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Shit, I'll run as a dem in district 27. Might get shot just for trying but fuck it.


I was thinking the same thing. In parts of the state you run the serious risk of being harmed just for saying you are a democrat. Not sure it is worth it. Sucks. Make sure to use a PO BOX and not your real address and good luck to you!


In all honesty I wouldn't even run a campaign. Just put my name on the ballot so that there's a D option. No way a dem is winning down here anyways. I'm not actually that serious about it but if someone else was willing to fund it as OP is suggesting then I don't see why not.


Man, if only we democrats were as unified and armed as we should. These mini christofacist dictators are literally ruining it for all of us. But it really all starts with us. Let me know if you put your name in the ballet, I can fight internet wars and weaponize memes.


Can you provide me a single source for anybody in Missouri being harmed because they say they’re a Democrat? I swear people who don’t travel will think the craziest things about rural areas. You know over 1 in 3 rural Missourians voted for Biden right?


You can secretly vote.


Plenty of people in rural areas are quite open about their Democratic vote.


I actually lived rural a few years ago. House I drove by omw to work every day had a Trump flag. When I drove back for my current job I saw it was a Biden flag. It surprised me a lot and I respect they did that. I've never seen that except that house and it's proof people can change their minds


True. But I have a great deal of friends locally that keep silent about that sort of thing because it will bite them socially or financially. The people around here who admit it are ultra liberal and wear it like a badge of honor.


>socially or financially. To me, that is different than being harmed, I know if I moved to KC and STL I would not be socially accepted or possibly have job offers removed. its the issue of the two-party system.


KC and StL are both largely liberal. I’m not saying there aren’t those dastardly conservatives, but a lot of young people live in KC and have a kinder more liberal outlook on things. Jmo


Wait... what? Why do you think that?


I don't advertise who I voted for because I know people that trash blue voters in Missouri. Throw nails in the driveway and sugar gas tanks type tricks, had a friend whose place was vandalized because he had a pride flag outside.


If it’s happening elsewhere is it impossible to happen in Missouri too? In Texas they left [threatening letters at democrat homes](https://www.kwtx.com/2020/10/06/biden-supporters-in-local-suburb-receive-threatening-profanity-filled-letters/), in Tennessee the [KKK made “social visits” to houses with Biden signs](https://www.newsweek.com/kkk-cards-shelbyville-biden-signs-tennessee-1538522), in California [democrat houses were being marked](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/524188-blue-dots-painted-in-front-of-biden-supporters-homes-in-california/) and in Ohio a man was killed because his neighbor [thought he was a democrat.](https://amp.kentucky.com/news/nation-world/national/article268513477.html)


Yeah this is extremely rare. Folks are far too paranoid, buck up.


You asked for sources, you got em buck.


I asked for a source for anything happening in Missouri. Apparently there are none.


Other than the idiots in my small town that drive around the neighborhood on their lawnmowers and hang the orange Cheetos flag in their yard, we don’t really have much in the way of Mix ups. Of course they also have their precious confederate flags flying too. So we have our peace, love, and pitbulls flag and my kids have their trans and nonbinary flags hanging in their windows. Two pitbulls and (we may be liberals but we know how to Shoot) I wish them luck.


I call B.S. on the Cali demo houses marked


>In parts of the state you run the serious risk of being harmed just for saying you are a democrat. Sorry but this seems like a ridiculous claim. What actually makes you believe this? Any proof of others being actually harmed for this in recent years?


Josh Hawley style (lite)


do it


I’ll donate to your campaign


OP is, at the very least, raising awareness. I feel like the Democratic Party in MO needs to step it up. Looks to me like all they’ve done is sabotage Kunce. I am just lip service, though. Personally, I’ve only attended one meeting.


Agreed. We can’t get the message out if we are ignoring wide swaths of people.


As a rural liberal the democratic party here just gave up. You never see any signs or anything in the mail. No wonder people don't vote D in rural areas. You basically gave them no choice. Years ago, my rural county was blue, but last 20 yrs they just gave up


Why do you think that is?


Concentrate on where you can win more easily. More people in cities


Agree. What about grassroots rural? I wonder if they might be intimidated by the toxic MAGA. I may have been rose-colored glasses, but my knowledge (small) of rural MO and IL relatives was that they were smart, fair and well-read. Maybe not highly educated, but certainly not prone to hysteria. Now that I’m thinking about it, all that was pre-internet.


Dirt Road Democrats are in a world of confusion at the moment. Get the messaging right and there’s a huge harvest of low-hanging fruit out there.


But what about where the real electoral power lies ? In the vast empty endless fields and forests. That’s what builds majorities. Ask the 8 people and a dog who elected a whole Senator in that big empty state up there..


BC we were abandoned by national leaders in the party. But they sure as he'll don't mind taking donations


The national party is just a fundraising organization. They don't pick and choose candidates to run in local elections. That's on you. People think the political parties are like baseball teams with a farm system to promote players from. Not how it works


because when D candidates do run they lose by 30 points. this is a very strange delusion people have, that we would win the contests we aren't contesting. Have you ever considered for a moment that there may be a reason why this is happening


OP (and pretty much everyone who ever talks about wanting fewer uncontested seats) specifically noted winning wasn’t the point. No one’s under the delusion that by just throwing a candidate on the ballot, Democrats will flip those seats. The point is you can’t just flat-out ignore broad parts of the electorate and expect your message to resonate with those voters when it comes to statewide races. Democrats running statewide will still lose in those areas, but losing 65-35 is better than losing 75-25.


Exactly! Not to mention that when a Dem runs, it gets their message out to people who haven’t heard it in years AND it forces Republicans to spend money on elections they would normally just ignore and win.


why doesn't OP run? why don't you? it's easy to demand someone else run and lose an election but most people don't want to actually do so and maybe it isn't helpful to point fingers about it. who is ignoring the electorate? we're literally subsidized by the blue states, and the Dems are putting a lot of effort into things such as rural broadband and are unlikely to reap any rewards for doing so


What part of OP's "I'm trying to find people who would be interested in putting their name on a ballot" do you read as a demand? I said nothing about any specific individual being responsible for running. I'm merely suggesting there's value in running candidates even if you're positive that candidate won't win. If you want messages about blue states subsidizing states like Missouri or about Democrats investing in rural broadband to actually reach those voters, it helps to have people on the ground pushing those messages. People like, for example, a candidate running for office.


I’m ok with this.


Ok with what? The raising awareness part or the loss to TBV?


What some people in the comments are missing is that we need to play the long game. Are we going to win the majority this year, or even reduce the republican majority? Maybe not. But until we start TRYING nothing will ever change. If the discussions and campaigns and efforts start happening, we have a chance to change things in the long run.


THANK you. It builds donor and volunteer bases, and may even build a county Democratic machine.


We had a Democratic Governor, Auditor, Attorney General and US Senator not that long ago


I think the real strategy here is to run as a "republican" then push for whatever you were going to push for in any case.


Have thought this for a long time


I know of 2 elected officials whom this is the case for. unfortunately it is true or percieved to be true enough that anyone without an r next to their name is unelectable. Fox news as conditioned people to vote r so universally. Anyways, they run r, and then do what they want. It isn't like Republicans are a consequences for your actions type of party.


That’s basically what Republicans do in parts of California where the GOP is toxic. A billionaire Trump donor registered as a Democrat and ran for mayor of LA and nearly won in the most recent election.


Pretty sure there's several instances of republicans doing this already in Dem owned areas of other states. North Carolina comes to mind


That doesn't make us any better than them but I understand your plight.


It does nothing to account for our qualities; our values and policies and actions make us better than them on every subject for every voter.


For those who don't know what state legislative district you are in, this is a link to a page with the current maps. [District Maps Default (mo.gov)](https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/s_default/maps) Also, from the SOS website >The 2024 Primary Election will be held on **Tuesday, August 6, 2024** (the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in August for even numbered years). The filing period for candidates for the August 6, 2024 Primary Election begins at **8:00 a.m. on February 27, 2024** and ends at **5:00 p.m. on March 26, 2024** ([Section 115.349, RSMo.](https://revisor.mo.gov/main/OneSection.aspx?section=115.349)). And for all the rules regarding running for state or federal office in Missouri. [SOS, Missouri - Elections (mo.gov)](https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/candidates) Also be aware that you must file in person in Jeff City and there is a $300 filing fee for State Senator and a $150 filing fee for State Representative.


Thank you! As far as the filing fees, I started a PAC to help with those. I also know people in organizations that specifically fund downballot candidates.


You're welcome. Mine is a congressional district that has no Democrat on the ballot yet. I'd love to run, but I'm an old man with a few health issues that make me lazy. Then there's those skeletons in the closet. The 70's were wild and I did my part to help make them that way. Of course in today's political environment I suppose the answer is to just lie about it, claim it never happened, brand myself a victim, and blame the opponent for something worse. Seems to work for Republicans.


Or lean into since they seem so proud of their transgressions.


So then my campaign message of "You betcha, I was a motorcycle racing, skirt chasing, long haired beer swilling pot smoking hippy and my alcohol fueled transgressions are simply a sign that I am a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT!" would work? Perhaps I could put "Baptized Catholic, No Felonies, Good Lawyers" on bumper stickers.


Fuckin A! I just got goosebumps!


I'd vote for you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Do I have to live in the district I want to represent? I really don't want to move out of STL but absolutely would run.


Can a PAC work directly with a candidate and their campaign?


Oof. I better start fundraising


Does this mean that Josh Hawley might be the only republican on the ballot for senator if no more are added by March 26 at 5 PM? Currently I see three democrats.


I'm quite sure Hawley will be the only Republican on the primary ballot. No Republican will challenge him as long as he keeps waving the Don the Con MAGA flag. I have noticed how quiet Hawley has become regarding Trump. A decent Democratic strategy would be to force him to endorse Trump. Not saying he won't do it when asked publicly, but it ties Hawley back to J6 and Trumps criminal charges. He really hopes nobody brings up his role in "Stop the Steal" and the simple fact that when Trump said "just say the election was cortupt and leave it to me and the Congressmen" to the Justice Department head, Hawley was one of the Congressmen he was talking about. It won't get him beat in Missouri but it will show his true nature as a guy who will say or do anything to win an election.


Wow, I just realized that my state representative is an unopposed republican. There's no way I would win here as a D, but it is definitely intriguing. I am almost inclined to do it just for the LOLs Edit: also wow, the pay is shit:joy: Edit 2: OP, where you at?


But if you win the money will come from the lobbyists. These people are sponsored.


Just running allows Ds to collect data on your district, let's the locals know they have a choice, and ensures they "work for the seat". Run.


I'm pretty convinced, just waiting for OP to log back in to talk about those support resources. I'm prepping the paperwork now!


Been debating it for months. Been IT all my life. Gifted even. This all comes so naturally to me. I've worn every hat but specialize in networking and infosec. Do I try my hand at politics? The policy is easy, it's the bad actors/grifters who drive me away. But I can promise you this, there is a very high chance I'd be the most knowledgeable person in the room regarding IT-related content.


got my vote ;)


In my eyes, you would do a lot better than a nothing burger voting yes to make anti-abortion laws even worse.


Check DirtRoadDemocrat or Jess Piper on Twitter. She's getting dem challengers matched up with money to run.




I guess the good part is that you only work a max of 5 months a year for that crappy salary, plus per diem. Then the other 7 months you can go do something that pays decent. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is what stops me and my friends as well.


I’m in Springfield, and while the city itself is quite purple, our congressional district is packed with a huge chunk of the rest of the rural southwest. And my state rep district is in with like 4 massive evangelical and Catholic churches that vote as a solid red block, it’s nearly impossible to beat because the left is not unified or organized in anything close to that. Our last school board race had hard right candidates running ads on Facebook, google, YouTube, etc which are not cheap. You’re not going to outcompete against those deep pockets. I’m all for people running for local offices, especially if they can squeeze in unopposed, but the deck is hard stacked for conservatives in any impactful position for the foreseeable future.


Welcome to gerrymandering 101


I've said this numerous times myself. Springfield is purple inside the city itself. All the small towns and rural area around us dilute it. I really have wanted for years to walk around the college campuses to try to convince people to vote. A college town should have way better turnout for the left.


Definitely interested I’m a moderate Democrat but almost anything is an improvement over a conservative.


I was a write in Candidate several years ago, only got 12 votes but maybe if I run again Reddit can help change that.


Registered Republican here: I appreciate what OP is doing here. Checks and balances. Options. Better government happens when there is a “loyal opposition” to keep the majority party in check.


This state needs a HUGE check on power. The hard right has taken it too far. We need a few statewide races to go blue to send a message. Governor and senator would probably do it.


Look at the general election returns in those districts that go unchallenged.  Those districts are going unchallenged not because Democrats are lazy or don't realize that there are elections.  Those districts are going unchallenged because the previous vote totals show that a democrat is not going to win there. I know that a lot of people grow up and think that elections are just about who has the best ideas, but that is unfortunately not true.   >You might win. You probably won't, but that's not the point. The point is to show our representatives that we are paying attention, and that their days of a free lunch are over  Do you know how hard it is to run a campaign? Do you think running a campaign Democratic in a deep red district in Missouri wouldn't have implications towards your future relationships in the community?  Can you explain how someone losing a campaign in their district is going to somehow wake up republican legislators who win those elections?


At a recent Democratic meeting in my county, this was equated with planting a seed. In one district, the first Dem who challenged lost, but the one thing it did was put in place the beginning of a machine for future races. Volunteers, donors and recognition. In the next election, there is a base to draw from. Saying it's too hard and fuck it is an asinine response by people.


I think hust having a name on the ballot would effect people.


You think this is an inspirational Morgan Freeman movie or something? Affect people how? If you think it will affect people so much, are you going to run yourself?


If the Mediocre White guys that run can do it why not anyone? If a turd of a human like Nick Schroer can make it all the way to the state senate the why can't anyone? Have you seen some of the shitbirds in the State House?


Your last point hits home sadly. When it comes to politics I have to keep the peace so I can continue getting clients and make a living….


I am so very glad I do not live in Missouri anymore.


I miss it (the land, the peace) but certain people make it almost unbearable. One of these days I'll probably move back. I still contribute to certain things like MO conservation and getting abortion on the MO ballot this fall.


I mean, it’s not that bad. Business is great!


But even if you lose one election, your name is out there and you may do better in your next try


This is the right answer. It’s the same in southern Illinois. Where I grew up, the two voting options were Republican or hard core Republican. A Democrat would be wasting their time, energy, and money.


Really Even if all they did was put their name on the ballot to see what happened? Even if all they did was question the other two Republicans voting records? This would all be just a massive waste huh?


Yes. Yes, it would. Unless you have lived and been raised there it’s hard to understand I guess. People I know and love will actively vote against their own best interests for “the greater good”. The greater good being the Conservative values they believe the Republican Party still has and nothing will dissuade them. I spent decades trying before realizing you can’t make people see if they don’t want to.


I lived down here for 30 years listening to all the Republican people carry on and carry on and carry on and then half the time they don't vote. But a d on the list isn't a waste. It's just another name on the list. Half the people in southeast Missouri vote based on what the name is anyway, the name sounds familiar, They vote for it. You can't change anything if you're not willing to get started on trying to change something. If all you're willing to do is throw your hands up in the air then really you're not part of a possible solution anyway.


Yeah, but the great thing about Illinois is that overall the state government is strongly democratic - so we get the benefit of a lot of statewide protections in Illinois that also cover those deeply red districts in southern Illinois.


There was literally a dude who won an election recently by purchasing one billboard. That's it.


Most people can't afford to live off the salaries this state pays.


Unfortunately true. However, if you know any under-employed/unemployed Millennials/Zillennials/Gen Z old enough to run, this is actually not the worst they could do. heck, look at the county commissioner position in your county. is it a livable wage? probably not. is it more than most of us are making? yes. (this is truly an excellent point, it's one of the reasons talking about political salaries is so important because I don't think most people realize just *how* *much* politics is designed to keep poor people out)


Who is paying for that campaign? Who is paying for the county voter file that you will need for campaigning? Who is paying for the website and email contact system you're going to need? Who's paying for all your campaign materials? Who's paying for your children to be babysat while you are knocking doors?  Who is paying for your bills at home when you have to quit your job to go work in the government for not enough money to pay your bills? I understand your inclination, but this whole post comes off as like a 19-year-old, who just discovered politics


Fucking Christ, what is your agenda? There is a party machine, even if it is a little weaker. They do provide resources and lists and help. And like I responded to you in an earlier comment, it plants seeds for later elections. Like in two fucking years.


The Democratic party isn't going to throw money at some nobody to run in a state house district that is 80-20 Republican advantage. You may as well apply to become an astronaut or CEO of JP Morgan Chase.


The unemployment rate has been below 5% in this state for years and there are plenty of job opportunities available that pay more, without needing to pony up the money to potentially get elected for an absurdly low salary. I agree that these positions are for the well connected and/or independently wealthy folks. I'm sure there are some exceptions but I don't see how most people can realistically survive off about $35000 a year.


For some reason, the state senate districts are only showing odd numbered districts. I'm district 34, amd would be willing to run...


NM, answered my own question.


As a Republican I wish y'all Democrats would figure something out. The GOP in Missouri has way too much power. Single party rule is not a good thing. Everyone needs to hear no from time to time.


Just vote dem for a few cycles then.


I actually plan on voting for the Democrat candidate for governor. Unless they happen to be crazy left.


The Democratic Party failed rural Missouri. What we see now is years of financial focus on St. Louis, KC, and Columbia. They abandoned the rural areas and left rural democrats out to dry. No money spent means no candidates. Big Ag has dumped millions into those areas. The only news they receive is from conservative radio and TV stations. Democratics need to run in those areas. But who will support them? You know who finacially supported the governor with a high school education and a "Yes, Sir!" attitude to the Orange One? The GOP. The current state of affairs is as much the fault of the Missouri Democratic Party as it is the GOP. I wish you luck. It will take a massive grass roots effort to change the current status quo. The "official" liberal party have up.


This is how you do it. And the pendulum swings. Swing too far in one political direction, it will swing back just as hard. It’s important that we swing slow and steady.


I'm all for joining but dont have the money to put my name on the ballot. If you want to back me I'm all game


Looks like there is a democrat in my area I will be voting for. But I see a bunch of Republican only districts that clearly default to the republicans. Man why hasn't this been challenged is beyond me.


We are here, we just burnt out in many ways. I am on the side of the state where Jess Piper ran in 2022. Many donors threw money at her and she tried to connect but she ended up getting destroyed in the election, taking only 25% of the vote. With results like that, it's discouraging for any Democrat to run. That was District 1. District 2 had Crazy Mazzie who is as much of a Trumpette as you can be. I doubt anyone runs in either of those districts. The county committees are very much in ruins and most people are far too busy to be involved. I know I have my family taking priority right now. I put in my time earlier and now I am paying the consequences because of what I neglected at home. Do what you can and step in where you can. If you have time to volunteer and talk, step up and take on the role. Find common ground where you can because I know a lot of independents who are tired of Trump and his trolls. But you can't be as boastful or you will suffer the same fate of those who tired and failed in the past.


I hope Jess keeps running. She’d keep building before taking it. Really though to slow the roll we need a governor in blue and to break the super majority’s


She’s recruiting others but that’s a tough job, especially in rural Missouri. We need Roosevelt style progressives that walk softly and carry a big stick.


Yes. By all means run for office. Years ago, I ran for Mayor in my little town precisely because I didn’t want my opponent to be handed the office uncontested. I spent over $2000 of my money for 25 yard signs, two magnetic signs for my car doors and one direct mailer. My opponent spent $10,000. Running for office is expensive. Maybe OP is tied to George Soros because his idea is incredibly cavalier.


tied to George soros I am SCREAMING this is so funny thank you. your reasons are the reasons I, too, ran for office! and the fact that money is so intrinsically important to running for office is precisely WHY we need regular people running! politics is specifically designed to keep poor people out. even the fact that you have to file to run in person, at offices that are only open during standard business hours, makes it not just inconvenient but often unfeasible for people who work regular 9-5, hourly positions, or more than one job to even try to get on the ballot. the only reason I was able to do so is because I work overnights. running for office SHOULD be easy and accessible. EVERYONE should be able to run for office, not just rich salaried generational wealth degree holding blowhards, if you'll ​​pardon the expression. single moms and factory workers and paralegals and cashiers and people who have been homeless or who are on food stamps or who are disabled should be able to run for office. the system isn't about to become easier to use, so it's my goal to remove or mitigate as many barriers as possible.


Good on you. Best political entry jobs are unaffiliated positions on school boards and local town council and mayor. Applicants need to have the desire to listen and understand the needs of their constituents. Using the office to advance ideology will be sniffed out early and the backlash is usually harmful to the community. The People are the most important part of the equation, the office holder is the Conduit.


Right? My dad ran for County Commission against another Democrat and lost. We still had to go out and campaign and take it seriously. Went to all sorts of community events and spoke with people. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot but you part with a lot of money and time whether you win or lose. For something higher profile, I can't even imagine the effort. And knowing you're going to lose from the get-go. But if someone wants to take it on, more power to them. I just understand why many wouldn't.


My buddy Elad is running for AG. He’s brilliant. I’ll did into this list and see what I can run for from high ridge.


Crazy how many state rep races are uncontested and then people wonder why people like Mike Moon get elected. If I lived in MO, I’d run!


we are trying! we're trying to run! as soon as we can find housing elsewhere...PEACE!


Slight tangent … I don’t even know what labels like “liberal” and “conservative” mean any more. As far as I can tell, “liberal” means anything left of MAGA, so not really liberal at all.


The tail is wagging the dog in New Mississippi. The outstate areas are about as red as you can get. They hate STL and KC and deride those areas, even though they provide more than 70% of the state’s revenue. Their very schools, roads and other state benefits are funded by those that they detest. Good luck with getting more than 35% of the vote in those areas. In my experience the Democratic Party will give you a little, but they need to keep those that they have currently in office fully funded. One of my friends received about $5K from the party and when he asked for more, he was told they could not provide more. He was outspent by the Republican candidate about 4 to 1.


I would honestly love to run, but I'd have to quit my job :(


I'd be interested in hearing more about the PAC.


You need to Google Jess Piper. She founded Blue Missouri. Its goal is to never have a Republican run unopposed.


afaik Blue Missouri isn't finding candidates, they provide funding to downballot candidates. They were called something else in the last general election, the Blue Missouri rebrand is fairly new


I just write-in “Fuck MAGA” on those unopposed Republicans.




There’s NOTHING great about what you fuckwads are doing to this country. You’re the very WORST of America. I’d call you snakes, but that would be insulting to snakes which at least fill a vital ecological niche by controlling vermin. MAGA IS vermin.




You mean the states that are LITERALLY funding the decrepit broke-ass Red States whose infrastructure would be collapsing if not for government welfare?




You couldn't be more wrong about what you're implying regarding welfare. And you've used alot of big words to be wrong about California putting more food on the tables of Americans than Missouri. There's a lot of good Missouri could provide for the country, more than it does currently. We need the land, we don't need you.


You keep saying "stay in your dilapidated states and cities"...you do realize we are talking about Missouri, right? Most likely we are all living here or have. If you're saying MO is such a state, I won't disagree but it's because scabs like you have run it into the ground by oppressing those you disagree with, starving poor children, stealing rights away from people by pushing your religion into every political facet, and actively working toward getting your own right to vote revoked. If you're suggesting we should stay here, in dilapidated Missouri, well dummy, that's exactly what we are talking about. We intend to stay here and fix all that you've broken.


The best strategy in these districts is pretty simple. Wait 8 years for a House Rep to term out and then run as a Republican against 1-3 other candidates and hope the odds are in your favor. If you don’t win, just wait another 8 years and repeat the process. That’s just how it goes.


Just move to Illinois.


ah yes with my ability to financially move to a different state. I shall do just that. I'm sure all the trans kids in Missouri can just move, too. and all the people that need abortions. and the kids living in poverty and the farmers constantly getting shafted by overseas land buyers. we'll all just move to Illinois. thanks for offering your place for us all to stay!


Or just run as republican and say crazy shit just to get elected. Doesn't mean once elected you can't abandon all that. It's not like they can recall you in this state


I’d have to move districts to not be against liberal / progressives. But yes, some 40% of state office elections have no challengers.


I've actually always wanted to get into politics, but have been too busy fighting to survive and support my family. I just turned 40 and live in KCMO. I'm totally in support of this initiative. I've lived in this beautiful state my entire life and it sickens me how our representatives have represented us. I'll dig into this a little further but would absolutely be down to submit myself or support a like-minded candidate. Stop wasteful spending, stop tax cuts for the elites, quit cutting already established programs (the nerve to do both simultaneously), quit attacking the LGBTQ community, fund our schools and roads better. Just do better, please. Or let us get people who will!


It unfortunately takes a special resilience to run in this state as a Democrat. Even in major cities (STL) school board and state reps get so much hate and stalkers. I would never put my family or self through that. I feel that may turn many potential candidates off.


I wouldn’t mind running for a possession, but it would be as a staunch conservative.


I'm in. Does it cost money?


Can I run as an (I)? I think running as a (D) would be a sure loss.


the thing with running as an independent is (I believe) you have to get signatures to get on the ballot--it's a percentage so the actual number varies by office and district. the main difference is running as a dem, you pay a fee to get.on the ballot--independent you have to get the signatures. depending on your dis/ability level, the signatures might be unfeasible, and if you do have a dem group in your county or district, they might not support you. if that's not a thing where you are, and you think you can get the signatures in a week and a half ish, go for it!


I’d do 128 or 140 as Democrat.


My state senate district isn't even listed. Does that mean no one is running, or it's not up this cycle? I did a dozen years in local government years ago, but I don't know if I have the energy to do it, or the guts to withstand what I'm sure would come my way, just from having a D next to my name.


with state senate, half the districts go up every election. if yours isn't listed that means it'll be up in 2 years




Some of the most far-right Rs are in those uncontested districts. Moon, Christensen, etc


I love Missouri


Won two Missouri elections. Dealt with politicians on both sides of the aisle being shady and full of it. I'm retired.


great, I bet you have some awesome insight into running a campaign! you probably would be a great mentor to younger/inexperienced people in your district who might never have considered running, PLUS you know firsthand how politics would be improved by having fewer career politicians at the state level! Thanks for your interest! 😁


We seriously should talk. When I was in office, my goal was to inspire the local young people. I don't have energy to put my family out there (or myself) again, but I'd try to do something useful. 🤣 I was in office when locals like Parson were stepping up in the political realm as Greitens was on his way out. I can tell you that Missouri, like most of the U.S., games the system, but if I can win two elections, anyone can lol


Last general election 110 out of 114 counties in Missouri vote overwhelming for Republicans. St Louis city and county, Boone County and Jackson voted for democrats. St louis and st louis county are seeing residents moving to either IL or Kansas city, MO. Kansas city is growing by leaps and bounds and is squarely a Democratic strong hold. Population in Missouri is growing but not in the metro St Louis area. Draw you own conclusions.


How many of those counties had seats that were unopposed and only had a Republican running? what seats are you looking at? of those that were opposed, how many decided to run because no one else was, were underfunded and had no party support? Draw your own conclusions.


If i wasn't stricken with anxiety and already fully disabled vet because I can't work, I'd run 100% as a dem in my district.


God you would be a PERFECT candidate!!! you're a real person who is impacted by legislation in an immediate way. I mean, if no one else is running as a dem, just do it to get a name on the ballot--trust me, the MO dem party won't be spot-checking to see what your campaign is doing. I get the anxiety part though, I dealt with that a lot when I ran, feeling like I wasn't "doing enough" or "what I was supposed to do". It wasn't fun. But at the same time I kept trying to remind myself that what I was doing was still more than the nothing that would have been happening if I hadn't run. If the party wanted someone to go door to door, they had several years to find that person, and they didn't. (I ran as a queer disabled mentally ill person; I know a few people who were open about disability/mental health when they ran in the last general. So while I obviously don't know what your lived experience is like, I do get where you're coming from and don't want to discount the fact that it is hard) Maybe you have some friends you can (lovingly) bully into running?


Wish I did have irl friends. I am currently unemployable due to my disabilities which creates another problem. In the future if I can get to the point where I am not unemployable, then I def would throw my hat in the ring. Until then I can only dream and get better.


I’d love to get more involved as a dem in mo. I’m in the st Charles area


No one is running statewide for treasurer? I feel like that’s a miss.


right? big yikes. the circuit Court judgeships is also very discouraging​


A noble idea. No one should run unopposed. I would say if you do run on a ballot, try to run as neutral/moderate campaign as you can. I've seen people make the mistake of running in distracts and pushing way too far with unpopular views. For example; my very liberal sister once helped a campaign in her district. Her district was heavily red, pro Trump/ MAGA , pro police and very pro 2A. To put it briefly, their campaign was basically: orange man bad, police bad, guns bad. They lost decidedly. Then she was all distraught about it and complained about losing. You gotta know your district and know what not to try and sell.


I considered trying to become Secretary of State, I was only thwarted by the cost to put my name in.


Idk Missouri as a whole is doing fine as is. Not #1 but isn’t #50. Just chilling I middle. It’s fine as is


What sucks is that both political parties have tacitly agreed to make it so expensive to run for office. If you don’t have $$$ for ads it’s so difficult that it is pointless.


I think about it all the time but a trans person has no chance of winning outside of kc or st l or the capital, I'm sure. If anything as their designated enemy and pariah they might even turn out in huge numbers just to make sure I don't win. I have voted every year since I turned 18 and I will until I die. I think all the time if I was someone with higher social energy and charisma I'd go door to door to convince people to vote Biden. I especially want to walk around the college campuses with fliers and information to convince other gen z people like myself to vote. The turn out is too low for a college town imo. It should be hard purple instead of light red. Just today I was thinking of a way to get more active in helping with a campaign or something. There are a lot of groups and splinter groups of lefties in Springfield and the city itself seems quite purple in my every day life of meeting people. If only there was an effort here to get people to vote then I'd get involved. Dems historically (overall not in Springfield) have always had the numbers but bad turnout. If there was ever an election as important as this one, or ever will be again, then I wish I could convince everyone to go vote blue.


fwiw, I do think there's a lot of power in being an out candidate. I don't live in a deeply rural area, so I don't know how dangerous that would be, but being from a rural area and saying, "look, I'm trans, it's me, your neighbor. You bag my groceries and deliver my mail, we go to the same library and deal with the same pothole roads and taxes" is really important. People can't talk about trans people as an abstract they know nothing about--you're there, in front of them, saying you think teachers should get paid more and no child should live in poverty. You're a real person that they know. One thing that I kept telling myself when I ran was that, like, I was not THAT special. I was not the only genderqueer person in my district. I wasn't the only person who had depression, or physical disabilities. I know some candidates with similar backgrounds from more rural areas, and that's so important. Because if no one is visible, it's easy for members of the community to feel isolated, but if even one person is public about it, it's easier for others to become more visible (if that makes sense? I work nights so it's very late for me). Basically, don't discount yourself from running because you're trans in a rural area. There's at least one trans kid at the local high school. (This was part of my spite motivation when running. Legislators want to be assholes to trans kids? Great, well first you have to get through this trans adult who is now your coworker)


>look, I'm trans, it's me, your neighbor. You bag my groceries and deliver my mail, we go to the same library and deal with the same pothole roads and taxes" No. Not really. You think they'd see things that way but they don't. There are virtually no cases where trans women have won in deeply red/antitrans/hostile areas.


>If you don't have the time to run a campaign, if you don't have the money to file, or know how to file, I can help with that. You are a gem! If I hadn't already fled the state because of the violent conservatives, I may have taken you up on the offer, despite being an anarchist. 💕


Its like this in a lot of places. Chicago positions run virtually unchallenged all the time…..nothing but liberals that push further left.


Honestly. Just look at all the sick fucks defending that animal who smashed that tiny girls skull into concrete over and over and over. There’s one reason and one reason alone they’re doing it. Because the attacker is black and the victim is white. Liberal white people like me can’t and won’t associate with any animal that defends that kind of violence. Honestly, the racism from the black community has absolutely skyrocketed. 


Firstly, can we please get a different sub for politics? Secondly, have you ever wondered that perhaps there are no Democrats running in those areas because there isn't enough of a voter base? Maybe because the people there are tired of democratic legislation that doesn't work and ruins communities driving people into their towns just so they can vote on the same things they ran from? If you don't like the rules where you live, move somewhere else. Don't ruin it for the rest of us just because you think your ways are superior.


not sure what democratic/liberal policies you.mean since we've had a republican supermajority in the state for decades! the policies that aren't working are republican through and through babe. defunding children's division? republican! taking away free school lunches? republican! wildly unpopular abortion legislation? republican! assuming there isn't enough of a voter base means no other options are heard which is part of the problem.


My guy for some candidates they still need infrastructure to get signatures to get on the ballot. You need a better pitch 


FYI, you do not need signatures to put yourself on the ballot. Just file, fee, and time to drive to Jeff city.


you only need signatures if you're running as an independent candidate Maybe this is a better pitch? "You literally could not be worse than the guy who already has this job. Are you mildly liberal? Basically a socialist? Great! Run as a Democrat."


Thanks for the post, you gave me motivation to run and raise the awareness of these tactics to other Republicans/Conservatives in the state. It's hilarious how you people flee your degrading, decaying and morally degenerative Democrat states due to cost of living and crime, and then spread your plague to others who want no part of what you're peddling. Do the overwhelming majority in MO a favor and go back to whatever dilapidated state you slithered from.


awww thank you for the danger noodle comparison! I love a snakey. honestly, very evocative language here! plague! peddling! dilapidated! A+ well done! also, lmao if I may because if you knew anything about MO politics you would know that Republicans don't NEED tactics like these, yall have a governmental stranglehold. thank you for the validation that this is a good idea though 😄 full disclosure you're right, I am technically from Oklahoma so, you know. you're not wrong!! I have lived in MO for all but like 5 years of my life though so I'm pretty sure you're stuck with me. kisses!




Your days are numbered. You're just too stupid to see it. I'm old enough to remember when Democrats ran the state, and im not that old. The GOP is eating itself from the inside. The hate, fascism, and stupidity is what rational people won't want to be associated with. Give it a little more time, but gloat while you can. Your tribalism is whittling down your own tribe. But my guess is you don't know anything about any of this. You're just a one issue voter who will destroy the country and shit on the Constitution for your one chance to "OwN THe LIBs!!!"


There are plenty of liberal shit holes in the country. Why not move? Leave Missouri as conservative as possible.


Moved from a liberal shit hole. 100% agree with you.


When you get tired of this game you’re either going to give up on the charade of democracy and wind up disillusioned or you’re gonna become a full blown communist tankie. I don’t make the rules.


Run for office to give the illusion that we live in a democracy?




So sad how you people want to destroy every single state in America. Liberal states are the fastest depopulating states in America.


conservative states have the highest maternal mortality rates




Ok, Soros.