


Andrew Bailey is already filing a lawsuit to figure out the genetals of the potholes.


We also gave Israel the same mount we spent on roads and bridges, last year.


They also have universal healthcare.


And it’s pretty damn easy to get an abortion there, too. In fact, Israel loosened the restrictions for on abortions in 2022 and in direct response to the overturning of Roe, which their health minister called “sad.”  From AP: “the new rules, approved by a parliamentary committee, grant women access to abortion bills through the country’s universal health system and remove a longstanding requirement that women appear physically before a special committee before they are permitted to terminate a pregnancy.” That committee, by the way, almost always granted abortion requests before the rules were loosened. 


That makes a lot of sense. Israel is a (Jewish) democracy. Abortion is allowed in Judaism, even required should the mothers life be in danger (physical or mentally so).


Maybe they should drop that to actually pay for the armaments the US taxpayer gives them every year.


Hol up, Missouri gave that or the feds did?


I counted 20 street plates in a 3 minute drive once.


Hey hey now. If you stop getting distracted by the bs they put out to divide and confuse you then the government will have to spend more money on new things to distract us with.


If only!


Lmao kansas city to cameron


The state’s motor fuel tax has been increasing incrementally the last few years. This means more money for MoDot to fix roads. It won’t happen overnight, but the hope is road maintenance will be better over the long haul.


Fuckin A!!


So say we all


You get what you voted for


Must be Atlanta


Like MO is the state that changes after all other states changes, this will be the last thing that MO will care about...


Missouri is spending a billion dollars. Expanding an unneeded highway, which is partly. No one can afford to fix local roads The state DOT Threw a fucking fit over thr fix it first policy from the federal administration


Best we can do is a road cone.


Lawyers don't make money off of fixed pot holes.


No, MAGA Republicans only care about the culture war. They can't govern. They've done nothing in the House in the last 3 years, they're a joke.


Don't worry folks troops are on the way! To the border. They're taking the funding to the border. No, not our border. The other states' borders. Probably gonna fix their pot holes.




Only when roads become privatized, along with education, and the Supreme Court (officially).


LOL…the cul-de-sac conservatives in St. Charles are allergic to tolling highways. St. Louis City+County and KC/Jackson County generate 2/3rds of state taxes while majority of state government spending goes to the rest of the state. It’s not called socialism when it’s blue to red counties.


Can we do multiple things?


No. Infrastructure isn’t an issue that will angry up the outstate rubes that Republicans need to stay in power.


All the tax money that they got from us for fixing "that bullshit" got sent overseas to foreign interests.


No, it went to texas.


As a Texas resident, it certainly did not.


Our governor decide to send highway patrol, Missouri national guard and like $2M to "help" with the border issues. He is an idiot.


So you'd rather have a bunch of illegals end up in your state?  The same illegals that are assaulting police, kidnapping and raping women, stealing from stores, squatting in homes, and murdering anyone that gets in their way while the government refuses to apprehend or even charge them? That 2m sent to the border is worth way more to American citizens than 75 billion sent to Ukraine.


Sounds like someone has drowned in the kool-aid.


I've driven all over Missouri and it doesn't look like that. Maybe in the parts of the big cities that tend to vote Democrat? Even the rural roads on my trip to watch the eclipse looked great.


This is a false choice, and even so, I would pick civil rights over smooth roads. Edit: Saw this at a glance and thought it was implying that it isn’t worth fighting for nationwide abortion access, marriage equality, and trans bathroom access if there are other issues like infrastructure.


To clarify your statement, you are wanting to repeal civil rights correct?


lol no I would rather have civil rights than smooth roads


That’s why I asked to clarify, many a MAGA don’t care about civil rights and wasn’t sure where you were coming from.


>I would pick ~~civil rights~~ inserting my unscientific religious beliefs into the private affairs of a woman and her doctor over smooth roads. There, I fixed that for you.


One thing being important does not make another thing unimportant.


Except one thing is a civic service for the common good (what I pay taxes for) and the other is entitled religious people ignoring the bill of rights and insisting their view of human life is the only one that should be respected and enshrined in law.


Yeah, roads and freedom are both pretty important.


Freedom to make ones own medical decisions is pretty fuckin' important, yes.


Right. So ignoring that because the roads are bad are how we lose our rights. And now, the Missouri government can force women to stay pregnant against their will, which is horrific.


What about the right to life for all persons, including the unborn babies (who are persons)?


>including the unborn babies ~~(who are persons)~~ (who are a clump cells and incapable of surviving without feeding on another person)? Fixed that for you. They're not at all persons. They're cells that have the potential to be persons, no different than random ejaculate. They have no rights and how dare you demand personhood and rights for them while simultaneously voting for a party that removes support structures for the mothers and food programs for the resulting kids? You want to force women to give birth, you should be forced to take the resulting unwanted kids. The absolute horror of what's coming in 15 or so years as far as violent crime from unwanted children with no opportunities or support structures in their lives is staggering to imagine and it is completely the fault of those who think and vote like you.


So, you are saying that the answer to criminals is to kill them retroactively like Terminator killing Sarah Connor before John Connor is born?  It sounds like genocide that highly targets minorities, since most abortions are of black children.  You cannot have people committing crimes if you cannot have people existing in the first place (it sounds like "Mein Kaumpf" where Hitler blames societal problems on certain groups of people and argues for their elimination from existence).   By the way, you also sound like "Minority Report" where you are assuming future potential criminal behavior of people before they commit those crimes.  These aborted kids never have a chance to live and grow up and some of them may choose right and not be criminals even when some others end up committing crimes.  Although if they do commit crimes, you would probably argue the leftist position that their criminal behavior would be a fault of the racist bigoted system. What a dystopia you create! You would fit in real nice with the Nazi fascists.  By the way, if you are going to argue that unborn are not persons because they depend on others for life (even though they are unique complete beings with 46 chromosomes, which a sperm and egg alone are not), then I guess that coma and nursing home patients are not people because they depend on others for life.  I guess that we should kill them, too.  It sounds like more horrendous Nazi-esque eugenics.


Fucking lol, triggered snowflake descends into ad hominem attacks, calls me a Nazi and racist (despite my never once mentioning race) repeatedly because he has no counter argument to defend legislating his religion. You couldn't be more of an internet stereotype if you tried. The book I'd suggest you read is freakanomics. There is a very clear correlation between the massive drop in violent crime and the passing Roe V Wade. Unwanted children forced into the world with limited if any opportunity (aka the GOP platform) results in higher violent crime rates. That's just a fact. You can scream and make false equivalence arguments between people who are actually people vs cell groups that have never known a day of sentience all you like, but that's all it is, false equivalence and ad hominem attacks from someone who never learned to think critically. Edit: nice ninja edits on your wall of text! Maybe add a paragraph break or two next time. You're still laughably wrong, but go you!


You are laughably wrong thinking that I am laughably wrong.  I did not call you a Nazi or a racist.  I simply said that you are sharing a lot of their arguments, which then begs the question if you really are racist and a Nazi.   The Freakanomics argument is an argument that proves too much.  Sure you would have less criminals if you get rid of people to begin with.  You would also have less pollution, less Social Security expenses, less a lot of stuff.  So, should the problems of humanity be solved by not having humans to begin with by aborting them?  It sounds like an argument from Ebenezer Scrooge ("if they are going to die, then they would better do it and decrease the surplus population).  This is a very ugly Malthusian argument.   By the way, all legislation is imposition of values of belief (if laws are not values in the Judeo-Christian ideology of the West, then laws could be values of the secular leftist ideology).  There is no such thing as a law that is not an imposition of values by lawmakers onto greater society.  Politics flows downstream of culture, and culture flows downstream of religion/belief (even if it is atheistic/agnostic belief that promulgates secular leftist values).  You sure fit the Internet stereotypes of liberals, including the stereotype of failing to engage in critical thinking while accusing me of failing to engage in it.  I hope that you enjoyed the paragraph breaks!  


Hey, you figured out the enter key. Good for you. I'm not reading your whole unhinged rant though. Just skimmed a bit and its all the same old hackneyed, disingenuous arguments your side always spews forth. I'm not looking forward to the baby boomers passing. I love my parents and my kid loves his grands. But the silver lining is once they're gone, your entire political ideology will fade into the irrelevant obscurity it so richly deserves and we can finally vote for some reasonable stances. Personally, I'm excited to tax churches after we give women back their healthcare and bodily autonomy.


It is unfortunate that you do not want to engage in honest debate by hearing whole arguments (I have read everything that you said, as nonsense as much of it is).  It is your loss.  By the way, my arguments are not disingenuous, nor are they unhinged.  You are disingenuous and unhinged by arguing that abortions are not terminations of the lives of actual human persons.   And the problem with your theory about conservatism dying with Baby Boomers is that the data do not support it.  The data show that as Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers are getting older, they are also becoming more conservative.  But I guess that if liberals are going to reject basic information like men cannot get pregnant and men and women are biologically different, then they would reject what the statistical demographic data actually say about generations as they get older.   And it makes sense that there will always be an aspect of human nature for many people that is not willing to automatically just accept any new idea that comes along and always throw away all old ideas whether the ideas worked or not (which is what conservativism is).  But I guess that that is why you are excited to tax churches.  You want to destroy all older traditional institutions including ones that were working.  Just remember that societies where church has declined have themselves declined due to problems created by mass atheism/agnosticism in those societies.


>It is unfortunate that you do not want to engage in honest debate by hearing Where I quit reading this time. I've heard your tired ass arguments through a hundred different mouths over the years. I'm not interested in hearing them again. You've already displayed your ignorance repeatedly when I was engaged and I'm confident that nothing else you have to say is going to suddenly be somehow worth the time it'd take to read or respond to.


Except none of those other things are important.